Is she right?

Is she right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


rey does not have a character arc or any kind of growth or struggle, she starts strong and ends strong

>panties mommy and muscle mommy
how about no?

Sarah isn’t a Mary Sue. Also, sneed.

Is Sneed right? Yes, PH level must be no higher than 8.


It's an inherently retarded statement. The fact is that they DIDN'T come out today they came out when they came out, and this fantasy question of "hurr if they came out today durr" is childish and makes you sound like a moron. In the 80s and 90s female action heroines were novel and unusual, obviously they are going to have more of an impact than modern ones that are dime a dozen. Strong women have become blase and boring

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I mean if assholes eveery screeched about how we need more bananas, banana representation matters, you're worse thn hitler if you don't like bananas, then yeah, after a while you're be suspicious every time a banana showed up, especially if it came with a full media blitz about how this is so awesome for everyone that this banana is here.

Luckily Ripley and Conner appeared long before faggots like OP tainted everything with their bullshit.

Ripley and Sarah struggled and grew. We saw them move beyond the horror victim trope into capable warriors that used whatever was on hand and prepared their bodies to face what would come.
These were strong, yet clearly traumatized people who apprehensively took on death knowing they were the best equipped due to experience, knowing better than others how little chance they had against the enemy. They were about confidence in the face of fear, not bragging.

Fuck you.

No because Sarah Connor and Ripley are well written female protags with believable character arcs so good in fact you forget they're women. Meanwhile Rey and CM are straight line Mary Sue's completely devoid of any real character development.


Why is it that everyone who calls people who don’t like Rey or CM a manbaby also really insecure about people disliking characters from children’s movies?

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I like good female characters, they're like good male characters except they're also hot

I don't like shittily-written mary sues that never struggle and hinge their success on further driving a wedge between race/gender tensions, it's lame and gay

Sarah Connor, not a fan because she whines about men in T2.
Ridley’s Ripley was great, after that she became some kind of turbo badass and that felt a little forced.

Nobody watched those movies for the female lead. They both had something, or indeed several things that were more interesting about them. In fact you could argue that they aren't the main character of either of their movies.

Ripley and Sarah clearly weren't Mary Sues, and their actors weren't all uppity about "muh female representation." Would there be retards complaining? Sure, but that doesn't mean their complaints would be justified like they are about Rey and Carol.

Have sex.

Attached: Transgender-woman-forced-to-try-on-dress-in-male-changing-rooms-in-Glasgow-Debenhams-storeJay-Campb. (615x769, 115K)

not even close

Neither does Carol, the movie has like 40 seconds worth of flashbacks to show that she fell down couple of times and that's all there is. Throughout the movie nobody holds a candle to her and she just breezes through everything

get fucked



I for one love overpowered Mary Sue characters, the problem is that most modern ones aren't interesting and played by ugly whores who can't act

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Here's my counterargument.

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>that image
so are you asking anons to have sex with you desperately? got it chief (m)

Sarah Connor needed a man to save her from the Terminator.

Ripley needed the exact same guy.

>if 2 original story non capeshit movies came out we would be mad
Hell no

A tranny projecting. Color me surprised.

hmm yes this is based

Yes and everyone arguing otherwise is a damage controlling incel

No I wouldn't be mad, hence why I enjoyed Furiosa hi-jacking the spotlight from Mad Max. This is just silly SJW excuse. It's funny how men dressed up as Captain Marvel and "allies" and orbiters aren't called incels and man-babies.

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But weren’t men more sexist in the past?

that's because lucy lawless was charismatic as fuck, that's literally all there is to it. Arnold movies would fucking suck if the guy wasn't a walking, oozing body of charisma. But he is so it just works


but those movies weren't shit

Carol Danvers, literally who?

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>huhuhuhhhh baahabbahhhh transwomen aren't real wommeeennnn
Have sex.

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>Is she right?

Not even close.

