>hey, remember how I said that the last time I trusted someone I lost an eye?
>yeah, I mean a cat
>fuck cats
Marvel Retcons
>spends half movie talking to his cat like a retard
>completely backseats the entire movie
Why did they turn Fury into a comic relief?
they racist
blacks can only be typecast as funny now
white feminists are nazi
>Original implication is something manly
>Now it’s le cat joke
Pretty much shows how much Marvel has devolved into basedboy territory
Fury? More like Furry lmao
>Bruce Banner : I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction.
>Nick Fury : Because of him!
>[points at Thor]
>Thor : Me?
>Nick Fury : Last year, Earth had a visit from another planet that had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously outgunned.
>did I say Thor? oops, I actually lied, we always knew xD
Make way for your white savior!
>Hey look there is Captain America, the first..I mean, second Avenger, hehe
>Black Widow: Don't. Don't do that to yourself, Clint. This is Loki. This is monsters and magic and nothing we were ever trained for.
>oops, did I forgot to train all my ops to deal with the thing shield is created to deal with?
>tee hee my bad
What a complete and utter shitshow.
Captain America the first aven- whoops the first protector
>top secret agent keeps aliens a secret in a small altercation that took place, for the most part, outside of major cities with aliens that can shapeshift into humans
>top secret agent fails to keep a gigantic battle with two super powered aliens a secret because an entire town was destroyed
you forgot to use your brain when typing that out
>because of him
>specifically, dangerous people with super powers who aren't from earth who could destroy us all
>and not dangerous people with super powers who are from earth and also have a military background which makes them far less dangerous because at the very least they have sworn to protect the earth/US
try again next time
>people on this board take capeshit so seriously that they are getting mad at small retcons
Whatever, you can like your childish capeshit, but why are you getting mad that they change small details when there are like 40 films now? Did you really think they had everything planned out a decade ago?
leave mouse shill
pretending like you don't care about cape shit, yet you still enter a thread about cape shit just to tell everyone how little you care about this
yet despite what you claim, you'll still reply to this, showing the world just how "little" you care
white liberals treat niggers as their pets
> too affectionate with a kitty kat
> gets his eye scratched out
Why is it so important for these studios to tear down every male figure. Fury's a joke now, I can never take him seriously.
Get rekt faggot
How is Dr. Fury alive if he died in infinity war?
grrrl power
They should have enough creative agility to tell the stories they want without the need to retcon what was already established before. If they don't reach that sophistication, they have no business working in the industry at that level.
the whole justification of shield having super weapons in the first avengers is because they first learned of aliens when thor showed up
"but apparently there was a big space war lol"
What soundtrack would you guys use for this scene depicting this crucial fight vs the end boss:
>A: LOTR soundtrack: Nazgul theme
>B: Duel of the fates
>C: Smells like teen spirit
Oh boy, here's the answer!
It's C. It's fucking C
Didn't captain fungus crash into a blockbuster and fight on a crowded train???
How is that low key you stupid cock sucking shill?
C: come as you are, sorry
Thats fucking epic, he lost his eye in the best way by a kitty,
I was simply asking a question. On a more serious note, get fucked, you know damn well they're not renewing your contract at Disney
>top secret agent keeps aliens a secret in a small altercation that took place, for the most part, outside of major cities with aliens that can shapeshift into humans
why keep it a secret from the avengers?
>nick fury has trust issues because of his eye
>turns out he wasn't betrayed and lost an eye
>it was just a cat
>now Nick doesn't have trust issues, he's just a dick
just like that twitch fail lol
Fury is a secret Kree or whatever and poorly replicated the eye injury based on the lie about being tortured.
>mysterious injury which the cause is lightly alluded to as having a very traumatic backstory
>nah lol it was a cat haha isnt that cute?
I mean its the MCU so its not shocking for them to forsake anything interesting for the sake of a joke but come on now.
god damn, now he sounds so fucking pety in civil war
>Implying Captain Marlel is canon
I hate capeshit, but what I hate more is the "adults" praising the MCU for being a good and successful cinematic universe with no problems while shitting on other franchises, even though Marvel couldn't resist throwing away an eye for a cat joke. It's just poor planning desu.
The kikes are telling you that Odin ain't white no more, now it's black.
>just like Finn, they turned Nick Fury into the heroine's comically inept male sidekick
my sides
Does he really say 'mother fucking' in marvel movie
Watching a bunch of black people reviewing this movie
They all HATE what the movie did to Nick Fury.
