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Other urls found in this thread:úmenóreans

Another thing for them to ruin.

What is that?

Prime's something like Netflix but from Amazon

The Lord of the Rings show on Prime, which was speculated to be about young Aragorn, is instead looking to focus on the Second Age

20 years before death star

how 'covenient"

Press F for the LoTR lore.

I meant what is "Second Age"? Before The Lord of the Rings?

When did the Istari pop up?
Was it during the second or third age?

>Rise and fall of Numenor
>the founding of gondor/arnor
>the war of the last alliance
This has so much potential to be amazaing, please PLEASE just don't fuck up for once

Will we finally get to see THAT SaruonxCelebrimbor scene on the big screen?

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Oh right, LOTR takes place in the Third Age, so the Second Age takes place hundreds of years before LOTR. Means the show might feature locations like Moria and Minas Morgul when they were still occupied and alive.

Early Third age

I know a bit of Tolkien but at one point before this board was an unusable shit hole and we still had comfy Tolkien threads there were legit anons who were experts.

If any of you are still here, what realistically do you think this show will be about? Sauron infiltrating Numenor? Elendil & co. traveling westward?

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Just leave it alone, why can't they leave anything alone?

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Aragon is 80 in LOTR tho

It's a period of 3441 years that ends with Isildur one-shotting Sauron.

Will Galadriel's feet be in it?

technically the second age is like 3k years long so who knows when it will be

but most realistically, it will probably be about the build up of Sauron and his armies leading to the third age

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so we won't get to see the 5 wizards acting like a boysband travelling across middle earth

Never seen LOTR but want to watch it. Just have 1 question. Is it really as gay as it looks?

Yeah I’m not a huge expert on the lore, there’s definitely a lot of interesting stories to go through so I’m hopeful.
I know, the rumour before this was the show would focus on Aragorn, but that doesn’t look to be happening anymore.

So it's guaranteed to be a completely new fan-fiction abomination using the LotR brand to sell.


[spoilers]its gayer[/spoilers]

What about it looks gay?

They're still here. They were talking about it a few days ago. I am not one of them.

When you suck off capitalism. You can't expect to not get soaked in its AIDS cum.

I imagine it will centre around numenorians considered the big reveal of the map but im hoping it at also covers events in Eregion, forging of the rings and Annatar/Sauron

Honestly i think 2nd age is the best time they could adapt because there is still enough familiar without making it look like a complete Jackson ripoff. You could still have Sauron as the main antagonist but his completely different design and an actual personality will make him a totally different and more interesting character

It's "gay" in the sense that there's lot of close male companionship with hugging and stuff but no actual gay shit.


with all the bullshit going on in entertainment industry, i don't know why but i still have a slight bit of hope for this one.
>please PLEASE just don't fuck up for once
I bloody hope so too, user.

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Though obviously there’s absolutely no info at the moment, from the little there is it seems they are at least being a little sympathetic to both Tolkien and Jackson’s vision. I only say that because of the maps posted to their Twitter, which seem to be making an effort to stick with the Jackson imagery from the films.

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>second age
......why would I watch that fully knowing that the ring and sauron gets destroyed anyway?

yeah, I really need those "that's my wee lad gimli" scenes multiplied by 1000

homoerotic is the best description.

If they have any balls whatsoever they’ll make Sauron the main character and have the entire show follow an anti-hero. You could even have him be somewhat sympathetic from his point of view, however that would take balls so I’m betting the main character will be Elendil and it will follow his perspective as Sauron builds up his attack on Valinor. Maybe the first episode will be all about the sinking and then after that it will follow Elendil, Isildur, and Elrond primarily and their efforts to build the kingdoms we know from LOTR. Sauron would naturally be the main villain and get the second most screen time as it follows his plan to subdue the world with the rings of power, his betrayal celebrimbor, etc
That being said they don’t have the rights to any of that stuff, so who the fuck knows

the wizards are older

How embarrassing.

Probably the forging of the rings and the corruption of the Ringwraiths.
Or some 100% action bullshit during the War of the Last Alliance.
My guess is that they'll start as early as possible in the second age to have enough room to shit out 20 seasons to take GoT's spot as THE fantasy series.

