George Lucas increased is fortune by a billion dollars since 2012

And this nigga has done NOTHING since 2012. What a playa

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Other urls found in this thread:

>gets paid in stock for star wars
>disney stock has risen since 2012

>there are 324 people wealthier than $5.5B


We need to implement a global wealth cap of one million.

They 'll just buy a shitload of land then

>sold out like every other Baby Boomer with no regards for the future or even their own legacy


>Disney is crashing and burning because the Star Wars IP he sold to them is bleeding money and they haven't been able to recover the money of the buyout
>Based Lucas is doing fine and the prequels are vindicated by the shittiness of the sequels.

All is good in the world

I wish he'd try writing/directing again. Surely he has a few more ideas he'd like to explore, and the wallet to back up anything he could possibly imagine.

honestly what does he do all day, every day?

I don't think he has kids, and based on his physique I doubt he does much in sports or outdoor activities. I'd be curious to see what a day in the life of george lucas is like now.

Gained money but lost Star Wars.

I think he's lost more than he's gained desu

He has several kids, I'm pretty sure they're at least partially why he wasn't that attached to the Star Wars sequels aside from like five minutes of spitballing.

He mostly goes to races and hangs out in the pits. See zoomers have been so pumped full of soi and hormones they refuse to understand this but in George's day knowing how to work on cars and having an autistic knowledge of motorsports was part and parcel of being a nerd. I wish he would make car movies again.

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What would happen if the masses decided to just take all their money and distribute it evenly?

>still eats at the food court

so fucking based. please forgive us

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I would fuck those Soviet bastards up

There are Michelin-star-restaurant-owning chefs that eat greasy fridge pizza leftovers for breakfast
Sometimes you just can't beat cheap, greasy food

This picture sums up what's wrong with the economy. This guy has 5 billion dollars but he still buys the same lunch at the same price as everybody else.

>$10,000 for a hammer
>$50,000 for a toilet seat
>$10,000,000 for a car
life would be shit

t. retard
t, bait

>George sells Star Wars to Disney for billions
>Disney completely screws it up
>George is able to buy back Star Wars at all time cheap
>Lucas kino is back on the menu

He created the most iconic film franchise of all time. What do you expect?

Can't think of anything more based than if this were to happen

>oh no id have to make things oh god i cant cope
jesus you fragile useless cunt, get a piece of wood, get a rock, wow you have a fucking hammer, you'd last 5 minutes in the wild before asking where the nearest mcdonalds is

not hard to believe. own a mine of any kind, oil or gas of any kind. make mass food products, cars, anything that everyone uses.


>let me tell you how to live





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what does any of that have to do with the guys question?
also i need instructions for the toilet seat and the car please.

it depends
if you stop at billionaires, ignoring that as a middle class westerner you are still thousands times richer than 3/4 of world population, you'd get like 100 bucks
if you redistributed everybody's money equally then you'd be in abject poverty, as everybody else

Shit, there's like 10 Walton's who are worth more than him

You need to hang from a lamp post

That's not how net worth works.

What can you do with 5 billion dollars that you can't do with 1 billion dollars?


George should pay our neetbux since we do so much to support him

I dont know but civilization should try it at least once just to see.

You could buy 14 F-22 Raptor air superiority fighters instead of 3

Buy super expensive things, like corporations.

do super rich people ever do cool shit like this? seems like all they do is try to make more money

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>Sell-outs make most money.

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buy the worlds largest house, then the second largest. buy the biggest yacht. after all that you might have enough for some good old mall food and a diet coke.

I would produce the weirdest and most ambitious scripts without giving a fuck if they bomb

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I don't know but if I ever get fuckoff rich by some godly miracle then I'm raising a private army to form my own country and get cemented in history books


You cant but F22s, user. It's against the law.

don't forget he just spent $2 billion on a museum to basically show off his fuck huge art collection

Most ultra-wealthy people have their own doomsday bunkers with private armies to defend them in case of societal collapse.

This is not true.

not even ones with no weapons?

black kids would be out of the projects and solving stomach cancer

Nah, pretty sure Saudi Kings have a few

buy post brexit bongland


I don't even think disney beat the stock market average rate of return

So george could've literally invested all the money in index funds, done absolutely nothing, and come out on top of disney

This is why I don't believe that anyone wins the powerball lottery. If they were really handing out 400 million dollars to some retard there should be news articles about the ridiculous shit they did

Do billionares need security?I mean i 'd imagine commies or an idiot my try something.

If you zoom out, the rest of the mall is empty. He bought it out for the afternoon.