Alita is out right freaking now and no one is mad at her

Shouldnt it be Chuck’s suck and fuck?

Ya know. Feed on cock. Get seeded with sperm.



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hol up,

those movies came out in the 70s/80s when people weren't as concerned about female representation in film (literally annudah shoah), but male nerd virgins liked them....

But now that we all agree the future of film is female and that's a good thing, people don't like these brave and powerful female characters. Wtf is going on

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If Aliens was released today this scene would be cut.

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Why did Furiosa work while Rey and CM failed? Because the movie conveyed a backstory behind Furiosa through her past injuries to show she's been through a ton of shit to be a believable badass. Also her moment of emotional weakness when she found out the green place as since died off was a very human and relatable reaction.

No, we like Alita and wonder woman

We like strong female characters, just dont like when they force SJW shit at us

Why are psychotic trannies always demanding people have sex with them?

>leftshit still don't realize why his propaganda pieces are not as good as actual compelling characters

Leftshittism in nutshell - talking about shit you openly disdain and are no part of.
When a core of your ideology is 'it group X that holds me down and everything is their fault, I am perfect otherwise' then you will never be able to create any character worth a damn.
It's why leftshits think that what makes Superman great are his boring powers. Captainess Marvel reflects this perfectly.

because they're still men and when you get to the bottom of it, men really just want to have sex as much as possible

I've had sex and I don't think that transwomen are women. Why do you assume that I haven't?

Yes, because the pathetic zoomers on this board who borrowed the boomer opinions of talk radio are literally too young to remember that feminism has been around throughout the entire 20th century.

To validate that they pass as a 'women' which 99.999% of them don't.

>Yea Forums OC is just regurgitated Facebook memes now
Just end it already

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Trannies can't have sex, they don't have genitals.

Fuck no. The difference between ripley and SC and Rey and Brie is that two of them started off useless, developed as characters and learnt to become the well rounded characters and badasses they are.
The other two characters are starring in Disney properties

If Aliens was released today, the Alien would tell Ripley to smile

They are not real women, they are castrated leftists.

>not derailing facebook meme posters with the mighty power of the fuck and suck

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will I get the job?

"Doesn't anyone want to fuck my gushing wound? I just dilated."


>sarah conner escapes a mental facility
>she does this through cunning and tactics, since the one time she actually has to fight a man heads up, she loses

>locked in a room
>suddenly learns how to perform a technique that it thought to be very difficult (mind tricks) in the span of a few minutes
>beats 6 grown men by herself, while surrounded
im sure its the same thing, but (You)re just baiting anyway

>is she right?

no but youre an idiot for using this template of a """meme""" to get people click baited

you typed it and want to make conversation out of it so why not share your opinion you dumb bot, mod, janny, or advirtisor? i think being on Yea Forums, you, if youre even real, could guess that NO one would be mad because it would be the same movie? dumb thread to start drama. You'll prob post this tomorrow like the rest of the trash topics that gets moved around in EVERY board

She is right because if those films were released today, Sarah and Ripley would be insufferable stronk women with no flaws.


It would depend how they would try to sell them to us

Oh yeah I remember the part in Terminator 2 where Sarah Conner learns to believe in herself and destroys the T-1000 with the superpowers she has because she was born special.

>rey does not have a character arc or any kind of growth or struggle,
yeah she does. More than Ripley. Ripley is Mary Sue as fuck. She's the smart rational one to start with and she's the smart rational one at the end. She's not even the protagonist until the third act.

You're a fucking liar. You're lying to yourself. You're going to burn in hell you dumb little faggot.

>penis head
Was he the patriarchy all along?

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>Sarah isn’t a Mary Sue.
yeah she is.
Ripley didn't grow at all. Grew and struggled considerably less than Ripley. Nice try you fucking loser.

If you didn't see those movies before you were a politically-activated virgin, you'd hate them as much as you hate the ones you saw after you became a politically-activated virgin.

