Captain marvel will bomb in France

>Captain marvel will bomb in France
This is tonight main screening in my town. 3 quarters of the room empty.
For comparison I went to watch Alita in the same room 1 week after it came out, and the room was PACKED

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France doesn't like cape movies though. Not a single one in the top 100 by admissions

>low captain marvel attendance in france
>a country filled to the brim with people who watch only pseudo intellectual b/w movies about people in black turtleneck sweaters contemplating sartre
>this is newsworthy
the absolute state of this subreddit

i think its more accurate that no one feels safe in evreux after dark

What the fuck do they even watch in France like what actual movies do French people make these days? From what Yea Forums tells me it's all interracial sex comedies.

I hope this shit movie bombs everywhere

t. dumb
Normies are plebs watching capeshit and fast and furious in France like everywhere else
>pseudo intellectual
>things brainlet say to describe things they don't understand

Good point too

My IQ is 173 and I'm in Mensa. You?

Watching a movie at 9PM on a Friday sounds like such a shitty evening out Especially to go watch capeshit.

People usually buy tickets shortly before the show, not the morning of

Do you wear a turtleneck? Fucking fag

Almost no reservations for tonights showing in 30minutes for my local theater in flanders. lmao

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Probably not in the US, and China has been tricked on the first weekend because they don't know any better
But the rest of the world doesn't seem to be giving a shit about this movie. Not any more than say Ant-Man for instance.

why would the french want to watch a movie about winning battles it's against everything they stand for

but the movie is about helping refugees

Leave the bombing in France to me

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My dad works for nintendo too

Yeah, last night my friend was able to buy tickets an hour before the premier and got good seats.

>For comparison I went to watch Alita in the same room 1 week after it came out, and the room was PACKED
I don't believe you.

Believe me or not. It surprised me too. Only a few seats available and it was the 15h50 screening 1 week after release

Especially to go watch this capeshit
Seriously, it's International Women's Day. They think women will team up to see a movie about a cat lady? Women would go out with their husbands or boyfriends to watch something with romance.


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My local theater. Red = taken


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UK, I haven't seen a single ad for this movie over here.

France is weeb territory, this is known.

France is a majority Muslim country, and captain marvel doesn't wear a burka so obviously no one is going to see it.

Makes sense, France is weeb capital of Europe.

Also a europoor here - from Italy. Nobody give a shit about captain marvel, it will bomb in international markets.

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Same in Spain; literally no one cares about any capeshit at all here

Jurassic World made 5 times more money than Infinity War

t. Buttmad frog

Maybe you shouldn't have elected another cuck who loves nigger dick. Had your chance with le pen, you frogs deserve death.

>frogs literally going to imprison le pen for showing images of the shooting in 2015

Can't wait to see you fuckers fall.

Well it's a little better, 15 minutes the start of the movie, ONLY 210 places left

frenchies are busy watching yet another
>white girl marries a black/arab man and white people learn a valuable lesson that everyone is equal

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>Disney has appropriately timed Marvel’s first female superhero movie to open on Women’s Day today in 4,310 theaters, and what a wonderful weekend this will be with Captain Marvel set to earn north of $130M should it follow a similar trajectory to that of Suicide Squad which made $20.5M in previews, a $64.8M first day and $133.6M weekend.

They are already lowering predictions

Nice rebuttal, frog. Enjoy your history and people being wiped out in only a few generations.


>tfw you'll never be able to go to France and order a Royale with cheese because they renamed it after the Muslim invasion

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>call others pseudo intellectual
>I’m in Mensa

>France is filled to the brim with overly-intelligent white people.
Next time you swing out to the 1890's, take me with you.

But terrorists in france are maghrebis and blacks not arabs.
>american education

90% of our modern production is shitty 'social' comedies about how good blacks and arabs are and how racist white people are made by Jews to launder money using subsidies from the state.

>lying on the Internet to seek validation

I'm not lying, why the fuck would I lie about that, just look at the biggest domestic successes.

When are they doing more Houellebecq kinos?

Good luck with that bro his last two books were respectively a book that described the Islamic takeover of France and a book about the death of the national character of France through the extermination of old nobility and traditional farmers laced with porn and decadence.

No one has time to go to movies when they are all getting raped.

>Arab GOOD
Lmao, whipepo are KEKED AF x'D

Larry Fitzgerald is an actor now?

Alita worked in France because they are the biggest weebs of Europe. The movie made 14M5k in 3 weeks