Holy shit,just watched the Pilot of the remake series and I fell in love with it...are all the 4 seasons as good as the pilot?
Also,in how many episodes do chracters have sex? They had a lot in the pilot. Not that I complain.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw number 6 will never be my wife

I hate this board because it never discusses Yea Forums and film.

Absolutely not. Seasons 1 and 2 were good but the quality nosedives to unwatchable-tier by 3 due to the writer's strike.
Not often, much more angst and drinking though.

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>all this lore wasted because some idiot at SyFy insisted on dumb VR isekai plots

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Did you watch the miniseries? I hope you watched the miniseries, the series is a sequel to it

Miniseries is cheap trash.

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>seasons 1 and 2 are elder god tier kino television
>beginning and end of season 3 are fantastic, drags in certain areas in between
>season 4 has a lot of great moments, finale is great but highly subjective
Watch Razor in between seasons 3 anf 4. Don't watch Caprica or Blood and Chrome. Watch The Plan if you really want to.

false, it stands on its own and was better than the show ever was




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what the fuck kind of opinion is that?

It's not a sequel to it. TOS is a separate continuity in which the Cylons were a race of reptilians that created the robots.

I fucking loved Gaius
>tfw you will never chill at a farm with your robo waifu

I meant the 2003 miniseries, which is in two parts and begins the story of the reboot. After it was well-received, that's when the Sci Fi Channel ordered the first season

>OP said he watched the pilot
He watched the miniseries first.

No, but the dip in quality isn't nearly as bad as Yea Forums will have you believe. Some people can't resist hyperbole.

Pilot episode would be "33" not the miniseries. It could be the OP meant the miniseries, which is why I asked my original question

So,will the big budget movie be kino? Universal is working on a Battlestar Galactica movie reboot.

That's because she's MY waifu

OP watched the miniseries user...I know this because....I am OP

It will be awful if it ever gets made. What will they even do with it? Cram the colonies getting attacked and Earth into one movie?


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The show is absolutely fantastic early on, and I actually enjoyed the last two seasons despite any dips in quality which seems to be an unpopular opinion here. The show as a whole is still really good and while the ending is subjective, I had a good time all throughout. and totally recommend it

Maybe they do something original with the concept? I don't think it will be awful.

Friendly reminder that Felix did nothing wrong.

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What the fuck was that ending? It made no sense

Felix's arc in the last part of the show was probably the best part of that whole season, he's incredibly based.

short hair gaeta is best gaeta

The events on the Demetrius really broke him.

Colonel Tigh actually made "frack" work really well. Colonel Fisk was almost as good.
>shut your FRACKING mouth

literally this, you have more topics on dumb politics than anything.

when every modern film and show is filled with political bullshit, it makes sense that politics might come up on a film and television board

>It's in the FFFRRRAKKING ship!

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>50 captain marvel threads or whatever the latest capeshit or star wars is
>20 political threads
>board completely unusable when GOT is on, even after hiding the 100 GOT threads because they can't fucking keep to their own thread

>one of the colonels has sex with Number Six
I remember that right?

Post Number Six

Colonel Fisk was based.

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Not bait, not a troll.. but this is legitimately one of the most overrated shows of all time. Up there with the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.

It has far better waifus than those two shows though

He deserved a much better send-off. Honestly they could have kept him around for a lot longer but they clearly wanted to kill off Pegasus officers so they could hand it over to Lee.

Quick! Claim your waifu!

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He was hate fucking Caprica Six while she was in the brig, he even got her pregnant

Michael Hogan is such a good actor.

It really doesn't. #6, asian lady and mommy president and that's it.

Used to be Starbuck but now it's definitely Dualla or whichever Boomer won't shoot me. I never had a thing for Six.

negress bridge officer with the amazing ass and Lucy Flawless

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The sad thing about the Pegasus is that they had to destroy the ship because the production couldn't afford to keep the set anymore.

Which are your favorite Cylon designs Yea Forums?

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Dualla is so underrated and Xena never gets mentioned. Probably because she doesn't show up for a season or two.

