In 60 years will whatever hollywood becomes look at these anti american actors/current culture the same way the current crop looks at the pro american ones from 60 years ago?
Discussion about hollywood's future
so the power...of
>unironically use the word latinx
Rosa isn't Alita.
>google what latinX means
What an absolute seething cunt.
So did they CGI those giagantic eyes on her character solely to hide those ugly bags the actual actress has? Why does she look like she’s been awake for a month straight?
shes 33, thats already wall status even for muh Latinx
>Why does she look like she’s been awake for a month straight?
Because that's probably what happened.
A Promotional tour around the world isn't relaxing.
She's a massive pothead. Look it up.
she has lupus like every other Hispanic woman
Frankly she's hot so she can say whatever she wants and I don't care.
desu a wall doesn't solve much.
>based rozario
>The role of Alita came along at a time when Salazar said she was dealing with her outrage over the 2016 election of U.S. President Donald Trump.
>"I was one of those people who was really hoping Trump wouldn't win," she said. "And I voted, but it's not enough and it was incongruous for me because I am playing a character named Alita, who literally defies everything in her path to help (other people.)"
That's not really true. A wall would solve a good bit. Trump's wall, or any realistically fundable wall for that matter, wouldn't solve much. At most it will funnel illegals through specific openings making it easier to catch them. Liberals tend to misunderstand how the wall would work though.
Based. Fuck burgers.
Racism never worked out historically, you twat.
>Her biggest role, as she begs for repesentation, doesn't even have a race.
>Salazar and Rodriguez are not the names people are seeing this for.
>Cameron is.
What's she getting at? Do a few more movies, become a house hold name, then pick a battle.
>supporting one way gene flow cause of a woman
>In 60 years
In 60 years the nuclear waste dump in LA will have like one leftoverstudio producing TV propaganda shorts on how The Great Leader Xi Jinping ascended to the god emperor status.
They'll love it though since it'll pay just as well.
>That's not really true.
Get a shovel and the wall means nothing to me.
Fund more tech in surveillance devices and manpower, then I would agree.
And inclusiveness destroyed empires while breeding complacency and weakness, what are you getting at?
I'll pack my bags right away and travel to US and stay there illegally then, thanks for your encouraging words
delicious denial tears
>non-americans have no sense of pride in their nation and want to drown in third world immigration
>dude we can just dig our way under lmao
Do you have a single idea about how much manpower is required to dig stable tunnels? Shit, your shovel idea only works until you hit bedrock. Congrats, you dug 5-6 feet of loose dirt.
Walls have been very successful in Israel and Hungary for reducing illegal border crossings. Walls are very effective.
The wall isn't meant to keep the pretty ones who can marry their way in out
You can really see why they went for CG eyes.
Wow looking at all the angry seething white men in this thread I'm glad your race is dying out
See Alita and be healed k
>this dude doesn't know about drug cartels and the fine tunnels they make
Turns out surveillance is hell of a lot easier when you know they're going to be stood still at the crossing for many hours digging a hole.
>need funding for that surveillance tech
The only people capable of digging tunnels are basically organized cartel, which are generally not an issue to immigration. That's more of a drug issue, and a wall will do nothing against the drug war, considering most drugs come from overseas or straight through border security.
The wall is meant to stop illegal immigration, and it would do an okay job at that. Just not good enough unless we were to spend assloads of money on it AND improved surveillance tech.
Can we trade based spics like Rosa and Robert Rodriguez for worthless niggers like Tessa Thompson and Spike Lee?
I'd honestly be ok with that.
The eyebags just make her cuter, desu
>Just not good enough unless we were to spend assloads of money on it AND improved surveillance tech.
which is exactly my point. And anyone thinking beaners wont get organized in the long run and big good tunnels is deluding themselves but then again Zionism is strong in the us.
>calls others mutts while shitting on nationalism
Unironically kill yourself
The wall is to keep criminals (illegal aliens, IE people not going through due process to enter) out. The US isn't anti immigration, wee just realized we have too many undocumented people roaming around.
How the hell do you even pronounce "latinx"?
Why would they replace a vowel with a consonant?
>there haven't been tunnels dug before
Why is that you fags manage to have always the worst of anything, the worst spics, the worst niggers, the worst whitesoiboys, etc.
OK, so now they are ADMITTING to supporting and engaging in illegal immigration now?
Funny how effective walls have been in other countries, huh?
