Leaving neverland

These people are SO full of shit, especially the mom of James Safechuck. This woman is in complete admiration of Michael. No person talks about their abuser with such admiration.

Im sure they were just loving veing carted around 1st class on Michaels dime. Even if michael did do something these parebts are just as scummy.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shes absolutely giddy in her interviews.

watch Oprah's companion piece After Neverland. She asks some good questions about the grooming and the somewhat bizarre behavior of the accusers and their parents.

Another thing that struck me weird was that the mok of James Safechuck kept the neveralnd ranch book. Why would you keep a memento from your childs abuser?



found it stupid that they burned all that shit in the end. should have sold it

Michael was not a good friend. He abandoned James and Wade when he found a new "friend" and only reached back out when he needed them to testify for his trial.

He is a manipulator.

MJ was a kiddy fiddler, deal with it sweeties

Honestly fuck kikes

I wonder why (((they))) went after him.

I found it interesting that the only people who claim sexual abuse are the ones who were kicked to the sidelines.

>that moment in the second part where the whole Robson family relive the moment where Wade told them he was abused and they all break down in tears

Yeah, if you think they were acting that and all conspired to make this shit up, you have something wrong with you.

I'm guessing everyone who says the documentary is lies has either only watched part 1 or hasn't watched it at all. You'd have to have something wrong with your brain to think that James and Wade are acting.

The type of turbo-autistic non-empathic brain that sees a conspiracy around every corner.

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it's da jooos

Holy fuck, how many goddamn threads are you going to make on this fucking documentary or just MJ in general. It's fucking exhausting; everything that can be said has already been said. Give it a rest.

When was it? Was it before 2007 when Robson was making tribute videos for Michael on youtube?

They still did his bidding as adults.

So we can all agree Dangerous is his best album, right?

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Didn't all this people took money from Michael to fuck off? If your kid was molested would you really just take some cash and walk away?

Michael is a pedo. He can't speak to children or anyone for that matter properly. His voice is so gay. His body is crippled.

Stop giving this shapeshifter attention.

But you cannot say that they're not acting just because you think they arent. That's not a good argument either.

Perhaps they should all take polygraph tests.

What are actors. Fucking hell, if you believe every crying person that tells you some bullshit, you're a real moron. The FBI watched MJ like a hawk for over a decade and found nothing. Those same people in this "documentary" were witnesses in a trial where he was acquitted.
The dude might have been a weird guy but he was no pedo and all this shit is just unsubstantiated nonsense

>James Safesneed

>have to google James Safechuck because it sounds like a meme or a filter
>it’s real

Fuck no nigga, that'd be BAD.

I don't think all of them are lying, it's just Wade fooling everyone.

The thing that absolutely proved to me that MJ was guilty was hearing about his 7 hour phone conversations and faxes to a 7 year old child.

Think about it, the only people who stay on the phone to each other that long are infatuated lovers. If MJ is really just an innocent, eccentric child trapped in a man's body then why is he having these long phone conversations to a child almost everyday. Think back to when you were a kid and wanted to talk to your friends. Would you ever have a phone conversation with them that lasted that long? What the fuck would you even talk about? It only makes sense when you realize that he was infatuated with these little boys and was going through a painstaking grooming process with them.

Also, seeing his little birthday message to Wade. Dude looks like a lovestruck teenager sending a love message to his girlfriend.

If MJ really is innocent ,then he's the most pedo looking man in the history of the world to not actually be a pedo.

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No, but Michael put the kid he allegedly raped as his main witness who testified in his defense.

Daily reminder that MJ is innocent is Yea Forums and MJ is guilty is reddit.

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Polygraph tests are known to be unreliable and pseudoscientific, you fucking retard.

Everytime I heard his name I was thinking about this.

I have to hand it to Razorfist he demolished the documentary and pointed out all discrepancies in the podcast with EVS.

How dumb do you have to be to believe that a star of MJ caliber actually has 7 hours of free time to talk to some children, even if he were fucking them? Don't you recon he had studio meeting, dance and voice rehearsals, etc that might have occupied his time?

>The FBI watched MJ like a hawk for over a decade and found nothing.

I've lost count of how many times I've seen this exact line posted on almost every website where Leaving Neverland is being discussed by deranged MJ stans/fans/truthers.

Where are you learning this shit? Is there a place were you go to congregate, like some secret special forum?

>The thing that absolutely proved to me that MJ was guilty was hearing about his 7 hour phone conversations and faxes to a 7 year old child

That doesnt prove that he sexually assaulted someone. I know what it seems like it might mean, but that isnt proof of sex.

that's the joke


If you actually watched the doc, you would understand Wade didn't come to terms with his abuse until years later when he had his first child and went into therapy. He still struggles with feelings of love for Michael. It took him years to understand that what he even went through was abuse. This is common with victims of child sexual abuse.

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So is testimony, dork.

But polygraphs are still difficult to beat, even though it has happened.

It cant hurt. I dont see why anyone would be against it.

Same here. Those faxes really sent it over the edge for me. You can't say "he just never had a childhood, he's just like a child himself!" when you look at those creepy messages.

>no counter argument
How many shekels do you get to shill this "documentary" on this basket weaving forum?

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How do you even talk to a kid every day for several hours over the phone for 2 straight years

Kids are fucking dumbasses and annoying to listen to

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>it's all lies
>da joos did it

This is like arguing with flat earthers or 9/11 truthers.

>No person talks about their abuser with such admiration

Actually this is an extremely common part of abuser/victim dynamics

Hello, mr cognitive dissonance

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He couldn't have kids staying in his bed every night. Dude had to bust a nut somehow. Phone sex was the next best thing.

Even though they're inadmissible on court, they are still relied on by the FBI, CIA and general law enforcement to narrow down their suspect list. ALSO you cannot even get a job at the FBI, CIA or NSA without taking a polygraph. So it is definitely still valued by professionals.

If these families refuse to take a polygraph then I would call bullshit on all of them.



Especially when you consider that Michael Jackson was probably like a God to these boys. The most famous popstar in the world and he has chosen them to have special lover time with him. It probably felt wonderful to them at the time.

Why don't they file a complaint with the police? Why do these "victims" always go first to the press?

>video filmed in his bedroom surrounded by "nerd" memorabilia.
Yeah not watching this shit.