>why bother living when I know the universe is going to implode in a hundred billion years

Have to emulate the popular predecessor to lure in the fans.

there's going to be groid elves aren't there?

the most fucking kino age

>not skipping universes

>whats the point watching LOTR when you know they destroy the ring in the end

They don't have the budget for that.

>stop making things I don't like, waaah! this is why we need gommunism!

Don't forget twink Sauron x Celebrimbor shipping

it's as gay as you want it to be

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wow dude spoilers much???!!!

I can't wait for all of the elves being played by ugly minorities.

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What happens in the second age that makes it worthy of a show?


>why watch a WWII movie when you know the outcome?


>They don't have the budget for that.

Amazon have committed $1b to production costs

I hope they show that giant ass spider ungoliant dying

Friendly reminder that Galadriel's husband was originally called Teleporno.


user, black Numenoreans are not what you think they are

>What happens in the second age that makes it worthy of a show?

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the age between the first and third ages


This is the definition of optimism

The BLACKED age before niggers in mid earf waz hanged


The entire backstory of the lord of the rings pretty much. The birth of all those kingdoms like Gondor and Rohan and Imaldris and Anor(aragorn’s homeland), the rise of Sauron as the most powerful being in middle earth and his plan to create the rings of power, the fall of the nazgul, the witch King’s destruction of Anor, the war of the last alliance, the destruction of Sauron’s physical body, etc. a lot of things

so they wont be doing anything aragorn related? thank fucking god

that's first age stuff but they could do a narrated opening to the show where they cover the big events of the first age (similar to how Galadrial does in LOTR) which would be kino af


I suppose, hopefully they do maintain the tone though.

Sauron deceiving everyone, forging of the rings, a shitton of huge battles, Numenorshit, Moriashit, Mordorshit

But Annatar would :^)


Second Age is pretty much
the chad Numenoreans VS the virgin everyone



>focusing on epic battles without the comfiness of the shire/hobbits
>having to shoehorn in 2020 politcal commentary
>black elves
>game of thrones tier "Shocks"
>romance subplots
>jeff bezos cameo

they're doing this

I skip prequels

I’m not some gaylord who reads books, wtf happens in the 2nd Age?


Jackson already covered the important parts of the 2nd age

So all that shit about Morgoth and the Elf king that fought with him?

When is this coming out? I was thinking of rereading Silmarillion and maybe LOTR again. Also I think there are other books as well, any of them worth reasing?

oh make sure you click on the links at the bottom for the meat

>black protag
>white antag

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Can't wait to see haradrim teaching numeroans to bath

Media is about politics now. They will change and or focus on certain plot points in order to discuss current political issues, the only good thing is that Amazon is trying to redpills the masses, if it was netflix they would demonize everything

nope that happened thousands of years before this and is nothing more than a myth by the second age. Furthermore elves never talk about it so nobody would know

it's like the first age but with less singing and sister fucking


Or Chad sugardaddy Annatar VS """""wise""""" virgin elves


that's first age, which unironically is the most kino age but second age is under appreciated because it has potential to be really epic if they take it seriously and put their talent to work instead of hamfisting modern bullshit into an age old tale

It'll be vaguely based on Sauron, Numenor and then they'll just do action fanfic on the level of the Shadow videogames

So Walking Dead + Shadow of Mordor

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you know that bit at the beginning of the fellowship movie? That battle was the end of the 2nd age

lmao LotR has been a dead franchise since The Hobbit films. The Witcher has surpassed it in every way

that's literally the last of the last part of the age
elendil and isildur *just* (well, a hundred years ago) got to middle earth, escaping the destroyed numenor
the war of the last alliance is practically the epilogue of Akallabeth

>tfw we'll see the crafting of the Silmarils
>thread theme is

>>focusing on epic battles without the comfiness of the shire/hobbits
there's no reason to involve hobbits or the shire in this. Even kino hobbit history like the Battle of Greenfields is in the Third Age

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so we gon actually see Sauron slay bodies for more than a couple minutes this time?

excatly hence it will miss a good part of why lord of the rings is good. without hobbits its going to be a Got ripoff

Yea, but thats how netflix will depict it.