How the fuck did we go from this to "LMAO A CAT"
what the fuck
wait shouldn't Howard Stark have the tesseract by that time? why are the aliens fighting for it
It’s an MCU tradition
>fury gets humiliated by being too friendly with pussy
Yaaaasss slay
Because fuck old white men. That's why.
I too really want an answer for this
Fucking hell, oldfag right? Haven't seen that argument used to BTFO someone so bad in years.
This ruined Fury’s character.
And when he loses an eye he acts like it’s no big deal.
This. I’m actually more shocked that people are calling it shit, which it is. Undercutting anything interesting or serious fo a gag is just what makes the MCU what it is.
Why does his eyepatch switch places?
literally kill yourself nigger lover.
Fuck capeshit and fuck capeshitters.
Secret invasion?
just found the clip thanks for that it looks like it hurt lolololololol youtube.com
You build a sturdy foundation then you leave it the fuck alone
Marvel's phase one laid quite a stable foundation to build a franchise on
when you make a movie that goes back and fucking breaks off a chunk in that very foundation and try to stuff something in to it
it not only means you get a movie that's out of place and bad, it also means you retroactively ruin other movies by destroying the foundation
Someone versed in comics enlighten me: are the skrull supposed to be smelly space refugees looking for a home that are unjustly waged war against? Is that a retconn as well?
In this movie, how many times does Sam have to utter the black, comedy sidekick trope?
>"aww hell naw!"
Progressives and foundations don't compute.
cause he's a man
They're mostly evil
Kree aren't much better either, though kree has good individuals
you chose the lowest quality, shittest verson of this you nigger
In the comics they were shape shifting aliens. They invaded Earth by replacing powerful leaders and superheroes with no one noticing.
so not only is it a feminist film, it also has refugee propoganda
With Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Captain America leaving after Endgame, how long do you think it'll be before they write out the last four white males (Doctor Strange, Spiderman, Ant Man and Star Lord)?
Doctor Strange ""accidentally" magics himself and other white heroes out of existence.
Why write out? They're just forgotten about. Guardians of the galaxy is basically dead already and the other ones don't get movies because She-Hulk, Valkyrie and Captain Marvel need more movies.
Doctor Strange is supposed to be their next Iron Man so he's safe, as is Spider-Man unless Sony somehow gets him back.
Ant Man probably won't get a third movie, GOTG 3 is probably on hold until Disney thinks people will have forgotten they fired Gunn for tweets they said they were cool with when they hired him.
Haha I never thought of this but yeah... yeah this is fucking stupid.
What's the real reason he lost his eye in the comic?
>Haha the cat cut his eye
This is type of subversive crap you'd get in the TLJ
I was thinking the same shit when I was watching this garbage.
For me this movie doesnt fucking exist, it's a fucking tumblerina fanfic
one time this almost happened to me with a cat. he actually clawed a hole in my eyelid, but luckily didn't cut the actual eyeball
In the movie it's mentioned a couple of time that they're "just looking for a home". A Skrull couple with kids are also sidekicks of Captain Marvel
A dog
Racists attacking him in downtown Chicago
>And when he loses an eye he acts like it’s no big deal.
Does he actually lose the eye there and then?
The webm above made me think it was indeed supposed to be just a small scratch that got infected and had to be removed later - It literally seems that dull and underwhelming from the clip
get fucked kike, the """movie""" is DE FACTO garbage
Don't know about the Ultimate (black) Fury, but the original was towards the end of WW2. Enemy threw a grenade at his platoon, he immediately rushed for it, grabbed it and threw it away, but the shrapnel still managed to hit him in the face and he lost the eye from that.
You can say it once, sometimes twice, but that's somewhat rare.
Small? It was a serious moment in Winter Soldier. The implication is something traumatic and personal caused Fury to lose his eye. Literally explanation for part of his characterization. But in Captain Marvel it was just a cat, and he seemed to take it in stride and didn't give a shit.
Howard Stark is dead at this time.
not a fucking cat I can tell you that.
Why did he replace his eye with a shitty cataract eye?
Captain Marvel seems to imply he lost his entire eye and had to get a glass replacement.
>Doctor Strange is supposed to be their next Iron Man so he's safe
That's Carol.
I googled the version the movies are based on and it was basically an explosion in desert storm.
>outside of major cities
>Los Angeles
That's not the real Nick Fury.
Does Captain Marvel not age? She’s been off in space punching space Nazis and making the galaxy safe(from everything but a Thanos, kek) for twenty years.
>literally typing out the plot justification of Batman V Superman as a defense of why this isn't a plothole in captain Marvel
Fuck sake user
Solo (formerly Duo)
Fuck off, incel. The future is female and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Holy shit.
