Make your predictions for how much longer RT will show the Audience Score.
Make your predictions for how much longer RT will show the Audience Score
Other urls found in this thread:
Have suck and fuck
>delete over 50k ratings to save face
>still stuck in the 30s%
vintage kek
>tfw this shitfest was going to hit 29%
they had over 30k user ratings. they removed the majority.
their brains are melting assuming they had one
Last Jedi is at a 45% and it's still up
less than 24 hours
check em
Last Jedi is not the first super her movie to feature a woman in the lead role DURING Women's History Month. TLJs score didn't matter, this is everything.
I think they will make their move early saturday morning if it doesn't get back into the 40s.
But the problem with them taking the score down from last week is they just keep playing their hand and it turns people off more and more. At this point if they remove it - they will have an even bigger backlash.
gimme 999s!
The fuck? There was over 50 thousand ratings a few hours ago
My rating was removed
Captain Marvel?
If so a score like that is clearly trolls who haven't actually seen the movie.
It'll be gone before Monday.
Episode 9 will be when they finally kill user ratings
>Metacritic user score was 2.3 a couple of hours ago
>it's disappeared now
Weird how such a ridiculous capeshit film has become the latest battleground for identity politics
wait, no it's not weird at all
Look out for a mass shooting to distract from the movie bombing.
that happens when the marketing literally uses it to sell the movie. BP rode it so hard they got a best picture nomination (fucking lol, by the way)
How is It decreasing more, with less reviews than it originally had when it was being 'bombed'?
this is only like 2000 more than OPs, and is a whole percent less. With the 50k+ reviews it only had 2 percent less.
The reviews must be really bad if they had to delete like 90% of the reviews and it's still 36%. I bet they didn't even delete the nothing 10/10 reviews either.
the Mouse is going all out
Don't worry they'll reset it.
Fucking Stop! MotherFuckers!
You Fucking Incels! Just because Fucking women won't have sex with you is this the way you are going to act? None of you Fuckers saw this movie!
>made 200m anyway
Who care LOL
But Black Panther was actually pretty alright? (Compared to other marvel films at least...)
I predict they disable it in time for Star Wars Episode 9
that's a bug it happened to me to, refresh was enough to fix it
>Last Jedi is at a 45%
44% now.
All CM raters should stop by TLJ and leave it a little love. TFA too.
because you can't stop truth. and truth is it was near 31% when they deleted them. and it was mainly legit people not liking that. imagine being in those 50k and having your rating removed. how redpilled you must be.
>delete "review bombing"
>in the process prove that review bombing is not happening and that the movie just sucks ass
Were some of the reviews they deleted positive?
I find it useful. high critic score + low audience usually means it's interesting enough to watch.
The site will be completely revamped this week.
It’s amazing that once you start realizing the layers of qualifications you have to set up to make Captain Marvel the FIRST WOMAN HERO MOVIE it just becomes more evident that Marvel is terrible, not progressive
>first female superhero movie!
Not sure but there’s Supergirl at least
>first Marvel character!
Wasn’t Elektra the first?
>first non-shitty one!
Wonder Woman beat you
>first one produced by Marvel themselves!
The previous movie had the Wasp right in the title
>first Marvel-produced superhero movie with only a woman in the title
Ohhh... okay. So all this means now is you took 20 movies to do it. Feminist heroes.
i will tell you this Rotten Tomatoes is so twisted they consider everythng with rating below 3.5/5 by user as negative review. take from it what you wish...
Incredibly bad CGI and fight choreography. Embarassing fight scenes.
>>first Marvel-produced superhero movie with only a woman in the title
35 now
These motherfuckers aren't letting me post a review despite the fact I made an account with a confirmed email address. Anyone else having that issue?
BTW its sitting at 35% now. Slowly but surely getting dragged down to 20%, LMAO
No one else is watching it either!
>Posted a long review detailing exactly why I didn't like it - Shit acting by everyone but Jackson, zero stakes as Cpt Marvel is completely fuckin invincible, totally forgettable villains and Jude Law clearly not trying etc. 1.5 stars
It gets deleted
>Post a short review complaining my post got deleted and telling RT to suck it up and admit I'm not a bot. 1.5 stars
It gets deleted
This is some dumb shit bois
Has to be part of the MCU.
