Yea Forums keeps memeing how good this show is

>Yea Forums keeps memeing how good this show is
>watch it
>it's the most boring fucking thing I have ever seen

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have sex

No brain

it can't possibly be as boring as the sopranos

sopranos is okay until the kids start saying their lines in any episode. then it's unbearable 90s schlock

>the most detailed, well-written character drama since the sopranos
>b o r i n g

>nothing happens

You obviously haven't got to the cross dressing arc yet

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yeah see but i don't care about the characters
it's like you're trying to get me excited by a picture of a lawn because it's a very high quality, detailed picture

i just don't give a shit.

>yeah see but i don't care about the characters
that's the problem, lad
Mad Men isn't a show centered on events, but rather on characters and how they develop, change, and interact with each other and their surroundings
if you have no interest in a show like that or in the social/cultural changes of the 60s, you shouldn't be watching the show in the first place

Spotted the zoomer. Prepare for pain.

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go watch the walking dead then retard
or game of thrones
or arrow
or flash
or whatever the fuck
you clearly can't value characters over plot and story beats, so fuck off to your manchild hole

enjoy never seeing lane pryce, faggot

well i'm not watching it anymore, yes.
i like spartacus

Try watching it after you've grown out of capeshit

>i like spartacus
and i am not surprised

and banshee

How old are you?


honestly same

It's so fucking slow and nothing happens and it's not interesting.

Turned it off near the end of the first episode. Incredibly dishonest liberal show, any monkey with a functioning brain can see the forced women empowerment arc. I'm a huge fan of 1960s film and they obviously see that era with contempt. They didn't even get the characters right. Fuck the writers and fuck that show. Self indulgent bullshit.
Inb4 "that was historically accurate to the era". It wasn't. Its what you were raised to believe is historically accurate. Women weren't treated that bad, they were still respected as individuals if not a little sexually objectified, just as much as men were. Yeah some were assholes but not on the scale as they were in the show

Jesus Christ... some people just never grow up, do they?...

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I'm in season 7
why is everyone so mad at don?

This is a bait thread, but mad men does start off pretty weak. It’s so wrapped up in being a period piece that it doesn’t accomplish much else.
>whoa, pregnant women smoking, crazy right?
>dude, her therapist calls her husband to discuss her sessions, how wacky!
It doesn’t achieve kino status until nearly the end of season 1, but then it never lets go.
Until the sub-par finale.

>bullshit women empowerment arc
>women weren't treated that bad

some people use their taste in entertainment as a substitute for a personality even after they leave high school

>insulting Mad Men on Yea Forums.

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Really selling me on the show there bud
>south park meme
16 year old spotted

These mad men loving brainlets are really good at making valid points for their poorly written pseudo character driven show huh

it's more in your face about it, true. I do believe they were trying for a more satirical tone on season 1, but dropped it to focus more on character drama. Later seasons get more subtlety and better writing
although I don't think the show ever makes judgement of how things were then, that's up to the spectators. Mostly it just portrays the differences from them to now
pleb af my man

The first season is so caught up in trying to shit on the 50s and 60s that it makes all the characters into insufferable assholes.

Plus some of the dialogue is just cringeworthy.

>don't worry the men who designed it made it simple enough for a woman to use

Fucking really?

Stick to capeshit.

season 1 seemed like the writers were rubbing certain things in people's faces
i remember don mentioning naughty names to betty and she blushes and says something like "my goodness i can't believe they would print something like that!"
while this show is full of sex
it's like certain people who ran the show were triumphing and telling the audience how much damage they've done and gloating about it

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a /pol/tard who wasn’t a complete pleb. Go back to your captain marvel threads.


why do you believe that's not something that would be said in the 60s?
I've heard similar sentences by college professors last year

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Mad Men is a soap opera
Mad Men is a show for women (even though men deny it isn't)

>I've heard similar sentences by college professors last year

Such as?

