lmao someone is pushing back the negative rating by giving it a ton of 10
Lmao someone is pushing back the negative rating by giving it a ton of 10
It's how the people who actually watched the movie voted, unlike you incel trolls who are brigading the movie because you don't like women
someone do the math if you remove all 1s and all 10s
>It's how the people who actually watched the movie voted
how can you justify this movie being a 10?
I can't even imagine what kind of low level person you are.
>unlike you incel trolls who are brigading the movie
for the last time, we attack the movie because it was horrible garbage on top of being promoted by a sexist men hating bigot like you.
>because you don't like women
Opposite actually
The people who actually watched the movie are giving it 1s, it's incel trolls desperate for pussy who are giving it 10s
seems fair, actually
>1 out of 5 user reviews are by absolute retards who rate it a 1 because they're overly sensitive and don't like something an actress said off camera
>1 out of 4 user reviews are by absolute retards who rate it a 10 because they're identitarian and agree with something an actress said off camera
>movie "critics" are shills who give positive reviews in exchange for access
it's all so tiring, bros.
i want to go back to a simpler time.
there is no going back
we changed things... forever
>7350 1/10 reviews
>17000 8+/10 reviews
Literally the entire system is a fraud. If there weren't 1/10 votes this movie would be on par with Leon and Citizen Kane.
ummm... no sweetie
lol look at this centrist fence sitter, you missing a spine bud?
did you not see the spoilers where the entirety of her character is driven by men telling her she can't do things? or the pitiful half baked special effects? or the cardboard cutout performance the lead actress gave? or the overly generic plot the film had? the movie has tons of flaws.
If you dont rate all capeshit 1 out of 10 you are part of the problem.
>responding to bait this seriously
stop it
>did you not see the spoilers...
nope. that would imply i actually give a shit about this movie
>the pitiful half baked special effects? or the cardboard cutout performance the lead actress gave? or the overly generic plot the film had? the movie has tons of flaws.
no doubt, but that isn't the point. very few people giving those rating have seen the movies. they're just shitposting irl because they're triggered in either one direction or the other, which is an incredibly stupid way to rate films (or to live your life for that matter). it is the equivalent of posting "based and redpilled" or "cringe and bluepilled" but irl and unironically.
Mean = 6.8
Median = 7
Have sex
>did you not see the spoilers where the entirety of her character is driven by men telling her she can't do things? or the pitiful half baked special effects? or the cardboard cutout performance the lead actress gave? or the overly generic plot the film had? the movie has tons of flaws.
not the other, user, but we all know the movie is going to be generically awful capeshit. that doesn't mean it's appropriate to give it a 1. there are plenty of movies that are far worse than what captain marvel will be. i don't see anyone brigading against them.
Join us on the Nickelodeon thread friend. We can't go back but we can dream, we can dream.
>that two of the most unbearable groups on the planet would be """"""""""""""""""""""""""""weaponizing""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" imdb scores lol
get a life, get a hobby, get something to care about
>get a life
everyone has a life, just because some have a different life than others doesnt make it any worse
>get a hobby
this is a hobby
>get something to care about
I care about movies
based. thanks, user, just found it.
can you remember that website where they stream retro nick including the commercial breaks?
>I care about movies
No you don't, you care about review scores for shit you're not going to see
I bet they wont delete those, those are organic right guyse?
nice (Marvel BTFO)
Take your pills tranny
>shitposting about my impending genocide is a hobby
Lmao pathetic incel.
>No you don't
how do you know
>you care about review scores for shit you're not going to see
reviews and scores are a big part of the cinema experience to anyone who is seriously invested into this medium.
>review bombing controversial movies is my hobby
this is legitimately one of the saddest posts i've read on this website
>shitposting about my impending genocide is a hobby
i have no idea what you are talking about
>you don't like women
The difference is when men don't like a woman, we don't have a secret longing to be fucked by them like women do. Because we're not has dishonest with ourselves. You can't comprehend this when females spend 99% of their time be nice and "liking" people they don't want to fuck.