That picture is pretty American but I think I can top it.
So you're a racist cunt.
And digging holes from Mexico into the US is NOT an easy thing to do and takes years, with a lot of money, influence, manpower, and strategical understanding on both sides of the border, all which the common people don't have over there. The holes discovered have been dug by cartels for drugs, because, again, they are the only ones capable of digging them, as well as keeping them hidden. You can't spend years building tunnels only for some family to have it be discovered the moment its used.
The reason Trump's wall will not work is because he doesn't have the money for it. A wall WILL be effective at curbing illegal immigration if provided the right funding.
>our far-right and press controlling governments will surely deliver the right numbers
I'm probably going to be called a brainlet for this but I find it very disconcerting when somebody uses simplistic language to then shoehorn in just one slightly complex word like 'incongruous'.
>So you're a racist cunt.
>calling beaners getting organized is now considered an insult hur dur
You missed the point, a wall does nothing, you need tech and manpower along with it.
>wall is not meant to be taken literally, the phrase is just a symbol
dat fucking delusion
You've been missing the point since the beginning. You're just a racist moron that thinks people can easily just shovel their way under a wall.
>You missed the point, a wall does nothing, you need tech and manpower along with it.
We'll shoot spics on sight and grind their children into hamburger meat and boil them in a big iron pot.
The best part about white genocide is that these threads will fade away too
said the idiot who thinks people are incapable to getting organized, kek stay delusional.
Larson isn’t Cpt Marvel
>funky town starts playing
>Mexico is a diverse paradise
>America is a racist shithole
>Let me into America, this isn't fair
fuck off we're full
lol, what?
If they governments were "far-right" AND lying, they would be lying by saying that the border-wall didn't do enough and illegals are getting through in order to justify harsher crackdowns.
Do you think about things before you post them?
>kids taught to be loyal to their nation
Want to know how I know you're a piece of Eurotrash?
The one in Hungary is comparatively small, and the one in Israel is HEAVILY militarized.
It's always the same fucking shit with immigrants.
America is racist, sexist, transphobic and patriarchial. Trust me, as a Mexican, you don't want to come here.
>Hungary 325 mi border
>US 1,954 mi border
we have the manpower to enforce the border
>America is racist, sexist, transphobic and patriarchial. Trust me, as a Mexican, you don't want to come here.
Mexico is feminista!
>America is racist, sexist, transphobic and patriarchial
Just like literally every country on earth.
>durrrr, it longer so it won't work
>spending billions on useless shit will convince the voters for sure
didn't know the mentally handicapped posted here
He's right, you know. That's why we need to blow all their heads off too. Especially the children
Drumpf said it will only be fence. Absolute capitulation.
Disneyshills desperate to pop up CM.
Why bother making good movies when you can just slander most of the audience?
>no country that's a safe haven for whites
>lots of countries that are safe havens for non whites
Makes you think. Only Hungary and Poland come to mind for white countries that aren't trying to destroy themselves.
>slavs aren't white
Whiter than you, muhammed/burger/kangaroo fucker
The long term goal should be to legalize drugs and prostitution to kill the cartels in mexico. Then support mexican industry with fair trade to make mexico a nice place again so that people dont want to flee here
This is a thinly veilded gaslight.
>Only Hungary and Poland come to mind for white countries that aren't trying to destroy themselves
Not any more, not since they put a Jew in a position of influence.
Hungary and Poland have already fucked themselves.Poles immigrate to Germany and Hungarians to Austria and Scandinavia because the right-wing governments in their home-countries are unable to provide any economic perspectives.
Guess there's no hope then, see you fuckers in hell
>Aint no Wall going to keep us out she illegal? because, and maybe still didn't get it yet, the wall is to stop illegal immigration, not legal one.
>Polish migration to rich west and northern european countries started in 2015
Just how retarded are you?
Anyone have the pic where half the kids are kneeling or ignoring the pledge and the teacher lady has tears in her eyes?
But I thought Alita was /ourflick/
See, this is what I mean. It's not about "not being proud of your country". It's blind obsession to something you can't even name. You call it "teaching kids to be loyal to a country", and you don't even realize how utterly retarded that statement is? "BE LOYAL TO THE NATION NO MATTER WHAT! SIT DOWN, SHUT UP, OBEY! ALL HAIL ISRAEL!". Jesus fucking christ, you people really are brainwashed since the first day of school, aren't you? Go on then, take up your gun, run out into whatever shithole your sent to, and die a meaningless death, for a fake, meaningless purpose. Your a brainwashed, cucked little puppet.
