>remove 45000+ reviews for Captain Fungus
>it’s still shit
Kek just did Disney faggots
>remove 45000+ reviews for Captain Fungus
>it’s still shit
Kek just did Disney faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
>deletes "review bombers and possibly russian interference hackers"
there i fixed it for you
I mean I don't believe in any brigading or tricks on TLJ, but it's pretty obvious captain marvel is being review bombed. Your standard MCU capeshit doesnt hit 31% the day it opens organically
it's as organic as Brie's feet
Jesus fuck. It's real.
Why are you guys so mean?
>it's pretty obvious captain marvel is being review bombed
It also seems likely that hardly anyone seeing this movie likes it enough to give positive reviews. This didn't happen with Black Panther.
i blame drumpf
why would Russians do it? lmao.
Do the left really think that Russian as a country are incels?
Conspiracy theorist nutjob
You mean to tell me only 4,296 RT users have seen the movie since it premiered and most still didn't enjoy it?
Well deserved for the worst MCU movie. Have any of the people defending it even seen this shitfest?
I liked the spilled popcorn image. Its really cute
I'm not saying it's a good movie, but it had more reviews opening day than infinity war did in its entire theatrical run. It's suspicious at fuck.
I think naturally without review bombing it'd be in the 50-60% range
Your average Russian is unironically soemthing that city dwelling liberal homosexuals fear a lot. Russia is predominantly white and atm intensely anti LGBT. There are literal town meetings where White Russian men and women talk about how much they dislike homosexuals.
Have sex
All the normie reviewers disliked it or called it bland
They’re removing /pol/ raids. I don’t see the problem.
All eastern europe hate gays too desu. The trend is changing with the younger people tho
Rotten Tomatoes keeps telling me I scored the movie 5 stars and logging me out when I go to change it.
Russia's a shithole and slavs aren't white
Africans hate gays too it doesn't make them based
I assume most of these were 'want to see' remnants since they get rolled into the audience score
pic related since some people don't think they do
how much are you getting paid by Disney to post this in every Captain Marvel thread?
MSM has them covered
>wipe out over 50,000 votes
>only move up 2 percentage points
>the absolute state of disneyshills
>*Rotten Tomatoes is under maintenance*
>1 hour later: we decided to make things more simple and now you can give the movie a thumbs up if you liked it!
Have a sex
I never said they were based but they do hate gays. And by the current definition Russia is white to most liberal Americans who post online about hating whites. You think they care about how white exactly they are? If they’re visibly white they’re the enemy.
>It's the damn Russians again
Of course they'd do it. Disney pays them for it.
>is american
>says slavs arent white
ok lol.
inb4 lies that he is swedish
>Have a sex
obvious russian hack is obvious
US being overrun with spics doesn't make russia white
what will they do next? I know it's mostly people brigading the score but it's funny seeing Disney/Rotten Toenails desperate
110% Bavarian phenotype
at this point just delete the whole website!!
>tfw you're a professional troll and review bomber working on Putin's payroll
feels good lads t b h
a LOT of the worst criticisms of Captain Marvel and Brie Larson on this website are actually coming from more mature leftists who look down on this alt-right, women-hating movement but also realize that perpetuating it will validate the rest of you “incels” (not that I believe in that word—it is a voluntary choice to be so shitty and hate-filled) and propel you to continue living sad and intimidated, lonely lives. Enjoying figuring out which of these posts are from SJWs larping as “incels” and which posts are from truly lost miserable anons barking away in their safe space of male privilege. Either way if you don’t break out of this echo chamber soon you are never going to make it
Eat a dick, faggot.
>incels don't matter
>one megacorporation and one of the biggest websites on the internet are constantly scrambling to silence them certainly because this makes them lose money
really made me have sex
The move is utter shit btw
Anyone else skip these posts? If you got something to say, say it. Yes, hovering makes it visible, but that defeats its purpose and we can't have that. I
what about the people that just don't want their movies riddled with faggotry
I still don't understand why Yea Forums- a site notorious for fucking with online polls- seems to completely put their faith in the legitimacy of an online poll, as long as it conforms to their opinion of some stupid pop culture movie.
People are 100% fucking with the RT user scores. They did it with TLJ. They're doing it with Captain Marvel. And RT is right to try and combat it.
Pillage a vag, please.