>negress bridge officer with the amazing ass
post it bls

It also runs with the hopelessness that the characters would feel at the end of Season 3 and takes it to its logical extreme. It legitimately is the best arc of the last half of the show imo.

this one

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>you will never tie this tomboy bitch to a bed and assfuck her into submission

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Has to be the original.
The 2004 cgi is a bad design,.

Watched the whole series a few years ago on recommendation from friends and was incredibly disappointed. It’s a continual degradation from the pilot.

Would've the Bryan Singer Battlestar Galactica unmade series/movies be kino?

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That's a shame. I would have kept Pegasus around at least into mid season three. I still kinda hate Lee for losing it but at least he took down three basestars.

Meh, maledom is so vanilla. I'd rather her come back from a long day on patrol, all sweaty and tired, and sit on my face while she cleans her gun

Politics is dictated by culture, which is programmed by (((media))).

Either the original or the one from Blood and Chrome. Or Tigh if he counts.

Should we be worried?

>starbuck, what do you hear
>nothing but the brap

>Come into thread for some Yea Forums discussion
>everyone is complaining about capeshit
get lost faggots. Try going to derail capeshit threads into talking about better movies.

no, he would of made starbuck a twink

>tfw I love the reimagining Cylon design more than the original
Don't judge me....

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>Meh, maledom is so vanilla
You mean hetero? I genuinely don't get """men""" who want to be the girl, are you a tranny too? Because that's got to be the first step down the road.

>tfw just remembered that the episode with chiggy von richthoven in space above and beyond and the episode with scar in bsg are two different episodes from two different shows

I filter capeshit threads, faggot

I managed to get one of the com panels from one of the ebay auctions (the keyboard and phone stuff that were on the walls of the Pegasus).
Also the Pegasus set wasn't made by the BSG crew, it was originally created for a remake of Lost in Space that got cancelled after they shot the pilot.
Here's a bit of the Lost in Space pilot:

>Holy shit,just watched the Pilot of the remake series and I fell in love with it...are all the 4 seasons as good as the pilot?

I loved it when I watched it first, but I tried a rewatch recently and I got about as far as that retarded episode with the terrorists bombing people when there are like 3000 humans left alive and I dropped it.

Better than a girl

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No vanilla as in plain, ordinary. You can find it used as an adjective this way with a simple internet search. Are you impaired?

They look pretty great.

*crack* *siiiip*
ahhhh. now number 8, there was a good cylon.

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dont listen to this fuck. Its good throughout

Was Tom Desanto working on the 2004 version or the unmade 2001 one?

Here's your supreme leader bro

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not EVERY thread tho which it seems to be.
I do what I wanna do.

Is BSG reimagining the only remake that's better than the original?

Is the original series good?

I like the remake but I wish the in-house VFX team had more time to work on the models. Some scenes were really good.
I like that scene from the final episode where two centurions do a high five in the corridor of the Galactica.

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The onslaught of propaganda has made anons angry and bitter, I get it. Better than complaining about their complaining is to just make good threads. We had a classic film discussion thread a few weeks ago that hit bump limit, so it's not like there isn't fun to be had here

eh fag or girl? tough call, desu.

Remember the Cylons cameo in Thor Ragnarok? Should Taika Waititi reboot BSG? He seems to be a fan of the series.

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>tfw BSG movie reboot comes right after Star Wars is fully dead
Is this our time?

If we're talking TV then yeah probably, there's surprisingly few of them.

Should any future BSG movie reboot have aliens?
I mean,should it have aliens other than humans and cylons? How would you guys reboot BSG as a movie trilogy?

>The onslaught of propaganda has made anons angry and bitter
Right, but there's no need for 24/7 constant hate/shit tier threads. The thread you mentioned was a good thread and I wish more of those were around more often.

>tfw remember getting Mattel BSG toys on Christmas day and watching the show with my dad and mom
Good times...

Fuck Cylons

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Lol just ignore those

>hey,what if the cylons were built by a race of reptilians?
>briliant idea
>hurr durr cylons were manmade
Why did they fuck it up? The remake had no ayys.

