I just came home from cinema and holy shit guys! This is literally the best film since at least 20 years, among all genres, worldwide! The negative sentiment of this board always seemed fishy to me but now that I know that this movie is no less than a masterpiece, you can safely rest assured that every review below 9/10 is done by salty incels.
What a tour de force! What an absolutely sublime experience!
gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8
>I can’t appreciate art and call everyone who can a soiboi
>What a tour de force!
It's spelled tour de france idiot
And what does a cycling contest have to with this shit anyway
>not even knowing that there is a difference between tour de force and Tour dé Frânce
>being that illiterate
wew lad
>It either has to be the best movie of all time or the worst
>Somehow this has turned into a M vs FM thing
>If the movie is good somehow men lose
>If the movie is bad somehow women lose
>All of this fighting over a monthly marvel movie
Both groups are small minorities but it really makes you not want to support either side. Feminists and men-activists are both trash
Yeah you just want a plausibly deniable way of shitting on the greatest kino of our time.
>I'm not an incel guise but
>Not gonna lie, i loved the shit out of that movie but here are some minor problems I have with it
Goddamn concern troll! Everyone not giving this movie at least a 10/10 is a shill!
>not knowing sarcasm
>being that easily trolled
Fuckin’ hell, Ricky
>Better movie than Iron man 2/3, Thor 2, Incredible Hulk, BvS, and MoS
>About equal to the first Captain America
Its not as bad as people make it out to be
Oh wow what an ironic post! You get some reddit gold m8!
The Avengers were fucking jerks in this movie. They gang up on Thanos like schoolyard bullies. Or that scene where Thor's impaling him and clearly reveling in it.
>not even getting the clue by the diacritics
>i am a godmode troll here
the absolute state
It's "Use the Force" you nimwit.
I think we can at least confirm, this is the worst thread of the hour on here.
Have sex
It was alright. Alita was better, though.
retard detected