Reading it again, Austria seems to be on track. Can any Austria fags confirm?
Who are you quoting? Need to pull shit out of your ass when you lost the argument again?
Austria always does what Germany does. Which government in Austria reigns doesn't matter and never did.
Dude, any old video on youtube is such a fucking blackpill
Look at this shit. Look at what they killed.
The movie is borderline Capeshit. Not to mention the people in the general are all spic Facebook refugees
Not from what I'm seeing, they're refusing any kind of citizenship to shit skins and actively trying to put in laws to enforce stricter immigration.
Also won't accept any smuggled sand niggers unlike most cringe and blue pilled yuropoor countries.
Austria is all talk no action. They have absolutely no power in the EU or anywhere. They are an asset of Germany.
Just finished doing a rewatch of The World At War. Any scenes filmed in basic, on transports or in the field the entire mass of soldiers is one hundred percent white. It was just so strange to see it because Hollywood would never, ever show world war two looking like that now. It was just shockingly white. Like there were not even any 56% faces, everyone was blindingly European caucasian white.
>Poles immigrate to Germany and Hungarians to Austria and Scandinavia because the right-wing governments in their home-countries are unable to provide any economic perspectives.
You you utter faggot. Large scale Polish migration to richer countries started with their entrance to the EU enabling it and the root cause was their slow growth in the cold war period leading to every old Warsaw Pact country being poorer than their NATO counterparts. It has literally nothing to do with PiS (right wing socially albeit with some left economic principles), and doesn't even have anything to do with the near decade of PO (right wing economicly but entirely left on matters like immigration) governance either.
Thats the whole continent name, you might be thinking of that country/state union without a real name nor identity, the guys between Canada and Mexico.
>le born in le wrong generation :(
nigga compare that to a high school today. 1990s high school was OBJECTIVELY better. Columbine ruined fucking everything
>No wall going to keep us out
I don't understand, is she advocating for illegal immigration? And she's proudly displaying this?
Retarded cunt
Serious question:
Why don't the Palestinians just put a ladder up against it or tunnel under it? It's apparently incredibly fucking easy and yet it very consistently keeps them out.
She’s also showing an open hostility towards white folks that is very common in the hispanic community.
what about bullets?
Theyve certainly developed a completely hostile take on the idea of legal immigration haven't they?
Yeah it keeps them out of their own country.
Beaners believe they're being kept out of their own country too
>It's blind obsession to something you can't even name.
You're projecting.
The moment you alt-right cucks outed yourselves as insane zionists all the bullshit going on around your '''movement''' made absolute sense, you should all get the rope.
I can't comprehend muttposters at all because it seems like they are always somehow BOTH massive racists and massive libfags.
It's got to be some kind of performance art shit because the final message always essentially boils down to
>you're not even white you moron, just give your fucking country to shitskins already, why are you such a stupid mutt
Saw this a few years ago then i realized mexican women are hot.
I mean, it's not like Texas was given freely
There's plenty of documentation showing that mexicans were just living in mexico until they suddenly weren't
Wow that's a great way to address my question, thanks for giving me a lot to think about you fucking faggot
This thread is composed basically by edgy gringos that are crying over some minor celebrity statement.
Also, USA does not have a national identity; just some artificial concept of what being american means. This is what happens when your country was fully founded by some freemasons.
Or maybe just maybe the US treating latin america as their playground is to blame?
But that would make us being in the wrong...and we know we are the gud goys.
Right Herr Schlomo?
Lol funny Palestine gets briefly mentioned as an example and packs of people get triggered as FUCK about "muhh jews"
We know shitstains like you don't think, you have YTfaggots ready to tell you what to think.
You can't say anything bad about Israel! thats not American!!
Excuse me then. 30 years and billions of transfer money from the rich countries was not enough to leave the shithole status. Sorry I was so unfair.
Its not even that, i mean i'm sure theres something of that, but this is the Disney revenge squad trying to deflect the endless shitting on Captain Marvel, in a couple of hours they are gonna move to Aquaman for being brown and then to Shazam for being a zoomer.
LatinA = women
LatinO= man
LatinX = neutral
Fucking brainlet
You do know polish workers were the actual reason Brexit was a thing, right?
