What do zoomers watch?
What do zoomers watch?
other zoomers playing videogames
>twitch streams
>netflix originals
>premium snapchat
Capeshit, more specifically the MCU.
It's the only movie they ever talk about
Fortnite twitch streamers.
netflix and maybe cinema
also the quote "I don't own a TV/movieplayer for what? haha" is pretty much zoomercore
they don't watch movies that often, it's a dying medium to them
Twitch streams and capeshit. Watched spongebob when they were younger but have moved away from TV altogether
Hello grandpa
Have sex
Why do zoomers do this?
Early Zoomers are now posting nostalgia on social media for 7th gen games. Those "if u remember Bieber, Minecraft, and Angry birds ur childhood was awesome" shitposts from 2012 came true.
Soon in a couple of years people born in 2005 are able to post here. It's all over, the Zoomers took over and killed Millennials.
shut in zoomers watch alex jones, trump tweets and interracial porn
normal zoomers watch youtube, movies and latina porn
it's pretty simple
Refer to Also, Harry Potter, GoT, It's Always Sunny in Philly, Rick and Morty.
>Also, Harry Potter, GoT, It's Always Sunny in Philly, Rick and Morty.
That's millennials
Cool math games was kinda handy when you wanted an excuse to play games in computer class.
I think nostalgia like that is inevitable.
What was the good era with soul here?
Can we set a time frame of when zoomers have been born. I feel like there are subgroups within the zoomer population
1997-2002: Early Zoomer
2003-2007: Core Zoomer
2008-2012: Late Zoomer
What sort of dreaded beast will replace the zoomer and what will they be like?
I'd say Zoomers are anyone who can't remember 9/11. Generally speaking though, from my experience, it's a mindset that you can see in others. My friend, for instance, is half a year older than me. But he's into like streamers and fortnite.
Hopefully the irradiated wastewanderer by that point in time.
Jewish Mind Poison. Same as everyone else. They just stream it more.
Streamers kingkino you dodgy old fuck. I hope you OD on opiates
I consider myself the king of the Zoomers. Last film I watched was The Saragossa Manuscript
whichever one you grew up during
t. will never play splitscreen multi in his basement with his buddies while kvetching about screenwatching and binging on dewritos late into the night
Sorry, zoomie, you missed out.
My friend and I used to do perfect dark with one hit kill and paintballs like an early COD and if we cheapshot the other one when we were teamed up against the sims we'd slug each other pretty hard. Fun times.
>boot this shit up at 8PM with friend
>suddenly is 8AM
Oh shit user is this the one with the grappling hook where you can fly around the level? Same friend I mentioned and I agreed that pic related was the final boss in middle school. So much fun making the enemy sims into calimari or monkeys and using the weirdest weapons
>tfw you'll never relive playing Mario Party all night with the qt3.14 babysitter
Yeah, that's the one. Parents didn't let me have vidya until kind of a while after my peers, and even when I did get a videogame console it was basically just a gamecube that a family friend was throwing out. Pic related was also a lot of fun.
halo 3 on PC soon bros
it's happening
zoomers are cancelled
But Halo 3 is an early zoomer game
back then it was called a millenial game
The 360 was a big part of Early Zoomers' (born 97-01) childhoods though.
We've got to be in late Gen Z by now.
Late Millennial
Everything went to shit after 06-07
pure cancer
I disagree. I was born Aug. '97 and the core of my gaming growing up was on the Gamecube. Eventually I upgraded to the Xbox 360 but...the Gamecube was always where it started, and always where the heart stays.
>any of that shit
pick one
Just think, a whole new generation of newfags to get woke to the jq
>tfw it's Friday night and you're playing Runescape while watching Teen Titans
>I'd say Zoomers are anyone who can't remember 9/11
This. I feel like if you have no serious memory of 9/11 or even Columbine you're Zoomer.
I was a sheltered homeschool kid. So I relate to none of this. Sad.
It should go without saying that there is some overlap with late millenials and early zoomers though. If you were born in 1995 you could grow up with sega gamegear and sonic the hedghehog, crash bandicoot on ps1, smash bros on 64, ape escape and grand turismo 4 on ps2, rogue squadron and pikmin on gamecube, halo on xbox or pc with xfire (also battlefield and jedi knight) and then eventually transition into 360s and PS3s and be there for halo 3 hype and gta iv etc. By the time halo 3 would be 2 years into its lifespan you would be 14. 4 years earlier you saw Revenge of the Sith in theaters with your dad and before that, Return of the King (and maybe shit like Matrix Reloaded on dvd)
late millenials had the best time
Whether or not you remember 9/11 has always been the zoomer cut off putting it officially at about 1995.
There has always been overlap between the generations this way. The earliest millenials and latest gen X ers are more similar, the earliest gen Xers and the latest actual baby boomers are more similar. Its like decade bleed over how no era got into the swing until like 19x3 of that decade
Twitch, YouTube, Netflix Originals, Marvel Movies and Adult Swim shows.
you're not impressing anyone
Hey now, I watch chaturbate religiously and Im a 33 yo boomer
Nah, core millennials had the best time. Caught 80s remnants like cartoons such as Galaxy Rangers, Saber Rider etc., experienced 90s culture, Counter-Strike, Halo 1,2,3 etc., WoW, PS3. Left their childhood years as cartoons started turning to shit (early 2000s), left their teens as video games started turning to shit (late 2000s, 2010s).
2000-2005 cartoons were mostly good pleb.
I don't recognize those cartoons (maybe it's because i'm a yuropoor) but as a 95 millenial I definitely had my fair share of
>Counter-Strike, Halo 1,2,3 etc., WoW, PS3
I had to go back and play more complex games like bloodlines and deus ex when I was a bit older though
>video games started turning to shit (late 2000s, 2010s)
also agreed
Anything trending
Hats off to you user, i dunno what your doing in Yea Forums its basically overun by zoomers all the good anons are gone
fuck off old man. black ops 2 and gta 5 is very nostalgic
This. Also Blacked.com
All these zoomers itt