>Audience Score
>Not Yet Available
>User Ratings: N/A
>implying incels aren't just being instrumentalized by the FSB and GRU into doing the Russians dirty work in perpetuating the American cultural civil war thereby distracting their main geopolitical rival with literally trivial shit while they blob across Eastern Europe and spread their influence in Central Asia
The incel is just one of the many weapons in Ivan's arsenal.
>Either way if you don’t break out of this echo chamber soon you are never going to make it
This advice seems like it's more for yourself than it is for others. You can probably start by not obsessing over incels.
she won't fuck you, Kevin. let it go, man.
You’ve got it completely backwards. The audience doesn’t give a shit about what reviewers say and most people think they’re elitist garbage. They want to know what the average joe thinks.
Just voted 3 stars which is actually reasonable and more than the movie actually deserves, but brings the percentage down because it needs to be 3.5 or higher
The fact that they deleted so many reviews and the percentage is almost unchanged means only one of the following can be true:
1) The movie is not being review-bombed, it’s just genuinely bad
2) The movie is being review-bombed but trolls who like it are also giving it positive ratings at roughly the same rate
In short this is statistically irrefutable evidence that there isn’t some massive, disproportionately influential trolling campaign against this shit movie.
>people like this used to just call everyone /pol/
When are you going to find a new favorite word to help validate your conspiracy theories?
the critics are paid off so it all balances out
>And RT is right to try and combat it.
Ok. But the score only went up by 2%.
excuse me? these people aren't from Yea Forums
We've recently found the source for all the capeshit and star wars spam
Remember when marvelshills insisted Marvel/Disney had no influence over reddit tomatoes???
Where are those people now that they’re removing site features to appease the mouse???
No one here except falseflagging journalists are trying to bait people into spamming bad reviews for this shit stain of a flick. I can't speak for other websites though (hint: red.dit)
I think it would be rotten even without the spamming
It needs 3.5 stars to be fresh when it comes to audiences, and I think a lot of people would vote 3/5
>mature leftists
Mueller's coming little drumpfkin. Indictment imminent, prepare for impeachment.
And good riddance, first (and hopefully last) time another nation elected our president.
>mature leftists who look down on this alt-right, women-hating movement
It's mature women hating Leftists who invented the (((altright))). Hillary + Spencer for example
>we deleted all these clearly biased trolls and fake reviews
>movie still in the 30s
good job Disney and/or RT. you played yourself.
I wish I got paid for shitposting. I actually do it for free.
Fuck it. I’ll bite the hook.
Israel doesn’t elect our presidents?
>implying Russia has a interest in stop a mega corporation that have been destroying social cohesion and family harmony with their degenerate propaganda
If anything they want Disney to succeed, never stop your enemies from committing errors
>Yea Forums- a site notorious for fucking with online polls
This site is notorious for being a scapegoat for shit that other people do, and people like you keep lying about that fact.
>he shitposts for free
You're not part of this site though
people have been seen it for more than a decade now
>Not wanting ultimate wizard powers
Kek we got you faggots to do our work for us I guess, what else can we trick liberals to do "ironically"?
>implying Russia doesn't want Disney destroyed for promoting that same degenerate propaganda in Russia as well
Good point. Look what they did to Nutcracker, a beloved Russian tale
>audiences, and I think a lot of people would vote 3/5
Then rt would lower the criteria arbitrarily to 3/5. Guaranteed.
If one would lie about being anything, why would they pick Swedish???
Why are you the boot licker of big corp?
The absolute state
>Have had my RT account for years and have reviewed hundreds of movies
>Try to rate Captain Mary Sue and RT will not save my review after several tries
Fuck you, mouseshills. Your movie sucks dick.
I'm not part of this site because I happened to use the same picture as two other anons? You know people save and reuse pictures posted here, right?
>he said as he spammed "shazam will be kino" for putting in jews in suits suggestions like dabbing and flossing
I left a negative review and now they've flagged my account. Every time I log in, it's INSTANTLY logged out. Real bravery there, RT.
What are the chances that RT won't let people who chose "not interested" to rate the movie?
You're not part of it because you're from Yea Forums, the entry level board to Yea Forums
I thought we decided that Levy was a goy larping as a jew. Did I miss the memo?