Just filter the words "Marvel," "Disney" "Incels" "Avengers" etc

Season 1 and 2 is probably some of the absolute best sci-fi TV I've ever seen. There are slow parts, like the subplot about the marine stuck on Caprica. Overall it's fucking EXCELLENT though.

Season 3 and 4 are absolute dogshit. I never even bothered watching the final episode it's so fucking bad by that point.

Overall I'd say it's worth it, but after season 2 just skip straight to the final episode to see how it ends. Nothing there inbetween is good.

>season 3 and 4 are dogshit
Bullshit,they are fine. Not as great as season 1 and 2but still good.


Farscape > Battlestar Galactica

No they're not. the show shifts focus completely in season 3. Up until that point they are on the run from the cylons and it's a show based around cruel survival.

season 3 onwards they make a truce with the cylons and the psuedo-mysticism takes a front seat. Characters start screwing around and it devolves into some of the worst soap opera intrigues I've ever seen - spiced up with weird scenes onboard the cylons motherships where the clones talk the philosophical equivalent of technobabble.

And don't get me fucking started on the Jimi Hendrix-tune and that whole plotline.

I think it's better without them, I really like the "dead universe" trope like in Red Dwarf, you don't see that very often.

Even if the plotline sucked, the Watchtower cover was fantastic. I think the composer just wanted to do that and the writers made up some excuse to include the song. Really what they should have done is used the song, and told anyone who asked about its inclusion 'it's meant to represent Colonial music' and nothing more.

Never heard of it

How? Non-USA? Never watched Scifi back in the day?

You're missing out

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I do wish we had like 2-3 aliens races in contact with them.

Was hoping someone would post a webm of the space battles. It was done absolutely amazingly, especially good CGI for a TV show.

This, but ending is pretty questionable.

So,who was the leader of the cylons in the remake? The hot chick?

We'll never get another show with this level of quality military sci-fi. And apparently the CGI code monkeys did the work for a song. Top quality work.

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What was the ending about again? They traveled back in time?

The flak cloud effect was a nice addition during the second season.

It was an oligarchy ruled by the humanoid models, who seem to sometimes vote on shit and other times just do whatever they want. Seems pretty disorganized, no wonder they ended up committing genocide for no reason


Don’t listen to what anyone here says. Finale aside, Season 4 is a big improvement from Season 3 as a whole. I say this as someone who watched this for the first time last year. It is very good. Outside of some dated CGI, it is probably the best sci-fi show ever created.

Apparently it all takes place millions of years ago when Earthlings were still hunter/gatherers and they decide to destroy their technology and live as savages, interbreeding with them. Because reasons

According to the Cylons themselves, there wasn't a single leader but instead a sort of cyber-democracy where everyone votes on shit; but as the show went on it became clear that there was a leadership caste (for no reason, since the skinjob models in question were hated by everyone and hated everyone in turn) who orchestrated the war with Humanity for petty reasons (REEEE WHY WASN'T I BORN A BASESTAR MOMMY).

It was fucking stupid, especially since the show had 'They have a plan' as a tagline. Turns out not only did the Cylons not have a plan, but neither did the writers. Absolute shitshow.

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Nice PS2 you got there. Even Blqck Panther cgi is better.

The Expanse is pretty good.

They didn't time travel, it just revealed the series took place 150,000 years ago.

>dude it was all Bible and angels and God and shit
I mean, I liked the ending, but it's definitely not how this show started

The reptilian overlords made more sense.

Post a video or webm from the Expanse. I keep hearing good things about it, but never found the time to watch it. I know they're at least trying to do realistic space battles (like everyone has to strap in so they're not being knocked around like retards), but I haven't seen any space fights yet.

why do the mods and jannies allow this? why the fuck do they not ban retards who don't keep to the general aka reddit containment general, 100% sure some of them get paid to allow shilling

Head Six was going on about God and Angels since the fucking beginning. The only thing that was retarded was Lee wanting to abandon all technology right after they achieved peace with the Cylons.

The Expanse is lefty propaganda bullshit. Fuck off

>A $200 million dollar movie from 2018 has better CGI than a TV show from 2003
Well duh, why would you expect otherwise?