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Yeah but it's still pseudoscience. Gary Ridgway the serial killer passed a polygraph and went on to kill more people.

The only value they have is when the suspect believes they are real and you can use it to interrogate them more effectively. But they don't actually detect lies, just physiological responses to stress. But that doesn't mean you're lying.

>Because it's the setting that matters and not the arguments brought forth

yeah,, no
as a fellow plebbitor i can tell you we're defending him too

this this this this this this

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They would not have left their 7 year old daughter alone for a week with a adult they had just met, let alone let her sleep in his bed. I guess they didn't know too much about homosexual pedophilia back in the 1980s? "He's a boy, what could possibly happen to him left alone with superstar Michael Jackson?" It turns out slight over three quarters of child rape occurs with male victims, yet even today the emphasis in reporting is put on little girls getting abused.

So, assuming the allegations are all true and not just a money grab at the now finally settled Jackson estate, it was undertandable ignorance on the part of the parents. You also have to appreciate the prevalence of Wacko Jacko end of news segments at the time: almost weekly a new "isn't Michael Jackson craaaazeeee" story would dominate the new cycle, he's got a pet chimp called bubbles who he treats like a son, he sleeps in an oxygen tent, he dresses up as Dionne Warwick for guests, he's built another rollercoaster in his back yard, he has sleepovers with fans, he's experimenting with a new fad diet where he only eats food beginning with the letter "J", he's purchased the Moon, he denies having plastic surgery again, he bought fifty lamas to keep his elephant happy etc etc The truth about his activities all fell into "zany magazine article" and after a while folks got numb to it. The fact that he paraded his new shota boyfriends around and hugged and kissed them on camera was just another facet of wacko jacko this week.

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We all understand that. But what Ridgeway did was extremely rare. Polygraphs have been used for decades and experts have so much experience with them that they know what to expect and where the weaknesses of the system are.

But it does give us a place to start from.

The polygraph often doesnt even have to be used in order to help an investigation. But just asking a suspect to take one and seeing their response is often helpful. And of course if a suspect says they're innocent but refuses to take a polygraph obviously that speaks volumes.

If, for example, Wade Robson refuses to take a polygraph, I would say then that he's hiding something. I pick Robson because he's the one where body language and statement analysis experts have said was being the most untruthful.

So let's demand that he take one snd see what he does. That is exactly what the FBI would do.

I was using reddit as a shorthand for the accepted normie/NPC position. Of course the MJ subreddit is gonna be on his side. Don't get your panties in a bunch, redditor.

I was madly in love with a girl like nine years ago and I distinctly remember having a late night call that went on like 7+ hours. They usually went on for awhile but that one time was like a working shift. Feels sad :( man. MJ is a pedo btw no doubt.

Fans can be in denial forever. Fanboys of Margot Robbie started believing Tanya Harding and some believe that the attack was a hoax.
Doesn't make the defenders of MJ wrong, the accusation has enough holes to dismiss it for now until more believable information surfaces. For now there's reasonable doubt and the accusers are not trustworthy.

This. Wade had such admiration for Michael because MJ in some messed up way is his first love. The way he’s describes it with such emotional resonance it had to be sexual. If you’ve ever had that relationship with someone where they just come into your world and turn it upside down you can relate to it.

Because they’re a fucking mind game. All you have to do is tell someone they lied to a question you think they lied to, and the gullible ones start coming up with excuses. Alternatively, you can use it as an excuse to not hire someone, which isn’t much of a bar given the shit HR puts a normal person through.

You’re defintely right about that. I remember these 4 hour conversations I would have with a girl and the time would just evaporate. I was intensely into this girl both emotionally and physically.

the moms when they were young were pretty hot, i can't believe michael jackson didn't want to tap that, what a fucking faggot

If you are still actually recommending a polygraph, you should literally shoot yourself in the head.

But they did sell it. It must have been old crap for the sake of good television, or they had enough left over not worth as much as the stuff they did sell.

Right up until they question anyone with half a brain who tells them to fuck off with their polygraph shenanigans because they know it’s an interogation technique right up there with “things will go easier if you tell us the truth. If you get lawyers involved you look guilty, and then you’re going away for a long time.”

Not taking a polygraph falls under the umbrella of “don’t talk to the police”. You don’t have to prove your innocence to anyone.

Safechuck's mom still looked sexy to me.

Jackson's estate is worth almost a billion dollars. That doesn't mean they are lying per se, but if they are lying it is a huge motivation for them to do so at this point now that all other legal claims over the money has been settled.

This isn't like the Jimmy Saville posthumous revelations, where folks who had been filing complaints and being told to fuck off by the police for decades were finally vindicated. This is the word of two men who stand to gain enough money to build their own Neverland Ranch if they wanted to do so. Anyone can play up for the camera, we've seen similar tearful testimony in films like Capturing The Freidmans from a fraudlent claimaint in a child abuse allegation case.

Remain skeptical, chaps. Tears do not add credence to a claim made in the court of public opinion.

not even top 3. Thriller is by far the best

what is convinving to me is how james describes his love for michael. showing of his ring.

Did you ever consider he's lying about having long phone conversations like that? Jesus Christ retard.

what about the hundreds of faxes?

before the internet or texting, you would talk to girls you liked on the phone for hours, michael liked boys so he talked to boys for hours on the phone

How long had the investigation gone on for before Jackson croaked it? The man's dead, you can't get the justice that you deserve if it is true. It's horrible that you got raped as a child, yeah, but bringing it up 10 years later to revitalize the whole talk doesn't do anything because there are people who were always skeptical and there were people who were always believers. Might get more converted to believing you but to what end? Getting money from Jackson's family who most likely had nothing to do with it in general?

mj still had his ex-boys under control when he was alive. when things got rough and he felt that they needed his attention he groomed and love-bombed them again. thats all over now. james is just realising that. i dont blame him. he was brainfucked from his early childhood.

>doesn't do anything
people now realize that a 30+ year old man sleeping in the same bed with a 8 year old boy is a bit odd

is this like speed weed?

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Yeah, but we have known that since this whole shit first dropped.

