
Attached: Jan-Michael Vincent,.jpg (634x764, 106K)

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Best 80's show!


Alcoholism is a bitch.



he did fly so good

Surprised he lived as long as he did.

I only remember him from The Mechanic and White Line Fever, rip.

Time to Michael down on your Vincents


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I had a pair of Airwolf gloves as a kid in the 1980s

Xtro, son, Xtro. A true legend string fellow Hawk was. A man's man. We're dying son. We're all getting on with dying. Some faster others slower.

nurse can you take my temperature? I’ve got Jan Michael Vincent fever over here!

What is an air wolf?

Zoomers will never know the weekly kino double feature that was Airwolf and the A-Team


Is everyone on Yea Forums 45+ years old now?

See you again space cowboy


F for finally getting hitting rock Bottom. Poor bastard.

i heard he died of a white line fever

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I watched early 90s reruns of Airwolf growing up.


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no but I am 42 and this

>Vincent battled alcoholism and intravenous drug use for much of his life. In 1977, 1978 and 1979 he was arrested for possession of cocaine and in 1984 and 1985 he was arrested after two bar brawls.[8] He also received a felony assault charge in 1986, of which he was acquitted, after his attorney argued that the woman tripped and fell on a telephone cord in his home.[8] He then was arrested for drunk driving but avoided jail by entering rehab in 1988. In 2000 a $374,000 default judgment was made against him after his former girlfriend alleged he had physically assaulted her after their breakup and caused her to miscarry their child.[9]
>During the 1990s, he was involved in three severe automobile collisions, which he barely survived. In an accident in August 1996 Vincent broke three vertebrae in his neck.[10] He also sustained a permanent injury to his vocal cords from an emergency medical procedure, leaving him with a permanently raspy voice. The first near fatal accident occurred in February 1992 and the third happened in September 1997. [11]
>Vincent was charged with drunk driving again after his 1996 accident and once again sentenced to rehab and placed on probation. In an interview on the TV program The Insider on September 18, 2007, when asked about his 1996 car accident, he answered, "Y'know, I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't remember being in an accident."[1][12]
>In an interview that took place on October 24, 2014, with National Enquirer, Vincent revealed that his right leg was amputated just below the knee in 2012 after he contracted a leg infection as a result of complications from peripheral artery disease. After that he walked with a prosthetic limb, though he was sometimes forced to use a wheelchair.[15] He also revealed he had a tax debt in excess of $70,000.[16]

Legit better off

I'm pretty sure rlm mentioned him couple of times

the curse of the worst strikes again.

Fucking loved this show as a kid.

Sticky now

>telephone cord
What's that?

Goodnight and thanks for the smiles.

fuck NO
sticky now

Why isn't this stickied?

Fuck sake. Already lost Keith flint this week, is no one from my childhood safe.
>Tim curry is next.

At least String and Dom are back together flying mission for the Firm in heaven.


Can't hurt Jan anymore now.

Always thought this was the best electronic 80s theme. Even better than Knight Rider.