they pissed the muslims.
Is there a name for this? When you think a foreign entity is constantly trying to attack you or the things you like? Seems like legit delusion.
In Trump's Russian occupied America we are the resistance and the only way to fight back is by watching Disney movies as much as possible.
I dunno if there's a specific word for it. I guess it's just paranoia.
I thought she didn't want white men watching her movie.
It's called TDS
Here you go, Disney. You see what happens? You see what happens, Brie? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK A GAMER IN THE ASS!
If it's not the russian then there's a lot of pathetic people out there.
Based Russians hax0rs
>Russian stooges
I don't even watch this capeshit nor do I ever feel urge to discuss some retarded comics.
Also woman's day is actually a very significant event here we even don't work
t.real russian hacker
as opposed to an 'illegitimate delusion'? think before you post.
Isn't she already a millionaire from white male dollars? She wasn't deserving of those either, why the fuck does she have them? This goddamn fungus footed cunt piece of shit deserves to get hit by a car and bleed out over 3 hours.
>progressive views
My mission is success, comrades. When I get the reward from Putin I'll be able to afford a hot dinner.
>Wearing makeup when you're flying a plane
>Russians are wasting their time paying people to review bomb a film
The logic of these people is defective.
She [?] has a harsh face. Sorry you failed at being a female pop star, dude.
If I want a real super hero movie, I'll watch TV movies of The Incredible Hulk (with based storylines) and the 70s and 80s Christopher Reeve Superman films. I watch no current pseudo-hero films. Fuck Hollywood.
The perfect acronym too, because their derangement is really getting TEDIOUS.
she actually does not deserve the white male dollar. how can you claim to be a feminist and "bite the hand that feeds" with all this shit talk against white males yet still take a paycheck from them? with these people it's always do as i say, not as i do type of thing. if she was a real feminist she would refuse to take money from white males and only do movies funded by women but i guess there aren't any of those so she'll just take the white male cock and spout bullshit, empty platitudes about how oppressed she is and shit. god i can't stand this cunt
This never would have happened if Hillary won.
last sentence is correct. she's coalburning sjw bitch, sjw as fuck. doesnt deserve 'white' money indeed
Why do they keep making fun of us Bros???
She's not though
Wait a minute...what happen to the 58,000 reviews?
Da, we did it again you dumb sukas. We elected Trump, we bombed SJW8: Last cuck and now we're bombing Captain Feminazi and there is nothing you can do about it. This is our plan to eliminate cultural marxism once and for all.
>Is there a name for this?
Not them, but you just showed three that proves?
Btw, I predict that Bris Larson will officially come out as lesbian in less than a year.
So they got rid of all the bots and its still shit?
The insecure like to attack the successful.
Why does Putin keep funding the hate of bad films? Does he want to be the saviour of western films?
>she doesn't deserve a white male dolar
Didn't she herself told in the interview that this movie is not for white males?
So, if someone tells me to fuck off - I usually listen and don't go see their movie.
>what the fuck 32% with 58,000 user reviews?
>obviously its russian trolls, will delete all the bot accounts and the score will hike way up!
>got rid of all the "russian bots"
>still sucks
well done camerads
california will soon be in our hands
The thing is - all this shitstorm could have been avoided if Brie Larson just kept her mouth shut.
Because I don't think people care about "female superhero lead" anymore. Most are just being pissed at Brie Larson being a cunt extraordinare.
did anyone go on a tirade for Gal Gadot?
Disney just keeps digging their grave further and further.
Yes, they're completely rewriting the narrative as usual
mental illness
How does one get Russia to pay them for shitposting? Asking for a friend
but if she had kept her mouth shut it wouldn't have been noticed at all
send the russian embassy a dm on twitter
Nah, Brie is only part of the problem. Some folks have genuine issue with the movie, and Disney and the media are attempting to censor people.
The more SJWs tighten their grip, the more fans will slip through their fingers!
you need to prove your toughness to your local babushka
the digital ruskie boogeyman is real.
can't wait to hear Joe Rogan slurp the semen of the russian bots narrative with his russian bot investigator guest next week.
