How do we save Yea Forums?

How do we save Yea Forums?

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ban anyone who says the S word

More Sneed



Get the PH levels down to 7 to 8, max.

Have sex?

permaban all /pol/fags
wordfilter "what are some films" and ban anyone who starts threads with it
posting "sneed" is a permaban

No more city slickers

More cunny, less /pol/reddit.

formerly the R word

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It is not worth saving. Yea Forums is shit, always was, always will be.

These would be a good start.
Also the long-awaited containment board for Youtube/Twitch/Internet culture.
Make Yea Forums strictly about tv and movies. AVGN/RLM/Joe Rogan shit should be on a containment board

lmao I'm just here to shitpost

No green oval tho

ban this nigga

save? as i Yea Forums is any worse than it usually is? It's literally always like this, and has been so for the past 4-5 years i've been here. Occasionally some newfaggy "how do we save Yea Forums" thread comes up though

ban everyone except me

an attempt was made with the arthouse threads and multiple requests from mods and jannies to separate the board
it seems though that they are interested in keeping the board the way it is to attract more plebs to discuss
an elitist board wouldn't allow blockbuster discussion so easily and could alienate Yea Forumsedditors who come here to jerk each other off over shitty capeshit flicks

>wordfilter "what are some films"
But ginger and his band of meme hustlers loves those threads(unless they're about anti leftoid stuff)

rangeban asia and canada
would filter 99% of the incel threads, 50% of /pol/ threads, 60% of capeshit threads

It was way better before. I used to be able to compile movie recommendations from anons every week. I've unironically had to resort to Reddit at times now because this board only focuses on a few shitty topics. The only place I can consistently mine for recs here are the based 3x3 threads saving Yea Forums

Ban all liberals who want to discuss their artfag shit.

"Yea Forums then" was just waifus, husbandos, feet, personal bloggin.

>permaban all /pol/fags

You've been whining for almost a decade.

the left side was was almost as horrible as now. there was nothing enjoyable about a constant jerking off contest instead.


ban these fucking retards

replace the right side with a series of pics of Brie Larson

I don't remember half of the catalog being Marvel in 2015...

>Ban all liberals who want to discuss their artfag shit.
But when thats what was being discussed here there was genuine and based "racism" here
and now that it's full of pleb shit it turned into haha just jokes meme "racism" which is done by underage spics and blacks

Have a cunny general

>It's literally always like this, and has been so for the past 4-5 years i've been here
Once again the newfags prove that banecancer killed this board

>and now that it's full of pleb shit it turned into haha just jokes meme "racism" which is done by underage spics and blacks
you did this to yourself

All of you are reddit and gay

User accounts. Only way. Deal with it.

this tbqh
even the shitposting has become dreadfully political and forced
at a Robert thread one autistic retard said "but he's black, I thought we were supposed to hate niggers here" or some shit
this is the kind of echo chamber reddit tier bulshit we don't need

banning american ips would get rid of the cuck and blacked threads

THIS!!! Also we should be able to rate comments and have reply chains

that wouldn't do shit if mods and jannies don't do their fucking jobs
this board clearly suffers from lack of moderation, which is probably on purpose

>banning "what are some films"

So nevessary. Fuck people who make those threads

I've done some testing and the genuine version always vanishes first while the meme version stays up(and this is when theres clearly no moderation on and hasn't been on for hours)

People with Yea Forums X already have reply chains. No comment rating. We have (You)s for that.
The reason you view them as not doing their jobs is because phonetards endlessly ban evade. Get rid of that ability and you solve the problem.

>permaban all /pol/fags
Bans don't do anything. Most of these people are phoneposters to begin with.

have sex incel

>you're either a /pol/ incel or a discord tranny
this is your mind on capeshit, everything is some us vs them crap
honestly, grow up, kid

... and 99% of the quality posts too.

You don’t like it but Yea Forums is better now. The only anons who are complaining are the absolute morons who get worked by other anons larping as trannies and leftoids.

we need more boop threads!

he's right though
robert is another post bane meme parasite meme done by people like

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>get worked
Back to your closet faggot containment board.