Attached: black-panther-nyongo-gurira-e1520194170573.jpg (600x338, 54K) save millions

Based, I thought I was the only one who found that jarring

most definitely. Sauron loved torturing his enemies personally and he fucking HATES numenoreans and elves so the entire second age until the war of he last alliance is basically the story of Sauron fucking everyone’s shit up for hundreds of years

Ok so it's about Sauron creating his army and creating the rings and the one ring, etc.

Jarring? I found it arousing and fapped to it a dozen times.

is it silmarillion?

Fuck the silmarils are first age, aren't they? Oh well, we'll see Morgoth BTFO and Sauron being an edgelord then


>inb4 Sauron's human form looks exactly likes drmpf

that could even work if they explore themes of colonization
they could cast black people as pre-numenoreans
it wouldn't even be too far off from Tal-Elmar

I guess it all depends on the politics of the people actually producing and directing it. Amazon doesn't seem to mind some of The Grand Tour jokes which wouldn't be allowed on some other places.

>>tfw we'll see the crafting of the Silmarils
Wrong Age, buddy.
Great musical tastes tho but check this out

Too lazy to google, is that the Children of Hurin plotline? Amazon put some effort in Suspiria's cinematography despite it being a shit movie, hope they do the same here.

Btw if you have a partner, get War of the Ring board game. Best Tolkien experience available.

The Age of Satan and the New World Order.

Thought they didn't have the rights to the silmarilion stuff.

Alright lads, cast it. Who best to play Sauron? Always imagined his Elvish form to look like this.

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If they put the same competency behind The Terror on it, it could be kino.
But hopes are at an all time low.

Silmarils are way before the first age

Cant wait to see the age where PoC, trannies and homos were the primary denizens of Middle Earth. Hope they explain how they all died off before the Third Age ;^)

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They’d better go nowhere near the perfection of ‘The Children of Hurin’, pretty sure that was 1st age though

He only has the pretty form until the fall of Numenor, so if it takes place after that event, Sauron will be forced to make due with the form you see in the movie trilogy

So second age is
>defeat of melkor
>defeat of Sauron by isildor
Do beren and luthien fall in this? I haven’t read the lore in a long time, but any of the tales with men in them are pretty much all second age?

>bullroarerkino never

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Beren and Lúthien is before the fall of Morgoth

Ah fair enough, I’d be happy with either

Melkor is in the first age

T-they made it out of Beleriand in time, r-right?

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Isn't the Terror from amc though?

user...they don’t even make it out of their own story

Yeah, I just looked at the map they posted and since Numenor is there I assume they'll go for some kind of Marvel Thor-lite type of civilization that will be unrecognizable from anything Tolkien wrote and Numenor was a fucking boring sidenote anyway.

An user posted that they have the rights to the appendices, there is a lot of overlap from silmarillion and other stuff in there

Needs to be more androgynous

>inb4 they're all portrayed as traitors and Mordor's allies

>Do beren and luthien fall in this?

The 1 billion dollar tv series.


the entire age is all about sauron
>(helps) make the rings
>destroys eregion to get the rings back
>elves and numenoreans fight him inconclusively
>sometime later fake-surrenders to numenor and destroys them from the inside
>is "defeated" in the war of the last alliance by the men who survived numenor's destruction and the elves
makes me wonder if he'll be the main character

Your right never mind I’m retarded

Wait what? Could've sworn they did thanks to Valar antics.

Why was gandalf literally the only wizard that did his job?

~4000 years before Bilbo.



Maybe the blue wizards did too, no one knows.

Radagast did...stuff

*freeze frame*
>yep, that's me, you're probably wondering how I got here

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I don't know why anyone is excited. It will be a shitty show that tries to ape off of GOT while raping the lore.
How old are you people? You should know that these things almost never work out well.
Expect stupid shit like the Numenor king being black too

Mortal coils can be a distraction.

Would Gandalf have done his job until the end if Saruman had not been corrupted? It was all part of Eru's plan.