Go to the Kremlin and ask
it's funny because these sjws, "progressives" and so forth are the end products of KGB subversion tactics decades ago
Okay, now this is judaism
Greeting, Comrades! I am being the "Christopher" from your "Texas." I do not think we should be seeing this movie. Instead, let us go and vote down on the Tomatoes of Rotten. MAGA!
this is peak hebrew
No she just doesn't want white men reviewing it. She'll gladly take their money
Unironically McCarthyism
You mean like Red Scare? Russia has lived inside American's minds rent free for the last 70 years
it is, it's called siege mentality
Boogeyman. Its the Cold War 2: Electronic Boogaloo
paranoid schizophrenia?
How do you have so little self-awareness? You realize you've been blaming the jews like the leftists have been blaming russians right?
Кopм и ceмeнa, тoвapищи
Lets be honest here, Yea Forums would still shit on Captain Marvel movie regardless, her SJW bullshit only added more ammo.
These people live in a fantasy land
Someone should walk up to her and tell her she's nothing but a white man with a womb. :D
>did anyone go on a tirade for Gal Gadot?
Yes, she's a skinny, horse-faced kike who can barely act.
But this... this thing. I can't believe Marvel fucked up so bad. It's like they tried to design an actual franchise killer.
its called RENT FREE
but it literally is the jews most of the time
based normies
Get this hothead out of here, only absolute Culture Warrior faggots care about what celebrities say
The rest of us just hate capeshit
>There are people out there that legitimately think that there is a foreign state-sanctioned movement to critique a Disney superhero movie online by giving it bad reviews.
This delusion is nearly too much for me to comprehend.
russians think americans deliberately made them all addicted to heroin, I'm glad americans are finally evening out the paranoid schizophrenia imbalance
Does Yea Forums have the wherewithal to convince tumblr to send droves of fat unwashed legbeards and cat ladies to save captain fungus?
>Just really fuck up the capeshit optics forever
but what do they think that they will achieve by doing this. I never see anyone talk about this. They claim russians are doing it, but what is the long term goal of doing it. What do russians gain by doing it, if they really were? What sort of battlefield and win would it even be?
Based and bukinpilled
Hypernormalisation suggested that this guy
was the inspiration for "shitposting" tactics.
So, I guess you need to be Russian and work for one of the state-controlled media organizations. Unlike in America, where you just have to work for a marketing firm hired by one of the multi-billion dollar media empires.
If Russians can hack the democrats, manipulate the election and also blackmail the president, hack every review for swj products, YouTube comments, advertisement and can make immigrants commit more crimes, maybe they truly should rule the world.
Why the culture war ofc, those hateful Russian bots promote traditional values and sexist outdated gender roles.
Which I assume must be a very dangerous ideology as it led to nazi germany duh
Its called being a 'murrilard.
That is exactly my point. Do these people actually think this movie is culturally relevant enough to shape international diplomacy? To think that Putin brought all of his closest cronies together at the Kremlin and was like "ok, see this American movie Captain Marvel coming out today? We cannot let the audience score be Certified Fresh! Do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't hit 60%!" It's fucking ridiculous.
You fucking dumbass cunt piece of shit. Fucking whore. You roody poo stinky fuck. "Delusion" can be used as a figure of speech, as in
>he's delusional
Which almost never means you mean the person is literally delusional, as in, aflicted with a medical condition. Therefore, saying it's a "legitimate" delusion clarifies it as the literal sense of the word and not a figure of speech.
Don't ever try to be smart again you uneducated smug piece of brown cumstain.
>I never see anyone talk about this
You should watch TLJ behind the scenes. Rian talks about thousand of russian accounts tweeting that Hux was their favourite character and demanding to see more of him. These people are literally delusional
Picturing this conversation taking place made me kek irl
I've seen them talk about that.
I have not seen them talk about WHY they think the russians are doing it.
What do the russians gain from tweeting bad things about the last jedi? Thats what I don't see them talk about.
It's really amazing how Russians hacked the American election, are fighting in Crimea and Syria, supporting the failed government of Venezuela, killing gays, breaking Denuvo, participating in deep and interesting discussions about Pathologic on Yea Forums, shilling for Turgenev's books on Goodreads and still have time to review bomb and shitpost about Disney movies with female protagonists.
How is such thing possible?