You polish rats basically moved all over the EU stealing jobs from honest people while your shitty country started to overdose on redpill and for some reason lie to yourselves about being the new aryans, which is hilarious for anyone with half a working neuron.
strict borders are a pretty recent invention (mid roman empire), before that the common practice was just raiding the neighboring territories and burning everything in sight, so they can't do you any harm
introducing borders, laws and shit is what actually stopped the constant bloodshed and prevented many wars
Thats not a thing outside the US.
>still it has no grammar logic in both spanish an portuguese.
And look, I like Rosa. But using latinx is total cringy.
>take dozens of billions of dollars of support from Marshall plan
>travel freely for 50+ years
>Poland why you so slow catching up 50 years to the table
Get fucked hypocritical twat.
>introducing borders, laws and shit is what actually stopped the constant bloodshed and prevented many wars
Yeah, its working wonders in Israel.
have sex
Its 100% a chicano thing, you basically would get laughed out of the room if you tried that anywhere down the border or in any spanish speaking country.
R1a haplogroup that is historically related to Aryans is the most prevalent in Poland. Educate yourself.
they are going to be outbreed by palestinians regardless
They're trying to de-gender a language where fucking everything is gendered, it makes no sense. that what polcucks actually believe?
Yes, I know. I'm actually posting this from a spic country.
Feminist groups are the ones pushing this ''inclusive language''. For instance, they say ''todes'' instead of ''todos'', which is the word used for all and that supposedly ''is more inclusive for women and neutral gender people''. I don't know in the english language has a central institute on how the language should be spoken, but it's relieving that our institute (Spanish Royal Academy) rejects this stuff.
Yes, we generally believe scientific facts. Try using your half working neuron and do some reading.
Israel is a crybully state.
What comes next? Actx instead of actors and actresses? What other ideas of bastardising English do you have?
lol, stop nigga you are killing me with this bit.
Go on Cum Town polanon.
>I'll advocate violence on a chinese yarn spinning forum
>but if the FBI showed up at my door I would completely deny it because I'm a coward who doesn't actually believe in my views
>same image as op
What did the low IQ phone poster mean by this?
By the way, they use the x too. But only in writting because it is imposible to pronounce it.
Jews are scum for inventing this sexual revolution shit and white people are even more scum by accepting these agendas and pushing them.
That the white race is killing itself is mostly their own fault with abortions, homosexuality and contraception.
Yikes, wtf?
>Ain't no wall gonna keep us out
She's right. Walls won't keep out legal immigrants. They're designed to keep out the ILLEGAL ones.
can you really not see the difference?
you're a bit too smug for your own good.
This has gotta be some kind of next level meme bullshit. There's faggots here just straight up saying
>the Jews WANT to keep the based awesome Mexicans out of the US
>the only way to stop Trump's Jewish plot is to support the based Jew-destroying immigration plan of Rahm Emanuel, Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer
And nobody is even going to answer or address a word of what I'm saying here, they're just going to call me a stupid jew and tell me to kill myself
Illegals vote now in elections so she is correct. Local places now allow illegals to vote. There is not a separate registration. Its illegal for them to vote in federal elections.. thats the only thing stopping them. They are registered to vote. No special tag. Nothing.
stupid jew
kill yourself
hey jew
kill urself
this is actually a fairly balanced photo. like this is actualy diversity
I do have a legitimate explanation for you to consider. It's that Mexicans have a median IQ of 88, three points above the limit for mental retardation, so they speak total nonsense that can be safely ignored.
Already a neutral word for that, it's called Latin
Democrat traitors to the US hate the idea of the wall because of it's permanence.
They say 'oh I want increased surveillance!' because they know they can just gut the funding as soon as a Democrat gets in power and turn on the illegal taps to fill up the nation with more reliable welfare cases who vote straight D tickets for free gibs.
Democrats are literally the enemies already within the nation.
Y-you s-shut up! We're n-not building wall and that's final!
>white liberals unironically colonizing a whole ass language with their latinx bullshit
not based
What's your address? We're gonna break in illegally, you don't mind do you? Wait what am I asking for, Us dreamer don't have to ask. No wall stopping us.
kys stupid zionist rat
Are you having a stroke?
second from the left is mexican for sure
Yikes, getting a little overdosed on Qanon memery my boomermang.
But seriously kys you partisan piece of shit.
your shilling is really bad jew
why do leftoids always use words they dont know the meaning of, its like you throw darts at the wall and just create a sentence based off your reddit buzzwords at random.