You're just proving that you're a hypocrite liar with no sense of self and you're going to burn in hell.

What the fuck is Rey's arc? Other than just deciding to start acting like the main character for basically no reason? She has even less in the second movie.

have a sex

No. I hadn't watched Alien until last year and still loved Ripley as a character.

>The fact is that they DIDN'T come out today
Yeah they came out when you were a baby, and the internet wasn't a thing, and there weren't self-radicalizing unfuckable faggots turning every instance of popular culture into a social justice war about their virginity.

KYS libcuck nigger


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>Ripley didn't grow at all. Grew and struggled considerably less than Ripley.

Am i watching a stroke happen live through text?

will i get the sign?

No, because Ripley and Sarah Connor were in actual good films

The fuck outta here with that bullshit. Rey flew the Millennium fucking Falcon like an ace with ZERO fucking training or experience. Absolutely unbelievable even for Star Wars films.

>What the fuck is Rey's arc?
Lonely and guarded, saves a friend, protects friend, inciting action, meets new friend, big bad arrives, forced to escape, wants to go back, waiting for family, captured by new friend, helps new friend, friend offers job, desire to go back goes down, friends start to become new family, decides to accept the call to adventure, decides to embrace new family, tries to help new family, tries not to die, has a use the force moment, escapes, embarks off with new family to find Luke with newly defined purpose.

Like are you being a dumb cunt just to try and "win" an anonymous argument? why the fuck do you do this argument from ignorance shit? Do you think that makes you anything other than a stupid dishonest nigger?

Like you're either FUCKING RETARDED, or you're willing to lie to yourself for the sake of acting upset about a children's movie. Either way leave this board faggot.

There's plenty to meme about with TFA or Rey, but when you do this "I don't even understand what screenwriting or filmmaking is" to justify your feelings, you should kill yourself. You're not going to make it.

>if they came out today
There have been new Terminator and Alien movies that have come out in the last couple of years and everyone compares how terrible the characters in the new ones are to the original. Literally in 5 seconds this fedora tipper’s theory can be debunked, Twitter is retarded.

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my gf passes....

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Roastie cope

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She was more or less a protagonist just like Ripley, Xena, Power Puff Girls and any other well written female. They aren't good protagonists just because they are female and their arc has nothing to do with blatant female empowerment, they're simply well written individuals.
I dare even go ad far as to say that blatant sexy femme fatale protagonists such as Barb Wire, Charlie's Angels and Black Scorpion, silly as they may be were good female protagonists with a touch of empowerment by carrying a pride in being a typical vulnerable female. Like Barb Wire played by Pamela Anderson is obviously a bimbo with big boobs and high-heels yet played around with that stereotype by actually beating up bad guys and being competent. I think Black Widow is a modern version of that in a way. She's a seducing agent, red head, skin tight suit but can break your neck in an imstant. She deserved her own movie way before Captain Marvel. Brie Larson is just a flat-ass with a deadpan face, she's this decades Kristen Stewart and will hopefully be forgotten as fast as her.

because Ripley and Conner are tough women. That it. They are women. Not feminine men that can do everything men can do. They aren’t marketed as feminine men who don’t need no man. All their athletics are easily within the realm of possible.

>reddit spacing
> Rey flew the Millennium fucking Falcon like an ace with ZERO fucking training or experience.
Except the entire compressor conversation IS ENTIRELY ABOUT how she has a lot of experience with the Falcon. To the point where she's already repeatedly had debates about how the Compressor is going to fuck over the ability to go into hyperdrive. She spends her entire life working on space ships.

Now compare her to Luke, a moisture farmer, and Anakin, A LITERAL BABY THAT NEVER STEPPED FOOT IN A SPACESHIP COCKPIT BEFORE USING ONE TO WIN THE MOVIE. It's almost like people just are good at flying spaceships!