>That doesnt prove that he sexually assaulted someone
no but that combined with all the other behaviour says hes most likely a pedo
People only act this way towards MJ because they like him, if this was some random guy doing all these weird things you would for sure think he was a pedo

>He still struggles with feelings of love for Michael. It took him years to understand that what he even went through was abuse. This is common with victims of child sexual abuse.
Gee whiz if you feel fine and it takes years of people gaslighting you about how abused and damaged you were before it ever even feels like you were abused maybe it wasn't so bad in the first place

hope someone you love gets sexually abused you insensitive piece of shit.

what I dont understand is why everyone is taking this shit so seriously now all of a sudden. hes had these same types of allegations against him for 25 years, including a giant trail like 12 years ago. But now, a decade after hes dead people hate him for being a pedo?

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>character is named Safechuck
>he gets raped
Terrible writing.

>t. NAMBLA vice-president

take the Based Pedophile Pill

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pedo detected

Absolutely, I'm not suggesting the lads are lying, more that there are more than enough skillful liars who rely on viewers to believe emotive tearful claims. We've had a little too much of that sort of thing convicting folks in the court of public opinion recently.

The convincing parts of the documentary are subtle, the sorts of thing a liar wouldn't think to include. The respect both lads still have for Jackson despite everything is palpable, and it sounds exactly like Culkin's defense of his adult friend. I don't know if the final part will go into details of the physical side of the abuse, but it's possible Jackson never sodomized his victims, making the touching-in-bed assault seem less like assault in the minds of the vicitms. At 7 years old, having a besotted MJ cuddle you and then dry hump your leg probably didn't seem violating, he wouldn't know what frottage was at that age.

In retrospect that album cover is creepy AF

>half naked black kid
>MJ eyes peering out like the all seeing pyramid Illuminati eye

I don't give a fucking shit if Wade spread his asshole while MJ jerked off to it, he got to fugg prime Britney.

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They realized they were "mollested" when they reached 30, wanted to start living with their families on their own and looked into their bank accounts.

>hopes someone innocent that user knows gets raped
How does that make you better you absolute retard?

>hollywood is full of pedo's
>they allow this movie to get made and try to destroy his reputation
Alright lads, what did he have on them if they knowingly oust one of their own? Is it just simple greed? Was it all fake and they are just trying to slander? Why would pedo's bring light to something that goes on in hollywood?

Oh I'm sorry it must've been while they were still openly defending him and making tributes if the mother celebrated Michael's death in 2009.

They saved the answering machine tapes with MJ and they sound creepy as hell.

MJ deniers are in like JFK territory at this point, only instead of the frickin president of the US you have a pop star with diminishing returns by the mid 90s.

It's more about airing the truth. Obviously there are still rabid MJ stans that can't handle it so they completely go against Occam's razor to concoct wild theories instead of just admitting what is right there in front of their eyes: MJ was a fuckin' pedo.

he is gay though, it's very obvious

It's a lot more emotionally involving when you watch a four hour long testimony of two guys who were groomed and molested as pre teen boys for literally years. We never really heard the two boys who went to trial because the first one was under gag order after it was settled out of court. The second one we understood more, but was also muddied by MJ's lawyers and defenders (ironically one of the victims in this film now)

formerly safesneed

yeah, but its really easy to make people believe your side of the story in a really long one sided documentary

Even if he is, he still fucked Brittany. He’s probably bi.

It's not that easy when you have two families backing up timelines and events. Have you watched it. The first red flag for me was when the Australian family all went on a road trip but left one person behind for a week with MJ. I think you can guess who that was. Hint: it wasn't the sister.


>Taj Jackson, the icon's nephew, claims dance choreographer Robson was in a relationship with Brandi Jackson at the time of the alleged molestation.

>Taj slammed the makers of the explosive documentary and claimed they've twisted the facts to suit their story.

>'He dated my cousin for over seven years and it's really interesting because they left that out of the story - and he dated her during the time period that he's getting supposedly molested by my uncle Michael.

>'I think it's ridiculous especially since my uncle Michael was the one that basically brought them together. And so it throws off the whole narrative of Michael Jackson only wanting him [Wade] for himself or teaching him to hate women.'

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but again, none of this shit is new. why do people care that he molested people now when they just sort of laughed it off for 25 years

It's totally new. These two men were in denial for decades. They've been in therapy for years now and are only coping recently (although I think James is still very fucked up from it).

looking forward to the sequel. with the amount of info to cover, there may yet even be a trilogy. michael was a busy man.

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>Jumping on the #MeToo train for quick bucks

That's such bullshit. Robson had been molested since the age of 7 by MJ. Just because Robson hooks up with a Jackson cousin (when? in middle school?) doesn't discount it at all.

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>I'm a moron who can't attack arguments

oh, its the razorfist shill again. i clicked that shit and deeply regretted it.

they are just two more people on the pile of dozens of other accusers. I really dont care

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Not even pedo just never heard a good answer to that or why having sex with an adult when you're under 18 supposedly melts your brain even though no one gave a shit until like 300 years ago, was humanity a bunch of pedophiles and abuse victims for like 99.9% of human existence? Or why there are first world countries where you can have sex with teenagers legally and no one considers them to be a nation of pedophiles, but if you're on America's magic dirt suddenly you transform into one.

Is it that crazy to consider that being treated like a irreparably damaged victim by society because your dangle got diddled might do more damage to your mind than the actual dangling itself? All I ever get back are accusations that I myself am a pedo-witch for even asking these questions.

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This is akin to all these #metoo women "realizing" they were raped after they got old and their careers disappeared. It's all a scam by some greedy people to leech of money from MJs estate

>until like 300 years ago
No more like 80 years ago

>Claim you got molested
>don't file criminal charges
>because criminal charges give you no money

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pretty much this. they couldnt convict him while he was alive, so now bs documentaries like this will ruin everyones reputations after they die

let's pretend they're telling the truth
this means when they testified in court in jacksons favor, they lied under oath
now theyre on video saying the opposite
lying under oath is a felony
when are they going to jail? if there are no consequences for this, its gonna set a precedent where you can lie in court without repercussion

How DARE you!

You cannot punish VICTIMS!

link for part 2? No HBO

None of this is evidence. You're just being a bully.

MJ molested me too, but I enjoyed it

To be fair if you're gonna be molested might as well be this fucking mega star millionare who can buy you and your family anything and everything.

What's all the complaining?

