What's the best movie death scene ?
What's the best movie death scene ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Scarface (1983). youtube.com
Hands down this guy in Matrix revolutions
Ignore the fucked-with sound effects and soundtrack. I hate it when they do that. Also, they crushed the black levels. Great job, zoomers.
his fucked up face used to scare me as a kid
That movie was so boring. That scene too.
You're boring.
oh wow is that garfield?
t. shit-eating zoomer
/only The Matrix was good
Not the best ever but I like it a lot.
your opinion is as bad as your receding hairline grampus
>best death scene in a movie thread
>people posting shit from 300, the matrix, and similar popcorn flicks that are utter trash
>no one mentions Tarkovsky's the mirror and the way the main character dies
>no one mentions Apocalypse Now and the way Kurtz dies
>no one mentions Fargo and the way the wife dies at the beginning of the movie
>no one mentions Once Upon a Time in America and the "I slipped" scene
>no one mentions Herzog's Cobra Verde and the final scene
>no one mentions Herzog's Woyzeck and the scene where Woyzeck kills his wife
>no one mentions
You're a bunch of fucking plebs.
But do go on, niggers. Continue pointing out the following:
>Spock's death in Star Trek
>Darth Vader's death in Star Wars
>Mufasa's death in Lion King
You're empty, you're false, you're little men. You're boring.
They're plebs, but you're an enormous faggot for expecting much from Yea Forums post 2014.
It's been le funny meme forced meme board for years.
Lord Cutler in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
>hurrr durrr dey da best cuz muh internet best of lists say so
Begone impressionable zoomers. Men with opinions are talking.
whereas you aren't sad and boring at all.
this is a dumb topic to start with, it's supposed to be populated by james bond villain deaths and the like. and you come in like a pseud
>Tarkovsky, Herzog, the list could go on...!
you're just a different kind of plebeian my friend
who are you quoting
Got all my hair, cuntyMcgee.
Spock's death in Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan.
I didn't rememer the movie being this goofy. I haven't seen it since it came out.
Hands down there is no better scene than pic rel
William H. Macy is such a great actor. I love that he is smiling but you can see it in his eyes that he's done with life.
>William H. Macy is such a great actor
amazing post.