Can you blame him?

Can you blame him?

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Went and saw this in a packed black theater on opening night.

Literally the best theater experience I've ever had. My face hurt from laughing at the end of it. I've never seen so many people just turn on a movie and start roasting it and and laughing and laughing. It was one of the coolest experiences ever tbphywf.

Like finally after everyone settled down after he fucked his daughtermonster, there was a quiet moment and one person just started cracking up again, and it was like an explosion went off. Like a self-reinforcing shit tornado of people laughing, and then laughing about all the laughing goddamn so fucking fun.

*kisses fingertips*/11 movie experience

i blame society

I bet your gf had a fun time too :)

>implying anyone here is going to movies with girls
What a malignant nigger virgin you are my dude. You should kill yourself. You'll never have a girlfriend and nobody will ever like you or even really notice you. The world will be better with you not in it.


is that pan's labyrinth?

it's captain marvel, you cuck

he cute

What movie?

was it rape?

Attached: asking for it.webm (1920x1080, 2.44M)

lol awww

post a picture of your tits you little slut let me cum on your face. I'll buttfuck the incel right out of you fat little faggot.

what's this? why is that man making out with a cancer patient?

*blocks your path*

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I laughed harder at this post than I should have


she cute

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bald "women" are fucking disgusting

that's not a woman

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You and I haven't been watching the same porn

>having pictures of faggots saved on your computer
ngmi my dude

yes pretty sure this is exactly what rape looks like