I unironically think Starbuck is one of the best written female characters in all of televised science fiction.

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In the early seasons the religious/supernatural shit was kept vague and mysterious, maybe it's real and maybe it's not. They ruined it by picking a side

>series takes place 1500000 years ago
>but still has Earth origins and includes fucking humans and greek gods
>hurr durr it's set before humanity came to
This ending made no sense.

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I unironically think Starbuck needs to piss and shit in my mouth while calling me names

Talk and make allegories about bible and literally explain shit (Starbuck revival and disappearance for example) with god are two different things. Show started pretty realistic and ended up with magic

BSG still has better cgi than Black Panther.

I both like and dislike that explanation. If it was used again, it would have to be done differently, like with more mystery behind it. The Colonies are just chillin', maybe having some skirmishes and politics with one another - and maybe they create their own robot servants, who they treat nicely but there are red herring hints that some of the "Cylons" are disloyal or plotting something sinister - but then suddenly this OTHER race of "Cylons" (which are named so because that's what Colonials call their robots) show up and start attacking the colonies in full force. So the plot becomes figuring out not just how to beat these invading Cylons and where the fuck they're coming from, but also what the Colonial's own cylons are up to (may turn out the Colonial's robots are both in it for themselves but some are trying to help humanity at the same time).

Thoughts, Yea Forums?

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Post something of the spacebattles. I can get tits from any porn site.

This was Ronald D. Moore. Come on. You knew it was happening. He cannot resist bringing heavy handed religion themes into his work.

>new BSG movie
>Starbuck is still female
>Lee is black
they fugg

BSG was based on fucking mormonism. It was heavy handed religious hints from the beginning.

the best one is the thoth station battle but its not on youtube anymore

It was quite a good remake, but I must say that somehow didnt like all that dark environment that the bridge had.

Also, later, the things became over-complicated and way too philosophical IMO

On a related note, I'm surprise nobody is retroactively angry that Lee was portrayed by a non-Hispanic.

She did nothing wrong.

Great actress, wish she stuck around for Star Trek btw

At the time I watched it I was not aware of this nor expecting them to bring in actual angels and shit.

would suit better

>way too philosophical
No it wasn't, it was horribly written pseudo-humanism. The BSG cast UN meeting had more philosophy than the fucking show. Last seasons were ruined by poor writing, not the religious/philosophical elements (which were non-existent compared to the original series).

It is sad, no shows really put the small details into things anymore. Being in a fighter squadron in the USAF, it is a pleasant surprise that this show actually gets the military and especially fighter squadron culture pretty close to real life and adds in small details that tell me they actually put research and effort into it. Lots of exaggerated things here and there but overall better than 99% of hollywood shit that's put out.

>N-not a Star Wars rip off!!!!
Why do you fags like this garbage again?

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I wish there was a miniseries in the style of BSG about the USS Enterprise during WW2.

>tfw I have one of the copies of that painting

What's the best BSG videogame?

Very jealous.

Star Wars isn't even that good or that original, it's just Buck Rogers mixed with Lord of the Rings

What's the story behind your pic?

No, Babylon 5 was the Lord of the Rings one. Star Wars is Buck Rodgers meets The Dambusters meets The Hidden Fortress. And really, there's nothing wrong with that. That's how culture works.

Nu-Star Wars is the real cancer.

I know a girl who got the suit that Jamie Bamber wore when Lee was LARPing as a lawyer.

Don't forget Valerian. Too bad the film flopped,the cgi was phenomenal but the leads were bad.

Well, yes, also, the show somehow lacked comfiness, after watching some seasons you felt like everybody was in a submarine smelling bad.

>not putting your faith into The Start Traks.
get fucked m80

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So,did Number Six and gaius marry?

Shame they turned him into some fucked up crime bosses stooge
This game looks good thanks, I love space rts/strategy games

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That's exactly what I liked about BSG. Since then I try to find sifi like this, but nothing feels close.