Fuck off stupid nigger

tbqh I don't give a shit about memes and shitposting
I used to come here to discuss movies and get recommendations, which was possible before this place became a fucking playground for retarded autists

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Move DC and Marvel to Yea Forums

I miss the days when this was a slow board


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>quality posts
my sides are in another universe

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Permanently ban every IP that has ever posted on Yea Forums.

>my sides
Do non-Americans really regurgitate outdated memes like this? It's like they're a decade behind us in literally everything.

What is he up to these days?

Have sex

first I'd, move this to

When was “then”?

And /pol/.

>tbqh I don't give a shit about memes and shitposting
They do and that's all they want here

Why don't you make me pussy? Oh wait that's right, you can't. Shut the fuck up.

Dairy Queen franchise in Minnesota

>permaban all /pol/fags
I've been telling you for years but I'll remind you: Replying is why it spreads.

Ah yes, the old days when we could discuss age of consent and how woke movies were becoming and we didn't have those pesky incel autists decrying how woke movies were becoming. Back when we licked studio assholes and commented on how buttery smooth it tasted, back when we thought David Lynch was "the shit" and not some pedokike larping as some esoteric cinema faggot.

Ah, the good old days when our lefty faggotry went unchallenged


and Yea Forums

ban phoneposter
there i fix not only Yea Forums but a whole of Yea Forums

why on Yea Forums of all places? there are plenty of other boards better suited for that

The game was rigged from the start

Make /cape/, /eceleb/, and /film/
>Move Simpson's to Yea Forums
These are possible and I'd highly reccomend.
>ban r*ddit spacing
>filter "have sex", "sneed", and "oh no no no no"
>rangeban cellular networks to cut down on phoneposters
I doubt these will ever go through but they're just as needed.

Believe it or not, before 2008 (aka the year the first Iron Man came out) you could actually discuss films on Yea Forums.

You do know he's invisibro right? the one everyone told to fuck off and that he had terrible entry level taste? this is his revenge

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gookmoot would never make it
that would greatly diminish the traffic on the website, and whatever profit he takes out of the ads in this shithole

>reddit spacing

>not MPC-HC on the right

Ban anyone who's posted on /pol/ in the last 3 months from posting on Yea Forums, or give them a big star of david next to "anonymous" so their posts can be ignored and/or filtered

Ban anyone who posts capeshit out of two containment generals -- /Marvel General/ and /DC general/

Wordfilter sneed

Twitter screencaps are a 1 month ban

Unironic, off-topic racism is 2 week ban

Frogs and wojaks result in image deletion but not post deletion

Ban people for arguing in bad faith and strawmanning

Regular stream/movie nights

Liberal use of rangebans if someone ban evades

Yea Forums is shit less because of the people who post here and more because the West is moribund and film is a dying medium in a dying culture. But it would definitely be a good idea to ban all third-worlders- South Americans, Indians, etc.

lole, that's why you don't piss on the one who holds the hammer gj

>Liberal use of rangebans if someone ban evades
They already do that

God I miss 2016, back in my day Yea Forums was different. It was better. I miss the old days sometimes.

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have sex

>Ban anyone who posts capeshit out of two containment generals -- /Marvel General/ and /DC general/
they already have a fucking board for this, it's Yea Forums
why the fuck mods let them post here is just proof that letting idiots shit up the board is intentional
>Wordfilter sneed
same thing as before, It took only a few weeks for tb.h,, fa.m, so.y and sm.h to be filtered, and they weren't bad at this level
if mods cared about the state of the board, they would have done something about it already

you can still discuss tv shows on Yea Forums as long as they are the Sopranos.

Not really, the first level anti-ban evasion countermeasures are all cookie based if you get caught ban evading. There's a basic filter that tries to catch ban evaders by checking if they still have the cookie saved in their browsers but have switched to a second IP, but it won't actually ban the second IP nor will it range ban. Rangebans are only used by mods in extreme ban evasion scenarios.

>what are some films
Quick rundown? What made it so spammable?

>ban r*ddit spacing
Is this bait?

>What are some films about ?