Owns Star Wars for 35 years no bombs or flops

>owns Star Wars for 35 years no bombs or flops.
>The Mouse owns Star Wars for 7 years and has a bomb.

Attached: 71AA3B9E-95CF-4FF8-865D-ACC2F45FC442.jpg (760x1140, 170K)

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that was a tv movie, zoomie

is it true George left Disney complete movie scripts but JJ rejected them?

>no flops
episode 6, episode 1, episode 2, episode 3

Now the shitposters are going to say the prequels are actually really good. Enjoy your (you)s user

Fuck you, they are good.

They performed well. The bomb OP refers to is likely Solo.

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They were successful

they have solid story ideas that George executed badly. so it's possible to imagine a good movie that might have been.

the sequels have literally nothing going for them but commendable performances as the actors try to avoid being blamed for the disaster.

>is it true George left Disney complete movie scripts but JJ rejected them?
Yes, but I think they never wanted to make his movies. I'm sure they thought they were smart by doing a reboot full of cunts and forced diversity.

He put out 6 movies in the span of 28 years, each one felt special, like an event; the mouse put out 4 fucking movies in the span of 2 and a half years. Even Apple has more restraint selling ther products.

They weren't flops. They were disappointing and didn't boost the value of the brand as much as might have been possible. But they weren't flops and made sure a whole new generation of kids had Star Wars movies to grow up with.

And it's clear a lot of kids really liked the prequels. Kids in 2019 like MCU and Fortnite.

Only episode III is decent
The prior two are complete garbage
The sequels maneged to be even worse

The prequels did what mouse apologists are insisting Disney has done now; they boosted merchandise opportunities massively. Toys have always sold well, the late nineties-2010 era was a goldmine for video games, George got to re-release the OT repeatedly, and bestselling books were being made right up until the sale.
All this was a self perpetuating cycle, too. The content like the Old republic era, clone wars, New Jedi Order and legacy era all successfully grabbed and retained an audience that would later consume products relating to it.

To contrast, Disney has completely squandered their one opportunity to exploit Star Wars being in the public eye. Their merchandise is entirely reliant on ever more floundering films to get signal boosted, and will fall off once Disney starts giving up on them.

No. There was meeting in January 2013, where George laid out his treatment for the ST trilogy (not the full script) and after that he was out and JJ just decided to carbon copy ANH. JJ is the archetypal SW fag or at least pretends to be one. He only likes ANH and ESB, hates Ewoks, hates PT and thinks that Kasdan was the reason OT was good. He was convinced that SW fans were so traumatized by PT and SE that he felt the new movie was suppose to be a sort of safety blanket for the fans after all the bullshit ol' man Lucas put them through.
They kind of gloss over this shit in the Art of TFA book, and they cancelled the Making of book cause you can tell the creative process was basically fawning over Ralph McQuarrie art and then copying it and the writer of the book wasn't gonna cover it up cause he was rather open about the production problems of the OT and PT books he wrote. But Disney likes to pretend it was one big love and happiness ciclejerk..

Attached: The Art of The Force Awakens p011.jpg (773x263, 150K)

this should have ended the thread

have sex, soiboy incel cuck

>JJ is
nothing but a snake who will say whatever he thinks will manipulate people to giving him good will.
If you actually believe he gives a shit about any Star Wars, the OT especially, then you're deluded.

It's literally cult classic. If they sold a high res version people would buy it

Uhm, like I said maybe he pretends. The production of TFA is just hilarious to me. No script, not plot, no story, just a bunch of stoned concept artists shooting the shit under the guidance of a some snake oil salesman with ties to Kennedy.

Attached: The Art of The Force Awakens p016.jpg (771x671, 333K)

I think you should've read his post before responding.

the maybe part is giving him far too much credit.
He flat out doesn't care, and what he made when given the chance is proof.

It’s ironically good now

Why cant some of you understand comfiness?
Everything must be "serious business" for you...wtf?

Episode 1 made more than 1 billion dollar.

>no bombs or flops
>star wars episode II attack of the clones


so did the last jedi

People don't really understand what the intention of this was. It's clearly not meant to be watched like a movie. It's just something to have on in the background on Christmas morning while you're doing whatever.

>still hasn't fixed his teeth
What is he saving all the money for?