It's a copy of the painting of the First Cylon War in Adama's quarters

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Farscape and BSG are on the same level desu even though they're completely different

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I'd wait for new dlc though, they'll add battle chatter like in the series

Well, it's an in-universe painting about the First Cylon War; but it isn't realistic or about any particular battle. That's why they're using swords and spears instead of guns or ships; complete artistic licence which makes the whole setting feel even more authentic. And it was just one of several minor props that showed up in the background of episodes and were never explained in the episodes themselves.

For as bad as the writing in the last few seasons got; everything about the miniseries and first two seasons could easily be used as a case study of perfectly achieved worldbuilding. The series bible should be read by ANYONE interested in writing hard science fiction.

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How would life be if you fell in love with Number 6 and decided to live together? Keep in mind she is a machine.

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>Dr. Baltar
>I'm CAG

Watch Babylon 5

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>"You can't rape a machine, lieutenant"
I'll always remember that line, especially the way he delievered it.

There's battle chatter right now. Are they adding even more?

I dunno, I loved the OT growing up but watching them now, they bore me to tears. I'd much rather watch Flash Gordon or Krull

I wanted to get the game but I wish they hired Bear McCreary for the soundtrack.

All Minbari should be gassed

>babymeme 6
i tried. the cringe was too real

This is probably the best thread on Yea Forums right now,keep talking and go to 400.

Are you talking about phrases like "so say we all" when you place order? If so, yes, they're adding more, viper chatter and shit

How would sex with Number 6 feel like?

bags of sand with a type of magnets

bust in 6 seconds?

would her spine light up like in the pilot? bit of an obvious signal you're a robot I always thought

It had a shoestring budget, mostly bad actors and was often too far up its own ass, but it was still a good show.

so to detect cylon you need to have sex with it?

I watched that last year at the Rifftracks Live, and I became genuinely uncomfortable at how bad it was. Not that everything about it was terrible, but it was like watching the worst possible film adaptation of a mediocre but imaginative fantasy novel. It may just be a case of >opinions.

Groovy. Really, Deadlock gets better and better with every DLC. I can't believe how fantastic the game has become after launch, when it was a pretty dull but great looking battle of missile frigates vs hacker corvettes.

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Who cares? Just imagine how hot would that be
>tfw no cylon gf

>mostly bad actors
You better fucking take that back.

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Only the Baltarcock has that effect on Cylon bitches

Same, he says it so nonchalant like you would and lets face it you would rape a number 6 skinjob

Post the webms of Number 6

Jurasik and Katsulas are amazing, and the guy who played Londo's assistant was pretty good. The rest were a bunch of soap opera-tier hams

And Helo, aka Karl "Your Last Common Ancestor was my Yellow Fever Addicted Cock" Agathon


That was how television directors wanted actors to preform at the time. It's just something that hasn't aged well.

So Say We All

Yeah, personally I never finished it, but with like 1100 chatter lines coming I'll give it another try. here's the teaser, sounds very cool, that's what I missed from original game

Farscape > every other sci-fi show

Gaius was the best part of the show
We had some kino comedy right there

I'll take all of the Number 8s you have

>No spoken lines
>Not even one 'By your command'
Absolutely wasted potential

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I was disappointed the silly plot where he had that 'totally not branch-davidian sex cult' didn't go anywhere


he was a clown


Fun fact about the actor who played number 6, she fucked Sylvester Stallone when she was 17


The miniseries and 33 are the peak of the series and it starts a slow and steady decline until season 2 ends.
Then it decays less like a lump uranium and more like a fission bomb. should have beeen me!!!!!

it's a coping method


>the only part of the entire franchise shot on film is cheap trash
Enjoy your 2k RED shoulder cams. I don't think there's a single shot that isn't from a shoulder/hand rig in the entire show.

Are the BSG comics worth reading?