>It's blind obsession to something you can't even name.
Maybe YOU can't name it, which makes your lack of voting power in the US very fortunate.
No, I'm asking when you're leaving your door wide open so we can all come in. Seeing how you have no problem with people doing that. Oh you forgot to give us your address, big tough guy like you. You're no coward like the rest of us.
>fight or flight never worked out historically
That's how dumb you sound.
>During debate on the Senate floor, Senator Kennedy, speaking of the effects of the act, said, "our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset"
It's so dumb. Just place automated turrets on the border and make a wall out of bullets instead.
>significantly less border to secure
based retard poster
literally BASED. if those kids grow up fit and smart ill take them any day.
> the whore literaly play a mocap and thinks she is "here to stay". LOL
Agreed, minefield works better. A wall is only as good as the men who guard it, minefield just werks
It's making fun of the eternal american
There are people itt who are some how offended by this picture
Palestinians have tried to burrow under the wall, and when those tunnels get found they get filled in or blown up. Theres a pretty good chance they’ve buried a few people alive
All of human history would like a word with you
Then why is China the second most powerful nation on earth?
>extremely racist nation
>built walls
>economic power house of the modern world
Nobody cares about this except for the brown people who rely on foreign aid from America to live.
I mean yeah, the wall in Israel saw a roughly 87% reduction in “religious motivated attacks” from 2002 to 2014 i believe
This is some chicano bullshittery
you have to understand that since english has legitimately won the world race of "this is pretty much gonna be our global language in the next 500 years" its not gonna be the queens proper english.
How about you cry about pussy hahaha
>not smiling
remember not to breed
Can't even figure out what you're on about, or why. What happened to you?
just piling on, fuck you retard hehe
You're drowning in third-world immigration too.
Oh, but at least they pretend to be nationalistic :)
An uppity spic, surprise surprise
I prefer nukes myself.
Canadian here, what's the x in latinx for?
compare this to number of people and gdp in hungary and usa
wtf? I thought it was just LGBT. These fucking degenerates and their acronyms
sounds like an open source program that translates latin into other languages.
>A-Alita is b-b-b-based....
Fucking retards, kek
alt-right is a term by and for rubes. your attitude is only fuel.
That's not true in the slightest. White Flight will continue to happen until commercial rockets to the moon becomes mainstream.
This guy figured it out. Surely nobody has thought about combating this very concept.
How do you know, are you a DHS agent?
>In 60 years will whatever hollywood becomes look at these anti american actors/current culture the same way the current crop looks at the pro american ones from 60 years ago?
Time have changed, now we live first in a planet, and then in a country.
Also, the US is already a biligual country. And sooner than 60 years from now more households will speak Spanish instead of English.
Based zionist leftist sjws redefining antiquated patriarchal language and keeping minorities in the lower caste of the hierarchy
>now we live first in a planet, and then in a country
Nobody legitimately believes this.
>>non-americans have no sense of pride in their nation and want to drown in third world immigration
Do you actually believe that?
>whites colonizing a language that whites used to colonize the original natives
Well it's true in certain places
Scroll through that and tell me it's not curated by somebody who fucking despises Sweden
some day they'll run out of alphabets
In 60 years Hollywood, as well as most of the world, will be a bombed out wasteland filled with Mad Max barbarian savages. People will be too busy being raped and cannibalized to worry about it, but everyone will feel good about no longer being oppressed by whitey.
Wtf, doesn't even look like alita
If drugs can get in, so can people. And the US lost the "War on drugs".
On the other hand, remember that inmigrants are good to keep the working force not too old. And you are an inmigrant, everybody is.
Hah, spanish. Nobody gives a shit about spanish. Latinks will be learning chinese in order to steal jobs by then.
You can thank engineering
Why are leftists so triggered at white people opposing this sentiment and the outcomes it leads to?
>we're invading your nation, puta gringos, viva la raza!
They're waiting to add P.
Fuck off with this Latinx bullshit. I don't think I've ever heard any latinos here in SoCal refer to themselves as that.
A sexist racist reveals himself.
>the United States was founded by a bunch of assholes from another country showing up, killing everyone and stealing their land
>this somehow proves immigration is a good thing that should be encouraged
This will never be a good argument
So this is the weak spot that disney is going to exploit to bring this animu shit down.