Lord of the Rings except it’s pozzed

Cause they know they can't Idris elba aragorn yet, so they have to go to some new content first and sneak their way in

The only one that didn't do his job is Sauron's man.

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Oh look, and convenient excuse to diversify Middle Earth. I can't wait to see all the black dwarves and female elves that existed in the Second Age!

Wait wasnt that battle like 3000 years ago
I mean golum himself was about 500 years old

Read the fucking books first you zoomer faggot shit.

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Let's just say there's a reason it's hugely popular in the gay community.

Good question tho

how many fags and nigger will they shove in this

Does that mean that there will be a case to include black people?


>the only black people are the evil guys that serve Sauron
They won't do that

>Not capitalist = communist

Any ethnics and I’m out

this guy is lying there is absolutely nothing gay about the lord of the rings. Tranny discord raids every LOTR thread and posts this gay fanfic shit everywhere because that’s what they do.

but it was like 5 vs 1 and isildur just looted sauron's dead body

>Númenor ubermensch BTFOing sub humans
A bold move on amazons part


It isn't at all

CIA as Anatar
David Harbour as Ar-Pharazôn
Idris Elba as Elendil
Rami Malek as Anárion
Mahershala Ali as Isildur
Jason Momoa as Hurin
Pic related as Nienor

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Sauron (played by a white male) builds his evil army of trolls (all played by white males) who attempt to destroy peaceful PoC inhabitants of Middle Earth. They must hold out until Bilbo Baggins, a black transwoman, can lead them to victory by finding the one ring.

I just want some kino bits of Sauron and the orcs fucking shit up

Ages in LOTR last a long-ass time. Depending on when you start it, the First age last 3-10k years. Elrond was born towards the end of the First Age and is 6k in LOTR, Galadriel is like 20k

You're ignorant to the truth

Kristen Stewart as Celebrimbor

You are grossly exaggerating the truth.

>unfinished tales
>adventures of tom bombadil

I haven’t read any of them desu

As shit as this will probably be, the adventures of young Aragon thing they originally planned would have been much worse.

There wont be any heterosexual relationships on screen, there will be disgusting gay stuff, there will be A LOT of minorities. I mean..

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Fujos always win, baby.

If I pulled that off will you die?

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Thank you for educating us in gay culture user

>They will give Sauron a bunch of screentime effectively ruining his mystique
>Gandalf will be a main character even though he did jack shit during this time period
>They will find some stupid way to force Hobbits in it
>There will be a gollum type character (probably a turncoat orc even though that makes no sense)
>Half the cast will be black for no other reason that diversity points

Truth according to your anecdotal evidence

Bro... Amazon studios are crazy jewed...

It would be extremely painful...

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Exactly, I cant understand how people can be hype for something produced by a major studio...GOT season 1 was an exception


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>tfw Lee Pace would have been a better Annatar than a Thranduil

I knew what this was gonna be before I clicked it.

Give me one good reason why this show shouldn’t have a diverse cast of PoC


God, I hope we get beautiful blonde femme twink Sauron as the big bad.úmenóreans


Let's be realistic
LotR itself was almost shit if Christopher Lee wasnt autistic enough to course correct every single thing Jackson almost fucked up, and the casting was so fucking unparalleled good that you can probably not imagine anyone else playing the main roles.
The chances of the LotR trilogy working out where less than 1 in a million, dodging shitty CG fights, bad acting, Aragorn fighting literal Sauron's ghost, Viggo fucking dying 3-4 times during shooting, and it somehow fucking worked out in the end.
What are the odds it works out TWICE, especially after The Hobbit trilogy confirmed that Peter Jackson is literally unable to capture it's essence?

Would be kino if Gandalf just spent the whole series smoking weed with Hobbits

Underrated post

any bets wether they'll try to make something approaching a "golden age" that collapsed or it'll be just hollywood medieval washed out colors, leather braces, oily long hair, mud etc

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It's not gay but a lot of characters are pretty affectionate. Think WW2 movies and how fellow soldiers are to one another in desperate times

You know nothing about the 2 Istari in the east so stfu

>>Half the cast will be black for no other reason that diversity points

It's nice you know nothing about how Harad was formed.