He’s not Jewish you retarded mousefag
Maybe this isn't standard MCU capeshit. This is advanced toe fungus capeshit
I didn't even pick not interested either.
blah blah Russian hackers. Everything against SJW is Russians' job blah blah
your reviews have been deemed as problematic
this literally just makes it look worse
what's that phenomenon called again when someone tries to cover something up but it draws more attention
This. What gets me the most is how the MSM is just parroting this trolling/review-bombing narrative with literally zero evidence, yet they breathe down Trump's neck every time he makes a joke without citing 10 peer-reviewed studies
with black men? yes, you do brie. we know
Oh I should have made it more clear
>he said as he spammed "shazam will be kino" for putting in jewish stockholder suggestions like dabbing and flossing
but also thanks for confirming my suspensions about you lel
>Russia is predominatly white
Sigh do I have to make a new account and vote 1 for this trash again? Alright mouse shills imma fucking bomb you turd
they do hate the gays though
Are you completely retarded or did you have a stroke typing that?
Alita is fresh btw
>le 56% face
Choose one
Either that or you're from Sweden/Germany/GB/another cucked country. Enjoy brown cocks in your wife's cunt.
>literally who source
Faggot Russia has more muslims than western Europe. This shit is a /pol/ myth propagated by real Putin shills.
Why did you pretend you're not a pleb and then get really defensive for other pleb shit when called out? You could have said
>fuck all capeshit
Yet you defended a movie that aims to continue the infantilization of western men
>brown hair
>what's that phenomenon called again when someone tries to cover something up but it draws more attention
down syndrome
Haven't seen the movie, wouldn't be surprised if it's shit. That's completely besides the point.
Which is probably why some people feel the need to rig it.
Please point to the part of my post where I said Yea Forums was influencing the RT user scores. Learn to read.
Again, I never claimed Yea Forums was behind this, only that a lot of you guys seem to believe in the legitimacy of RT user submitted scores for some unknown reason.
You guys are absolutely fucking retarded, every one of you.
yeah not what I was replying to, but good job idiot. was merely pointing out that levy wasn’t a jew.
the only slavs that are white are
>Russians, Ukrainians
Mongol rape babies
Infested with Jews
>Serbs, Croats, Macedonians
Turkish rape babies
True just noticed, i need to update that reaction picture
Their muslims aren't chimping out rapists who want gibs unlike yours. They're assimilated and controlled by Russian government. They've been living there for ages and it's their right to do so. You accept rapefugees who have never lived in Europe.
Literally, unironically, quantifiably, what is the purpose of negatively reviewing a movie you've never seen just to attempt to send a message? I will never understand wasting so much adenosine triphosphate on something so trivial. I absolutely hate the Friday the 13th remake, but I'm not going to waste my time and energy review-bombing it. If anything, I'd use that energy to keep that piece of shit as far away from my mind as possible.
>Polaks infested with Jews
Good that Poland has almost no Jews unlike Germany that has almost 100k Jews and is over 5% muslim. Hahaha 'master race'
>Their muslims aren't chimping out rapists who want gibs unlike yours
You are completely fucking retarded. Worst terrorist attacks in Europe happened in Russia by those same muslims you dumb shit.
>completely ignoring and
There is literally no evidence whatsoever that review-bombing is happening. None.
>implying that it takes any effort whatsoever just to shitpost purely for fun
But he is
That woman.
>considering that fun when it's spring break
RT even came out and said that no review bombing took place for TLJ when a bunch of fags and journalists said angry white men were bombing it
>Russia is predominantly white
>Jews and mudslimes make up most of the population there
I wish that's true so I'd move over there.
Checked the facts. True.
Polaks are white confirmed.
I was not sure whether to deem them not white anyway since they're pretty based.
Never Forget.
Russia is shit but their muslims are from the caucasus region that the Russian Empire conquered hundreds of years ago.
Russians muslims aren't imported 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation Pakis and Sandniggers from the other side of the world.
WTF. They removed my 1 star review and it's not registering my new 1 star review. I keep pressing the star and it's says "posted" but then it's gone again when I refresh. Jesus christ, the lengths that RT will go through to protect this turd. My account is legit. I specifically kept it that way so I wouldn't get flagged as troll/bot account.
still have one class left today and then going to florida tomorrow so...
Imagine being a redditor.
I'm and this also happened to me.
I voted 3 stars (which I think is generous) and the same happened
Too bad their demographics is more fucked than Japan.
Yikes they should be shot in the neck
well then I stand corrected. My bad.