>I love The Last Jedi! XD
It's still my go-to litmus test for insufferable kvetches.
Well if it's below a C, isn't it a failing grade?
They probably have bot with a list of "trolls" that you get on for posting right-wing content online, and we're both probably on it. Wouldn't surprise me if everyone who posts frequently on Yea Forums is on it, as a matter of fact.
See I got that wrong, but it means the layers are even deeper. This movie hits no “firsts” unless you mean “solo movie in the MCU” or “isn’t a sequel or spinoff”, but neither is a Big Amazing Progressive Achievement.
>treid to post a review several times now
>account still shows 0 reviews posted depsite nothing appearing to have stopped them from being posted
Somethings fucky here, bros
Honestly, this just looks pathetic, they delete 90% of the reviews and only got a 5% bump in score in return. How do you fuck up that badly.
>fucking comic book movies have now become the battleground for identity politics
It's getting really fucking tiresome.
Yeah, decent plot for the genre, didn't bore me to treats.
You're not reviewing a ducking car lmao
They tried to make a feminist message film and sell it as a capeshit. But this particular turd stinks too much and they overplayed their hand.
?? the only reason they became so big in the first place is because of cold war propaganda and the red scare
Holy shit Its brie larson
>Look up Wonder Woman reviews
>It's totally fine
So maybe it's not man hating and people just think Captain Marvel's a bad movie? Wonder Woman wasn't AMAZING but it was okay
they consider even 3 (C) as failing grade though. 3 is still good or decent in my eyes. 2 is when i think there might be something wrong.
as long as fucktards downvote it becuse of their belifs, instead of how good the movie is, it might just be a good idea to do just that.
Just swap games with movies
It's all just distractions from the real world, when everyone is fighting over video game and movie characters and ignoring every real world issue
(I don't necessarily agree with the guy's opinions but it's an accurate criticism)
it keeps going down bros ... how do we stop it?
>was actually pretty alright?
Yeah. It just wasn't the greatest movie ever, not did it deserve an Oscar nom. Same with Wonder Woman. It wasn't bad, but you'd think it was high art with the reviews it was getting.
Bullshit. The original Superman movies were huge in their day and they didn't even touch nuclear arms bullshit until the 4th one and it was stupid as hell and no one liked it.
yo can i get that webm of Captain Fungus pushing Capt Murica and then punching Thanos. thanks
Another month, after Captain Marvel and TLJ they'd be getting scared.
no matter how much they try to delete, the push back will be even harder.
>The first female superhero lead in a movie premiered on the Women's day in 2019 on a full moon!!
Will be gone before Ep 9 is released
i'm watching the cam right now user.
>When Vox, WaPo and other left wing media gave you mediocre (40-60%) reviews too
>When Alita, female lead, is rocking at 91%
...interesting approach
Yeah, clearly is that people hate women and not because the movie is crap
They get rid of it tomorrow or Sunday
>t. incel
Hate Gal Gadot all you want for her being a jew or a bad actress, but at least she didn't shit on us for being white or male.
Penetrate a human being of the opposing sex in any orifice you deem worthy
checked and based
Fucking transphobe, I how you die
I hate her for not having the physique to be WW, he nailed the nurturing personality though
Less than a week.
Screncap this.
Currently shitting a pile comparable to the triceratops in Jurassic park
Mine was removed too.
I simply re added it.
show feminine penis
Good job user
They will change or remove it next week. So far their responses for this particular movie scores have been almost instant. They won't leave this 36% just staying there.
When the world is burning around you like it is today escapism is unironically the best option
2 AM Sunday.
RT will blame it on a Daylight Savings Time "glitch"
Even if they were right and those negative reviews were part of some greater Russian conspiracy theory odds are at least part of them are made by some genuine boomers who wanted to share their opinion with the internet. Those people don't forget. Expect 20 years of grief.
Holy shit its real.
Rotten Tomatoes is crap and most of those critics are full of shit. Film criticism is dead at this point. Let it all burn down to the ground.
Look at the top and bottom review. The bot reviewers are in. Disney in full shill mode!
Russian Bots Vs Poo Looers
Most of the less than positive to negative reviews are also from most of the professional female reviewers too.
I'm siding with the Russians.
3/5 = 60% = D- = I'm failing that.