And I love that autists like you will then defend how Luke said "womprats" and Anakin had a lot of AIDS in his blood to justify that, while grasping at your Mary Sue straws about Rey.

Post a picture of your dick faget.

>Absolutely unbelievable even for Star Wars films.
Anakin was literally the only human EVER to manage to NOT DIE in a Pod Race. AND HE FUCKING WON IT TOO.

Kill yourself retard. Honestly just do it. Don't think just jump.

Holy shit you are mad at the internet. Maybe you should go check your glucose level

>Rey has no agency for herself
>always helping people for no good reason other then to advance the plot
>everyone likes her no reason other than to advance the plot
>shes good at everything for no reason other than to advance the plot

Sounds Mary Sue as fuck dude

Wrong, learn what you're arguing about before you speak retard.

Depends if they say they don't want white men interviewing them or not.

Particularly for a Star Wars film.
Force users in the skywalker line are famously good pilots, but not innately so. They had much preparation before being put on the spot, and even then their success was attributed to their mastery of the force by showcasing their lack of awareness or skill, just bumbling themselves into victory by having circumstances align to their benefit, but with Rey its not as if the universe is on her side, its that she is innately and effortlessly the best. And the past pilots also had success because their opponents did not have the force, these fortunate events that qork to their favor stopped once facing another force user, not with Rey.

whos carol danvers

They at least spent countless times building a canon in the EU explaining in detail all eventual plot holes and other unexplained plot related stuff that the movies didn't have enough runtime do give room for expositions.

A well built canon done over decades and was shat on by Star SJWars

>Luke, the guy who was such a good shot and pilot due to practicing on small animals in his home planet
>Anakin, the kid who basically idolized and studied the pod races and was a mechanical genius

Uh huh

will i succeed?

>Rey has no agency for herself
>Sounds Mary Sue as fuck dude
LMAO nice meme faget. You literally don't know what Mary Sue. It's been bastardizes SO MUCH by impotent virgins that it literally just means "girl." And you'll cite ANYTHING you can think of and then go "heh sounds Mary Sue as fuck dude"

You're the only reason your life sucks.

Does she like me?

The internet has been around since the 80s you dumb fucking zoomer

>They at least spent countless times building a canon in the EU

>well at least they had 30 fucking years of EU bullshit to sell to retards that autistically overexplained all the stupid shit in the originals!

t. person born in 2005

>spends her entire life working on space ships.

Except that was never conveyed in the film like at all. She's a scraper that took parts from derelict space crafts to sell for food. Just because she can remove parts from a ship doesn't mean she knows how to fly them. If she flew ships on courier runs or had some formal training in the film it'd make sense but we got zero confirmation she was a skilled pilot. You're grasping at straws and you know it.

Based Moe

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This isn't me, stop with the libel

wait do you think people like you were shitposting about movies in 1992?

Be honest. How young are you? Did you just grow up in the internet and assume that it was just always there?

Like do you think that black and white film used to be color and it just got shitty with age too?

Sneed test

normalfags gentrfied nerddom, STD/JJtrek and Nuwars is the new hipster restaurant that replaced the old established one that had been there for 60 years and displaced all the original people and is now selling watered down normalfagged bullshit for $40 a plate

If Chuck's fuck and suck came out today you manbabies would be as mad at them as you are at Sneed's feed and seed

Sarah is not. She spends the first movie being led around by Reese. She only comes into her own at the end. Second movie John tells us that his mother spent all his life prepping him and herself

No. She's just a little libfart

>wait do you think people like you were shitposting about movies in 1992?
I remember discussing TV shows and movies on usenet around 1996-97

>Be honest. How young are you? Did you just grow up in the internet and assume that it was just always there?
I'm 35

>Like do you think that black and white film used to be color and it just got shitty with age too?
Color films have existed since the 1910s, although the process didn't become cost-effective until the 1950s

>Except that was never conveyed in the film like at all.
LITERALLY her first scene is working on a ship nigger.

