What If Thaynos was a girl?

What If Thaynos was a girl?

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i'd ask her to jerk me off with the glove


it will be once nebula takes his gauntlet

God I hate looking at these disgustingly pale plastic koreans

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MCU has the worst character names


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wonder man

>Doctor Bong
>Paste-Pot Pete
>Hindsight Lad
>3-D Man
>Leather Man
Should I continue?

>no Lady Stilt-man

>Doctor Bong
“DUDE WEED LMAO” the superhero

she is not the best representative of korean idols.

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I can't tell the difference between korean idols, they literally all look the same. I don't think it's race related face blindness, I can tell recognize Chinese, Japanese, and other Asians apart, I think it's because K-idols all have same face because of plastic surgery

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that's why Dubu is unique

Bye bye white women and niggers.

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Why does she always looks so fucking sickly?

Queens, every last one


Why are Koreans so racist, bros?

>How dare they come out of surgery looking better than they did when they went in

I know right! if they do go under the knife they should look like they did

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no white guilt

face blindness is a real thing user

just dont be a nigger lol
>t.this gook

She looks like she fucks K-Pop producers

something create something something shoes something dildos

Pale skin is good on a woman. Pale = femininity, youth, and cleanliness. Dark = dirtiness, mutts, and niggers.

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Who is this milktank?

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larkin love

>Leather Man
Is this Gachi related?
didn't recognize her without her sillies wigs

It's common for the lesser people to be hateful of the superior.