People have been saying it since it released
this is why alita shills made a general to hide away, but please do keep defending products mods are being paid to protect, shill
What? That's how countries were formed
can you imagine if blacks didn't kill each other and bred as much as latinos ? the US would be like 25-30 white today
That's because the good looking ones are actually Spanish or Italian.
>his somehow proves immigration is a good thing that should be encouraged
You're missing the point. It proves burgerfags are hypocrites.
So somebody should give up their country and drop dead in order to avoid being deemed a hypocrite?
And for that matter, everyone who says "immigration is a good thing" is actually actively lying and they just want vengeance for the Cherokee?
You really like strawmans, don't you?
>you are an inmigrant, everybody is.
>the United States was founded by a bunch of assholes from another country showing up, killing everyone and stealing their land
>You're missing the point. It proves burgerfags are hypocrites.
Where's the strawman Lebowski
>And for that matter, everyone who says "immigration is a good thing" is actually actively lying and they just want vengeance for the Cherokee?
Most people who shill for immigration genuinely do believe it will make the country better somehow. These same people want universal healthcare and free college, but they don't seem to realize that the more low skill tax burdens we have in the country the more impossible it becomes to accomplish those goals. Mexican immigration doesn't benefit anyone except the mega rich who want cheap labor. Ironic too because the left always accuses the right of being useful idiots for billionaires.
1. There will be no USA in 60 years
2. There will be no Jews in former USA in 60 years
There are few countries demographically more fucked than China (Japan, Germany, South-Korea).
Countries of old farts.
at least she's not buying the whole Marvel feminism and slammed them in the latest ig post
>it's a hollywood millionaire larping as a commie episode
The land was barely peopled with Mexicans. They had to pay Germans to colonize it for them, and when it was properly up and running, they decided they didn't want to be ruled by spics anymore
>And anyone thinking beaners wont get organized in the long run and big good tunnels
So you think people who DON'T believe that are deluded?
Fucking what?
He said Mexicans aren't capable of getting organized, not people
She might be a millionaire now, but she's a mid-30's actress with a handful of credits to her name that will probably get 1 or 2 more roles in her entire life.
I'd hardly say she's rich. Bourgeoisie probably.
you're expecting a latina to support Trump? there's nothing unusual here cuck
movie fucking magic!
Perhaps I can offer you a can of tuna?
>what latinX means
lmao seething nigger
Nobody ever talks about this but Mexicans literally have a caste system based on how much Spanish blood you have. The pics above are of Mexican “royalty.”
Vice or some other libshit rag did an article about this, interviewing some Mexican who goes to American frat parties and pretends to be from Spain because Americans can't tell one taco-babbler from another and no one gives a fuck about Mexicans here.
>she may be a hopelessly propagandized commie but at least she doesn't like the latest capeshit flick
>Latinx: a gender-neutral term sometimes used in lieu of Latino or Latina
>implying the wall is to keep legally and lawfully assimilated immigrants out
This is what the average dumbacrat actually believes.
The wall in Hungary worked because nobody actually wanted to go to Hungary, they were just passing through and went around once it went up.
The Israeli wall works because their land border with Egypt is closed completely. There are no normal migrant flows or trade passing through the Sinai.
You're being cucked by the Republicans, who don't want to do what is actually necessary to stem immigration because it would harm business interests. Trump's proposal for ending chain migration was declared DOA by Mitch McConnell for a reason
All the delusional cucks who beleives her agenda is interracial unity and that she's willing to procreate with a white guy is really baffling
She's ethnocentric, she wants open borders for Latin people in US only so the Latin community can grow and potentially take over as the new majority, she don't want open borders for her country of origin or the rest of South America
You are useful idiots, she laughs behind your backs
What about that statement was in any way untrue.
>wanting non-whites to take over as the new majority is not cuckery
Please tell me, how does less percentage of whites help the business?
Is bussines really that important when whites become a minority, unless you are non-white yourself?
Who's anti american?
fucking dropped
>the wall of Israel is not hatred and racism since it realistically works.
Gotta love the liberal slippery slope excuses for their double standards.
It's like when they claim countries can't survive without diversity, but Japan can survive with raciall homogeneity since it's already full and no room for diversity.
>muh economy argument
So you at least admit then Sweden can close their borders for further African and Middle Eastern immigration?
>proud to abandon your country
No wonder everything Mexicans touch turns into shit.
Why the fuck do they want to get in so badly rather than improve their own countries?