I guess they didn't literally have a throwaway line where a character screams at the audience "OH YEAH SHE USED TO SHOOT WOMP RATS!" So I can see how you 14-year-olds might have gotten upset.

Well your life can't be all flowers either if you're arguing about Star Wars on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

she would've been killed by ash if not for parker

>Google Mary sue character trope
>Rey literally meets every criteria that qualifies her as a Mary Sue
>"lol nuh uh! You don't know what a Mary Sue is".

No matter how much you want to fight it she's a Mary Sue dude. She's the end result of today's modern movie script writing where it's problematic to write a women with flaws.

OP is absolutely right and you know it. No matter how well developed a main female lead is you guys will cry pandering.

>I remember discussing TV shows and movies on usenet around 1996-97
So NO. 1997 is not 1992 is it m8? Shut the fuck up.


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Yes, but only because the quality of films today isn't what it was back then; so I know they would be inserted for purposes of pushing women and not for their organic purposes.

i.e. Sarah Connor in T1 is a perfect female character: she's out of her element, not strong, and frightened, but manages to overcome the T-800 not because she's a female and thus empowered, but by help and wits.

Today, she would probably beat the T-800 with her fists and have some not-so-subtle alluding to women being both physically and mentally superior.

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Presently based

have fuck and suck

hell he went so far to say her mom went insane prepping and doing everything she could so he would grow to be the John Connor the the future needed, yet still cried at nights over Kyle's death

Oh wow a 5 years difference, big fucking deal. Usenet still existed at that time and I've seen screencaps on this board, so fuck off. Even in the 80s there were nerds talking to each other in green text on black background, try doing some research before posting next time


t.OP spammer

>Ripley's the smart rational one to start with and she's the smart rational one at the end.
She's by the book middle management at the start of Alien, and by the end of Alien every system and protocol she was clinging to at the start has had a turn at screwing her over.
Aliens she's struggling with insecurity as authority continues to fail her/everyone else, begins to take responsibility for Newt, the Marine's, and finally the whole operation. Then she becomes top bitch by walking into the queen's den, neutering it with a grenade launcher, and burning it's spawn to ash, just on the off chance "humans are the real monsters" hadn't sunk in yet.

I literally turn wrenches on fighter jets in the airforce you insufferable faggot and I know dick squat about flying them. Same way with fucking pilots. They can tell me everything there is about dropping bombs on towel heads but don't know shit about fine tuning aircraft hydraulics.

She literally was gifted with the knowledge of flight because the plot demanded it. Fucking Finn was a more qualified pilot then she was.

>Rey and Carol Danvers Mary Sue's

Lets be real here. Rey was an absolute Mary Sue. Carol Danver's had some character and a backstory. She struggled with her views as a Kree because the way they trained her to be emotionless. As her character develops she uncovers her past. In the beginning she got her ass kicked by Skrull's.

Will Sneed feed on my seed?

>She's the smart rational one

I never saw her that way at the start, considering when they find alien life -- the first encounter in all of humanity -- her first instinct is to destroy it. Granted, it's latched on a crewman's face, that still doesn't mean it shouldn't be kept.

After that, she does essentially become a man-with-tits character.


>They aren’t marketed as feminine men who don’t need no man.

> facebook memes
Redditor cope.

But politics weren't really a thing especially around entertainment back then so it's not fair to just say, "well they were just strong". No, politics shits on everything nowadays.

Sarah Connor is not a Mary Sue you delusional fuck. She shits the bed constantly in Terminator, has a severe personality disorder in 2 and fails at killing Dyson and needs John and the t800s help a lot. She kicks ass but she's no Mary Sue, you're just a thirsty blue balls faggot

yeah, men get angry every time a new female hero appears...


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But why would a new owner change what the store is selling?

Never heard of those movies.