>not frontloading your week
Cackling at you tbhfamalam
you're supposed to forget that since it goes against the twitter tranny company war stuff they're pushing
>I can't imagine being so offended because Yea Forums noticed a disproportionate number of Jews in the most powerful positions in society. That's all they said. Reddit chooses to be offended at this point.
genuinely no idea what any of that means
t. Buzzfeed ""journalist""
Maybe stop reviewbombing it you dumb niggers
is this gonna be TLJ again
There is no proof of review-bombing at all.
Russiaboos on full damage control
>t.assblasted turk
Might not be for long, everytime she gets to fresh, some random tranny shows up, gives it a 1/5 while also giving 5/5 to captain fungus, this happened 3-4 times now.
Nice tinfoil theory
I'm messing with you.
I scheduled most of my classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, with two short classes on Thursday and one class on Friday. On Wednesday I'm there from 9 AM to 8 PM, but I essentially have a 4 day weekend. That's what I meant. What's your major? I'm biochem and want to die
>move to russia
>accidentally stop on heroin needle while walking in the park
>retard driving almost crashes into me
>get stabbed by some negative iq slav
overall I’d say it’s an improvement over america
whoever seen it , how is the movie situated between the 20 marvel movies?
Niggers are gloating in youtube comments
>It's besides the point that the movie is shit in a discussion about why bad reviews on RT are legit
Fucking neck yourself retard
Damn........ I stand corrected..........
No worries
Jesus Christ! The absolute state of those morons
>50k reviews removed
>all threads are about RT catching up with the meme
>not a single solitary account presented grievances or a report
You probably shill the pizzagate memes still too.
brainlet history & german major here but my schedule is so fucked this year because I signed up for classes like a week before the semester started. hate every single class
They're social marketers.
>Jews and mudslimes
it's just muzzies there aren't many jews left in russia
бaзиpoвaннo и кpacнoтaблeтoчнo
What kind of job do you do with biochem?
Will you be making bioweapons
Everyone except for shills and retarded soiboys liked TLJ fool. Likely the same thing for Captain Fungal.
So even after deleting your russian scapegoat its still shit
>the cold war
more like... the cunt war! eh eh? anyone
>There are literal town meetings where White Russian men and women talk about how much they dislike homosexuals.
Same as the USA.
have kids
k reviews removed
And the audience score went up by how much, exactly?
I have zero problem with this, its clear you're all sexists and you hate women because you can't get laid and your mommies never loved you and that's fine, but when you carry that rage into real life and start trying to hurt people's careers...a time comes when real adults have to step in and take out the garbage. Garbage in this case being you losers.
Don't any of you creeps get laid? As a woman with a wonderful liberal husband I just sit here and laugh at you freaks, I've never even met you and the thought of sleeping with any of you makes me physically ill.
>deletes "review bombers and possibly russian interference hackers" and moves only two percentage points
there i fixed it for you
This is my favorite captain marvel meme post.
It's fucking bizarre. I just checked it and went from 59 to 60 after refreshing.
Have sex
>he says
>on Yea Forums
Good goys, giving Disney more shekels to spite incels. A genius plan.
Is this what it was like in the Soviet Union when they erased history?
European history is based though
>it's a Medici episode
Ferdinando I was a top tier shitposter
I'm Black. Racist.
The retards post 1/10 reviews should be removed.
If you want to talk about how bad a movie is, write a detailed review and give it a 5/10. You can't just turn a post here into a review and expect to be taken seriously.
"It's shit" 1/10----user
Yeah *thats* what it was
lol what? didn't you hear me you incel creep loser? I have a husband. We have a family. I come here to laugh at freaks like you, not have discourse with them. Never reply to me again lmao
Whats Armond's thoughts though?
wow, how much onions did you drink?
>deletes the 1/10s because "they're just review bombing"
>doesn't delete the 10/10 retaliatory fanboy votes.
So people can't rate a movie 1/10? What fucked up logic is that?
And don't forget the shills spamming 10/10 reviews with brainlet shit like "Brie good" or "McU roxx"
Fuck off mouseshill
>delete 50k reviews
>only gain +2%
If it's shit it deserves a 1 not a 5 idiot.
You can't make a terrible worthless post like yours and expect to be taken seriously.
And that relates to 50k throwaway accounts being deleted how? If "the public" honestly doesn't care for Captain Mavrel, why go out of your way to organize a failed raid?