>black dwarves
Hope not
>female elves
Hope so

That ring logo looks like generic skyrim dogshit. This is LotR, could they really not come up with something a little more novel?

No, when Narsil drops to 1 durability, it gains +100 dps and an auto-crit on next hit. Git gud, Mordor scrubs.

But lotr literally birthed the generic skyrim genre

First off, only the far Harad tribes are niggers
Second off, The numenoreans were a ruling class.
Are you going to tell me that all egyptians were Greek because of the Ptolemy dynasty?



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Everything after the war of wrath up until Sauron is defeated the first time around.

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>Everyone still imagines elves as androgynous 90s supermodels twinks because of the movies

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So now they're gonna destroy it with SJW and political correct politics and worldviews and destroying the original vision of its creator.

Fuck sake. Another victim in the making.

They were sent out to warn the far eastern people.
I assume they succeeded.

how do you even think that looks like anything from skyrim

Aren't the Haradrim supposed to be Arabs and Mongols

Egypt is a good example, because it did actually have a Nubian dynasty at some point in time. With the spread of the empire, various ethnicities come into play, and Black Numenoreans literally got so corrupted they became sandniggerish. So while the "good guys" are unanimously white in Tolkien's work, as soon as you stray further into the shadow you get semitic races and even niggers.

Oh sorry I didnt know we had a couple gay experts ITT who know everything about what gays like
Are you two dating btw

You said it yourself, you assume.

Take your head cannon elsewhere bruh

Why did Tolkein depict dark skinned orcs and Easterling asians as the enemies against light skinned elves and white men? I thought he wasn’t a fan of allegory.

Harad is Middle Earth's Africa.

I am actually the gaylord. I know everything pertaining to fags.
Now go suck a dick in my name.

The second age is 3441 years long.
It begins when Melkor is cast into the void by the valar (pantheon if God’s) after the leaves beg them to help stop him finally (they had been fighting him and his evil creations for thousands of years in the first age fighting over the silmarils)and the world is reshaped with many lands falling under the sea.
Numenor is an island founded for the most elite men who helped in that fight and is the most powerful kingdom of men ever built, these men have long lifespans and are more powerful than other men (Aragorn is a descendant thousands of years later).
The elves are given the option to return to the undying lands (heaven but you can sail there) and many do but some stay, Galadriel is one of the elves who stay and some elves are born after this and live in middle earth but they always have the option of leaving. Men do not.
The numenorian men become amazing ship builders and travel from their island all around Middle Earth establishing great kingdoms. The elves that stayed flourish and so do the dwarves, all races build the main kingdoms we know from Lotrs during this age.
Sauron Melkors chief servant disguised himself as “annatar” during the second age and with the elves and with Celebrimbor helps create the art of ring making To the benefit of all races (Celebrimbor is friends with the dwarves of Moria at this time).But it’s a deception and he eventually makes the one ring to rule the other rings. The three elf rings are untainted but Sauron uses the nine rings given to men to create the nazgul and the dwarven ring bearers all grow greedy and their kingdoms fail. Sauron also goes to numenor and convinces the men their to worship Melkor and to rise up against the valar because they were not given immortality like the elves. At saurons advice The men of numenor sail to the undying lands (they were forbidden to do so) and the valar sink numenor and saurons fair form is destroyed but he returns to Mordor to build his army.

it's from Time Machine you ugly faggot

Because Tolkien, much like Lovecraft, did not pretend like foreign people invoked hospitality and welcome; when you see a bunch of lowbrow Afghanis huddled on a street corner you certainly don't suddenly feel safer.

I think most LOTR scholars are over at /tg/ and /qst/

Look at this autistic retard.


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This is when “the last alliance” we saw at the beginning of lotrs happens with Isildur (a numenoring prince who’s father ruled Gondor) cuts the ring off saurons hand during that Fink battle ending the second age. A thousand years later the wizards show up and the events of the hobbit and lotrs are still more tha a thousand years after that so not many of the characters we know exist during the second age mostly just some of the elves, Galadriel and Elrond being the main two that were highlighted in lotrs.

