Can't believe Fury lost his eye to a cat...
Can't believe Fury lost his eye to a cat
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Can't believe that you would make yet another thread about how a completely irrelevant, non-character lost his eye in a capeshit movie.
What's next?
Another sneed thread
me neither
How the fuck does that reconcile with that massive single scar he has?
you so smaaaart.
Have sex
Cuz it’s like an alien cat? I dunno man I don’t watch these movies for dumbfucks. Pirated the last avengers to understand the memes. Last one I paid for in theaters was guardians I think
Have sneed
the joke only works if you remember what Fury said about his eye, that he implied it's a big dramatic thing
marvel films are really forgettable, so there's no way anyone will get the joke while watching the movie. afterwards they might, once being reminded, but it's not a part of the movie at that point.
Not even blacks are safe from character assassinations now.
>jazz cat can fuck up eyes now
Can't believe you've never had sex...
>trusting people cost me an eye in this mission in bogota I ran for Pierce
...I hate retcons, specially silly retcons that turn a character like Fury into comical relief
>retconned fury's eye and made him a little bitch the entire movie
>did the same thing to yon and ronin having one get fucked up good and the other pee his panties fleeing
No. Honestly the ratings are justified.
I myself may give it around 5-7/10
>20.7 heading
No headings are given in decimals.
There were 3 claws coming out the cat's paw and 3 scars across nick's face
this was a retarded retcon
Is it true Marh-Vell is now a woman?
Fuck, I thought Jude Law would be Marh-Vell and have some significance like mentor who sacrifices himself saving Carol and this ends giving her powers
Yeah an old woman.
Mar Vell (she explicitly tells Fury it's two words, not one and hyphenated, because he calls her Marvel) is a woman.
Jude Law is the "antagonist", in that she is the only character she has any direct animosity towards. At no point is he ever a threat though.
She gets her power because she shoots Mar Vell's tesseract battery and absorbs the enrgy on a fluke
tentacle cat is worse than the eye thing
They ran out of time to use the wolverine plot
...this movie is crap
No, that would mean it's faithful to the source material and also good, Disney doesn't do faithfulness nor good nowadays.
He lost an eye just like that?
Yeah. He says it's just a scratch and the Skrull who has been afraid of the cat all movie ominously whispers "noooo" to himself. It's fucking weird.
Then next thing you see, Coulson is bringing him a selection of glass eyes to pick from
>selection of glass eyes to pick from
...why? he still has the eye
As of Captain Marvel, that's a fake eye he chooses to wear for dramatic effect
So the cat's claw is poison.
Dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Have sex you mysoginistic incel. This movie is powerful
Nick Fury has nothing to do with powerful women.
Reminder that it's very problematic how the first female Marvel hero movie has to make fun and turn one of Marvel's black heroes into a joke to make a strong white women look good.
>The whole fury missing an eye is presented as a big deal
>Lmao, he just lost his eyes becaus an alien cat scratched him and play it for laughs
The most fucking cape shit thing I've ever seen
She bosses him about like a plantation owner's daughter talking to he rfavorite house nigger.
It's not intentional, but their dynamic is very off-putting.
Then why would it still be a registered retinal scan if it's not even a real eye anymore?
Maybe he put it in special because he knew he needed to use his secret second retinal scan
It's okay when girl does it.
you don't understand, women don't care about any of that. white guys got scapegoated because they were an easy target for everyone to hate, but ALL men are in the crosshairs.
Remember when Fury was cool?
>Spiderman is 70 times stronger than Cap
>they make them do the same damage and strength demonstrations
Stronger =/= more dangerous
Spiderman is 35 times faster
Has Spidersense which makes it even more faster
Has healing factor
Has super endurace way above Cap
And is 70 times stronger
He's also smarter
That's like making a toddler fight a grizzly and spect the toddler win
thats not a cat
Turn your brain off, brah.
To bad he can't fight
>Mar Vell
Ok, I've never read a super hero comic in my life. I never watch capeshit either. Closest I ever came was reading Sandman. Are you telling me there is a character named Captain "Mar Vell" in reference to Marvel, the company? That's the absolute laziest, dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard.
>lazy and dumb
pick both
You're both on Yea Forums complaing about being lazy and dumb. Remember you're both here forever.