The Virgin Lee:
>has a boner for the butch bitch that indirectly killed his brother
>was NTR'd numerous times, and his own wife committed suicide
>has a massive Kronos-Zeus complex with the far superior Chadmiral Adama
>got fat
>became a lawyer, and promptly lost to a fucking blind man
>advocated for abandoning modern medicine and iron tools, just because they had a robot rebellion ONCE

The Chad Baltar:
>betrays his entire race for smoking hot cylon sex
>is so amazing that a military officer gives up his seat on the last raptor off Caprica so that Baltar can survive
>that same officer ends up getting smoking hot cylon sex of his own, making Baltar the most bro wingman in existence
>fraks Starbuck and doesn't even give her the time of day afterwards
>is elected President
>after leaving office, is worshiped as a God
>is so sexy that an Angel uses him as an avatar, even after thousands of years

I really do not understand why James Callis doesn't get more work. His charisma is simply infectious, but he seems to just do some minor roles and cameos now.

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If you enjoy season 3 I have nothing to say to you. You're not even human.

Non-canon, so if you're okay with that then I guess check it out. Same story with the books, which introduce some weird Norse-inspired religious sect that really makes no sense. Not because they're Norse inspired, but because they really don't fit into the established lore at all.

Said the incel

Not him, but wew lad.

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How can Baltar be so fucking based? Don't forget in the end he stays with his cylon sex slave

Not him but I don't get the hate s3 and 4 get. I've seen worse seasons than that. X files comes to my mind.

Number 6 is top tier

which season had moments with box matches or something like this? That was truly the low point, nothing really happened around this time (for like 5-6 episodes), reminded me a lot of TWD s2

I don't think I've seen a character more cucked than Galen Tyrol.


the fucking bitch got pregnant with hotdogs kid. fucking HOTDOG.

Unfinished Business is an absolutely amazing episode, especially the extended version.

I love Krull, not because of the story or characters, but because how incredible the locations and set designs are. I really feel like I've been transported to another world when I watch it

He really didn't fucking deserve anything that happened to him.

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What's Krull?

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>let's make characters that have nothing to do with this cylons
What were they thinking? And
>Gaius and N6 are on future earth still alive
Fucking how?

Someone get the list of fucked up bullshit that happens to him

>Tigh (to Starbuck): "I'll tell you the secret to avoid hangovers. Don't stop drinking"

Attached: tigh.gif (500x250, 1.95M)

See, I disagree. It looks very cheap and LARPy to my eyes. If it does the job for you, that's great; but I've seen much better set designs from the same time period and earlier. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (memes aside, it nails Medieval life perfectly), I Claudius, and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (another comedy, but there hasn't been a better look at civilian life in Rome since; even the HBO miniseries doesn't top it despite coming close) all are far better and far more meticulous. Krull is just some weird space opera merged with 80's fantasy. It isn't even a good D&D movie. Chronicles of Riddick is basically an infinitely better version of what is more or less a similar setting.
I'll let the trailer speak for itself.

Cylons are literall idiots

And this series makes no sense by evolutionary standpoint. How did the twelve colonies have old earth tech and be humans if earth was still in the making?

I hear they're still eating paper. Is that true?

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Why was Tigh so based?

The Chad Tigh vs Virgin Gaius that got c u c k e d by him on his robo waifu

Why wwre Gaius and Number 6 in the future? Shouldn't they be dead by then?

Come on the interior of the Beast's fortress looks amazing

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Looks like cheap He Man

punished Tigh was based as fuck

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>That moment when he arrives back on the Galactica after saving literally everyone and Adama gets all the credit
The poor bastard, he deserved so much better.

>40 SECONDS!!!
He deserved it

It makes zero sense if you are going by the show alone, but there is some stuff in the series bible (aka "May or may not be canon, but probably was canon during the original pitch to the studio at a minimum") that offers some clues. Not a full explanation, but enough that I've worked out a bit of a theory.

First off, you got this whole 'everything has happened before, will happen again' cycle; along with the slave rebellion cycle. Both of these are based on classic Greek myth, specifically the myths about the three rulers of the Universe. When the universe first began, it was ruled by the Sky God Ouronos (or as the Romans would say, Uranus). He was the husband of Gaia, and from them were born the Titans. However, Ouronos heard a prophecy that one of his children would overthrow him; and so forced those children back into Gaia (metaphorically sticking them back into her womb, more literally placing them beneath the Earth in caves and shit). But Gaia doesn't like having babies shoved up her cunt, so saves one of her children - Kronos (aka, Saturn) - and raises him in secret. Long story short, Kronos grows up and overthrows Ouronos; and starts banging his sister Rhea. But then Kronos hears one of his children is going to overthrow him, and so shoves all of his kids (of which Poseidon, Hades, and Hera are among) up into Gaia. But Rhea tricks Ouronos into swallowing a stone wrapped in some cloth instead of her youngest child, named Zeus. Who is raised by shepherds and... overthrows Kronos.