>he spams this in every mad men thread, because he didn't get the show
whatever makes you sleep at night, sweaty

Post roast

>tfw I love sopranos, mad men, Spartacus, and banshee

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one said in a class full of electrical engineering students (around 2:1 male to female) that women had a hard time understanding those complex concepts
another one claimed women are mostly up for being secretaries rather than engineers

based eastern european user

>when you're totally incapable of thought that doesn't fit into /pol/ talking points


based retard

I'm actually south american

Im not pol, I dont like capeshit, im not even a conservative. Keep coping with your shitty pseud show, brainlets

>Later seasons get more subtlety and better writing
>although I don't think the show ever makes judgement of how things were then, that's up to the spectators. Mostly it just portrays the differences from them to now
Imagine actually believing this. ""If they pass Medicare, they won't stop until they ban personal property." This is an actual line from your balanced and neutral show.

Women and faggots. Don't forget about the faggots.

>things that never happened

It's a realist character study about consumerist corporatist growth in the 60s/70s from the perspective of the parents of Baby Boomers.

The characters evolve like real people.
They have fascinations and arcs but these rarely mean dramatic or transformative change witnessed on screen.
Like normal people the novelty of revelation or understanding comes slowly and then passes quickly reverting to normalcy with only slight improvement.

good for you. it's funny how these westacucks literally can't believe something like this could ever happen

You're not wrong. "OH IM SO RICH AND TALL AND HANDSOME, my life is so SAD, WATCH ME SLEEP WITH A DIFFERENT WOMAN EVERY EPISODE FOR 7 SEASONS". Show is stupid as fuck and so blatantly designed for women it leaves me flabbergasted that people deny this.

It's ok to not like this show OP. it's basically like if John Cheever wrote a soap opera.

The key with the show is not to watch more than one episode a day.

If I try it quickly becomes a show about immaculately dressed people with great jobs, hot wives/girlfriends and no really serious problems who are upset that their lives aren't literally perfect.

In small doses the subtle character writing and less subtle GABAGOOL'ing of the babyboomers works very well.

And there are people who find this entertaining to watch?

>he thinks being an emotional husk that bangs lots of women will make him happy

What makes you think the entire western world shares a progressive and mutually respectful behaviour? I know SJWs and the big media are annoying making a big case out of petty shit, but sexism is still a thing in most places.

>Like normal people the novelty of revelation or understanding comes slowly and then passes quickly reverting to normalcy with only slight improvement.

jesus christ I'm on season 2 and you're making me wonder if I'm wasting my time.

Sounds like heaven.

>claiming sexism and racism don't exist
>on Yea Forums


On a surface level it's a power fantasy to see Don.
He fucks lots of attractive women with very little consequence.
He's rich, and has a family and everything a person could want.

Beyond that people he works and interacts with are realistically eccentric.
A grimy power grabbing rich boy.
A laid back womanizing manager.
Wise weaboo grampa.
Mystically wise whores.
Bumbling corporate idiots, some pretentious.

These are all realistically portrayed, and given reasonable or greater depth throughout the series.

It's interesting.

>I'm so oppressed give me affirmative action and think I'm interesting please
fuck up

This, and tbqh I never really understood this misogynist incel logic
They hate women, yet feel like they'll be fulfilled and happy if they ever have sex or find an idealized female companion

Boring and not a single likeable character. Just memes and a set of big tits

If you're looking for narrative progression you're not going to be satisfied.

It's character driven.
If you don't like the characters or aren't looking for that then its not for you.

wont ever get unbased

lmao wtf

No offence but are you a female?

lol nah

It's a show mainly for men anyways.

>Replies every damn thread with this
"Duuuuurr, I'm so based and smart"

It's a show for grown-ups OP, you're not the target audience

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it's going to depend on exactly how the characters inner-growth is dramatized. I'm 100% down with subtle character drama. since the spanking episode in season 2 the show has been working for me, except for Don's lengthy wanderings and Betty's dumb 11yo bf plotline.

mostly what's interesting is how polished everyone's manners are. people almost never say the wrong thing but they keep fucking up anyway, which is interesting precisely because it's doesn't have any analogous concept in the Sopranos.

Tbf that sounds like something I could say.

Well that's my life basically