>no children
>no gf
>no wife
>never married
Will he ever grow up, Yea Forums?
>no children
>no gf
>no wife
>never married
Will he ever grow up, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're grooming him for a suicide.
Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.
>biggest A-list name in Hollywood
>not a single bad role since the mid 00s
>his name brings people to the movies
>not one box office bomb in over a decade
>has worked with most big names in the industry for his active years
>managed to remain relevant and valuable as an actor throughout the years
>never got involved in capeshit or lame low value blockbusters
>friends with Scorsese, DeNiro, Nicholson and Pitt
>disregards thots and fucks prime pussy on the regular
>pretty competent at his job
>no Hollywood drama or scandals
>not involved in politics, only blabs about the environment once in a while
>charismatic and good looking
>looks like top bro material
pretty based guy
He's been famous since his early 20s and has seen the true nature of women.
he allowed pedos to molest him in exchange for jobs
He doesn't allow thots to get in the way of him being one of the best actors in hollywood
will you?
>sjw hate him
Just when I thought he couldn't get more based
Unironically a role model
But he should share his success with a woman.
Brian Peck, former actor and co-star of Return of the Living Dead (Scuz), is friends with Bryan Singer.
In 2002 I got X-Men on DVD and at the time I didn't understand why Peck shared a commentary with Singer and was not only at the Ellis Island Premiere, seen in the DVD extras, but also cameoed as "hot dog vendor", in the scene when Senator Kelly walks out of the ocean, with Stan Lee next to him.
Peck acted as a childrens "acting coach" and was rumored to have been feeding young boys to Singer amongst others. Peck did time for molesting a young boy.
I use to give Singer the benefit of the doubt but not anymore. He's a pedo.
Below is a video of a young LEONARDO DICAPRIO on the set of Growing Pains with BRIAN PECK who was his stand-in.
Interesting that Leo hasn't commented on any of this. I guess getting fame and fortune was worth having his teen twink ass plowed!!!FACT!!! youtu.be
>He pumps and dumps supermodels on the regular, is respected by his peers and loved by fans, has no scandals or controversies, and appears to be happy and well-adjusted.
I desperately want there to be something wrong with this guy. You can’t have it all.
>not wanting to get JUSTed
what are you, an incel?
>But he should be host to a parasitic gold digger
Reminder that he was molested as a child star. He is seriously fucked in the head
Dude look at this guy's roster, puts almost anyone to shame. If you could crush this many prime quality slices in ~30 years, you wouldn't settle down either.
Not if you're good looking and have a fuckton of money. That's usually just what fat, ugly people will tell themselves.
He doesn't need a wife but every man needs an heir. This is the surest sign that he hasn't grown up
He was diddled as a kid. He probably cant have emotional relationships
>Will he ever grow up, Yea Forums?
If he's smart, no.
based Cohle basedboy
he literally could have 10 children right now, instead what does he have? nothing.
>They're grooming him for a suicide.
My thoughts exactly.
>no children
>no bf
>no husband
>never married
Will she ever grow up, Yea Forums?
living the life
she makes my penis grow up
By growing up you mean becoming a simp?
You are a sad,sad man
Off yourself
I respect him. Not everyone is supposed to be married and have children.
>friends wit deniro
Why would this matter? Guy has been making trash for a decade and just blabs about trump whenever he’s in public. Also his wife whom me married for diversity reasons is leaving him lol.
He should have kids though. Nicholson did all of that plus he has kids.
Guys like him finally settle down when they're 65, op.
>he literally could have 10 children right now, instead what does he have? nothing.
Maybe he does have children and being smart he tells the mothers to keep their mouths shut and supports them. They start shit in the press they go "missing" and he's still got plenty more kids. At least that's what I'd do if I were in his position. Find a dozen 10/10's and knock them up, I mean, why not, he's got the money!!!FACT!!!
I think this user is a basic bitch who thinks all men own women money and respect
I love Donna Bae!!!FACT!!!
I agree
OP is just a massive brainlet sperg
He has adapted to take advatange of female hypergamy
What can he do at this point, he's got everything
>married for diversity reasons
DeNiro always loved ebony, user
Plus, he's the one leaving her, for spending all his money
He has achieved my dream status of not actually having kids but being able to just give away frozen semen after his death and millions will be clamoring for it.
she looks like she fucks white guys
all he wanted was an academy award. chased it obsessively for 20 years.
His performance in goodwill hunting wasn't about the character
OP thinks you need useless baggage to be grown up.
Isn't he rumored to be closeted?
Because OP IS an useless baggage,most likely
To be honest I kinda agree. and I am MGTOW. I'm not saying "get married, fuckboi!", it's just that past a certain age you to need to mature in one way or another. Having orgies with dozens of models is something a dude just getting famous does, for couple of years or so. It gets boring and repetitive, and then you move on to something else. Either marriage, or just long-term with someone, or ONS, or celibacy.
The fact that Leo kinda froze in that stage "omg! I'm famous! whores, booze, whoo!" till he's middle ages, kinda shows that he isn't very... bright. It's a rich equivalent of 30yo basement dweller, living with parents and playing vidya just like he did when he was 15, refusing to move on and grow up.
The tumblr filename on your image really checks out with this entire piece of shit opinion and post
Why is CreepyThinMan posting without saying FACT!!!? What the FUCK is going on
If you were truly a MGTOW,you wouldn't be saying all this crappy bullshit
You're just a simp
based simp poster
>Why is CreepyThinMan posting without saying FACT!!!? What the FUCK is going on
I do it when I have something to say but not when I post pics on their own!!!FACT!!!
LOL you just said you're MGTOW and then criticized a guy for being a "manchild." Wew lad.
Leo is obviously gay.
I like the vid of him spitroasting a whore with a bunch of naked chicks around him
Will you?
>Having orgies with dozens of models
>It gets boring and repetitive
It literally doesn't. If you have a high sex drive then it's never enough - you can fuck 1000 models and you'll still desperately desire that 1001st model.
I googled "butthead fireplace" pic and took the first that came up. Do you have anything to say on substance?
Being MGTOW doesn't mean you're also a dumb manchild. Or an incel.
If dubs I fuck CreepyThinMan's ass
Yeah, you should know, lol.
You're a roastie LARP'ing as MGTOW lol get the fuck out
>Hollywood is full of pedos,
News at 11.
We were all trying to ignore him.
he doesn't even have brothers
he should hook up with kate winslet. they seem to really love each other
Nice butthurt, incel.
Wtf? What's the backstory of this?