Yes, not even ones with no weapons. The technology is too sensitive. And not just the stealth technology, but also the engine technology, radar technology and the software suite used to operate it. All highly classified. Private citizens are not allowed to own one.

4.5B to 5.5B (+22%) in 6 years? That's not much.
That's only 3.4% increase per year, compounded.

Fucking loser. The chad move is to be like Dennis Hopper and buy an old warehouse to live in with your super valuable art collection and share only with friends or people on a personal whim.

George 100% has a bodyguard with him whenever he leaves the house, the best bodyguards aren't visible though but you can be sure he's within 5 seconds and always has one eye on george.

They're essentially government heads so naturally. But average American billionaires do not have private armies and doomsday bunkers, generally speaking. They're essentially just regular people with a ton of money.

A literal trillionaire walks around without security. I'm sure George is fine

Who convinced corporations diversity would make them money anyway? These fucks have done nothing but ruin everything and everyone for a quick buck for the past 100 years and now suddenly ALL OF THEM are falling for the diversity meme and paying dearly for it, who the fuck sold that idea to them

this might be the first time i start thinking why even live

This is why I quit playing neopets again after getting a fucking super badass account in 4 months last winter. I could never compete with the autistics who never took a decade break and earned 20 million in bank interest a day

Nope. You're mistaken.

Fine then George can buy 265 f-16s

Everyone on earth would get $10,714

Also if you have more than $10,714 in assets right now then your money is going to Africa sorry

This may be true but there's a video of some random jackoff just walking up to Jacob de'Rothschild to bitch at him and Jake just smirks and blows him off, the guy doesn't get tackled or anything. He could have easily killed the guy. Maybe staged?

It's fine. We all end up in the same place anyway. In the ground with nothing.


He didn't lose

George lucas is always the creator of star wars in the public consciousness

He was tired of making star wars and only did the prequels to make back the fortune his ex wife ripped off

Also a large portion of the fanbase looks back at the prequels with rose tinted glasses because of how much they hate the sequel trilogy. I think he knew kennedy would screw it up. The narrative is that the prequels were misunderstood now with kennedy, JJ, and rian johnson taking his place as the people that ruined star wars.

Meanwhile he made a fortune on the sale. And I'm coming to the realization that george intentionally provided disney with bad ideas to use for the sequel trilogy, knowing they wouldn't use them, to set them up for failure and still make it look like he was cooperative as a consultant.

I don't know why every single retard replying to this post assumes the money would be distributed evenly among the entire world and not just the country the billionaires reside in

Hes angry and bitter about star wars and did the absolute unthinkable thing and sold it.

The money is meaningless. He rejected the thing that made him world renowned. He gave up his baby. And now I think he is sad.

Bodyguards are too uneffective for him, he uses snipers all around the streets instead

Lmao this isn't even the video I was talking about here

Everything to do with the rothschilds is staged, they're actually poor they've just lied very well and people think they're rich so they treat them like they're rich.

>Private citizens are not allowed to own one.

sounds unconstitutional to me

Staged as fuck or the moaner is some other millionaire so it's staged anyway to make them look more down to earth. They probably have a van with guys with assault rifles ready after 9/11. When you think something like that costs a lot it doesn't to them. Security detail could probably be offered by their country or just as a tax writeoff.

What would happen if we just killed all humans who aren’t intelligent enough to be able to figure out education and making a job that nets more than $100,000 a year?


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Considering how ridiculous most car movies have gotten, GL could really blow people away by making a visceral, semi-realistic racing movie informed by his youth and near-death crash.

But after the Prequels and Red Tails, there's no evidence that he wouldn't make something with even less believable car action and more weightless CGI than F&F.

Just declare all the new material non-canon and have him produce (not write or direct) a new trilogy. I'd like to keep Rogue One canon, but it's a worthy sacrifice if we could blot out TFA & TLJ from our collective memories.

There would be no one to buy shit and the economy would collapse anyway

They don't have the money in cash. Its "net worth" you would end up with stock options and if you divested them too quickly they would be worthless and if you took them away no one would buy them from you. So you are basically fucking retarded.

Will he ever make kinos again?

>Gang Starr - Suckas Need Bodyguards

After taxes and taking a lump sum, most payouts are waaaaay below the stated prize amount. And if you take the annuity instead of lump sum, you only get the equivalent of a doctor's salary every year (at most).



Better than listening to literal retards whine and complain about “the great economical justice” that is capitalism.

I’ve got a BAS, make $140k a year and literally work 20 hours a week

Yeah, well there are a lot of arms that private citizens cannot buy. Like a Zumwalt class destroyer or an F35. The right and left accepts that.

