Does this NPC even "act" anymore? Or just virtue-signal on social media?

Does this NPC even "act" anymore? Or just virtue-signal on social media?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Triggered white guy. Go back to /pol/.

It's never enough for these "people"


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You only really need one letter, q for queer. Or I guess n for narcissist since they all need to be individually represented

Reported for being such an incel you post tweets that are a month old
Pro tip: the best actors don't have to take shitty paychecks every month and pick whatever they want to do at their pleasure, she filmed a movie a couple months ago.

Why aren't straight men who are sexually attracted to pretty tgirls included in the LGBT acronym? What should our letter be?

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these didn't age well at all

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how many letters will it be next year

>"""""straight""""" men
>attracted to """"pretty"""" tgirls
You would B for Bisexual you aids ridden retard

what's IA?

Why did none of these people post a retraction apologizing for stirring up fake outrage and hate?


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Add a C to the beginning

why don't they just call it

intersexual and asexual obviously

missing the +, that's not very inclusive of them

Intersex and Asexual

incels and autists

When was this tweet sent? Nothing new to post in an attempt to stir things up on a tv board, racist?

Bisexuals are attracted to men and women. Tgirls are transsexuals. Regular gay men can't into trannies. True homosexual men can't into feminine attributes period. Gay men like men. Tranny porn is predominately viewed by straight men.

>hate has never solved a problem in the world

This is provably false.

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They already added + how long before they start adding emojis ?

Exactly my thoughts.

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What do they hope to achieve out of all this?

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I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.

That's actually false. Hate causes one to destroy.

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Because it's a cultural total war with no pretense of quarter extended to the other side. The sooner you realize that, the quicker you stop wasting time making appeals to decency.

Why can't we all be fag enablers goys?

>Tranny porn is predominately viewed by straight men.

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Have sex

total subservience and control of the narrative until the end of time

This. Fuck whites.

pedos are trying to. they brand it as "MAP": minor attracted person.

hating something solves no problems, that is true
but hate is a great motivator to solve problems


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That's a big word

Because liberals give literally zero shits about truth. They feel no guilt about lying.
It either forwards their agenda or it doesn't. That is the metric by which they judge all thoughts or actions.

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Why don't they just admit its thirdworld shit holes?

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I love this

Reminder that traps are scientifically not gay

Gynandromorphophilia (GAMP) is sexual interest in gynandromorphs (GAMs; colloquially, shemales). GAMs possess a combination of male and female physical characteristics. Thus, GAMP presents a challenge to conventional understandings of sexual orientation as sexual attraction to the male v. female form. Speculation about GAMP men has included the ideas that they are homosexual, heterosexual, or especially, bisexual.

We compared genital and subjective sexual arousal patterns of GAMP men with those of heterosexual and homosexual men. We also compared these groups on their self-ratings of sexual orientation and sexual interests.

GAMP men had arousal patterns similar to those of heterosexual men and different from those of homosexual men. However, compared to heterosexual men, GAMP men were relatively more aroused by GAM erotic stimuli than by female erotic stimuli. GAMP men also scored higher than both heterosexual and homosexual men on a measure of autogynephilia.

Results provide clear evidence that GAMP men are not homosexual. They also indicate that GAMP men are especially likely to eroticize the idea of being a woman.

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"In the Ass"

>those who fear difference

wtf I love violent crime rates now

>As a society

So incels?

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>Gender Wiki

Holy shit. They literally need a fucking Wiki to keep track of this shit now.

without weinstein she ain't getting roles anymore

intersex and ally


A trans girl is a female
A man attracted to female is straight
Ergo you are straight sorry no acronym for you cis scum

Being trapped isnt gay.
Knowingly pursuing traps is gay.
Studies which fly in the face of reality are to be discarded.

female equivalent

Probably spends her days leaving books on subways. The pretentious twat.

The comment-section on this page is fucking gold.

>This gender does not exist

>you dont determine what genders do and dont exist. ur not in their head so you dont knoe if their doing it for attention. google "gender dysphoria": its not a choice" this is another culture RESPECT IT!

I have zero surprise that people like this would be registered to post on the "Gender Wiki".

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>fucking dudes is not gay
Tranny denial.
Not even incels want you, just die.

wtf I love poliomyelitis now

>A trans girl is a female

Objectively wrong.

that's dumb, that's like saying loving someone has solved problems

You people and your labels. The best ass on pornhub belongs to a tranny.

youre covered under G

they hate saying that western civilization and 1st world countries are "better". That would destroy the narrative that they are oppressed.


>guy this tenured college professor wrote a paper that said its NOT GAY if i suck cocks

The Mental Gymnastics faggots will go through.

The technical term is gynandromorphilia

Because thirdworld shit holes are primarily filled with brown people. Criticizing brown people is racist.

Is that the url to turn into Freakazoid?

>Sending love
Why do leftists sneer at the idea of "sending prayers" when this is the exact same shit?

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It's good to know that liberals have worked the beliefs of fucking stone-age hunter-gatherer shamans into their lexicon of the science as to how sex & gender work.
Truly this field has a lot of rigor and authenticity to it.

You are a big agency

She is Weinstein's sexual pet and as such posts what her (((masters))) bid, right before they take turns getting rimjobs from Emma while she's in a Hermione outfit

God i wanna kiss and taste Natalie's delicious asshole

"Fucking men isn't gay" isn't an argument.

Literally who?

Where the fuck did the IA come from?Every time I turn around there's a new letter.

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>Gynandromorphophilia (GAMP) is attraction to gynandromorphs (GAMs), who are natal males with both breasts and a penis, colloquially known as "she-males." Men with GAMP (n = 314) and heterosexual men not attracted to GAMs (n = 211) completed an Internet survey regarding their sexual attraction patterns, relationship history, and potential correlates of GAMP. Men with GAMP reported much higher attraction to natal women than to men, although they also reported slightly higher levels of bisexual feelings compared with controls. Men with GAMP were equally attracted to natal women and GAMs, on average. Thus, GAMP is best considered an unusual form of heterosexuality rather than a separate sexual orientation. Indeed, men with GAMP scored much higher than controls on a measure of autogynephilia, or sexual arousal by the idea or fantasy of being a woman, which is also considered a variant of heterosexual attraction.

>when homosexuality is so natural that Nature designs a specific virus targeting homosexuals

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>Every time I turn around there's a new letter.

How fucking late to the party are you? People have been complaining about the fact that it gets a new letter every four months for literal YEARS now.

why is it that this acronym gets longer every time i see it
what does the I stand for anyway, intersexual? how is that different from trans- or bi-?

this would all be a lot less aggravating if all of the people pushing this were just pretending to be retarded. instead you've got people who actually believe this shit.

I definitely made an argument sorry your reading comprehension is terrible

Remember when leftcucks used to whine about Christianity still existing? Because it's "unscientific"?
Well, here we are now.


>"OMG people are NOT just making-up new genders! You don't understand it you alt-right tard!"
>"Today we are announcing the addition of 70 new officially recognized genders."

Yeah, so they claim that all 20-million or whatever of these genders have existed for thousands of years since the dawn of humanity, but it took until fucking 2015 or so to discover them?

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The survivors guilt is palpable

The A can actually stand for allies (e.g. supportive white hetero men) or asexuals

What's the difference between mama's boi and mama's boy?

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if mods would forward threads like this to /pol i would bother to check /pol... if others would too , i guess; then the level of discussion over there could be interesting enough to stay more than 15 minutes and be done with it forever.

OMG, she posted a quote! A quote by a black woman!!!
Cleetus BTFO. Read a book, morons.

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