Creepiest part of the documentary. For me, it's:

>Has anyone seen my little one? My little one is here

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why is this shit just becoming important now 20 years later

An amazing day when both /pol/ and reddit are defending a (more or less) liberal black man with equal intensity. It's almost like autistic people have the ability and willpower to do even the most basic research about sensational claims presented with zero evidence instead of just blindly believing it. Maybe this timeline isn't completely cursed.

safecuck's mom is a scumbag. how the fuck did she not find it weird that a huge celebrity had nobody to hang out with and wanted to spend all his time with a little kid and was grooming him with cash/clothes kek

Thought for sure he was making that shit up until MJ said it on the happy birthday tape. Fuck sake imagine that in the middle of the night



Because the guys claiming they got molested only recently got money problems

polygraphs mean nothing you brainlet.

Unless you're an autist or a sociopath, it's really easy to tell when someone is fake crying.

As someone who is neurotypical, I can confirm that the emotion on Wade's face as well as his sister, brother, wife and even his mother was genuine.

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Pedophilia is the new cash cow. Honestly, no one is watching documentaries celebrating celebrities its time to bury them with accusations. More eyes on the product.

>"We even went to the set of an Indiana Jones movie and Harrison Ford took me outside and molested me"

why is this part being overlooked?

It's especially horrifying that everyone used to treat it like a joke back in 90s and 00s. Eminem, Scary Movie, etc.

proof they have money problems?

Most of reddit isn't defending him just his brainwashed fans. And the only people defending him on Yea Forums are edgelords who say "kike" every other sentence and think that the earth is flat and that 9/11 was done by the Jews.

Of all the people you chose to Stan for in the entire world, you chose the one who is probably the most obvious 'hiding-in-plain-sight' type pedophile in modern history. I guess that's part of why people don't believe it. It's too obvious to be true so there has to be a conspiracy theory.

It was always an open secret in Hollywood and celebrity circles that MJ was a massive turbo-nonce. But now with #MeToo it's just not acceptable to diddle kids anymore.

Brian Singer will be on suicide watch, no doubt.

guess this proves it, he did it.

-A Weinstein documentary called Untouchable also played at Sundance. No media coverage.

-The HBO ceo quits two days before the "documentary" airs. He was friends with Weinstein. Untouchable not featured on any streaming services.

-LN airs days before Weinstein court hearings begin

-Oprah, another friend of Weinstein, hosts the LN men on her shitty tall show, never invites Weinstein victims onto her show

-No celebrity is speaking up for pr against LN out of sheer terror for their own lives

-R. Kelly case suddenly being taken seriously despite the fact that everyone has known he was guilty since the 00s, but media is still silent on Weinstein and continues to make memes out of R. Kelly instead of take him seriously
But sure Michael Jackson is totes guilty guyz!

>Watching the first part
>Part where James Safechuck mentions all the parts in neverland where he had sex with Micheal. It seems that it was every which one of them.

That part seemed so wrong, how come no one catched them?
Plus the mom talking so highly of Micheal and even laughing. This seems just the usual american cashgrab riding on controversy.

Why would he admit to it? Can this be used in a court of law?

I am an hour and a half into it.
I have masturbated so much that I have worn my cock down to just a nub.

actually I was in an MJ thread on /pol/ earlier and most people there seemed to be against Michael, Yea Forums has more supporters. I think more than being fans of his music or thinking the jews took him down, people here just like trolling and being contrarian.

Michael's birthday message to Wade when he was a kid. Watch this and tell me he's not a pedo. He has the body language of a teenage girl sending a birthday message to the boy she has a crush on in school. I personally feel molested just watching it:


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Clearly never interacted with a woman in your life, if you believe crying and a wide range of emotions can't be easily faked if motivated enough

imagine if in twenty years we find out that Justin Bieber or Selena Gomez or someone has been out raping little boys or little girls this whole time, it would be fairly comparable to this and take people just as long to accept. doesn't mean that it isn't possible or even likely, considering predators go out of their way to be rich and adored

Dude, this is /incelTV, the same threads happen every day now, if not several times a day, because...hurr? Gih gih gih. Autism is a hell of a drug.

It's this, a Battle Alita thread, or a Bladerunner thread

How did that seem wrong? He literally designed Neverland as a fully-functioning kiddy fucking park with secret alarms and trapdoors and hidden beds and shit.

>how come no one catched them?
Because it never happened. The documentary is fanfiction. This is literally Jussie Smollet on steroids.

it's cgi made by the jews, duh

I've been in pol threads all day and witnessed the opposite.

thats pretty based. molesting kids is fucked up and all, but a giant sex themepark would be awesome if it were meant for adult women

>believing that MJ is innocent means I believe anti-vaxxing, flat earth, fake moon, pizzagate, reptile people, jewish overlords, time travel, tulpamancing, etc

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I didn't mean you can't fake crying. Of course you can. Actors do it all the time. It's just hard to fake genuine emotion. You can really tell when someone is purposely putting on the waterworks to be manipulative. See: Roxanne Pallett on Big Brother.

You will never be a 7 year old boy and get your ass eaten out by Jacko

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Seems creepy only because he looks creepy as hell. I don't see anything inherently lewd or wrong with this

The one thing that offends me the most about "Leaving Neverland" is that it's a four hour documentary when it could have easily been two hours at most.

Who the fuck edited this? Maybe that's why people are so taken by the doc; it's the filmic equivalent of buyer's remorse. "I spent four hours watching this movie, so I might as well care about it."

good thing they had a camera there to capture it all, eh?

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This, but /tv is just a bunch of hormonal women who believe any moron who cries on camera

It seems wrong because the mom of James said that there were mutiple people working there. And photos also show that he had security. How come no one working there ever catched MJ doing this stuff.

I'm an hour in, do they spend anytime trying to explain why Michael was this way?

thanks for being level headed.

theres literally no evidence for anything. thats why they dont have a legal case, and the times they tried it was thrown out.

Think of all the orgies he could have had with adult women, if only he had been so inclined. Probably could have gone full R. Kelly and kept an army of sex slaves hidden throughout his ranch.

>most of h3h3's subreddit is blasting REEEthan in the ass and defending Jacko
maybe there's hope for mankind after all...

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Someone actually thought that the drone scenes added anything


What does that even mean?