Fucking assholes. You Fuckers ruin everything. So now you're going to make Rotten Tomatoes change their audience score as well, making it useless for people that are trying to gauge whether or not a movie might be a good popcorn movie?
Yeah Fuck off.
If other people's opinions matter so much when choosing a movie, then take 5 minutes to skim a few reviews (positive and negative) instead of just looking at a number. It's not that fucking hard
>unironically using RT
But the film is really bad.
The film score has already dropped from a 67 to a 65 on metacritic too.
I feel like it was so much lower but then it got doctored
Removing it is an admission of defeat.
Yeah, fuck you too.
>they removed the majority.
They removed the ones that were posted before the movie had even been released.
Those weren't viewers with an opinion, they were a mob with an agenda.
I'm a Vocel :)
Can you rate a movie on RT prior to its release? Seems like a very retarded system.
>Knowing that people still use RT as a way to define their opinions on a movie
With the big support the movie is receiving from the media, with will probably be out after a article blaming the "alt-right trolls"
Less than 24 hours, expect a steady climb to the 80's and for poor reviews to be blamed on alt right trolls.
It's all so tiresome
No you can't. It's people from Europe who are displeased.
Holy shit its practicals back down to where it was.
Hey, I'm an Yuropoor too and I don't even watch Marvel. I'm here just to see the butthurt and watch the shitstorm unfold.
>>first female superhero movie!
>Not sure but there’s Supergirl at least
Zorro counts as a classic superhero, right? I mean Batman's literally copying him, so he counts, right?
Because then I've got a little earlier of a female superhero for you.
Zorro's Black Whip is the movie, if you can't read it.
No Indian types English like that, even if they are fluent
> He uses RT as a serious lifestyle management tool
Have sneed
Imagine working as part of the team that monitors this stuff and gets tasked with deleting negative reviews
The world is virtually globalized in the sense that are revulsion has become networked thereby we are radicalized and has become a commonalities across oceans and land masses.
>certified fresh
based and chadpilled user
>tumblr gif
>that's a bug
There are many among you who want to see an end to progressive mafia and governments. May the all see there dreams fail and burn!!!
Reminder that the only films in the MCU that are below 80% are
>age of ultron
>thor 2
Captain Marvel is about to join them in the shitpile of the MCU that everyone makes fun of.
Not even the weirdest place this shit has spread.
>Shilling this hard
You can't review before release unless you're a critic
Jump off a cliff, Marvelcuck
Why are you why are you doing this sirs? I don't understand why you are doing This?
What the Fuck have women ever done wrong that they deserve this treatment!?
Damn Satan, calm down!
That's like half the Fucking MCU!
they're women
Cursed thread
Have I been blind the whole time or are they going a few extra steps with all this damage control?
based and redpilled
Yeah, it's fucking hilarious, the number of shills here and all.
Fuck off Ralph! What do you Fucking know about Fucking movies anyways MotherFucker!? Go Fucking go fucking jerk off to Fucking Star Trek Deep Space 9 MotherFucker!
MotherFuck You!!!
What's especially hilarious, is that if you look at the actual rating, instead of the bullshit "how many of the ratings were positive" statistic Rotten Tomatoes gives all attention to even though a positive review can be anything from "There's worse ways to spend an evening" to "Film of the century", there's barely any difference between Audience and critic score.
Like in the image, you can see top critics and audience score (if we multiply audience score's maximum and value both by 2 to match the scale) only differs in 1.25 points out of 10. That's very little disagreement.
It's almost the same with all critics, where the average is 6.89.
And yet everyone from random people on twitter, autists here and especially the media are losing their shit over
>How else could REAL critic score be 81% while audience score is in the 30s? Clearly it isn't Rotten Tomatoes' system being retarded! It's the deep web illuminati's doing!
Reading scores for dummies:
Critics high/Viewers high: A film with lots of appeal to a mainstream audience. Likely enjoyable to the majority of viewers. This category will catch films that are low quality, however (Jurassic World). Exercise judgment.
Critics low/Viewers low: A film that is irredeemably bad. It may derive some value from its comedy. (Most of Shamalamadingdong's filmography.) Occasionally, this happens to films that are ahead of the curve and actually worth watching (Freddy Got Fingered).
