>Yea Forums keeps memeing how good this show is
>watch it
>it's the most boring fucking thing I have ever seen
Yea Forums keeps memeing how good this show is
have sex
No brain
it can't possibly be as boring as the sopranos
sopranos is okay until the kids start saying their lines in any episode. then it's unbearable 90s schlock
>the most detailed, well-written character drama since the sopranos
>b o r i n g
>nothing happens
You obviously haven't got to the cross dressing arc yet
yeah see but i don't care about the characters
it's like you're trying to get me excited by a picture of a lawn because it's a very high quality, detailed picture
i just don't give a shit.
>yeah see but i don't care about the characters
that's the problem, lad
Mad Men isn't a show centered on events, but rather on characters and how they develop, change, and interact with each other and their surroundings
if you have no interest in a show like that or in the social/cultural changes of the 60s, you shouldn't be watching the show in the first place
Spotted the zoomer. Prepare for pain.