It’s like they don’t have any film industries outside of America. Why must the white man wipe everyone's arse?
Something about revenge for colonization.
>supporting complete and utter violation of laws
>uhhh having borders is racism
>wanting to have national sovereignty is bad
How is this even a discussion? A nation has the right to shut borders off from invaders who want nothing more but to live off the sweat of hard working Americans. Everything south of the border needs to be glassed. Liberals and liberal supporters get the fucking rope.
>not having a sense of national pride
I mean I guess I get it. Hard to have pride in your cunt when something as objectively superior as Big Dick America exists.
Non-American here
Why don't you ever ask these sjws about Russian illegal immigration and expose their hypicrisy? They seem to imply Russia ain't bringing their best
why the fuck burgers alway make up stupid words?
The latinos will just split into tribes. The whiter Ted Cruz conservative types will distance themselves from the border jumper darkies.
stupid jew, please kill yourself
I'm not an expert on the subject, but there was an article in The Economist a while back shilling for open borders, saying that a borderless world would result in trillions of dollars in growth. I guess the gist is that an endless flow of cheap labor and mindless consumers, along with an unregulated flow of goods from country to country, results in an even greater accumulation of wealth for those at the top of the heap.
The USA over the past century has been the Jews personal golem for world domination. I think if the USA stopped existing, Jews would be dealt a major blow worldwide and the rest of humanity would be better off.
t. Yea Forums
Drumpf should just say the funds are for an Israeli border wall, the Democrats would instantly agree to it. And then secretly allocate them to the Mexican border wall
100 years ago it was Britain. Now it's the Americans. In 50 years it will be the EU.
Man I wish this board had flags...
Either the EJew or chynah
Why did the Confederates, who hated black people, also want to bring in more of them from Africa?
More people in the country means more consumers and more workers. You get an oversupply of workers and you can start slashing wages, making your business more profitable.
I'm as much of a white nationalist as the rest of Yea Forums, but the Republicans don't care. By complaining about illegals when there's 4x the number of legal immigrants and demanding a wall when most of the illegals come in on visas is just their way of paying lip service to a very real concern of their base that they intend to do nothing to address, just as happened with Reagan and Bush, who both pushed for amnesty after bitching about illegals to win reelection.
Go back and stay you faggot.
Yea Forums doesn't like alita though
it's why the alita plebs had to make a general to hide away from Yea Forums
somebody kill me
>both the left and the right wants to destroy USA because hatred of Israel fried their brains.
Hand the keys to china already. West can't even kill itself.
what a qt
why does Yea Forums hate her so much?
seething mutt
Like hell you are, since you concider consumerism more important than maintaining a white majority population
But you can sit there with your shitty McDonald's burger or whatever shitty consumer products and look out at the richer blacks who look up to black people first and don't care about yo white ass when you become a minority
I am in mexico, what is latinx.
Yeah, who cares about if you belong to a poor white minority as long as the new majority is rich?
agendered version of latino/a
basically, if someone says it, you should slap them.
these are humans?
>Battle Mutt Goblita
Big if true.
imagine defending an anti-american goblina
this kills the alita generals
It's not loyalty to our government, it's loyalty to our COUNTRY.
And the principles that our country was founded upon, those outlined in the bill of rights and the constitution.
You talk about obsession when everything I ever hear from Europeans on this goddamned website is projection of your own insecurities and flaws onto the US.
The US will not exist in 10 years, let alone 60.
Keep saying I'm wrong. I hope your children's blood isn't spilled.
Funny, comming from a cuck worshipping an ethnocentric latinx who would never date a white dude
based Rosa, i like her even more, even for them commie comments. yanks shaking their jewish asses over beaners coming and fucking their (((((white))))) women lol
even latin women would peg any of you retarded cyber patriorts
your fucking deluded if a country like US would collapse that easily. stop listening to your redneck dads conspiracies and stop eating your cereal with monster energy
Glow harder nigger.
>The white race will finally be bred out of existance
Feels fucking good, finally the wh*toids will be exterminated, we used to beat the shit outta whiteboys in school never got into trouble, they just laid down and TOOK IT while playing the victim hahaha
sounds like they were. Don't worry though bud, she always comes full circle.
I think you mean goblinx
>"Lacedaemonian, I know we've never historically agreed, but I personally feel we should now band together to fight a threat much more foreign to our lands than we are to one another's. What say you?"
>*removes helmet* "Racism never worked out historically, you twat."