Critics high/Viewers low: One of two situations. The more typical situation represents a scenario where the film studios have paid professional critics a large amount of money to shill the film, or else political issues are buoying the critic score in the interest of defending career viability. The less common situation is that the film is snob bait. Ghostbusters 2016 is an example of the former, A Ghost Story is an example of the latter. These films will usually disappoint you.
Critics low/Viewers high: These are films that critics were not bribed to like, or which are too 'low brow' for them to admit liking. Alternatively, this may indicate a film with a niche appeal. Examine the film before paying money to see it and ask yourself if you're part of the target audience. (Aquaman would be one contentious example.)
Top Critics are overwhelmingly white males.
Aquaman didn't have critics low!
I really dont get why the meter isn't based on the actual ratings.
Oh right, forgot this entry in the biggest geek franchise built on white teenage boys's allowance wasn't meant for them.
Seriously, though, I wonder what Brie would say if asked if she's interested in what Stan Lee would have to say about the movie. I mean it wasn't made for him, so clearly whatever his opinion on a superhero movie is, is irrelevant. What does he know?
>be a normie who has never heard the phrase redpill
>notice over the top anti-male slant in your kids film
>see articles about alt right trolls who left it bad reviews
>notice your review has been deleted
Because this isn’t a democracy, it’s a republic
What did the audience mean by this?
why the fuck is it not letting me review it? It just says review posted but it doesn't show in my ratings page on my profile or in CCM's user review. what the fuck!!!1
>Fury typing away at the “Protector Initiative”
>looks at this image
>changes to “Avengers”
It’’s not even a nickname anyone refers to her as. She’s called Ace or Aces..
But there you go. Avengers is named after her.
how long has it been stuck at 10,650
>because they're avenging Colson and/or humanity in general
>lol just kidding who gives a fuck about him? It's actually everyone's favorite girl's call sign!
Fucking stupid
Did they stop the flow of user reviews?
RT deleted 50,000 reviews. No joke.
>member when they actually cared about continuity?
>nah it’s cool, we need to make sure people know Captain Marvel and the Kree/Skrulls were the real, real first encounter now.
She’s also super important, and is told is the most important hero. So important that Fury is determined to find more like her, because it appears no one has ever existed like this before.
Meanwhile, Coulson, who admitted to owning a set of vintage Captain America trading cards goes “do you really think we can find more like her?”
Get fucked trolls.
We already know that, the question is if they've also stopped all new reviews.
They aren't letting me vote for CM or Alita, anything else - no problem. Fresh profile with like 30 votes.
>Wonder Woman wasn't AMAZING
yes it was
still 10,650
Doesn't matter.
They can say that white men as usual fuck up everything.
Looking forward to every single retcon being waved away with "It's okay because Fury's a liar"?
34% means 2 out of 3 didn't like it, and let's be real here, they were probably male (and white, yikes). so, basically the audience this movie was done for, all liked it. and that's what matters the most.
>y-you're a woman hating incel
But I actually like Black Widow and I'm gonna watch her movie
>Right wing!
I'm not american
>Troll, racist, manbaby
It's a boring movie with an ugly and super depressing color palette, why not guardians again with lots of jokes and a vibrant color palette. Brie is ugly as fuck too, I'm not expecting a big tittied supermodel, but at least give me someone cute like Elizabeth Olsen
>movie does well
>This is proof that the future is female and you need to support feminism!
>movie does poorly
>This is proof that women are an oppressed class and you need to support feminism!
It's a nice racket if you can run it.
Do people even unironically use movie reviews?
It's 2 hours. If I had enough inkling to want to read a review, I may as well just go see it.
Rook. Cheating bitch.
>people fucking hate the "who are your people" scene from Solo
>do it again in the MCU
NPR was reporting it that way yesterday. They even had a special female movie reviewer come in and cuck their payrolled movie reviewer who was too white and male, even though he gave it a glowingly positive review.
>We're... Rogue. Rogue One.
more like a third
U f u c k e r s are just going to keep on doing this aren't you
I have been trying all day to post a review and whenever I refresh it goes away. My account is extremely legit, I've posted nearly 400 reviews. The absolute fucking state of mouseshills
Why do leftwing idiots hate russians? Isnt that russianphobia?
>10 mins in and there’s a flashback sequence that’s entirely dedicated to toxic masculinity
>A male pilot looks at her and says “ know why they call it a COCKpit right?