>implying he was literally just an innocent boy at heart and just slept in the same bed with all these kids and that was all
>Implying the similarities in all the accusers stories are planned as if they discussed it prior like all of them saying he taught them to masterbate, he loved getting his nipples rubbed, he asked then all to spread their asses
>implying he just had child porn books for some reason that was innocent
>implying kids could somehow know that he had blotchy skin on his penis somehow without having seen it
>implying the maid who saw him shower with the kids was lying
>implying he didnt display numerous signs of child grooming behaviour even without the actual sexual abuse like separating them from their parents for prolonged periods of time and only letting them be with him
>implying sleeping in the same bed as a 7 year old child as an adult isnt literal millionaire pedo behaviour
>implying you aren't a pedo sympathiser

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just look at him lol

>This, but /tv is just a bunch of hormonal women who believe any moron who cries on camera

No I don't. You can tell when someone is fake crying. See: Roxanne Pallett on Big Brother UK for an example.

based tee hee

>a pop star with diminishing returns by the mid 90s.
Dangerous sold almost as well as Bad. So in the early 90s he was just as big as he was in the 80s. And how many artists could still produce an album that goes onto become one of the best selling albums of all time (HISTORY) after the level of ridicule Jackson experienced in the mid-90s? Afterwards he disappeared and a number of things did him in like his by then ghoulish appearance and a vastly different musical landscape. But it's impressive that he managed to stay relevant as long as he did and even in death he's still competing well against modern artists. What other artist could that be said about?

Nothing about his profile says "healthy adult male'. Even IF he didn't act out sexually with these little boys, his behavior was bizarre and inappropriate. Look what he did to his face, with plastic surgery addiction.

"B-but, muh moonwalk!"

There's the cognative dissonance - a talented performer is also a sickening pedophile. Oh well!

And don't start on his childhood. The negative influences don't excuse him from the crime. You can try to make him a victim all you want, but if he was sucking on their penises or fucking them in the ass, he's guilty. Period.

The runtime flew by for me, I wish it had been longer.

Because it's propaganda. 2 hours isn't enough. The brainwashing is more thorough the longer and more graphic it is.

>the most pedo looking man in the history of the world to not actually be a pedo
*blocks your path

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John Waters isn't a pedo. He looks more like a rapist serial killer.

But c'mon. Nobody would call it rape after spending a night with Waters.


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The only reason why I am watching it, its because of seeing threads on other boards. But already from the first part you can smell the fact that they are trying to tell one sided story, but still I really don't know how those parents can be totally okay leaving thier child with a grown up anyway.

>Hey, go to Grand Canyon but leave your child to me
>This alone doesn't raise concern among the parents

If anything, this also is showing shitty parenting.

>you can really tell when someone is purposely putting on the waterworks to be manipulative

this is why you faggots spend thousands of dollars on Bel Delphine or other camwhores who string you along and make you believe you have a chance. Or get friend-zoned into oblivion by 5/10s. Because you're not only dumb but so sure of you're perceived superiority.

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nice try. kike

Of course they wanted Jackson to share his fame with them. As if you wouldn't want to. That's just human greed.

Irrelevant. Most musicians have long periods of downtime, even if they're on tour. Michael didn't tour that much, anyway,compared to other artists, he did 6 solo tours, with multi-year breaks in between.

Stop trying to rationalize this behavior. 7 hours on the phone with a child, by an adult, is bizarre and concerning, no matter who it is. If MJ wasn't famous, how long do you think parents would let a black man talk to their kids on the phone?

I've never talked to someone on the phone for more than 2 hours, and I was fucking her.

>this is why you faggots spend thousands of dollars on Bel Delphine
There's literally nothing wrong with this, it's my money.

None of this shis is EVIDENCE.


MJ supporters have hundreds and hundreds of pages worth of evidence, except accessible in the public domain.

MJ antis have one shitty documentary on a for-profit network run by people who are friends with Harvey Weinstein.

You have NOTHING to go on. Not one thing. Do the work. Research. Read. Open your eyes. Michael is a scapegoat.


Literally, what?

To me its just parents being shitty.

The guy is dead, whoever is in afterlife will judge him now. But how come you can accept to leave your child alone with a star. Leave it alone, that he was a pop star, but how come you can leave a child to a person that you barely know. This is just bad parenting all around.

>ITT: I think he's weird therefore he's guilty despite decades of investigation producing nothing to prove his guilt and the only accusers all have conveniently overlooked shady backgrounds or stories
This can't be real

Yeah, you're a real life fake crying detector. Police should hire you when they interview criminals to help them with your superpower

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Was Wade Robson an actor?

because one of the things you pick up on quickly as an actor is how to fake a convincing cry on cue.

How did that one kid know about the dark spot under MJ's penis?

>everyone on Yea Forums defending michael

wtf do you want to fuck MJ or something?

Some firsthand accounts suggest Michael was a better parent to the kids he hung out with than their actual parents. Ask Macaulay Kulkin.


jews told him

I'm really not a conspiracy nut, but Michael Jackson and Kurt Cobain are the only two conspiracy theories I'm aware of that I believe have weight to them.
There's so much fucking "well if THIS happened, why did THIS happen? why did THEY say THAT"? shit going on with those two it really does seem sketchy as all fuck. "dude he was so weird LMAO" doesn't count as evidence to me.

He didn't. He wasn't even aware he had vitiligo. This was debunked in the 90s.

But this isn't about the kids tho. This is more about the parents allowing this guy to spend time alone with thier kids.

If the parents had a bit of brain, they would've said no from the start pretty much.

this whole thing is complex.

i think michael was very good to these kids in many ways, gave them love and mentored them

I also think he licked their buttholes and peepees

wtf bro

>but dude they cried!


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Are you too dumb to understand that the mothers pimped out their sons to MJ for money?

If confirmed victims of child abuse in Hollywood at the time said MJ didn't abuse them despite being in a vulnerable state and easily silenced, then he probably didn't.
The Occam's razor situation here is that MJ was an absolute weirdo who's actions could be construed as many ways as you like. In that situation the possibility that he was a sexual predator is equally likely/unlikely or realistic/outlandish - either is possible because as an individual he was divorced from the standards of a normal, predictable human being.

