Based Shazam, finally a movie to empower and inspire young white men
Based Shazam, finally a movie to empower and inspire young white men
Shazam is actually more diverse than any MCU movie.
>fornite dances
>zoomer dances
>anti-white apehop music
>youtube aesthetics
>videogame sensibilities
>epicureanism as social currency inverted through solipsistic reddit fetish
>jewish actor pretending to be a christian man pretending to be a jew
>funkopop collecting betaplay signaling
>trendy stranger things executive decisions
You mean
>Based söizam, finally a movie to continue the infantilizing young white men
Shazam is the future, since when was capeshit supposed to be taken seriously? If they can mange to get the tone of a kid fucking around with superpowers right it will be kino
mouse finna boutta get dabbed on
pretty sure he's jewish, guy.
that's like mixing up a chinese and a japanene person
Seeeeeeething mouse cuck.
Captain Marvel is total shit.
Based and redpilled.
Fuck capeshit in general.
Shazam is his slave name, don't disrespect him like this
There's an interview where he says the uses Levi as his audition name to get more roles and it works
You're forgetting the ten billion white boy movies made since film was invented
this tbqh
capeshit is for retards who have never grown up mentally
He looks and sounds like a late night host in a muscle suit. Anyone interested in this has teh downs.
>incel zoomer magically transforms into superpowered gigachad
yeah I can see why this board might like this movie
On user(non critic shill sites) like Letterboxd, Captain Marvel(including other Marvel shit movies and even the new Star Wars movie) and Shazam are all on user created most anticipated 2019 movie lists. All of which rank usually in the top 5 with actual films coming after or not ranked at all
Get some fucking taste or stay on Yea Forums and sites like that
He’s not Jewish, guy.
you tried, my israel dwelling, reddit addicted friend
t. literal faggot
post top 5 movies
first shazam trailer was good
second was shit
movie will be shit
No one cares
I’m really looking forward to this one.
kys nerd, there's a reason you were bullied growing up
Fucking BASED.
Or do you mean for 2019?
>Captain Marvel will become more popular than superman, again
zack snyder is such a fucking disaster, christ.
he's Micheal Bay without self awareness
Bottom left and right?
if Shizan as bad as aquaman or justice league count me out
Shazam is going to flop ridiculously hard.
>inb4 Marvel tranny shill
The last Marvel movie I watched was Avengers in 2012. I couldn't give less of a fuck.
A matter of life and death and kriemhilds revenge
Here we go again...what are you gonna eat this time?
Your Avengers classic dvd?
(((white))) men
armageddon has arrived for the MCU
Press D to *dab* on the marvelcucks
I remember being a teenager just learning about film and only thinking that boring artfag shit with a "message" mattered
>balding white man hates female lead movie
This proves it! Marvel BTFO!!
The amount of buzzwords in this post is making my head spin
Have sex
Could you explain in detail how bigger than life is "boring artfag shit" when the ones who tend to love "boring artfag shit" call it entry level shit?
Fuck MCücks
because it's a cringe phase for people under 21 that people have for movies and/or music where they only want "deep" and "meaningful" "art" to display their "tastes" like a badge instead of not giving a shit and just learning to have fun without faggy pretense
But that doesn't explain what I've asked you at all
Again, could you explain in detail how bigger than life is "boring artfag shit" when the ones who tend to love "boring artfag shit" call it entry level shit?
Bros I lost my hard drive, can someone PLEASE upload some based aquaman and shazam pictures
explain why movies have to be deep and meaningful and artsy for you to like them? why are you afraid of people judging you for liking "normie" movies? do you have a desire to feel special and different via your tastes in media?
>epicureanism as social currency inverted through solipsistic reddit fetish
What the fuck does this mean.
have sex
now THIS is being insecure
stick to capeshit, pal
But bigger than life isn't "artsy" or even that "deep" which is why the ones you're crying about call it entry level
Will you answer the question now or beat around the bush more?
DC has literally been dabbing on Marvel since Wonder Woman haven't they?
Based DC gods
Based quads.
why are you avoiding my questions?
Israel is the only real democracy in the entire middle east and has European-tier development, LITERALLY find a flaw with that.
It’s filled with jews
Because you clearly haven't seen any of those films
why are you avoiding my questions?
Zoomers don't like black-and-white films.
famous word salad unironically used mentally ill tripfag that was making 20 threads a day about how Blade Runner 2049 is bad
So is USA, UK, Switzerland, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, etc. how does that disprove my point.
Literally nothing in your post is factual.
I already can tell you know shit about Israel outside what Ben Cuckiro tells you.
>This proves it! Marvel BTFO!!
plz be more reddit, i don't think you're reddit enough
>tfw white nationalist and love "apehop"
what do?
>young white men
as in the ones that are currently young, dumbfuck
lmao only jewsa has a sizeable amount of kikes within their borders form the countries you listed
I mma go watch it.
Why do people cheer for Shazam? the CGI literally hurts my fucking eyes. It looks TERRIBLE it's like a forgotten episode of Hannah Montana or some late 90's terrible Disney tv show. Hard pass.