>she’s younger, and go karting
>going too fast
>boy says “slow down” in the name of the patriarchy
>she defies that disgusting man, and proceeds to recklessly crash
>that’ll show him
>father witnesses daughter in this fatal-looking crash
>races over, first and only thing he says, as a father:
>they legitimately have a “lighten up sweetie, why don’t you smile for me?” Sequence
>at the end of the movie, she stares down at male antagonist and says “I don’t have to prove ANYTHING to you.”
>the OST is entirely chick grunge, with an entire fight scene done with I’m Just a Girl playing in the background.
stuck at 10,650
Yup. Just tried to post a review, can't do it.
Is anyone actually bombing it on purpose? I cant imagine why we would need to when its already bad or is this just a giant falseflag so they could blame it on Yea Forums?
>more jokes
Russians are our enemy.
Russia is predominantly whites and nationalist ones at that
Communism is our enemy. Russians are not our enemy.
They removed a lot of reviews and the score is still in the shitter, so I don't think so.
Critic score down to 80% now.
Me too! They aren't playing by the rules they created.
User reviews stuck at 10,650 for at least 30 minutes
It was 29%
3,000 more reviews taken down as of this photo.
How is it dropping!? All reviews should be Fuckin out already!
They are deleting all 1 star reviews, that's why they have 34% now.
If I was rich I would see it, give it a shit review, wait for my review to be removed, then have a law firm threaten them with a lawsuit for the *disparate impact* caused by their removing of reviews.
And if they didn't restore all reviews, proceed with a lawsuit just for the shits and giggles.
>mfw there's AT LEAST one person on rotten tomatoes manually checking every single new review and making sure it's not a "troll"
Has HE reviewed it yet?
Chad AF
not all critics are early access as far as I know
so this is our great war future history is going to be fun
have sex
It got into Libreboot.
A project to make open source boot loaders for old laptops, recently racked by a """transphobia""" shitstorm.
Literally nothing is safe.
beGONE devil
>t. incel
Bullshit, I checked at 5am (est)this morning and you still couldn't review, despite the movie playing for almost 9 hours.
Why do white men cry so much when the lead protagonist isn’t a straight white guy.
How is it still "certified fresh". How does that "certified" work?
stop asking questions you know the answer to
Why the hell did they also remove the average score?
Because it was below average.
Beyond the rest, the movie was (((released))) weeks ago for critics, social promoters and such.
Their opinions don't count now?
Hopefully this kind of thing only happens with Disney disasterpieces that have a 250 million dollar marketing budget and it’s not a sign that professional movie lobbyists are going to take over discussion of all movies online.
People are srill furiously mad about the TLJ score. They want heads to roll. They want BLOOD. They are so fucking mad about that 45%.
It shall forever remain a mystery
Fuck off satanigger with your posts and fuck jew movies.
Here is the proof they aren't letting me to rate this movie. It does nothing! New vote doesn't appear!
i voted 2 hours ago and it didnt show. looks like nothing has changed since then.
Oh you must be pleased with yourself
>Let's raid the user score with ten thousands of 1s so that it is obvious the user score was raided.
>Lets remove don't want to see button
>Only positive feedback is allowed
>Fuck it lets just falsify the ratings
>Remove votes
>Shut it down or else
A review is a glorified opinion so they could rightfully be called valid
I cant do another tour, user. 2015-16 was enough for me.
That's an old pic with almost 60k votes you retard. You were on a cached version of the site.
A nuke causing California to fall into the ocean doesn't count?
>causing a tsunami that would wipe out the entire West Coast, Hawaii, Polynesia, East Australia, and East Asia, including Japan
We'll be in the news tomorrow anons.
Lex Luther's wig made him do it.
Fool, didn't you get the e-mail from management? We're supposed to be telling naysayers to have sex now!
7 to 8 months max.
>He always knew
>He just didn't want to tell any of them because he obviously didn't trust them
>She's not shoehorned in okay
>We'll be in the news tomorrow anons.
of course, scuttlebutt is that house of mouse has been posting the "we did it reddit" shill stuff on Yea Forums Yea Forums and /pol/ for proofs that everything that is negative is a troll. and they will push it hard. after the reaming of the TLJ and this, we cant have people thinking we are just making mediocre movies for cash grabs.
>It got into Libreboot.
>A project to make open source boot loaders for old laptops, recently racked by a """transphobia""" shitstorm.