Looks a shitty SNL sketch but it's in the actual movie.
>This is actually real
guess siding with intersectionalists to spite white males wasn't such a good idea
So we could've gotten something cool, but instead we get a lame pratfall.
he said it all right
They fucking Star Wars Prequeled the fucking Marvel Universe kek
>so beta he even keeps that damn thing after it scrapes his eye out
Are people serious about ALL the ratings being trolls?
Jesus. Is Marvel prettified of giving their characters any real sense of depth or meaningful backstory?
Nothing wrong with showing how Fury lost his eye but don't turn it into a fucking joke. Have Captain SJW refuse to rescue Fury so he loses his eye and breaks his trust that she's reliable. Thus giving him a reason to avoid calling her all these years.
Guardians is never getting another solo film, not after the Gunn bullshit.
Are you serious?
Kree are good 50% of the time, Skrulls are bad 90% of the time.
So they're reptilians?
Thor Ragnorak was the reason for this.
Star lord already got his character assassinated, he goes from an emotionally stable person whose goofy but competent to a walking fat joke who ruins everything.
Stark will die in the next movie or the one after. Cap and Bucky will both also probably be dead or stay dead.
Because darkies are in film to shuck and jive for our entertainment
>Nick, why is the team called the Avengers?
>You see Tony, back in the 90's I met a blonde space chick by the name of Carol Danvers, well actually she went by Vers, but that's a different story. Carol absorbed the energy of a light speed engine, making her the most powerful superhuman on Earth, even stronger than the Hulk. She lost her memory, trained as a Kree warrior and fought the Skrulls, until she came to Earth, met me, figured out that the Kree were evil, the Skrulls were helpless refugees, regained her memory, found the Tesseract (remember that thing that Loki wanted?), fought off a Kree Armada, her cat scratched out my eye, and she left with the Skrulls. She was a good friend, and that's why I named my team, which she basically inspired me to create, after her old pilot callsign Carol "Avenger" Danvers.
This movie has two really bad subversions. The eye thing, and a showdown between Carol and her former mentor, where she effortlessly blasts him away.
How many people complained about white savior shit on Twitter then went and watched this without batting an eye
>trained as a Kree warrior and fought the Skrulls,
How anyone can sit through this toddler like babble is beyond me. It's like people have lost any semblance of self respect.
I hope Cap travels back to his past and marries Peggy
>she was a good friend
>he actually wanted her to fight jude law without powers
She did exactly what you always want the hero to do whenever the villain challenges them to an "honourable" fight that they'll inevitably try to cheat in.
Why has no one mentioned how jarringly bad this looks
Like this is wolverine leak tier
>oldfag unironically calling people “mouse shill”
doubt it
holy shit the tism
Samuel Jackson is like 75 you expect him to get fit for an action movie?
If they're too lazy to give a shit about their own sandbox universe, why should we? They can't be bothered to know what's in the previous films in their ongoing billion-dollar franchise? I mean, that's fine if you still want to suck their dicks, but it's perfectly valid to call out this uninspired and amateur storytelling for what it is.
The cat consistently had the worst CGI, like one step above something you'd see in a Scary Movie. It was fucking weird.
I had just watched her effortlessly destroy every obstacle in her path for the last 10 minutes while stifling a yawn. I wanted to see her struggle a bit, maybe show some growth that wasn't based on her unlocking her true power.
have sex
Kek. This is such a shit show. This is wat the mouse gets for buying x-men. They caught the retcon plague
>unlicensed euthanasia counselor
fucking kek
This. Consistency is really important in fictional universes because, as this user said, if the author isn't even taking the time to make sure the story lines up it makes it difficult for the audience to care. Fury should have lost his eye to the Coulson Skrull. The Avengers Initiative should also probably not have been named after Carol - that's an 11th hour curve ball.
That sounds well thought out and reasonable. But does that sound like something the mouse would do...
The fact that you crapped out an idea way way way better and more graceful than what we got on screen speaks volumes.
Dont forget Ant-Man
>First movie: somewhat bumbling, but also a brilliant engineer who managed to Macgyver the Ant-Man suit into doing something thought impossible by its own creator
>Second movie: Durr guys, what's all this quantum science stuff? boooring *trips over own shoelaces*
Basically, the only positive trait they'll allow Scott to have is that he's a good father.
watch as he rapes his daughter in endgame
They needed to emasculate him, obviously.