>To think that Putin brought all of his closest cronies together at the Kremlin and was like "ok, see this American movie Captain Marvel coming out today? We cannot let the audience score be Certified Fresh! Do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't hit 60%!" It's fucking ridiculous.
Fucking giggling just picturing this
>It's really amazing how Russians hacked the American election, are fighting in Crimea and Syria, supporting the failed government of Venezuela, killing gays
These are all legit, by the way. Then again, an amerimutt thinks interventionist foreign policy is normal business.
Those damn Russians!!
Russian bot is code for "alt right" which is also code for "People that make our narrative look bad" it's not a news piece for normal people it's for the ones who are too far gone they exist on both sides.
>qboomers and the rabid sjws
>all this shitstorm could have been avoided if Brie Larson just kept her mouth shut.
>EVER shutting their mouths
It's not going to happen. SJW's are shrieking constantly. The only time it stops is when they take a break to plug their maw with cock or cheesecake.
DRUMPF hiring Russian bots to attack Captain Marvel because it has a strong woman IN IT. THIS IS LIFE IN DRUMPFS SOCIETY...
>We cannot let the audience score be Certified Fresh!
>goddamn conservatives blaming refugees and illegals for everything!
>muh russians ruin everything!
There's no conspiracy.
It's just a bad movie.
Finally managed to resize and compress this enough for Hiro to let me post it to Yea Forums. From two threads last night.
Wrong. McCarthyism was actually founded in reality. The USSR was both an ideological and existential threat that provably was trying to infiltrate the United States and destroy from the inside out.
Modern Russia does not equally qualify.
Kek poltards are too stupid to realize they got baited
My country had McCarthyism, and we SOARED.
Problem is: under McCarthyism, women get more power, so they make less kids, so you are fucked.
McCarthyism can be implemented only with an artificial womb.
>Is there a name for this? When you think a foreign entity is constantly trying to attack you or the things you like? Seems like legit delusion.
Name a board that thinks a foreign entity is trying to attack them and the things they like, to the point of delusion.
it's kind of hard not to blame the jews when almost every communist is fucking jewish
she was hired specifically because she's an outspoken feminist.
it's unbelievable that they're pulling the exact same campaign of insulting fans that they pulled with tlj that blew up in their faces.
Fuck of Mccarthy was right. Look at how the communists have infiltrated everything and rebranded their goal of centralized control as socialism
If that's the case - motherfuckers, how did you think this was going to end? If causing that shitstorm was their idea of promoting the movie, this had to be the dumbest idea ever.
Never forget the 48,000
>Name a board that thinks a foreign entity is trying to attack them and the things they like, to the point of delusion.
Yea Forums Yea Forums Yea Forums and /lgbt/ there may be more but I am not personally aware as I dont visit.
Real /pol/ came up with a theory that the Jews are doing it on purpose to head off #metoo's wider agenda of stuffing boardrooms full of women. They have given intersectional feminists every opportunity to succeed by handing them the most lucrative, fan-friendly, tickets-sell-themselves IPs on their rosters. The films have been medicore at best and distaterous the rest of the time. This is perfect, as the Jews can now turn to shareholders and say "we did everything we could to encourage and support this feminist agenda, and they lost you a fortune in money, we promise this won't happen again".
>foreign entity
There was legitimate evidence that /pol/ was being brigaded and shilled with slide threads during election season in 2016 with people from ShareBlue etc. trying to shift the narrative.
Normies can be hilarious sometimes.
>eal /pol/ came up with a theory that the Jews are doing it on purpose to head off #metoo's wider agenda of stuffing boardrooms full of women.
It was to cover up Pedo-gate
i think Disney discussed going back into the edit room to CGI smiles onto her flat face.
there was one saying "they should just have had the cat on"
Why does the Russian government always review bomb Disney films?
>фильм вышeл?
>oбpyшить peйтинг
Those damn Russians.
Go see Captain Marvel, now in theaters, to show them who is boss!
You have to wonder why not one single dude just casually mentioned "yo this bitch ugly and a bit of a cunt" even in hushed fucking tones even to fucking teamsters.
>Oh yeah metoo, wellp ya fucked up hollywood
Do you think the US does this kind of counter-intelligence to Russia? Like does the CIA go on Russian review sites and reviewbomb Night Watch?