So who knows when they’ll “start” the story but that’s the jist of what happens in the second age.

>took 5 of you to beat me :^)

You're a big Dark Lord

>These is the kind of fags LOTR attracts
FUCK tumblr for what they did to this series.

If you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic then you are worse than the faggot.

>how you want your body senpai
>gimme that batman the animated series look
>say no more

I mean if you consider male camaraderie and close friendship to be gay then maybe.

>Two years of online clickbait marketing campaign focusing on Tolkien's racist views incoming

kill me

did his post rustle your jimmes nignog?

haven't the wizards been around for a much longer time?

>Literal white supermen blessed by the angels colonise the dark skinned lesser men

Going to be fun watching them spin this in a progressive light

Its the most glorious age of Middle Earth. It takes place 5 thousand years before the events in LoTR.

Its about the rise of Sauron, the forging of the rings, the end of Numenor and the founding of Arnor and Gondor.

The men of numenor, the elves, sauron were all at full power in the second age. If they get it right its will be amazing

Netflix would retcon the men of the west to be a perfectly diverse society with blacks and asian and poos. Frankly I suspect Amazon will do the same.

Fall of arnor is third age

Oh my bad, that looks like the Elder Scrolls Online logo.

Its lazy.

Of course they will, is there literally any doubt?

These kikes had better show At-Pharazon and his armament in all its glory, as well as Sauron’s shenanigans corrupting a whole civilisation



so, accurately

Good idea as at least the bad guy will be able to walk around

good. it’s 2019. we live in a diverse society. Get used to it

Someone looked at the map the published and did a rough calculation of the time period. It looks like it may be about the forging of the rings and the subsequent war.

>villain as the main character anti-hero

This board is 18+

Diversity is Apartheid

At least according to what the progressive left is promoting.

I'm sure Tolkien imagined post 90s boy band aesthetics

>morgan freeman as gandalf
>will smith as aragorn
>omar as frodo
>beyonce as the elf queen

pretty based casting

Its an excuse to make half the characters niggers and women

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How young are you?

he was a sadistic torturer and murderer, there was absolutely nothing reedeeming about him at all.

*points down*

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I'm excited for this. I need my high fantasy fix.

I'm sure Tolkien saw paintings of angels

All these people thinking it's going to be SJW are wrong. It's going to be kino with absolutely no pop culture references

Because it's lore breaking and ethnic/racial diversity with perfect social harmony is not natural.


i sleep

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He was also a pathetic failure who got BTFO by a dog

Angmar vs Arnor was third age, not second

Because White people shouldn't give away there culture.

i thought the book was just like the movie.
does the book tell those events or are they going to write it themselves?

No. The wizards show up a thousand years AFTER the last alliance and lotrs takes place at the end of the third age about two thousand years after the wizards show up.

First age ends Melkor cast into void

Second age rings creation and Sauron deceiving everyone and growing powerful last 3441years ending with last alliance and the ring cut off

Third age begins and 1000 years into that wizards show up. About Two thousand years after that lotrs happens.

This is why Elrond says “I was there Gandalf” he’s older than Gandalf, though keep in mind the wizards are sent by the valar to watch over middle earth and so technically Gandalf and the other wizards are extremely ancient spirit beings but they haven’t been in middle earth nearly as long as some of the elves and Sauron and stuff, they won’t be a part of the second age.

Granted it was THE dog of dogs in all dogdom.

We have entered a time where wholesome, genuine platonic male friendship is considered gay.

Why is LOTR any interesting at all? Who cares?
>main story, the one that defines the entire series
Hurr durr humanity overcomes its differences so that they can defeat the evil dark lord of fire and hell!
>secondary story
Hurr dee durr, a hobbit travelling with dwarves lol, battle of the five armies lmao! Eagels and evil bats lol!
Hubbadubbagubba, gods! Some good, some bad, ha! Bad god does bad things, good gods do good things! xD
Mysterious Tommie Bombadick

It's fucking shit boys.
It's Star Wars in fantasy world. As much history as they build for this shitty garbage world, it's always going to be the same fucking thing.
>le hobbits are isolated and innocent
>elves pretentious cunts lol
>humans are weak and greedy heehehe
>orcs bad!
>dwarves jerks and jews!