At the end of the day no amount of testimony changes the fact that there is no actual proof which is why YOU DON'T JUST LEAVE YOUR KIDS ALONE WITH STRANGERS. It's not about their safety it's about the fact that if anything does happen then there's also no meaningful legal recourse. If MJ really did abuse the children of these parents, then all it would mean in a truly just society is that they end up sharing the punishment for being so irresponsible - but they want "compensation"? For their own insane decisions? MJ is also at fault even if he is "innocent" for unironically letting children be alone with him without supervision, which is frankly a crime in itself that he should have been charged with regardless.

When you tie in all the fucking money flying around then the truth stops mattering, it melds and bending depending on the will and stubbornness of people. The cult of personality will sanctify the worst people - but don't forget that people will start to believe their own lies and create their own mandela effects when in groups, and people with victim complexes turn this into an artform. At this point, in the year 2019, the truth of what happened is long since dead and distorted beyond meaning. A one-sided documentary is exploitative.

you are a pedo lover. the evidence: you are defending a pedo.

Not only he didn't, but he also said MJ was circumcised when he actually wasn't

Which again prooves what I am saying. This documentary is more showing to me that those parents of the kids were just shitty people.

He admitted on camera to sleeping with kids

he owned books made by convicted pedophiles, i'm not saying that is enough for finding him guilty(and in fact it wasn't) but it is something.

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Most people wanted to fuck MJ at some point so I'm not sure where you're going with this. He appealed to men and women, straight and gay. Not saying every single person wanted a piece but a huge chunk of people did. Even many of his haters are secretly tsundere for him.

THEY are trying to shut a DEAD MAN down. A new fucking low. MJ did nothing wrong

what would convince you? 7 of Jackson's "special friends" have alleged he behaved inappropriately towards them.

I hear he fucked little boys

>Everyone I don't agree with is a pedophile

Not according to District Attorney Thomas Sneddon


And you share a board with them. I'm not saying that is enough for finding you guilty but it is something.

People on Yea Forums are absolute fucking retards
It's embarrassing

Maybe MJ was a bit in the wrong by having a 7 year old perform oral sex on him, dont you think?

There's nothing to prove his guilt because pedophile grooming is the equivalent of making the Jonestown people drink the kool-aid.

Michael Jackson defended himself in 1993 and won. He made two more albums after that.

Michael Jackson defended himself in 2005 and won.

Michael Jackson even won posthumously when the 2013 lawsuit was thrown out.

Then why didn't they have enough evidence to arrest him?

Books which aren't illegal and you can buy safely off Amazon. He was also never found guilty of having any CP in his house despite his ranched being searched by the FBI.

If someone writes down so much text to defend a pedo, hes most likely a pedo himself

>kids can't enter contracts because they are too immature and could easily be misled
>kids however can give evidence in a court case though


Both of their civil suits were thrown out already, but because they missed the statutory period of 12 months after Jackson's death, not on merit of their claims. That kind of litigation is expensive as fuck, and neither are in a position to sue to reopen his estate, and convince a judge to pay damages, when proof is now almost impossible to find, and the defendant dead.

From what i can see, they aren't doing this for money, because they can't sue the estate.

No, he admitted to letting kids and their parents sleep in his giant bed, in his giant bedroom that was the size of a two story house, while he either slept on the floor or wasn't home at all. He was rarely home and was known to allow people to use his estate as a resort while he was away.

>this mubi manipulates my emotions so it's true
Wow this made me think really hard... If you don't think Toy Story 2 isn't real there's something wrong with you, I mean just look at Woody's face for gods sake

I don't care much about that since the guy is dead since 10 years. We'll never know the truth about this, let's just be real.

But the families stories, if they are true, to me its just showing that also the families in all of this were in the wrong. Because a good parent wouldn't never leave thier kid to a grown man that you barely know, with the excuse that he is a popstar.

Oh shit, what if a pedo wears a shirt of the same color as mine?
Am I fucked, lads?

Edgar Allan Poe fucked his 13 year old cousin. Is everyone who reads his work a pedophile?

They arrested and prosecuted him

Doubtful he ever touched her.

I sleep with my dog doesn't mean I have sex with him like some cunt





Really activates my almonds....

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Oh was he proven guilty?

>falling for CLEARLY fake tears

You have ZERO emotional intelligence. You likely have autism.

No he admitted on camera that he slept alone with a 13 year old boy in his bedroom

He did, and forced them to perform oral sex on his peenie privates. A SICK SICK fucker

wow, the pedo-defense today...wew lad

why are you outright lying? he said it in the Bashir doc, anyone can watch it on youtube.

he purposefully divorced himself from regular standards to disguise his pedophile behaviors. truth is the first thing to go when you’re disguising your actions, and his teams of lawyers and public relations experts made sure of that. YOU might be uncertain but I AM.

MJ was a pedophile, the official 9/11 story is 100% true, and there's nothing wrong with the Federal Reserve.

You tell these tinfoil fucking incels, brother!

I believe that the accusers families believe MJ did it
I believe that the film-maker believes MJ did it
I believe that the two accusers made a pact with eachother to make some serious fucking bank and legitimately convinced their families and the film maker that MJ did it
I don't believe MJ did it.

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Nothing amazing about it, Yea Forums is a safehouse for actual pedos who post actual child porn and loli shit. Not shocking at all they're defending a famous pedo.

They sure seem to have a very vivid memory of when they were 8 years old, day by day specific memory....Even to the point of remembering full conversations word by word.

I don't remember what happened last week.

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>What is Stockholm syndrome (ish)

With no evidence.

Meanwhile R. Kelly has shot child porn and he still gets a pass despite everyone knowing what he did. R. Kelly makes excuses for his attraction to children and barely sees them as children at all.

Michael Jackson has stated he would cut his wrists before touching a child. Even on his death bed when he was high on horse tranquilizer and was asked how he felt about kids, he said nothing incriminating. He was literally dying on opoids and all he had were compassionate things to say. You can listen to it on youtube.

OJ Simpson also won. So fucking what. Also, a large reason why he won in 2005 was due to testimony from Wade who was lying.

Some of the shit one can easily find online suggests there's a 75% chance you fuck your dog.

no michael obviously did it just look at him

I'd suspect that you fuck your dog If I find porn material with dogs or pictures of your dogs cock hidden in a secret room

kikes want their $$$

the absolute state of memorylets

If you don't believe that a man who was investigated multiple times and never found guilty is innocent you must be a pedo apologist. Kill yoursef fag

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No, he won because the Arvizos were con artists who were infamous extortionists and their testimony didn't add up.

