Best films for when you're depressed? I'm getting tired of watching EoE every time I'm down

Best films for when you're depressed? I'm getting tired of watching EoE every time I'm down.

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I watch 30 rock to cheer me up sometimes


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Road Trip

Swiss Army man helped me.

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The Master

Harry Potter, the ones when it's still comfy

actually I don't know if you're looking to go deeper into despair or be cheered up. If it's the latter then do not watch her.

taxi driver is the ultimate anti depression movie
can't believe everything goes dendy in the end, actually thought it was gonna end tragically

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Groundhog Day
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...And Spring

Starship Troopers, nigga.



Hackers is the ultimate friend simulator

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Buy a pack of tick tacks, pretend they are the brain pills and fix your life.

Blade Runner 2049.

The Raid

Lost in Translation
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Ferris Bueller's Day Off

you sound like a pathetic loser weeb. I'm not going to use 'the word', but you know exactly what you are don't you? sad little lonely sad boy. run yourself a nice hot bath and slit your wrists, you've got nothing else to offer so just die.

lmao this nigga mad

watch some kids show that reminds you of your childhood OP

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

EoE is good gnostic shit but it make no sense to watch it if you not watched the show before.

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Her is terrible.

The Elephant Man i watched it recently and it made me cry

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please stop "le depression" meme with Evangelion, this show countains a lot of goofy and comfy moments actually.

the saddest thing who happens on later episodes is basically the death of Rei 2 and Toji BTFO trapped inside infected EVA unit 03, and also the offscreen death of Kaji, outside of this there is nothing to be worried about.

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Watch Commando Ninja on youtube user. Made me feel much better.

superbad is a great choice, I would also add There's something about mary

Cheered up m8

To say that I'm a big lynch fan would be a ginormous understatement. You see, I'm a ginormous lynch fan to the core and I want everyone to know it. His new tv show has had me hypnotized for weeks!

But in all honesty my most favorite movie of all time is hot fuzz. It's fucking hilarious and has in my opinion some of the greatest camera work in the business. I'd put it up their in the top three movies ever made of all time.

Even my priest agrees. New orthodox bro here btw. Currently non practicing but it's so great to get back into the faith after years of being a degenerate agnostoshit. Now if only I could get my cathlocuck parents to stop being pagans!

That reminds me, am I the only one disappointed that stannis Baratheon is actually gone? Oh who am I kidding! Of course not! Sometimes I forget I'm so completely surrounded by intellectuals of mine own caliber This isn't Reddit after all!

And um, I'd have to say my least favorite movie is a Clockwork Orange. It's far to edgy for me

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Grave of fireflies.

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This is one of my favourite pasta alongside Oh look he posted it again and famous midget


Neon Genesis Evangelion (early) and End of Evangelion are two very different things.

My favorite pastas are "user just wants to eat McDonald's in his car" and "All the eggs"

>all his friends die

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requiem for a dream


What Dreams May Come.

Early 2000s Disney Channel movied

But I’m pretty sure it’s implied that the victory is hollow. Didn’t the director say the last shot of the film was made to perfectly transition into the first one as if the film goes over and over again?


Unironically Shrek. Actually cried last time i watched it and i don't know why but it felt good

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Requiem for a dream

they're making a sequel where his life is shit

EoE isn't depressing, everyone comes back to life at the end when Shinji decides to wake up.