Emma Demands Better treatment for Hollywood Women

On this day in History...

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Damn she's aged badly

As a man I stand with these brave women in solidarity. Join me, brothers!

>we need to put an end to female oppression!
>Islam isnt bad though!

I'm still confused what rights men have that women don't.

>call on govts to help
>sign calling Trump 'Predator in Chief'
Woman 'logic'.

I thought she was a smart little girl. what happened to her?

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This bitch isnt even an actress anymore

The right to still look attractive in your 30s

shut it bigot

I'm more disappointed to see Troy Garity in the back

Can anyone who's actually involved in this rights thing tell me what rights women don't have? The law seems to favor them 90% of the time.

Not a single attractive woman there

Go outside and find out.

Did she whistle blow on Harvey or just go along for more money? Has she spoke up since ? She has some nerve acting so righteous now when she enabled such abuse.

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All I saw was a bunch of people walking around and a raven carrying an empty Big Mac box in it's beak

maybe if she paid her fucking taxes id take her seriously

emma, just have sex

>I stand
not have the decency to go

The plastic surgeon who bought this ad needs to go with a different agency

She should also take up smoking.


women are the most privileged creatures on earth

>a raven carrying an empty Big Mac box in it's beak

That's actually kind of interesting.

Did the box have food in it or was it just fucking around with a piece of garbage?

She should start her own Hollywood and just do it better

>Predator in Chief

When did Trump rape somebody? Who was it?

Do these NPC's actually ever back-up their claims?

I’m no tankie, but their aggressive abandonment of the proletariat is galling.

About time. The irony of these actors grandstanding about women's issues while in the business of pimp parenting, and prostituting for parts. It's like they think all women go through that when really they're the last of the dinosaurs.

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Why don't fight against islam?

>On this day in History...

Bitches be crazy.

Being respected and valued isn’t a civil right

Because Muslims countries wouldn’t put up with this shit

It was probably already empty, the ravens are always getting into everything they're pretty crafty birds

Why do we continue to coddle women? At some point, we have to call them out, right?

It's called the gender pay gap. Look it up.

I looked it up, the very first thing I saw was an article about maternity leave and men working more dangerous jobs

The gender pay gap is a myth tho. Can you show me a law that applies to men more favorably than women? Didn’t think so fatty

And that has been debunked countless times, dumbass.

based ravens


you first.

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More like the life expectancy gap.

she cute

They probably think it will get them laid. Sad!

Emma can shut the fuck up unless she's willing to skullfuck me with her feet

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Why do they wear those stupid fucking hats

What are the tax policies in hogwarts?

Based raven

Is that Jane Fonda?

is that a severed finger or a dick?

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>they're pretty crafty birds

It's true.

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What are these multimillionaires complaining about now?

What are some movies where the proletariat riot against the bourgeoisie?

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Warm yourself by the fire, son
And the morning will come soon
I'll tell you stories of a better time
In a place that we once knew
Before we packed our bags
And left all this behind us in the dust
We had a place that we could call home
And a life no one could touch
Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground
I don't need your help now
You will let me down, down, down!
Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground
I don't need your help now
You will let me down, down, down!
We are the angry and the desperate
The hungry, and the cold
We're the ones who kept quiet
And always did what we were told
But we've been sweating while you slept so calm
In the safety of your home
We've been pulling out the nails that hold up
Everything you've known
Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground
I don't need your help now
You will let me down, down, down!
Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground
I don't need your help now
You will let me down, down, down!
So open your eyes, child
Let's be on our way
Broken windows and ashes
Are guiding the way
Keep quiet no longer
We'll sing through the day
Of the lives that we've lost
And the lives we've reclaimed
Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground
I don't need your help now
You will let me down, down, down!
Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground
I don't need your help now
You will let me down, down, down!
Don't hold me up
(I don't need your help, I'll stand my ground)
Don't hold me up
(I don't need your help)
No! No! No!
Don't hold me up!
(I don't need your help, I'll stand my ground)
Don't hold me up!
(I don't need your help, I'll stand my ground)
Don't let me down, down, down, down, down!

so brave



Attached: male feminist rapists.png (625x605, 57K)


>Today I stand with.
>Figuratively not literally stand with mind. Obviously I wouldn't want be seen with the common folk.


>I am Kali! Destroyer of worlds!

Attached: jarawa blacked pussy kali.jpg (474x473, 71K)

All those barren cunts and resting bitch faces.

Its like a taping of The View.

I looked it up. There was a picture of you with the word "retarded" next to it.

how do i get neetbux in america

I would shove those signs up their asses

Shes lived a live of adoration, worship, global fame and unlimited wealth. Shes probably never heard the word "no" in her life. She might have been hurt from a bad breakup and picked up some feminist drivel in the wake of her sorrow.

>Do these NPC's actually ever back-up their claims?


Attached: Trump Arguments Cartoon.png (913x642, 37K)

because he said grab women by the pussy

>we need to end female oppression!
>by making all females QUEENS


Crows/ravens are the most kino bird by a damn mile. I want to keep one when I'm an old man and slowly make the process of him getting his dinner more complicated every day, really test the limits of their memory.

Cementing herself as worst Emma once again.

>Look it up.
I did. The Labor department said it doesn't exist. And they said it 30 years ago.