To think I used to think the Romans where retarded for inserting politics into their chariot races. Instead we are having political pissing contests over movie reviews
I hate the 10/10 crowd just as much.
In fact you can usually remove all 1s and 10s and get a decent average.
>Your standard MCU capeshit doesnt hit 31% the day it opens organically
exactly, the reviews are legit
>If you want to talk about how bad a movie is, write a detailed review and give it a 5/10.
This sounds suspicious.
>So people can't rate a movie 1/10? What fucked up logic is that?
You should probably at least be able to watch said movie before engaging in reactionary tard tactics.
>And don't forget the shills spamming 10/10 reviews with brainlet shit like "Brie good" or "McU roxx"
This why didn't they do it for Alita too? Almost all the accounts that gave it 10/10 were made the same day they reviewed it
I know retards like him. They feel uncomfortable around negativity and have no issue with mindless praise and positivity.
Just tried to post a review and a rating, but neither was there when I checked the comment section. I think they're not letting me post because I opted out of letting RT post my review on Facebook
Does anyone else find it weird that no matter WHAT movies Wiki page you visit, it has a paragraph about RT?
Like it's the gold standard of telling you HOW to think?
Is this the new way to control information and narrative?
Chariot races would actually be a fucking great way to settle things politically.
Put a bunch of liberals and a bunch of conservatives in chariots and give them spears and just let them go after each other. Problem solved.
Even Screen Junkies shat on it (along with Chris Stuckmann and JeremyJahns).
You know you fucked up when Screen Junkies (the BIGGEST Disney/Marvel fanboys) shit in your movie.
I am a woman as well, and I come to this board to laugh at what I could've become had I had a father who was a drinker, and a mother who was a crack whore. It is truly amazing to see all these white males, these... "cucks", acting tough over the internet, as if they are superior to others in any way. I am laughing as I write this, lol!
I am a tall, beautiful Danish woman with lovely blonde hair, athletic body, and pale skin with an amazing husband who I had met on my visit in Uganda. The first time I met him, he lured me into a dark street and raped me, but you know what? I loved it. Every fucking second of it. By the time he was finished I was literally begging for more. I gave birth to a boy just a few months ago. I was looking forward to a girl, but that's okay, we'll change Nathalie's gender once he grows up.
> and the movie still has the shittiest score possibile.
Posting a 1 in the modern review climate is asking to be purged. Plus if a movie is actually shit (like Captain Marvel) it will still average out to being terrible.
honestly, you make shampoo
da fugg
3) The algorithm already doesn’t include lowest-possible reviews in its math so deleting them doesn’t impact the displayed score anyway
ay yo what up girl
holy fuck they are retarded
There's no way this picture is real
I watched jl when it was broadcast on TV and I couldn't finish the movie once let alone sit through it six times
>Our heroes have been there for us
how does someone feel such attachment to what is, at the end of the day, just a corporate product being sold to you for the sake of making more money?
>russian hackers
you're not sane
Have sex
>Yea Forums(nel) is totally unimportant
>Yea Forums(nel) can bring down entire corporations and mobilize literal hundreds of thousands of people to review bomb the biggest sites on the internet
it doesn't add up
God forbid a bad film gets bad reviews.
Disgusting, begone roastie. Nobody wants your smelly fish gash.
accusing all your detractors of being russian bots is basically a dog whistle for antisemitism
Hitler was a self-loathing crypto jew.
>And that relates to 50k throwaway accounts being deleted how?
If those throwaway accounts were genuinely all made just to bomb Captain Mary Sue the audience score would have fucking skyrocketed.
>not shitposting on Toilberg's dime
Ah yes, the classic “married mother comes to Yea Forums to laugh at incels”. Many such cases!
Im as Russian as Americans are white.
It's whichever option supports the redditors narrative at the current moment.
the almost 60k votes were counting the "want to see/not interested" votes
they deleted those even though they never delete them for other films
now it's only 4k and certainly a percentage of that is from people who didn't see the movie, but it's a fair number and most probably saw the movie
also, it needs 3.5/5 to be fresh tomato on the audience score, a lot of people probably voted 3/5
Nothin to see here, the movie is just bad
>these are the people giving you "info" on /pol/
I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up reworking how the rating system works altogether kind of like how Netflix changed theirs after Amy Schumer's special got trashed by pretty much everyone that saw it
>Leftists are now more schizophrenic conspiracy theorists than alt right Nazi water filter salesmen
Wew lads. These poor souls.