No, Malcom Reynolds did that because it wasn’t the end of the fucking movie and was what it should’ve been, a throwaway moment establishing the ruthless pragmatism of his character without also being the defining fucking moment of a 2 hour long DBZ ripoff.
It doesn't really matter. We know Fury doesn't tell people shit they don't need to know before to get things done. You're a retard if this shit really bothers you
So where's the retcon? Fury trusted an alien cat, only for it to betray him and scratch out his eye.
He says "mother Flarken" which is the type of alien the cat resembles
>Shuri:"Why didn't you build Vision using technique X instead of technique Y?"
>Banner: "Because we didn't think of that"
Or maybe it was because you didn't build Vision, you dumbass, Ultron did.
I think this kind of retcon is the worst, it basically serves no purpose other than making a character look better, at the complete disservice of another.
This would have been so much better if head Skrull guy convinced Fury he wasn't a Skrull at some point. Only to be backstabbed and shot in the face, nearly killing Fury but damaging his left eye. Fury is down but not out, CM """"avenges"""" him. Pull a 'True Romance' where she thinks he's dead.
Faggot writers can't even think of something clever.
I see I'm dealing with idiot
Both of them looked human
there were several people trying to stop a woman from beating up an old lady
that could have just been a crackhead with a vengeance
you mean the group that didn't actually exist yet?
right, I guess everyone in shield knows every single detail because clearance doesn't actually matter
>for the most part
>a car chase and a single store getting wrecked
oh right, must be a gigantic government conspiracy if 2 separate locales were effected
Captain Marvel is actually better written
anyone who replies to me is an idiot because rather than responding to any of this they're just going to say
>my opinion
>[insert reaction image]
go on, I dare you
fucking imbeciles
>Does he actually lose the eye there and then?
No. He doesn't. He gets scratched like he says, but we see later it's getting worse. and then there's a time skip where we see Colson bring him some glass eyes to look at and he's full on wearing an eye patch now and has lost sight in his eye. He doesn't choose a glass eye and decides to keep his own and just wear the eye patch. And it wasn't just a cat it was a fucking alien that eats like 10 people in a hallway all at once.
What a pathetic fag.
>He doesn't choose a glass eye and decides to keep his own
Why would he be choosing glass eyes if he still had his fucked up eye? That's for people who literally lost eyes. As in, they aren't in their heads anymore.
I bet the writer saw that 50yboy get attacked by his cat when opening presents and thought it was funny.
Even though it's sad as fuck.
When you're using the verb form, it should be "affected". For example, "I wasn't particularly affected by your shill post."
>The future is female
Then the future is fucked.
>...and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it
Except not buy or consume any of their bullshit.
Excuse me? That's what they mean by this movie wasn't meant for you. The last battle scene was a celebration for women everywhere. Carol Danvers says "all this time I've been fighting with a hand tied behind my back", which is something many women, myself included, feel like every day. When Captain Marvel was kicking ass to "I'm just a girl" not holding anything back I almost cried. That's what we all wish we could do, if only we could. Of course you wouldn't understand
Because he was thinking about getting his fucked up eye completely removed and getting a glass eye instead of the patch. It's probably not very clear to the audience but it's what happens. He decides not to get it removed and just keeps the patch. Maybe as a reminder to keep his one good eye open to the new world he's just been thrown into. I'm just telling you what happens in the scene you can take it anyway you want
This nigger gets it. To everyone who praised Ragnarok for being "fun" and hilarious, this is the future you chose. This right here.
I just want you to die. Please for the love of god just die already.
>cat lays ears back and hisses
>doesn't immediately put it down
wtf i thought fury was clever
3/10 bait user. You'll have to do much better that that if you want to be epic.
>Have Captain SJW refuse to rescue Fury so he loses his eye and breaks his trust that she's reliable.
but that would make her look bad and she can't look bad
I thought the tesseract went down in the arctic with captain America. How did Annette Benning get it?
Why didnt he call brie against loki and against ultron?
Every single civilian who died is his fault.
What the fuck is dilation?
>40 movies
>no major plot holes
>1 female movie that has to be all about her because she is the strongest avenger and will defeat Thanos
>countless plot holes
Really makes you think
I actually felt sorry for the girl.
Can they stop putting fbombs in these movies made for children?
It's truly /ourcat/, subverting expectations.
I'm not even suprised. They took all the wrong lessons from GotG and think they can apply that formula on all space adventure MCU movies.
Funny thing is Garth Ennis is a memetard and his writing is excellent, but devoid of any sense of "deep".
