When will the capeshit trend subside? Any guesses?

When will the capeshit trend subside? Any guesses?

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When the Avatar sequels start releasing.

Attached: film-camerons-avatarjpg-c953198922f9b53d.jpg (2048x1642, 479K)

>Let's all go to the moobies
>Let's all go to the moobies
>uhhhhhhhh....heh heeh
>I like when Batman punches superman and Thor says funny things
>Where is Endgame trailer???

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There won't be a bigger cape movie than Endgame for a long time if that makes you feel better.
But smaller movies will continue getting made

This. In 3 years Endgame will be remembered fondly by manchildren as "the last good superhero movie"

Soon I think, but even when it does it'll be replaced by an even worse trend that'll make you miss capeshit.
remember how tired of zombies/vampires everyone was a decade ago?

Never faggot, the writers that the jews like are all out of good ides, hence all the rehashing of good old movies. The only place they can get ideas for new movies is things that already exist in other mediums. i.e. Comics and novels. They're only going to keep digging.

In 7 years it will be BvS

literally my irl friends

I'm just waiting for Mask vs. Lobo movie

have sex

BVS is already forgotten
Notice how you're not seeing threads about it being spammed like before? It's because the group behind it is busy spamming Captain Marvel threads right now and Aquaman before it

i'm hoping it will fall off after the next Avenger movie. i feel like a lot of people have just been seeing all of these movies because it's all been leading up to this last one. it's a good jumping off point for this crap.
whatever comes after won't have the same level interest

I remember when retarded wojaks were everywhere for like a week. It was fun

seems like hollywood is still trying to make anime adaptations a thing. battle angel only encouraged them

there'll be a resurgence of giant monster movies with the whole kaiju-verse thing

>it's a good jumping off point for this crap.
>whatever comes after won't have the same level interest
Literally everything Yea Forums says will turn to the opposite so you doomed us all right now.


As long as they can squeeze money out of it, it will literally never stop

unless the DC movies suddenly become the hot thing, i don't see where marvel can go w/o a reboot after Endgame. sure they can start doing X-Men and FF movies next, but still would require some kind of soft reboot

Life finds a way, user

Have sex incels

After Endgame capeshit will die down.

This isn't about cpt marvel, it's just one of many on the shit pile for me, irrelevant

When all zoomers are skinned alive and roasted on a fire in the upcoming Generation Wars.

Team 30 year old boomer is going for the win!

Realistically, not for a while. Adaptations of comics are almost as old as cinema itself.

I don't even have a problem with capeshit. I do have a problem with how much Yea Forums uses it as a stand in for having tastes or an identity.

Just report and ignore normalfag shitposters.

Hopefully within the next two or three decades. Eventually this shit genre will be untouchable. It'll be like Westerns are today. They were so overdone that now they're burned out.

7 to 8 years.


Do anons who are contrarian about capeshit think they are smarter than everybody else? I feel like these kind of posters are your rick and morty types with super high IQs.

We get it. Capeshit is lame.

I hate capeshit but do not pretend to have taste in the slightest

I just want some original scifi, being in direct competition means that while capeshit is making money hand over fist no one is going to make any scifi

You know for a fact it's a horrendously oversaturated market and that almost all of these movies are just uninspired cash grabs with little or no artistic merit. Nevermind that superhero movies are fundamentally infantile.

Well it's been over a decade now and still escalating. I wish this bullshit would stop, but I'm not holding my breath


1. Not a trend. Hollywood has been making these films for decades.

2. Hollywood still makes westerns after 75 years of producing films in the genre.

When society collapses

>almost all of these
How many? Half?
I've seen 11 of the 21 released MCU movies. None are really high art, but they all had at least something to recommend them. The only one I really didn't like at all was Civil War.

The MCU movies I've seen:

Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Thor: Ragnarok
Captain America: TFA
Captain America: Civil War
Doctor Strange
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2
The Avengers
Avengers: Infinity War

I've only seen Iron Man 1, Iron Man 3, Captain America, and half of Avengers...I honestly don't get what people like about them.

They're literally the equivalent of steamed chicken and peas for dinner every night.