What the fuck was his fucking problem?
What the fuck was his fucking problem?
shit writing
House Thorne is located in the Crownlands and swears fealty to the Iron Throne. During Robert's Rebellion Ser Alliser fought for the Targaryens and was in King's Landing when Tywin Lannister took the city. He was given the choice between execution or joining the Night's Watch. He blames his exile on the Wall on Ned Stark to a degree and therefore hates Jon on the basis of being Ned's son.
Whoa. Was this ever mentioned in the show?
Nope. He hates everyone just because (even on Aemon Targaryen's funeral he doesn't show any empathy)
Because this show is filled with terrible writing and they needed an asshole at the wall.
The books are shit too.
Not really, you're left to infer it for some reason. It's a shame, all they needed was a throwaway line about it
He's a fucking craven and he hates himself for it.
Yeah that would have really been neat. Makes me feel the show is just a dumbed down version of the books.
Really thought he'd have a redemption arc when he went all badass when the wildlings attacked. Then he just went back to being a huge dick.
If you start giving throwaway lines to give backstory for every fucking character that appears on the show you'd have 6 hour-long episodes. The books and wikepedias exist for a reason.
To be fair all book adaptations are to big for any screen, the first book being the shortest is the one most complete to the first season
fought for the dragonkeks during the war. nuff said
You're fucking retarded. Are you worried that a brief bit of dialog for a character's background would cut into the Grey Worm romance scenes? Maybe they'd have to push back a le no cock quip, too.
>Thorne berates Jon in Season 1 and walks away
>Jon asks "what was his fucking problem" out loud to no one in particular
>Tyrion says his house served the Targaryens in the Rebellion and is biased against the Starks
would've taken 15 seconds
probably should've been taken to Hardholme, he never saw the army of the dead so totally dismissed it. When the wildlings attacked he was forced to accept Jon was right.
"Dragonkeks". I kek'd.
Thorne was basically Jon's main enemy for several seasons, giving him some extra background shouldn't have been a problem at all.
Sure but it doesn't really matter. Not knowing EXACTLY what Ser Alliser's backstory doesn't take away from the experience. My point is that if you start padding every episode with this sort of trivia, you would end up with very lengthy episodes. If you want the full experience and want to know everything there is to know, the books are still there.
Why did he have to die? He's still alive in the books
It would have been more important if Throne himself said something about how he should gut Jon, but his as a watchman he has to see him as a brother. It would have made more impact when Throne eventually betrayed Jon
budget cuts or something idk, he had a pretty good death though
donal noye doesn't exist in the show and thus he needed to fill the role of tunnel sacrifice
Unironically a leader of incels who's job was stolen by a Chad
reminder mance is still alive in the books
he was an alt-right cel
>Mag was the last of a line of giant kings that stretched back to before the first men
>Grenn grew up on a farm
>To Grenn and Mag
>To Mag and Grenn
He wanted to fuck Sam, and Jon fucked him first; he's jelaous of both Sam and Jon.