"I don't celebrate birthdays, of course"


Was OJ proven guilty?

If you know any cunts who sleep with dogs, give me their numbers. I wanna watch.

Also they better be hot chicks. No fatties.

Is that what you tell yourself after you're done molesting kids? "Thank God they're too young to ever remember this"? Do you live in Russia?

He said he loved all of them

I don't even think it's a kike thing
Jacko's kike lawyer still vehemently defends him to this very day.
I think it's a case of two hollywood scumbags lying to their families and film studios to break off a piece of dat estate

You're not far off.


A good tell if someone is lying is if when explaining something they add a billion pointless details (to make it sound more convincing). If I ask someone accusingly what they had for dinner last night they might say something like "oh I just had leftovers". If they were lying they'd try to fabricate details like "u-uh at 6:14 pm exactly last night I g-grabbed my keys walked out the door said hello to my neighbor and went to this specific restaurants and and and and"

fuck off MJ is guilty af

yes, that makes sense...i guess? meanwhile, keep defending your pedo nig nog idol, m8

>gets fucked and sucked

You know what's kinda insane? 8 out of every 10 amateur bestial porn features a chick that's a 9+. Hot chicks commonly let thier dogs fuck them it seems

What about Latoya Jackson calling Michael a pedophile on camera?

he only loved the male ones, tho

Martin Bashir is a fraud are you kidding me. This is basic stuff. There was a follow up docu after Living With Michael Jackson aired showing deleted scenes Bashir omitted from the final cut to distort the context of anything Michael did and said. This was proven in 2005 God Gen Z please catch up. You're killing me.

Why is this topic being brought up again anyway?
The guy has been dead for what, 10 years at least?
I thought we put this shit to rest? His accusers got a shitton of money and all was settled. Literally doesn't matter if he did it or not now, you can't punish him now, he's dead.
Normalfaggots just have nothing better to do.
(btw he did do it)

When you're single and want to get a start in the amateur porn business, who better to partner with than man and woman's best friend?

I wasn't defending Poe you gaslighting piece of shit.

>meet some innocent cute girl in college that was under 5 foot
>turns out she has been letting her dog fuck her for years
>also was really into anal

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It's only creepy if you're projecting your own sick thoughts into it.

>"this is a serious documentary about molestation"
>fancy aerial shots of mountains and shit

lol yeah no

Damn, bro. Is MJ the only good person in the world?




Maybe that's why people are taking "Leaving Neverland" so seriously.
They don't want to hold any actual discussion about the topic nor jumpstart a larger conversation about celebrity mental health or pedophilia in general.

They just want a scapegoat, an effigy to raze.
There are no heroes left in man.

why do people still talk about Hitler hes been dead for 60 years

One of MJ's ex employees who moved to the Philippines was interviewed by the FBI, during LAPD investigation, and told them on record he witnessed MJ abuse children.


Most security, working at that level, know how to maintain extreme measures of privacy, and don't "see" anything, because they're paid not to. Look at the Secret Service - you think they don't know exactly who was fucking who in the White House?

The stories, like one above, were squashed by people at the highest levels, because of the money MJ made for his label, and MTV, and everyone else involved. OJ walked after cutting his ex-wife's head off, and his career over, you think it would have been impossible for MJ to buy everyone off, for years?

>hmmmmm you know I really like fucking little boys
>but man the press is always on my ass, how do I keep this shit from getting out?
>...I GOT IT
Not every man that likes kids is automatically a pedophile. Some of them just legitimately like kids. Michael was socially retarded anyway, but he wasn't retarded-retarded.

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Not at all. But if he goes down like this, it will be a travesty of justice that will affect the course of media, social politik, and music history as we know it.

He literally raped children

Meanwhile the housekeepers who defend him get barely any coverage.

I'm not a lawyer arguing a case in court, you pathetic neckbeard worm. Fuck you and your "muh evidence" bait.

Never implied that. If the guy fucked some children, I think its useless to talk about it after he is dead. Let people remember him at this point by the music that he is made and nothing else.

This documentary if anything is showing me more also how the families of those guy that probably were abused by MJ were also pretty shitty. Because as I said in the other posts, no good parent would've allowed to leave thier children with a grown up man that they barely know.

>But polygraphs are still difficult to beat
You absolute fucking retard.

Why? He was a gay nigger freak

>pay off everyone in the government and every family and every kid and everyone in the entire state
>somehow almost everyone remains tight-lipped about it and nobody anywhere ever brings any concrete evidence

Wow, I guess everyone MJ bribed was just super trustworthy! What a lucky coincidence!

the funny thing is.. if he were found guilty he might still be alive :(

She probably enjoys smearing shit on her chest by now

I had someone on /pol/ say he hopes someone in my family dies by the end of the week because I pointed out how the kid drew MJ’s exact pubic marks, and how MJ slept with the kids on record.

He literally screamed I was a lying kike and never adressed anything I said no matter how much I restated it. And the entire thread was calling him based.

I dont know what the supernatural fanatic connection people have to MJ that brings out this sort of rabid primal rage in people anytime he is moderately criticized.
Maybe half of the entire nation was raped by MJ and they all have stockholm syndrome.

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what concrete evidence can you have about a guy jerking you off 20 years ago???

Yeah sure, samefag

So people who didn't buy Smollett's crocodile tears lacked emotional intelligence too?

>The FBI watched MJ like a hawk for over a decade and found nothing.


His whole shtick was that he was Peter Pan who wanted to help kids and spend time with them because he didnt have a childhood. This way it wouldnt seem suspicious that a 40 yo spent all his time playing with kids

It's all one guy (pic related)

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What time is this scene at or link it? I don't want to watch the entire doc beause it's boring and gross.

>kick me
>kike me
He's already dead, leave him alone you ghouls.

/pol/ is pozzed by years of jewish sheningans. Only mutts and redditors use that board

He admitted to sleeping with kids in his bed and a kid drew his precise pubic marks on record

Useless? Not for the victims. And not for exposing anyone who helped cover it up, like his shady as fuck lawyer.