>lefties are usually socialists or even communists
>Russia is essentially the mother of communism
>lefties still autistically screech over "muh russia"
I don't get it, shouldn't they love Russia because it's their anti-capitalist egalitarian utopia?
What did they call it in the cold war? “Red fear” “red menace”, something like that.
the problem with this theory is, would they be willing to destroy or severely damage two pillars of their company, the mcu and star wars, just to keep women out. i think they're insulated and think the zeitgeist is still behind feminism and sjw politics. they didn't get the memo that the cultural pendulum is swinging back to the right.
She cucks those pretty bois with Tyrone, literally makes them watch
Quit pretending you're an oldfag, fucking idiot. I'll do whatever the hell I want to you, bitchboy, and all you're going to do is cry and go read knowyourmeme
supposedly the russo bros. and others did voice concern, but feige insisted on her. i think feige is fucking her.
Man I remember not liking that movie and still watching all of it and daywatch, I even use the aesthetic in my work often. just fucking OOOOOZING with aesthetic I swear it's grime is off the fucking chart I feel dirty thinking about it.
>And if you have a careful eye you might see some of said work soon
Ec тoвapищ эвepиcинг вэнт бeттep зeн экcпeктeд
>The Russos
I don't even doubt it, imagine trying to frame a fucking scene around an eternal frowny face emoji.
because you can never prove Russiian bots but some Arkansas alcoholic Boomer with grudge made it a popular term to blame your own failings on so now the left runs with it.
>I did not lose the lection because I am a terrible person with no real ideas, it was THE RUSSIANS
>I did not ruin a movie franchise akin to a money printer with leftist ideology and alienation of cire fans, it was THE RUSSIANS!
These people act like five years olds. No, scratch that, five year olds telling lies have more logical consistency
all russian misygonist bots
>it was the Russians hurr
See, this is why we will never get a long.
Big difference is McCarthy was 100% correct, and didn’t go far enough.
>4 Jews and one white woman
>white families
"Red scare" or "paranoia".
What the fuck is RT's problem?
Do they realize that they killed their entire website over this shit movie?
they are just going what Disney paid them to do.
I despise everything about RT but they have a solid monopoly at this point. They aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
more like wikifungus
You're not very history-literate, are you?
1. Russia has not been a Communist society for nearly 30 years at this point.
2. Russia is not the "Mother of Communism". It's just the country where the first Communist revolution that actually lasted occurred.
Communism was born in Germany in the mid-1800's.
They're hedging their bets on the public having a short attention-span.
They think people will forget this shit in two weeks.
Quints speak the truth
The difference is that there is actual proof that joos are to blame
The Russians are the new "Elders of Zion".
Why do they always lie? The interested / not interested -choice is not a review, but they literally claim it is to pretend people were doing something wrong and "reviewed the movie before it was out".
I can't take any author seriously when they reference this in their articles. Let's give them a benefit of the doubt and say Russia does intend to sabotage foreign government and influence the public perception of their people? Why would Russia waste their time reviewing children superhero and soft sci-fi films? What can they possibly gain from this? Do they think these films have any actual influence other than giving some audiences some cheap entertainment flicks?
Furthermore, how the hell is that any different from what American foreign agents do to other foreign states? It's a level of hypocrisy that Americans shouldn't be dealing with. Americans are responsible for overthrowing democratically elected leaders in Asia, the Middle East and the South America, for fascist dictatorships who were more open to American interests.
Leftists treat white males like the nazis treated Jews in the build up to WW2.
The Russian angle is just a convenient excuse for when the media narrative is exposed for the BS that it is. Like telling the world that Trump is unpopular but he wins in a landslide.
How much of the scary Russians are just people using VPN's?
Russia has some pretty secure and pretty popular services that are out of reach to our governments
Two of those guys are definitely gay.
>Leftists treat white males like the nazis treated Jews in the build up to WW2
The irony of this delusion is palpable
Fuck Captain Marvel and fuck women
y doesn't left just hire russia to give the filum good reviews?
>Even Vox, WaPo, etc gave it bad reviews
intersectionalist feminism, critical race theory, these progressive ideologies scapegoat white men as the source of all the suffering and oppression the protected classes supposedly go through.
