Now that the dust has settled...who won?
Wonder Woman vs Captain Marvel
I recall how disappointed I was at the casting of a skinny chestlet kike as WW.
If captain toefungus is the only thing we are comparing her to then it looks positively genius.
WW costume is clearly superior as well.
none, this isn't the great debate, it's the GREAT DEBACLE
>skinny chestlet kike
That is Gal's only sin.
the gassing mad lads were better than refugees
>I recall how disappointed I was at the casting of a skinny chestlet kike as WW.
I always hated this argument. She's a super powered hero, she doesn't need to look like a disgusting roid rage body building dyke
Captain Marvel is generic. Wonder Woman is embarassingly bad.
Chestless assless dyke is better. I bet you fuck long haired dudes on the regular.
Maybe some people make that argument, I did not.
I don't want a muscle freak WW, but she needs a decent pair of tits.
Every iteration of WW has had decent tits. We were robbed.
The one that's not a filthy jew
Only one has Dr. Poison.
I love Gal and think she was perfect as WW, but man, I do wish she had bigger boobs
Tell me more about your fascination with Micheal Keaton's penis?
Find a flaw
WW is supposed to be an Amazon.
Do you understand what that means?
Galdot’s movie didn’t need active damage control to avoid getting embarrassing review scores, so Wonder Woman.
wanna lick those pits
>no child bearing thighs
>no milkers
>skinny as fuck
those alone are DROPPED worthy
But can she be Wonder Woman?
Thors a magical god of thunder, but he’s portrayed as muscled. Warrior gods should be STRONG. Maybe not varbie tier, but she should at least look like she could lift more that 100lbs.
so why do thor, superman, etc need to look like disgusting roid rage body building people
Have sex incels and stop obsessing about female superheroes
Wonder Woman.
Gadot has no ass, no tits, no legs and no charisma. Add to that a coal-burner, nigger-lover and you have Brie. Gadot all the way.
Why are DC characters so much better than Marvel ones?
Because they're men. WW is a feminine woman
Does this mean Gemma can now be casted as Peej?
Wonder woman was the best of the piss poor dc movies released, Captain Marvel might be the worst and most poorly handled Marvel film released.
wow double standards sexist bitch
>culture of lesbians and savages
not double standards, different standards. men should be men and women should be women
comic amazons are different then real ones
I've been away from the chans for a while, but I've already identified this as the war cry for the captain marvel shills
I'm not worshipping her pits
you want a circle or or I paint the whole square?
It's difficult to cast beautiful women in your films when your pool is limited to the women willing to suck off fat, greasy kikes but aren't hot enough to do modeling or divorce farming
user, there’s no such thing as real amazons. Best case is they were synthian raiders who worked with their men in war. Also the comics have had the amazons be lesbos, and violent warriors
If she loses a couple pounds, sure.
My sister loved WW whereas with CM she didn't even know it was releasing.
>having now actually seen CM
Uhh, the fact that she's 90 pounds instead of 130 and doesn't have enough muscle mass to be fun in bed?
Wonder woman. Gal displayed more heart and likability with the "Awww a baby!" line than Bre in her entire career.
Did cinemas only show wonder woman when it came out? Miss marvel is literally the only thing screening near me
Not all of DC Amazons are lesbians, it's just dominant due to the circumstances.
This. If she's got super-strength, how is she ever going to exercise her muscles to develop huge muscle mass? Comparatively speaking, next to nothing would really stress her muscles.
Just like how the incels in this thread have lifted thousands of tendies but have no muscle mass to speak of
t. Didn't see "Room"
Hey look up in the sky!
It’s a bird!
It’s a chick!
No it’s anti-man!
nobody saw that
>Not all of DC Amazons are lesbians, it's just dominant due to the circumstances.
I know that user, doesn’t change the fact that when 90% of them are lesbians, pointing out the few who aren’t isn’t disproving my point. Also the pic you posted is not her fucking a man because she enjoys sex with men, its eugenics demigod style.
Haha, get a load of this faggot everyone
found the plebs
right corner, what the hell is that
Same way superman, mr. incredible, and all the other male super strong characters do it. Lift heavy shit. If a cars too light, start benching two cars etc..
>he/she/it believe in the Oscars
Hands down Wonder Woman.
Fuck that marvel movie full of racial propaganda.
WW was great, and she earned, and fougth for what she wanted, she didn't mary sue to the finish line.
whoever doesn't watch capeshit
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with fat, disgusting women (but in the same vein complains about fridges)?
I would fuck them both, so it's a toss up for me.
Yeah she should have been more filled out, but they will be worried about turning men and women off with a ripped physique. Stupid but it's true
That runner who dances on the spot had the right build
Left: Jew
Right: Jew Puppet
Also fuck women.
I saw it.
It was shit.
Captain Marvel is the better movie. Most people here haven't even seen it.
>who won?
the jews who make these movies.
>WW was great
ha ha ha ha
>Captain Marvel is the better movie
t. lying dc cuck
People who preferred ww
>i liked it for these reasons
People who preferred mm
>stupid incels. Go get laid
Actually makes a lot of sense
I hated WW but it legit did the girlpower thing much better than CM. CM was way too in-your-face about it. "Just a Girl" during the action scene at the end was fucking Suicide Squad-tier.
Read the rest you lazy fuck.
Anons just expected her to be broader which makes sense since she is depicted in more ways than one.
She's also supposed to look intimidating but can also be huggable since it's going to be weird if Catwoman or Huntress towers over her.
Now if they make Big Barda like that then it's uncalled for.
I have seen it and I still doubt the sincerity of your claim that it's better than WW
Nah. I legit saw it.
And it was legit bad.
I didn't pay for it, but that doesn't count, does it?
WW better overall, even though MCU is superior to DCU.
WW is better.
Saw CM today. Glad I did not pay to see either one.
Wonder Woman shits all over Captain Marvel so badly it's amazing.
imagine a woman 30 years older than you, beating you out on looks lmao
Nah, the Lynda Carter WW show was pure shit. Anyone who says differently is talking out of their ass or blinded by nostalgia.
That's cause Hollywood used to hire outside of inner jew circles