Yes it is.
They're counting multiple critics from the same indie news outlet
Why is this allowed?
Stop please, I’m trying to limit my love for the rooshkies and you’re not making that easy
If you’re so normal and great why are you here then? Is your life really that pathetic that you have to come here to make fun of “losers”?
I don’t understand the angle. More than likely this is bait so maybe that’s why I don’t understand. At any rate enjoy your liberalism, I’m sure it’s helping you become a true inspiration to others.
>Website is called Kaplan vs. Kaplan
>Both Kaplans are in agreement and their reviews sound identical
>your opinion isnt valid because u used a number on a set scale
I agree. Lets remove and above
I don't have to answer to anyone, especially a loser like you. What kind of name is Sage anyways lol, i guess your mother was just as dumb as you are :)
this. You faggots became way too blantant.
>stirring shit up and making Americucks fight each others by shitposting
>actually memed a retard commander in chief of the USA
Based Russia
Don't blame 4 square. It was all reddits fault. I saw them organizing raids in secret sub reddit rooms.
I'm married with a child, women at large earned my disdain and you can imagine me clinging to it for warmth all you like.
Have sex
>muh russia
Seek professional help faggot
>what is Siskel and Ebert
fuck off zoomer
Why is the same review posted word for word? I didnt fully believe they actually used bot accounts for fake ass reviewing niggering but now I am.
is this imdb?
if you look at the reviews on imdb, most of the first ones are all shitting on it, and they are all different, and a lot of them really do look like they're from people who saw it
based and redpilled
wtf UK
aren't you guys supposed to be civilised?
>way lower population than france and germany
>significantly more cases
(sorted by most helpful)
Has cool moments, but poor main character writing.
I've liked Brie Larson in other films, but she showed ZERO range in this. When your main character in a superhero movie is unwatchable, you already have a problem. In addition, Captain Marvel has no weaknesses, which kills the tension immediately. There is no point at which you feel she is in any danger of losing, or any danger at all for that matter.
It's an OK origin story, but it makes no sense as to WHY she's supposedly so powerful.
The cat was good.
If the word Meh! had a movie to describe it
Finished watching the film about an hour ago and have to say this. It is the most underwhelming of all marvel movies. Even when the lead actress is showing off her power(which no villain in the movie even comes close to matching), you feel absolutely nothing. I am a big Marvel fan and super hyped for Endgame.
But this movie only justifies its ticket because of the two end-of-credits scene. Nothing else is memorable
and a lot more of these
>all these pajeet reviewers
That user was right. Shilling had been outsourced to India
You mean chechens. They prefer to keep to themselves, so they are concentrated in Chechnya. Also, since they prefer to keep to themselves, an average chechen is whiter than you descendants will ever get.
>What kind of name is Sage anyways lol
asteroid when
Tomorrow, son.
It's a shame that toe mushrooms and "kill whitie" weren't enough to save this month's capeshit. Perhaps more 90's pop culture references next time?
>"movie is being bombed with negative reviews! Let's delete them to see it's fair score!"
>remove 45,000 reviews
>score only bumps by a whopping 2%
>"negative review bombs"
Oh nonono
Jeremy here from the quarterpounding and you guys won't BELIEVE this next story ..
Don't forget the positive review bombs. Wouldn't be surprised if in actuality only ~10% of people like it.
>almost as good as thor 2
But thor 2 was fucking terrible
Mongols didn't intermix with Russians, they lived in steppes and only sent ambassadors to collect taxes once in a blue moon. It was too cold for them to settle in Russia.
Polak rape babies. Polak.
Great roleplaying Andrew
>legitimacy of an online poll
Polls are never "legitimate". They can always be manipulated. Anyone pretending not to or obfuscating their obvious manipulation of a poll should be mistrusted. And anyone claiming any given poll is legitimate or trustworthy should be considered to be naive or disingenuous.
>t. same person who thinks "10/5 good movie" are good reviews
>This whole fucking post
That poster makes me angry and sick
tl;dr but will reply because i'm easily influenced by others and like to fit in.
I personally only go on RT when I really dislike something. Like TLJ. Or when I really love a film. Most of the other stuff, like IW I just ignore and don't bother to review. And I expect mot people do the same as me.
so why are you so butt hurt about it then?
