
So.. the Skrill are the good guys because in this war where both sides are killing each other they want to get a better life out of it?

Is that justification? What did I miss, did they even fully flesh out this conflict?

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I want your stuff so I try to kill you and I'm the good guy because I wanted your stuff more?

Is that how it is

Have sex

Have gender

With your asshole?

I think they're supposed to be the good guys because they're fighting for a better life for themselves

if you live in a shitty area and other people live in a good area, you can attack and be the good guys... I think... is the message.

whoever is the poorer side in a war is the good side, in any war. OR something?

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who started the war?

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Kree = Nazis = white Americans

Skulls = Jews = Muslims

The movie is a message to the Middle East: Jews are their secret allies against their American "oppressors".

The feminism in the movie is a deliberate distraction from the real message.

they're the good guys because Talos has a kid? but I'm sure the the kree have kids too, they just didn't show any

bend over then

okay, bend over

The Skrumps seem to be an actual fighting force though, responsible for their own actions.

Lol, stealing is still stealing. Just like illegal immigration is still a crime. The moral thing would be to find a new planet.

yeah like, if someone has something better than you, attack and invade and take it by force. You're the good guy because you're trying to improve your life

is the message, I think.

and if you lose they're the ones who are nazi's because you were just trying improve your own life and captain marvel will help you

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They show up on your planet and literally replace people, and you should be ok with that? Did they just pull a reverse Charlottesville?

That is some backwards shit right their. Why don’t we raid Disney and Amazon and give their money to middle America and the inner cities.

Weren’t scrolls bad guys in the comics?
And who are the kree again. I’ve heard it before.

that's some lazy ass creature design

Is there any way to show that the Skrulls, whose main existence relies on shap-shifting and hiding among other species, weren't just lying to everyone else?

they explained that the Kree were basically colonizers, they invaded the skrulls' planet and basically killed everyone who didnt agree with them.

They are simply oppressed good guys, fighting for a homeland.

Like the Zionists. :l

So Germany was the good guy in WW2 right?

How are they going to set up the invasion if they make them into good guys in the prelude
Marvel's not gonna survive if they go down like Star Wars


so the kree are bourgeoisie and the skrulls are the proletariat?

it's slave morality, it's built on resentment.

Yeah they would usually very sneakily attempt bad things, or you'd get uber powerful ones who just do bad things outright.
Kree are war-centric aliens who have clashes all over the place, currently led by the main villain of GotG, Ronan.

The Nazis were bourgeois from hell... but that is not the message.

take a shower, hit the weights and get a clue ya pencil neck simp

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If you're a marxist who needs to think in good guys and bad guys, yes.

the movie even includes cut little skrull kids, they're way too sympathetic now. this movie fucked up so much, the skrulls, fury, the origin of the avengers.

No, because they were anti-Semitic. That is the ONLY thing the West holds against them, anymore.

Woah woah woah, but the Germans were the underdog fighting for a better life. That makes them good guys.

Marvel is an Ice Agent, Skrull are dreamers.

>wanting to survive
>a crime
Bet you're a nigger with that mentality.

You are supposed to be reminded of Ann Frank's family.

Mar-Vell is an Oscar Schindler clone.

That was WWI, user... when the Reform Jews in Germany were some off the biggest cheerleaders for war with France.

No no no, you see, the treaty of versailles was totally unfair and Hitler was just fighting for his people against the internationalists and jews who wanted to ruin his country. He was a good guy because he wasn't as powerful as other people. That's how this works.

Globalists style themselves as "immigrants", nowadays. They are particularly proud of their dual-citizenships... proof they have no loyalty to any particular country.

In case you didn't know I was using this as an example of why it's retarded to pick out good guys and bad guys in complicated situations. There are just "guys" and what they want to do. Shit like making the Skrulls good guys just because the Kree are bigger assholes is like making the Nazis good guys just because the Soviets kicked their asses. Regardless of what you think of these groups, that reasoning is stupid.

Why would anyone who knows anything about the skrulls trust anything a skrull tells them

They’re gonna have some other Skrulls as villains probably. Hopefully we’ll get Head In A Jar Supreme Intelligence though.

I spent the Cold War thinking the US State Department hated the Soviets because of communism.

Now I know they just hated the Russians for beating their Nazi pets.

No, because the USSR was even poorer.

Sounds like (((propaganda))) to me.

Well they team up for like half of the war.

The movie itself tells you the kree are bad guys though, then captain marvel starts killing them indiscriminately



Is that how they look?
Fuck, once again the concept art is billion times better than the shit we end getting