>Magneto's revelation
>Squirrel Girl: The Magneto of squirrels
Made me laugh
>Myself included
Are you fucking kidding me
One of those was a joke that went over your head
Except not buy your shit and watch as sales crumble.
Pager needed a new battery.
You don't wanna know, be happy you're oblivious of this abomination, don't look it up, trust me on this
too late user...too late
I can't believe they spent over 10 years setting up a cinematic universe and they trip and fall right before the finish line
Am I to believe that the bigass scar under the patch was made by a cat?
All morons in ITT replying to this post.
Firstly, he was talking about Earth
> : Last year, Earth had
Not Me, not his neighbor, Earth.
> We learned that only are we not alone.........
And as a native of Earth, he was still talking in the context of Earth, which he qualified at the start of his statement.
If any of you did basic math, you'd understand this.
Earth[(alien visitor*small town) + (alone+helpless+outgunned)]
>He's still butthurt about that one post
>duel of the fates
>not the superior version
>no 'sweetie'
>Never passed the bar
Did she suck someone off?
i always thought he lost his eye fighting wolverine and they were gonna connect that once they got the rights, woulda been way better than a fucking cat
fukken kek
M. Night > MCU
Have sex
Isn't ant man the guy who slapped his hot wife around? The fact that I haven't read any ant man comics and I know that tells you what they will do to ant man. Pretty much perfect solution for them - have him slap Wasp, then Wasp gets a revenge and she takes his spot in the movies.
> Hey nick, why did you build these flying carriers of death to spy on and execute people
> I don’t trust people, like this one time my eye got scratched out by a alien cat while playing with it
you two are dicks
jesus they've put it back to iron man 2 humour
Asking the real question man. Thats a serious plot hole.
Once the muslims take over they'll put an end to your "female future"
you know how the kree skrulll had been fighting for eons?
well turns out the skulls are just seen as terrorists but in fact they are refugees looking for a home, aparently they are only a thousand and for some reason they don't go to live in the trillions of planets in the universe, they have the power to travel to earth but not any other
The whole running joke throughout the movie about his eye was pretty good, but a cat scratch being what actually did it is just embarrassing
That's really stupid even for capeshit.
They don’t need to erase Peter Parker, they just gave him a repulsive MJ and erased 99% of all the white people in New York instead.
>they're gonna make Captain Marvel the new leader of the Avengers
End Game is probably the last MCU shit I'll watch
Wasn't the point of the scenes before that that Fury lies and keeps secrets? Why would you trust him to come completely clean when his first scene at the end of Iron Man is "you think you're the only super hero? There's a whole new world out there that you know nothing about" and Ironman 2 he's like "my world does not revolve around you"
ironic shilling is still shilling, user.
Same reason they did it to fin. Social justice anointed Mary Sue's aren't allowed to have male equals.
Could Ebony beat Goose?
i expect him to do a gesture and everyone in the room shit their pants.
Wasp would probably be the perfect leader.
Leader should not be the most powerful as it seriously sidelines other team members.
> He built those carriers because of a cat...
Or Black Widow
That's not a retcon. That's a character lying because he's embarrassed about the real reason he lost his eye. It even is in character for him to lie like this: he lies in the first Avengers and puts blood on Coulson's cards and pretends like they were on Coulson in order to talk the Avengers into becoming the Avengers.
I do.
He built those carriers to exterminate all cats.
Why didn't the cat use his tentacle face on nick? Or why did he put a tentacle launching cat 3 inches from his own face?
I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.
Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.
Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids
Holy Shit BTFO
A good question. For another time
Wouldn't his eyeball be rotting and dead?
why not just have it removed
The movie that made me stopping watching Marvel.
I'm starting to realize Captain Marvel is MCU's TLJ. We even have an example of damage controlling the situation by claiming most of the fans that hated the movie weren't fans but just: Straight Male Incels, trolls, or Russian Agents or Yea Forums anons trying to start up trouble, or a mixed combination of all of them combined.
2 sheckles have been deposited into your account
Howard Stark found the Tesseract while searching for Steve Rogers after WWII. He brought it back to SHIELD. Project Pegasus, which was a SHIELD Project, used the Tesseract as the core for their lightspeed engine. It was lost for a while, the Captain Marvel Movie happened, until Goose hocked it up on Fury's desk. SHIELD then had the Tesseract back until the beginning of The Avengers 1.
Blame the current time where you're allowed to shit on white men in any form of media and push agendas while ignoring actual coherent stories.
Sorry I couldn't fit in the last 100 words boss, these 4channel goyim are getting smart
>have acces to the name chewbaca ´coz its a property
>still make an OC do not steal
disney is a joke