Let’s be real here, foreign entities are always attacking, influencing, and testing defenses. And we are doing the same back. But they don’t care about fucking Disney movies.
>When you think a foreign entity is constantly trying to attack you or the things you like?
You mean like mexicans or the jews?
Go away you whiteknighting newfag
This is an edit, right? this is too funny to be real
did she get facial surgery or something recently? she looks different from the movie
Slavs were the ubermensch all along.
бeceд энд peдпилд
Based and overlooked
>Name a board that thinks a foreign entity is trying to attack them and the things they like
Yea Forums, /vr/, Yea Forums, /k/, /pol/, /r9k/, Yea Forums
It's called makeup and lighting.
>crushed the dreams
I don't get it.
for real though, if i was russian and putin told me ''make americanos made at each otherr and i give you money yes good money'' I'd just make easily traceable movie review bombs on whatever movie is ''politically hot'' at the moment and watch teenagers on Yea Forums make treads on bloggers and literally whos untill they get rile each other up and start movie bombing themselves, and then vogue or some bigger bombers ''join the fight against the alt-right'' and then i'd spend my money on women and vodka because my job is already done at this point
>Spending your Russian bots on Disney movies
If Russians had that power why wasted it in fucking Disney movies?
He realises that most sensible people want nothing to do with coalburners, but fails to notice she's ugly, inside and out
I get it
Imagine being so paranoid you think Russians are behind everything.
That wouldn't crush their dreams though, it would more just gross them out.
russian incels just made me spill coffee all over myself
mfw this is a false flag by marvel
They know it will flop so they’re behind boys so they can blame Russia instead
Oh nooooo, you said the word incels, whatever will they doooo
too bad Brie made me never want to wear a NIN shirt again
Have sex
Stop ruining things people like.
>"Men just can't stand women leading action movies!! damn you white sexist males!!"
>Alita has a 94% in viewer reviews
Me third from the far left
This has to be a parody post.
Nobody is this batshit insane.
Natural selection at work.
this has gone on for too long... if mueller and the justice system cant stop putin then we have to find a way to do it ourselves
> 36k dislikes to 35k likes
Jesus even the normies hate her
>He thinks hilldawg posters were serious
Come on now
Mueller Syndrome.
>We cannot let the audience score be Certified Fresh!
We need an “angry Putin yelling at his cabinet members” video to match that Hitler one.
On the Young Turks they interviewed a CTR spokesman who kept on blaming the "p o l" board for creating every conspiracy theory. I would say there were definitely shills, but there were far more trolls creating bait.
shave the legbeard, kike
A long what?
Defensive Xenoparanoia
McCarthyism was a psyop to blame Jewish subversion on soviet russia. And it worked. Jews relabelled themselves liberals and neocons and continued with zero scrutiny.
50% Turkish people believe USA, Israel and Europe is teamed up to destroy Turkey. Every negative thing is blamed on these countries rather then the government. Kurdish movement? USA created. Turkey shooting down Russian plane down? Blamed on a Turkish cleric who is in USA, working for CIA. Works for turkey so why not.
Bunch of dorks, but nice shoes.. I guess... faggots.
She never went around on a press tour saying fuck all white males. All she did was make some jokes about running over Palestinians with tanks. No one cares about that. If anything it made me like her a little.
Yes the issue is clearly russians trying to oppress women in movies.
>Feminist only dates wimpy looking beanboys
I wish I got paid by Russians to shitpost.
The choosiest of the chosen ones
and yet they get more pussy than you lmao
these people think that there is a line of men wanting to date her but they are so fragile that finding out she is a coalburner ruins that
its ruined beforehand for various reasons but they think it works like that
Red scare. No really its just the red scare agian but the politics swapped sides.
McCarthy turned out to be right though
Nah, it's Reverse McCarthyism when people lash out at you for not being a Marxist.
She's just a cunt in general. Simple as that.
>Second largest party is communist party
>Favorite historical figure of all time is Stalin
>Leader is former kgb
you mean the 6 gorillions?
This. The movie is so badly put together and her character is so badly developed how much the audience roots for her is entirely derived from how much they like Brie Larson. Problem is she's kind of an unlikable cunt like Jennifer Lawence
Quints don't lie, this marketing strategy is fucked