There is no way that isn’t a parody. Nobody can be that oblivious.
They’re still deleting reviews. I just posted one from my long established account and my review and my rating were deleted moments later.
>"You're in the echo chamber not us!"
>"Why is all our media failing to resonate with the people while the evil racists get more money?"
Streisand effect.
Denying raises and vacations is disgusting. The person who put this up should be ashamed and ostracized. Your employees work hard because they want money to live and have fun, and insurance.
I'm just worried that all the review bombers are gonna make reviewers double down and say it was great. It'd be better for everyone if they just let it be and force critics to admit it was mediocre.
Ebert worked for the Chicago Sun Times while Siskel worked for the Chicago Tribune, try again Mousecuck.
I wrote two reviews using two different accounts. I even made sure to use my vpn so the IPS would not be the same.
The first review was from my main account. I’ve reviewed over 300 movies. I gave it a one star and wrote a very detailed and honest review. It was deleted five minutes later.
My second review gave it 5 stars. I practically said nothing in that review. It’s still up.
Really makes you think.
Digits confirm
I don't think they're deleting as much as it's now locked. It's been at 5,216 reviews for hours now.
this actually 9/10 bait. very nice
Oh and guess what, it's not allowing me to review it.
Please remove her from Endgame. Have Thanos open a hole in her chest early on.. I don't care if it's not canon.. Bring Silver Surfer, do something else..
>movie sucks
>does "just ok"
>they blame it on the trolls on rotten tomatoes
nice going dummies
>½ March 8, 2019
>this is where we are? just a borefest, 10/10 would prefer to play ataris E.T. than watch this again
lol, this is the worst video game ever.
Pick a sex.
>delete 90% of the reviews from supposed trolls
>score changed by only 2%
I’m an engaged adult with a successful career in the sciences, I just call bullshit when I see it. And the Mouse is full of it lately.
Did they not look at how the 50k+ reviews were effecting the score? Did it not occur to them that this would not be worth it?
Game recognize game senpai
????? Why do they delete it? How do they know they are "fake" reviews?
It really does. Before they could claim it was review bombed. Now it's almost as low and obviously that excuse doesn't fly.
i think i speak for all anons on Yea Forums when i say that review bombing should be a federal crime and all incels should be sent to Alcatraz
Pack of fags?
it's legitimately possible that they've been attacked by bots with fake accounts. but it's more likely to come from other studios than "russia" or "incels".
Absolutely based. Fuck niggers, fuck homos, fuck trannies and fuck non whites with the exception of east asians.
The mouse is angry.
Why don't you polcels ejaculate inside a womb, it's a better use of time then screaming about a comic book
Fucking what? Where?
Kek you know Slovenian hands wrote this post. Cope harder, stable boy
>ejaculate inside a womb
Hey, hold on a minute... is this a trick?
Managers are almost all colossal retards and I guarantee are the number 1 reason for work dissatisfaction. My manager is a spineless faggot and has no idea what I or anyone in my team does, and half the time I make up something because he is too stupid or lazy to fact check it.
Wow, having seen the movie, 81 is really high. Like, a lot higher than I expected this to get even with shill support.
It's not the kind of movie someone who isn't a part of an agenda is likely to walk out of satisfied. Even enjoying TLJ seems like a more genuine possibility to me.
>white men talking about people they don't like
Oh noooooo how awful. Literally worse than hitler.
Sounds like Africa or any Islamic country
Fuck off back to Resetera.
even if it got better reviews than any movie ever i still wouldn't see it.
>White "men" let Black milkMEN give their wife's """milk""" while they work at another (((white))) mans factory
Lmao, the 50's were beyond cucked
Do you really think anyone here can't spare 50$?
>177 posters
>40k reviews deleted
user I....
How can I get paid to shitpost?
From a professional troll and baiter i can expect more than this!
2/10 professional shittalks!
81 is a dogshit score in the era of vidya tier scores.
>i mean
It's a Schizophrenic 12D Chess.
Said in S-O-Y voice: Yeah incels. What this reviewer said. You you you "dudebros" just need to shut up.
holy propaganda
I felt the same way about Black Panther. It's not a bad movie, and I do think it's a fine thing to have some movies geared towards black audiences, but the movie is not better than a 65%.
Thank you Brie Larson, now my blacked fantasies with you can be fulfilled.