More details? Sounds interesting. Both the project and its subversion.
RT is feeling the full force of the Mouse
>Infinity war 52,000 reviews after one year
>Captain Marvel 58,000 reviews in one day
It's for sure gone before Endgame comes out or Disney makes a brand new review site
>This is everything
Go outside
Latest ratings. Use score is up slightly.
Guess they will delete audience score after this too
it is russian bots
I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.
Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.
Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids
RT has been corrupt for years, why would you still use them
>I'll make it very simple and clear
>proceeds to write an essay
Yeah, I'm not reading that nigga.
They’re actively deleting review scores as we speak. I have posted the same review many times today. When I return to the page minutes after posting my review and my rating are gone.
>It's not for you
Is anyone else not able to see what the reviews are saying? It says there are 29 pages of reviews and there were only 8 pages earlier, but I only see the same reviews I did before.
Shit bait lad
You only see the reviews we want you to see
They are now only allowing reviews of 3+ stars. Clown world.
Why delete user reviews?
>they're spiteful
Ok and the movie is full of politics and other agendas and ultimately an aesthetic choice. If you're trying to control people's voice, you better control their minds too, least you will look pathetic, setting your own-implemented system on fire because it doesnt work like you want.
who cares it's capeshit
36% of 0 is 0
I'd say this will be the end, just like how potato schumer killed the netflix rating system,
They're manipulating the score so it doesn't go much lower. I honestly don't think anyone can post stars below a 3.
It went from 32% to 41% in a few hours.
it all makes sense now
tl;dr lol
Has this ever happened before? What a disaster.
>Move along sir
10 hours
rolling to find out how many hours. Last 2 digits is hours
fuck off incel
Here's some reviews. Not looking good.
How is it even making any sense? Why not just rig it? Jesus Christ.
This is from one user who has posted 2 reviews after being inactive for a year (total of 5 reviews)
Holy fuck, there's actually a ton of brand new accounts only writing 5 star reviews for captain marvel
>Joe Mancuso
>Kuso is shit
>Joe ManShit
really boggles the mind
>score shot up over 10% in like 3 hours
>1.5 stars
Gee I wonder why it got deleted. You posted a totally objective rating.
They aren’t allowing any votes under 3 stars. The world we live in is a joke.
Here's how it works guys. Basically Disney and the Social Media department have a budget. They used said budget to hiring clickfarms in China and India to create fake accounts to push a movies ranking higher with fake reviews. They want to "massage the percentage" in a certain direction.
(source: i work in the industry)
You're right, I haven't. As soon as I get my hands on a pirated version I'm going to put it on my third screen while I play OSRS and watch kino on the others.
They also buy tickets to pad their attendance too
The mouse cries out as xhe strikes you
Disney employees.
I think it's safe to say RT has lost all the credibility they had.
>Make your predictions for how much longer RT will show the Audience Score.
It took about 2 weeks from Netflix publishing The Leather Special to erasing ratings.
I think they'll cut it down to8 days in this case.
>5 stars
>Fantastic movie. Don't listen to the haters. Bravo!!!
shills in a nutshell
Checked your Satanic trips.
>im going to take Rotten Tomatoes to court because they wont let me spam a movie i didn't see with bad reviews
holy fuck you people are embarrassing
The way you slowly move your cursor is so cute
this is fucking lame and retarded, just the way Yea Forums is, you fucking incels are rating that fucking flick just because you are incels, and RT, Disney and Even the DC fags know they shouldn´t allow this shit, DC fags KNOW this can happen to them anyday, i mean, it´s kinda funny, but is very stupid too.
found the shill
>white men don't like a movie with such extreme "fierce woman" undertones that it takes up the entire movie.
>white men don't like a movie where the main actor states that she doesn't like them
imagine my shock. you know pussy has nothing to do with it right?
This movie being bad put a smile in my face.
Women don't deserve shit. Unless they are asians, of course.
Just gave it a 5 stars score. FUCK Yea Forums FUCK /pol/ and most important FUCK white people
And I fucking won't. But that don't stop me from giving it a bad rating.
Yeah, only 4 chan users are critic bombing the movie, it's not like the technical reviews are criticizing the fact that is basically a dull and filler-ish movie, keep trusting the mainstream media goy
Cool story bro