He lies on a rug on the floor of his living room at Skywalker Ranch playing with his Star Wars dolls

Property would count towards the cap obviously.

I miss Lucas. As bad as he was at writing dialog, he knew how to present a sweeping narrative that presented recognizable archetypes, and not a shit sandwich of narrow ideology.

>Hes angry and bitter about star wars
It only gets better from here. Perception of him was always good with the general public. Only star wars fans hated him. And over time his reputation will improve against disney's trilogy.

>The money is meaningless.
Maybe, but only because his non-star wars films were failures and he's no longer a competent artist. Keeping star wars wouldn't change this.

>He rejected the thing that made him world renowned. He gave up his baby. And now I think he is sad.
I've already explained this. Star Wars will always be George Lucas, ask anyone on the street, and the sequel trilogy is cementing that with its failure. Back when it was in george's purse and the prequels were the "bad star wars movies", the dominant narratives in the fan base were that everyone but george made star wars a success. Now sympathy has vastly improved. And people like Lawrence Kasdan that were considered the voice of reason made a fool of himself with TFA.

People like the prequels a lot more after the shit Disney has done.

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The trick is they don't give you all the money at once. They do some system of giving you like 100 or 200k each year.
And yeah, most people just buy houses and cars for themselves and their relatives and all those money disappear quickly.

*Non-Star Wars, Non-Indiana Jones films

Yeah, there's no underestimating how bad people are with money.

Keep in mind the average salary of an NBA player is $6.2 million and yet somehow 80% of NBA players are bankrupt within five years of retirement

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>Back when it was in george's purse and the prequels were the "bad star wars movies", the dominant narratives in the fan base were that everyone but george made star wars a success. Now sympathy has vastly improved. And people like Lawrence Kasdan that were considered the voice of reason made a fool of himself with TFA.

Fucking this. If you watched TFA and Solo and still think Kasdan was what made Empire great and not Lucas, you're a fucking idiot.



He's too old to make another trilogy and see it finished alive.

Well duh, he’s probably all in chainlink

Now that would be George buying out most of the Disney stocks.

mass starvation

Then I guess you literally couldn't buy a house where I live.

and old man eating shopping center pasta and a black wife.

living the dream.

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Literally everyone that becomes rich and isn't born into it does the same thing, why the fuck would you meaninglessly posture.

80% of NBA players are nigger.

>6.2 million yearly
>niggers don't know how to invest at least a million of that
Hell they'd have a good safety net even if they put away 100k yearly how the FUCK are they broke

~400million is after a really high powerball win tax
>The trick is they don't give you all the money at once. They do some system of giving you like 100 or 200k each year.
You can choose. Not taking a lump sum would he retarded because money depreciates in value and if the state goes broke like Illinois they will tell you to kick rocks
80% of NBA players are black I don't see how this has any bearing on cleetus buying a private zoo and getting eaten by his new pet tiger


destroy a race

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dis dude made Star Wars
Star Wars

not true

Which one?

>there's something wrong when self made men aren't disconnected from reality

What the fuck am I reading

You retards will never run out of ways to complain about the economic hierarchy. Just admit you hate success. There is no way someone can be successful and you like them.

Reminder that George donated the 4 billions Disney paid for Star Wars to charity. All of it.

Plus he's given away almost a billion dollars to build a kino museum. George lost his mind a little bit making movies, but his heart's definitely in the right place.


Who was that nogger who was worth like 800 million from basketball or football and lost it all?

Trust me

If you are a friend of George please tell him that Yea Forums would like to apologize to him.

based Lucas. Why couldn't DeNiro provide for his wife?

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They think that a few thousand people on Twitter must be an accurate sampling of the population and their feelings. It's basically what market research has become now.

that money doesn't really exists

He was so done with star wars that he disnt even want to profit from it anymore.

He wanted absolutely nothing to do with it.

I remember him whining at the time with something like, "well if everyone thinks I destroyed it, then they can have it and do whatever they want with it."


only if it's fiat currency

Lucas should be a story consultant
or a producer
the former because he clearly has a very strong idea about what star wars should be and what is represents
the latter because he has never really been a director type, and he has stated on more than one occasion that he never liked directing as much, but he was always great when it came to dealing with business and money

That's not how money works.



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He said the typical thing older directors in his position would be expected to say i.e. that he's going to direct small, strange art films.

Dont hold your breath though. He has insecurities just like anyone else.

working on his new film history museum he is building out of pocket.

It would be like nazi Germany when they took all the money away from wealthy jews and improved their economy substantially, however still harmed a lot of innocent wealthy jewish financiers. So if you support socialism your pretty much an immoral douchbag.
