ITT: Doggo kino

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Other urls found in this thread:

Look at how happy that dog is man. I've never been that happy in my entire life, not even close to it. I can't even remember the last time I smiled.

Antifreeze + meatball in my country.
Get the fuck out “LE DOGGOS PUPPERINOS XD” faggot.

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Spotted the shitskin get on out boy

What's the name of pic related's Youtube channel?

If every person who ever unironically typed the words "doggo" "good boy" or "pupper" got sent to the gas chamber tonight the world would be a better place

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Seething. Go back home to Reddit, Spencer.

>when the toxoplasmosis rewrites your brain to become a homosexual shitposter
>this is actually scientifically studied and verified

Cat zombiefags out

Attached: cat owners, lel.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

aussie detected

>not being patrician and enjoying both cats and dogs
shiggy diggy

That episode was kino.


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>Not beating up the cat afterwards
This is why the cat is the alpha here

I like my cat because he's an ugly fucker and kills birds constantly and bites their heads off. He likes to leave their bird torsos outside as a warning to other birds. I'd reckon he's killed about 10,000 birds in his career

Remove pajeet

Yea, I'm the redditor.

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Are you serious

>muh toxoplasmosis
>Le what's a rabies? XD
Rabid redditor spotted.

Based retard

Fuck dogs.

Attached: based cat.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

Yikes. Go back to your home site.

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I can't believe reivewbrah is 4 years younger than me, he seems so much older

>uses "yikes", a word mainly used by those people in your picture

What the fuck was her problem?

I can't tell if he's 18 or 81 and it gives me the fucking creeps

I have a dog just like that, fatter, and she's a very happy gal and has lived longer than I thought she would

This but unironically.
Liking dogs is one thing, but acting like their your newborn child is sickening

I know, right?

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>"good boy"

Well how else do you praise your dog if he did something right?

Based. Autistic dog BTFO by loyal cat. No wonder these incels love them so much.

Canine autism.

Go back where you came from you cynical faggot

Spics showing up in her backyard

Now she'll have a scar near her eye.
I would.

>mfw I played ATOM RPG and one of the NPCs was aged Reviewbrah

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>loyal cat
>incels love dogs

KYS you chink piece of shit. You're not human if you don't like man's best friend.

Obligatory post.

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Can someone translate that post from millennial to english?

it's like a litmus test for estrogen levels

KYS you incel manchildren.

Homeward Bound

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ooooh look its nick fury.

God, i wish that was me.

good boy is for boomers
pupper doggo is reddit trash

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>not liking both dogs and cats

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>when marvel starts ripping off material from twich

Bravo, Fiege.

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>Instead of shutting off the cam and treating her eye, just acts all shocked and weepy for attention

>Defending a shitty mutt that attacks toddlers over a based, loyal cat
How many levels of reddit are we on? Are you a pitmommy

I dislike pets
Call me a nonwhite. It really changes my mind.

did they?

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Pretty sure she was using the webcam to check the damage.

The report of the week.

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>All these triggered doggofags
My sides

Catfags are truly pathetic. They let their BASTE INDEPENDENT pet walk all over them metaphorically and literally. Imagine letting an animal that walks in its own shit and piss up track its turd all over your kitchen counters and computer desk, you might as well drink unfiltered water from a fish tank. Their relationship with nature is inverted, they're slaves to their quadrupeds and even more disgusting than people who let their dogs lick their face after licking its asshole.

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Truly a dog whisperer

This is weak bait. Anti-freeze hasn't been toxic for years.

Who was in the wrong here?

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>even more disgusting than people who let their dogs lick their face after licking its asshole.
No, it really isn't. No one will ever think making out with your dog is ever acceptable whitey.

People who run animal shows need to be necked, whether it's dogs or cats.

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t. Eats traces of his cat's shit daily.

why did the mom just run away?

>Catfags pretending they didn't start the trend of infantile babble-speak.
You have only yourselves to blame.

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Toxoplasmosis prevents her from harming any quadruped.

>muh cat has a career
Well at least one of you isn't a fucking failure in life, catfag.

Not an argument

Dogs are gods gift to humanity. I dont trust people who dislike dogs

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By not posting on the internet

Rate my dog Yea Forums

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What really grinds my gears is when people on r/gaming post pics of brand new Switches in box with 2-3 games and a caption "Look what the wifey surprised me with to celebrate my vasectomy!"

who the fuck actually says wifey

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cesar. he's the dr. drew of dogs

looks like a shiba with Down's syndrome. would still pet

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Actually I have a doctorate and make 250k a year but that's some impressive projection nonetheless, I'll be sure to tell my cat about this when I get home

>I refuse to see facts because i saw a video on facebook
Anti-Vax mom, is that you?

i fucking hate reddit so much. muslims need to take over already.

arent the man children the ones who have 200 different names for a dog?

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Catfag zoomers keep bringing this up, but they never get to know the cancer that was catfags on the internet
>dude longcat is long xD
>flying cat poptart with rainbows lel sOoO rAnDUmb
>OMG!!!! grumpy cat is my favorite meme x3333

Attached: longcat.jpg (354x640, 43K)

How's your Tumblr?

>he didn't think lolcats were based

He’s not retarded he’s just old

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Remember Caturday?

Im old.

Freakishly big head for its size but the doggo looks cute and friendly. Would pet!

Hey... but he lives in a comfy ass home and never has to worry about food. Enjoy roughing it in nature stupid wolves!

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>le footy lad look
how contrived, sad!