Then Zeus hears a prophecy about one of his kids being 'greater than him'. Oh shit, not again. But this time, instead of forcing Gaia to swallow it, Zeus fucking eats the pregnant chick (not Hera, which shouldn't be a surprise because >Zeus) and thinks to himself 'problem solved'. Ummm, no. One day, nine months later, Zeus gets a HORRIBLE headache and, from that, Athena is born - who, if you're an Athenian telling this story - was indeed greater than Zeus.

Caprica was meh but the concept was pretty good.

Attached: Caprica 1x02.png (854x480, 1.18M)

Now, what does this have to do with BSG?

The cycle of rebellion and 'everything has happened before' is this same cycle as described in Greek myth; which is a mythic metaphor of the simple truth that all fathers are eventually usurped by their sons here on Earth, and so the same must be true on a divine level as well. And since the crux of BSG is that all these ancient Indo-European myths are based on 'real events, half forgotten, that took place in space'; the cycle of Gods killing their fathers becomes machines rebelling against humans over and over again.

But there are Gods in the BSG universe, one for each colony. The 12 colonies worship twelve, but back on Kobol there were - as the series bible reveals - 13 gods in total, with that last god being a 'Jealous God' who sort of kind of is like Satan. Apparently the Fall of Kobol resulted from the 'Jealous God' rebelling against the other 12 because He believed that everyone should only worship Him and no other. If that sounds like the Cylon God, well good job you figured that one out yourself.

So the original plot of the series was that the Cylon God was the Jealous God, who probably was going to be a reimagined Count Iblis from the original series. Maybe this Jealous God is evil, maybe he's kinda good and kinda bad; I don't know and nobody ever will because retcons. However, the 13th Colony - Earth - probably worshiped this 13th God since they left Kobol first and in kind of a hurry, and wanted nothing to do with the other 12 Colonies (who worshiped the 12 Gods and now hated the 13th); which explains why monotheism became dominant on Earth or something. Which yeah, doesn't make a whole lot of sense, which is probably why they dropped that idea - especially since it would have pissed off Christian, Islamic, and Hindu fundies for various reasons. Also, all 12 Gods being real would have made everyone pissed off about the current spiritualism in the series even more pissed.

tl;dr It's a mess.

Caprica should have been about inter-colonial wars and the Cylons being a Caprican secret weapon against the Leonids, Virgons, and Sagittarions.

It'll just be full of gays and black people, It'll be like STD with extra white male hate

Thank god we have the based Nu-BSG to watch and ignore the movie exists

Same, i know she was supposed to be the sexy blonde bombshell but she did nothing for me.

However the 6 in razor with the dark hair looked much better and i would have hit that.

But in the end i was all about number 8

Looking back, nu-BSG was pretty 'diverse' and SJW from a casting perspective, they just used that diversity in a way opposite from how CURRENT YEAR identity politics does. Instead of saying 'Look at us! We have a hispanic actor, and not a white one! Watch him pepper his dialogue with Spanish words! That 'Dios Mio' you heard was improvised!', they instead really just said 'yeah, Starbuck is a chick now. We felt that more interesting than keeping him a dude, since Apollo is already the male fighter pilot guy' and that was that. You didn't hear a fucking word about diversity when the show was picked up for the first season. Just the initial noise when the miniseries was announced, which died down pretty fucking fast.

They did talk in one of the episodes before the finale right?
The scene where Baltar tries to convert one.

Everytime I think of BSG I immediately think of the Black Market episode and how badly this series shat the bed past season 2.