It's funny because you're still upset over some polcel (on /pol/ to might I add) raging at you.
You're the fool in this situation sweatie

Oh, look, the pedo is trying harder to defend a pedo.

Underrated post.

stop defending this fucking creep who has plenty of things pointing to his pedoness.

MJ was a kike lover

delet MUH FBI

This whole MJ trail has just further reinforced my notion that the opinions of people on Yea Forums should just be ignored.


What's Macaulay reaction to this? At this point he could finish Jackson once and for all. Hell, he doesn't have to say anything. Just looking at the guy it is clear he was abused as a child.

K, good luck surviving the pedo panic, the rex scare of our times. Have fun living in a world where false accusations are believed automatically. Just pray you're not next.

>The Sun

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This would've been way bigger if MJ was still alive pretty much. Right now, you can see all of this just feels like ripping off his estate some money.

The guy is dead. People will never know the truth about this whole case in the end. Some people will just remember him for his musical talent. And people probably will continue to laugh about him diddling children and so on. This documentary is pretty much useless now, considering that the guy is dead.

He admitted to sleeping with kids in his bed and a kid drew his exact pubic marks ON RECORD

Would you let your kid sleep with a sof spoken middle aged unmarried man?

>his shady as fuck lawyer
Who is jewish

Nothing in that article suggests or even implies that they found nothing. If anything, the memos are damning in that nothing came of them.

It's not hard to use your brain or read. That isn't exclusive to lawyers. I previously assumed you were intelligent enough to do those things, you should feel grateful I thought so highly of you.

b-b-but /pol/ told me the jews hated him!! stop! plz!

Nobody is suing the estate. The two guys in the documentary tried, and the judge threw the case out because they filed it too late.

Money is not the reason here.

>Just looking at the guy it is clear he was abused as a child.
Doesn't mean that MJ was the one who did it.

And at this point, Culkin seems to have adjusted well enough.

>You also have to appreciate the prevalence of Wacko Jacko end of news segments at the time: almost weekly a new "isn't Michael Jackson craaaazeeee" story would dominate the new cycle, he's got a pet chimp called bubbles who he treats like a son, he sleeps in an oxygen tent, he dresses up as Dionne Warwick for guests, he's built another rollercoaster in his back yard, he has sleepovers with fans, he's experimenting with a new fad diet where he only eats food beginning with the letter "J", he's purchased the Moon, he denies having plastic surgery again, he bought fifty lamas to keep his elephant happy etc etc
This lmao. The peak of the arc was when was pic related imo

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That has been debunked oh my fucking god if you did any actual research you would know that.


Money could easily be the reason.
The two guys could easily be asking for compensation for interview requests or television appearances. God knows how much they asked Oprah to pony up.

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You pedos are trying WAY too hard here.

They're being paid by Oprah and Harvey Weinstein.

Then what is the reason?

Did you know that a guy that is dead was also a pedophile? This is the case?

He admitted to sleeping with kids in his bed and a kid drew his exact pubic marks ON RECORD

Would you let your kid sleep with a soft spoken middle aged unmarried man?
What would you think if that same man gave your kid this message on his 9th birthday?



>inb4 muh circumcision

Nah. It doesn't feel like that. And honestly? If MJ were still alive? He should be forced to give them a fuck ton of money, to pay for therapy to get over being molested by a 30 year old black man with a plastic nose.

He admitted to sleeping with kids in his bed and a kid drew his exact pubic marks ON RECORD

Would you let your kid sleep with a sof spoken middle aged unmarried man?
What would you think if that same man gave your kid this message on his 9th birthday?


This isn't evidence. FBI investigation findings are evidence. And it was proven that Jordan Chandler's description was fabricated. In 1993!

Both fathers killed themselves

The reason? The victims want to be heard. Part of getting past abuse is getting it acknowledged.

But what I want to know is why didn't the parents charge him or bring him in to criminal court instead of civil court.


And their sons spoke in defense of MJ when they became adults, no longer manipulated by their fathers.

He admitted to sleeping with kids in his bed and a kid drew his exact pubic marks ON RECORD

Would you let your kid sleep in the same bed with a soft spoken middle aged unmarried man?
What would you think if that same man gave your kid this message on his 9th birthday?


And yes I fully admit this is a copypasta. I refuse to allow anyone of you to run away from these facts because you wish MJ diddled your doodle instead

Cause hes dead?

They were groomed. Watch the documentary

Jehovah's witnesses don't celebrate birthdays


These "FBI" findings you keep babbling about don't exist. The few publically available documents are heavily redacted and only a sliver of what probably existed.

The FBI never, in any of their reports, exonerated MJ. They simply referred to the findings of the LAPD. They never ONCE declared MJ innocent of anything, and nobody can get any records of the FBI even DISCUSSING guilt.

But you keep posting about mythical FBI "findings". I bet you haven't even read any of the few FBI docs available.

Ok, I get that. But still why they testified that nothing happened when it was the relevant time to do it?

You mean like the Harvey Weinstein victims? Remember those? Remember that Robert former CEO of HBO and Oprah known friend of Harvey are focusing on this false MJ case with no critical basis to distract the public from Weinstein's court hearings which are happening right now? Everyone who speaks against Harvey gets labeled crazy meanwhile blindly believing this documentary gets you labeled a hero, all while taking the conversation away from the actual most powerful man in Hollywood.


300 pages

Have you read them

He admitted to sleeping with kids in his bed and a kid drew his exact pubic marks ON RECORD

Would you let your kid sleep with a sof spoken middle aged unmarried man?
What would you think if that same man gave your kid this message on his 9th birthday?


Oh wait i forgot MJ was actually the black white nationalist leader of the interdimensional fifth betallion which were prepped and ready to assault all the kikes and retake constantinople had the kikes not placed kids in his bedroom in order to frame him.

Seriously, how important do you think MJ must have been for them to elaborately set him up this bad? Was he going to be the next Hitler? Was the moonwalk a secret summoning ceremony for the moonman?

I'd need a book to explain. Victims and why they do the things they do is incredibly complex and bizarre.

Nothing wrong with this

Oh, just shut the fuck up, /poltard. You're exhaustingly retarded. Yes, in fact, I have. Which is why I'm making statements based on "muh evidence', and not making up vague "FBI findings" comments.


I thought it was hillarious actually