Films about the strongest Bear?

Films about the strongest Bear?

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My bf doesn’t have a film

Norm of the North


Black Bears?

are pandas actual bears? why are they so pathetic compared to the others if so?

Asian bears, does any more need to be said?

they are specialised for eating bamboo, a food that no one else wants to eat. there isnt much competition

is koalas not being actual bears a metaphor about abos?

But they aren't even smart to make up for it. Literally just shit-tier all around

They have literally no energy to do anything because their diet consists of shit bamboo, and they haven't died off because there hasn't (until now) been any selection pressure on them to change, like competition from other species. So they've existed in a bubble getting weak and fat. Like the dodo. Or vegans

Polar bears are the strongest right?

>the biggest most chad-like bear is the one to die off like a bitch

Attached: Cave bear.jpg (480x313, 24K)

Polar bears are snownigger pussies who have no natural threat in the wild.

Kodiacs would fuck them up.

Specialized animal, same as ant-eaters for example.

Has the advantage of a risk-free life without enemies and rivals.

Sucks if the environment changes and your only food-source gets rare.

they """hunt""" things that are 90% fat

The heaviest. Animals tend to grow large in the cold. Wolves can get enormous in the north.

Beets, bears, Battlestar Galactica

This is bait post.

Try the Bear, or the Edge.

he's clearly over 3m you moron

bigger means you need more food, you are at a disadvantage

>actually believing Cave bears were the chad bears
user, Cave bears were pathetic. The real chad bears were Short Faced bears.

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>tfw no thick hairy bf

>Chad bears
>extinct shitters
>not the living murder machines that survive the harshest conditions on Earth and are also the only species on the planet to actively hunt humans

Grizzly Man

Nova Zemba for dutch exploration stuff.

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okay but whats that statue they're standing around


>Has the advantage of a risk-free life without enemies and rivals.
>ant eaters

"No". Not only they have tons of rivals and predators in the wild, there is a lot of competition among ant eater species and other animals.

Take in mind the Myrmecophaga tridactyla, not only is he a very violent animal (there are more attacks caused by this species in South America than attacks by big felines), but he developed a toxic fur and defense stands to protect itself and its territory.

Fuck you slut

Their food source is very low energy

He is talking about the panda

Yes, an using the ant eaters as another example of animals with no competition or "rivals".

>Specialized animal, same as ant-eaters for example.

skinny bear

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>le quirky video game references xDDDD
Get out of here with that reddit shit


no they're still alive because they're being forced to procreate and taken care for.
left to their own accord, they would've died off because they're too lazy to fuck.
the volcels of the animal kingdom.

Men can't be sluts, doofus.


A short faced bear? Duh?

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Artillery Bear?

*blocks your path*

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*devours you in my path*

I was just playing Morrowind and this reminds me of the Ash Zombies

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>you must never listen to this tape
What did he mean by this?

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Manlet detected

If it's black - fight back
If it's brown - stay down
If it's white - good night
If it's clear and yella - you got juice there, fella
If it's tangy and brown - you're in cider town

do you guys believe these things existed because some jewish guy told you? have you actually seen the bones to these creatures or just artist renditions and sculptures?

It's fake. All of Herzog shit is fake. That Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love kino: fake

Red next to black - jump the fuck back

>Red next to black - jump the fuck back
Red next to yella, cuddly fella

Leave me alone.

no u

wheres the bears dick


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t. extinct

This is the hill you want to die on? That the Jews invented bears?

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Low test

What's the friendliest bear?

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>those fucking claws

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I've heard dumber theories on here

>no big bf to sit on my face

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Da jooz invented bears and shiiieettttt.
Christians, Jews and Muslims worship the same God, you all are the same fucking religion

>i fit in now

you did it kid, you made it into the club, proud of ya boy

bear kino

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you know

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not sure, have you checked your mother's mouth

*tips fedora*

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this bad boy

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a rope and some forks

>and are also the only species on the planet to actively hunt humans
I hope you mean of bears to do it because saltwater and nile crocodiles both do this.

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not this one

Attached: bear bike.webm (853x480, 1.66M)


i hope he's doing well

this is a nice little gem from the 90s, i really should re-watch it again for the 50th time.

pure comfy kino

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This movie taught me the phrase 'motherfucker' when I was a kid. My mother wasn't impressed in the slightest but my dad thought it was hilarious. Good movie too.

G o a t.

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>So they've existed in a bubble getting weak and fat. Like the dodo
He says as humans was the main reason the dodo died out.

Absolutely false. Jews worship some desert war god. Christians are neo-pagan platonics who follow Jupiter and Apollo.. Muslims pray to the moon.

Saltwater and nile crocodiles don't actively hunt humans, but they won't think twice about attacking a human.

>can't handle the heat
top kek based global warming