Only praising season 1 and 2 is contrarian bullshit. Yes season 1 and 2 are the best but people are exaggerating when they say season 3 and 4 are bad. They are good just not as good as the first two.

Agreed. There are certainly several bad episodes in Season 3 and 4, but that's acting like BSG is the only television series with bad episodes in later seasons. Most of what was good about BSG from the beginning remained good all the way through.

I mean, as much as I love Babylon 5, it REALLY shit the bed after getting fucked over by the studio in the last season. No matter how badly BSG ended, it at least never had to deal with being told that they were cancelled and had to do a series finale, then told they weren't actually cancelled and now have to do one final season as planned with another series finale.

Not him, but I don't think they ever said a word. Which I actually liked. It made the Centurions really feel like they were taken advantage of, by both humanity and by the skinjobs, and by the final episode I was really glad that they were able to just go off and live for themselves; which they've wanted to do since the Cylon War, but the Skinjobs from "Earth" came in last minute and use them for their own purposes.

The show slightly brings it up at the end, if the centurions have free will. There's a scene where Baltar tries to convert one and It's not brought up again. Seems like a half baked idea that never goes anywhere.

This and LOST are hard for me to do a rewatch.

I still remember everything, despite years since watching it, and also because it gets super depressing as shit near the end.

This post is the truth.

isn't that the same guy (but older and fatter) that was in Star Trek Voyager, trying to blow up Voyager because of all the temporal incursions he cleaned up and got insane because he had to fix everything Janeway kept fucking up?

This tbqh.

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>Farscape not in god-tier
this never fails to trigger me

No, Braxton was played by Bruce McGill, who was also that Earthforce major from B5 in one of the season 4 epsiodes.
Fisk is played by Graham Beckel.

No, paper shortage.

I thought the same as you OP, but holy cow did this series turn to shit later on.
Season 1 was really great and I think two was also good, but then...Ayy fucking lmao just remembering the quality shit dive makes me lol hard. It turned into a fucking parody at some point and I couldn't even be bothered to continue. Literally Red.dit tier fan fiction writing.

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I had to go to a funeral one time and they played the fucking 'All along the Watchtower' song which was weird as hell. Then again it was for
a tranny that got run over by a fire engine so hey ho

Fracking loved their space battles. Especially this one. It was a joy to see the Cylons get their assess handed to them after the way they cheated their way to victory in the viral attack on Colonial defenses.

>tfw no one in modern engineering learned anything from the show
>tfw you can remotely hack a jeep and disable its brakes because the ABS computer is networked with the Internet connected entertainment console

>Outlaw Star and BSG not in very high tier

Martin Fowler in Eastenders.

That stupid ass finale made me hate All Along the Watchtower for a while.

The Young Pope intro heightened my appreciation for it.

>very first episode
>"I am an angel of god"
>finale reveals they were angels of god all along
>spergs on the internet freak out

It was so fucking dumb how people hated the finale

>a character saying they are an Angel is the same as it being a canonical fact
no u

Also did you really like them deciding to become cavemen? Seriously?

>Exo-Squad low-mid tier
Kill yourself

Literally just combine God and very high
Farscape shouldn't be that low and neither should b5

Galactica came out at the right time. It really reflected well the feel of the world after 9/11, for what is the fall of the Colonies but a series of planetary 9/11 catastrophes?

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The RTS is the only one I know. It's meant to be good but but a bit click heavy. (50 mouse clicks per turn)

>3 random anime shows thrown in for good measure
>also Lexx in Very Low Tier

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I too remember billions of people and an entire civilization dying on 9/11.

Attached: 4445.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

>someone other than me remembers starhunter.



>Space: Above and Beyond in Low-Mid tier
>Red Dwarf in High Tier

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Nobody liked the caveman bit but everyone who didn't see the spiritual bit coming from a mile away and acted like it blindsided them and was a drastic change of course is a brainlet.

Agreed. Just atheists who chimp out at anything vaguely religious. For all we know it could have been something like the Ancients in Stargate-SG1.

It didn't blindside me I just think it would have been better to keep things relatively opaque and ambiguous instead of just "btw angels and god lmao"