I mean, they could tell ALL of Numenor, because it rose & fell in the Second Age.
Other than Numenor, though, I always thought the Second Age was pretty meh.
Am I forgetting some important heroes? I always though the First Age was the most interesting...


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I'm with you.
Most boring Age.

If it undermines solidarity between men, it's good for pushing in the propaganda.

The Man in the High Castle is literally about fucking nazis and resistance fighters and there is like zero CURRENT YEAR politics in it. So i have some hope they won't be talking about mansplaining in LOTR.

I like Bosch, Sneaky Pete and American Gods so I'll check that one out.
If it's not good I'll just not watch.

>why watch the Star Wars prequels if I know Anakin becomes Vader

Janny deleted my we wuz post. Bad janny boo.

As Maiar, yes.
Not as wizards.

most overrated franchise of all time

thread theme

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>He says while posting JoJo

Wow Jojo really has gone full on homosexual hasn't it.

It's not a franchise, it's 3 books with several adaptations, the 3 books are peak British literature and the movies are the closest thing to good fantasy we've had since Conan

>i-it's not a franchise

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The only female of note in the 2nd Age is Galadriel. Watch her be the protagonist.

Fuck this crap. Leave his work alone.

Asking the real questions.

How many niggers, faggots, feminists and interracial propaganda will there be?

They're not going with the major characters, I bet. I think they will have a group of near commoners bumble around the second era and witness the big events from a bottom up perspective.

Just learned that there's a Tolkien biopic on the way and it seems to have some teasing about the events the series is set to cover. Or something, I don't really know much about the books/lore but I like coming in the LOTR generals.

That would make sense.
There aren't really any compelling stories anyway.
That's probably why they chose the Second Age: this way they can just tell stories about what ever they want.

I hope they get sued over this. Its questionable. Does owning the show rights to the hobbit and lord of the rings also give you the rights to stuff that might have happened in between? I would say no and I am sure the tolkien estate is looking into it. I hope they bring amazon down over this crap.

You know who will figure prominently in this?
Elrond Halfelven.

Don't worry user, there's nothing to ruin.
The Second Age is like a desert of content.

Wait, so it's going to be pure fanfiction? I guess the Hobbit movies were too, but they're not canon.

>most glorious age of Middle Earth
Try again faggot, First Age is most glorious. All things grew lesser as time went on.

>Sauron infiltrates Numenor by declaring he, and only he, a white male, can Make Numenor Great Again
>heroic woman who never has to learn, suffer or in any way progress, just so happens to have god-tier abilites she just innately masters because SUCH IS THE PWER OF THE VAGENE!

>black skinned elfs, dwarfs, human and hobbits who sagely, wisely and profoundly help their white neighbors but get betrayed when said white neighbors hear the message of Sauron to Make X Great Again

>the end comes when the Stunning and Brave cast celebrate their multiculturalism by showing the white evil villains the strength and vibrancy of their diversity.

Jeff Bezos and the GITDCIAN monitor Amazon comments to datamine "the alt right" and "russian bots"

They paid a quarter of a billion dollars upfront for the rights

Tolkien wrote A LOT of shit about the First and Second Ages, recorded in the Silmarillion and other works (which he actually worked on longer and enjoyed writing more than he did either the Hobbit or LotR).

>it's going to be ruined by nigger elves

>not even appreciating that Tolkien pulled an entire fantasy world out of his ass just so he could play around with his own made-up languages

Baruk khazad, khazad ai-menu

You want it with a side of colored people?

So this is where the orcs got that from.

give me one reason why Sauron / Annatar can't be portrayed by a black actor
>not an elf or related to any elf
>can pick whatever shape he likes

He was describes as good looking.

He's the bad guy and a black person portraying the bad guy would be too funny to be allowed.

Its great but honestly it is a little bit gay

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>can pick whatever shape he likes
Why the fuck would he want to be a nigger?

In the leaked script it says he does it to trigger posters on Yea Forums