Wouldn't it be more fair to only remove the difference between tens and zeros. So since 10s are currently ahead, if you use all the 0s to cancel as many 10s as you can, you still have about a thousand 10s left over. That to me, seems more realistic.
How would the math factor on that? I'm too stupid to do it on my own.(Already tried)
>reviews and scores are a big part of the cinema experience to anyone who is seriously invested into this medium.
B A S E D retard
>this is legitimately one of the saddest posts i've read on this website
im sorry that you are this emotional about something this trivial but I sure as hell wont pander down on my interests just because you are a weak minded person.
>reviews and scores are a big part of the cinema experience to anyone who is seriously invested into this medium
Not really, I doubt Bresson would be wringing his hands if Mouchette got review bombed for starring a woman
Based low iq
no because anyone who rates the movie either a 1 or a 10 is definitely a retard and we should throw those votes out regardless.
>I have no idea what my "hobby" actually entails
No shit, brainwashed whitoid.
Unfortunately no, I'd ask in that thread. Some user there might know
this was not the point.
creating reviews, giving scores and watching reviews/scores is important to a person who is interested in cinema.
a film, especially a modern day blockbuster, is never a 1 or a perfect 10. Any critic / rating that pretends it is is fake in one way or another and shouldn't be used in the statistics
But 10s and 0s are a part of every movie's score. So we would want to factor that, in order to get something more accurate to reality. Ya know, something that's actually comparable to other movies.
it seems like you are the one who is brainwashed since you have yet to come up with any decent argument.
but sure, just make it about race you little dweeb.
>spends his time writing bad movie reviews
>deludes himself into thinking this is political action
>calls another user weak minded
holy shit Yea Forums, never change
Well someone else pushed forward the negative ratings with a ton of 1.
Hopefully the retards even out at some point.
I really don't see how it is. You can look at Soderbergh's film diary and he never rates stuff, just writes what he watched. I don't think anyone would deny that he cares deeply about movies.
>>spends his time writing bad movie reviews
i write movie reviews that are bad and good, yeah i like to spend some of my time on this
>>deludes himself into thinking this is political action
what the fuck are you talking about? are you implying that there is no push back on the nagative ratings?
>>calls another user weak minded
yes, because you are.
you have no ground to stand on. you just waste your time by creating inferior thoughts of your own while I try to solidate mine.
yes, some people dont like to give scores to movies
Soderbergh is also not just a normal guy
he is a part of the industry.
>you just waste your time by creating inferior thoughts of your own while I try to solidate mine.
Behold, the superior man! While you paint, he crafts a score between 1 and 10 for superhero movies. While you were out birdwatching, he was hunched over his computer, writing an imdb review no one will read! Tremble in fear of his superior mind.
I'm more appalled by all the retards that legitimately think some garbage superhero crap is a 7 or an 8.
uff weak
>you just waste your time by creating inferior thoughts of your own while I try to solidate mine.
>When you were partying, I studied the review bomb.
>When you were having premarital sex, I mastered being an adult virgin.
>While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated inner strength.
>And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help?
So literally spot on
literally pic related
>>When you were partying, I studied the review bomb.
>>When you were having premarital sex, I mastered being an adult virgin.
just embarrassing
see the image in
doesnt matter
as long as you dont have an argument I dont give a fuck about your low mockery.
Nah, I totally wanna hatefuck stuckup bitches. It's like taming a wild beast.
Make it believable, give it some 2s and 3s.
Stop watching pleb dogshit and you won't have this problem anymore, Yea Forumsedditor
Well it averages to 6.6, which is probably not that far from the proper rating of the movie.
no this is how people actually vote for comparison. there is for sure war between 1/10 and 10/10 ratings. if the movie was 10/10 like infinity war you would not see the drop in 09/10 ratings and it would go up gradually.