Cool fantasy scenario, but what about all the liberal faggots that get pissed at old movies for being problematic today?
You know, judging old movies by modern standards is your bag, baby

Alita proves that wrong

>Is she right?
nobody who watches alien or terminator today has seen the original release.

femnazis and sjws hate thise two movies, because they prove them wrong.

is Captain marvel going to ruin Endgame?

>Oh wow a 5 years difference, big fucking deal
HUGE fucking deal. The number of households that had access to the internet in 1997 was exponentially more than 1992. They didn't even really start keeping track until 1995.
>1995: 16 million internet users
>1997: 70 million internet users
>2018: 4.2 billion internet users
Almost like it wasn't until the Windows 95 era that it because possible for consumers to have easy access to the internet or something!
>Usenet still existed at that time and I've seen screencaps on this board, so fuck off.
You're a dumb asshole. Your life experience means fucking NOTHING.
>try doing some research before posting next time
LMAO The fucking dozens of people using the internet in the 80s are TOTALLY the same thing as the tens of thousands of radicalized retards circlejerking on the internet about a fucking kid's movie. EXACT SAME THING!

Way to go m8. 9/11 thinking skillz

They were original characters, though. Not a male character put into a dress and shoved forcefully into the film with a SJW driven wedge.

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I never made the argument that the internet was popular, only that it existed and there were people that used it. Cry more

Are you full of shit?
Don't lie to me

she cute

Any claim that uses the word "manbabies" is false by default with no need to consider it further. Valid statements don't need to use shaming language.

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is it okay to be white?

No, not in the slightest. This is the kind of stupid shit people say to convince you that these poorly written female characters are just as good as classic female characters.

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>I was only pretending to be--NANI?!

>Ripley is Mary Sue as fuck
t. person who has never seen the first fucking movie..... or the second fucken movie, or even the third fucking movie, but bases everything on the ripley/alien 4rth movie version

Am I a big guy?

Ripley and Connor were both deeply damaged and thier heroism stemmed from a motherly instinct to protect. There's a reason they both have almost universal acclaim.

Nuh uh

>if predator came out today

Attached: file.png (630x477, 629K)

And if Godzilla 1998 came out today you shills would defend it as a great movie. Unfortunately just like 98 Godzilla a movie can have tons of hype and end up being bad. Even your coveted marvel movies.

But Carol Danvers predates Ripley and Sarah and she was just as boring of a character back then.

absolutely retarded

no because within the movie - the kayfabe of the movie if you will - the fact they are women makes what they are doing more impressive . women in the movie world as in our world are weaker and less brave. this is contrary to nuwars where both in the movie and in the writers distorted view of our own reality women are no different to men and it is no great accomplishment that women should achieve these things , despite simultaneously wanting specific praise for being a woman

>Sarah Connor, not a fan because she whines about men in T2.
No she doesn't. She comments that the Terminator would be the perfect father because he is so single minded on protecting John Conner. The entire sequence is to drive home the point that robots ARE superior to humans, not just in durability and ferocity but capable of dealing with complex emotional things like raising a child with unfailing diligence. A normal human father may get drunk, go out to a party or just not have interest in dealing with their progeny here and there and decompress for a night or day or two before returning to full time parenting renewed. The Terminator NEVER takes a break, NEVER sleeps and is willing to unemotionally sacrifice its own life if it came down to it.

>npc meme format
>npc opinion

checks out

Funny how nobody said that about the new Predator movie that came out. Really makes you think.

Who gives a shit.

>I never made the argument that the internet was popular,
You just made a muddy waters nigger argument because you're a stupid cancerous piece of shit.
>only that it existed and there were people that used it.
Your mom exists and about the same people have used her as a cum rag.
>Cry more
Yeah but did you know that people cried in the 1980s too!

>you expect me to believe you retards didn't cry over it? :-)

Wrong as always trannycuck we would like because It would be played by Idris Elba

No, people weren’t mad at Alita you retard

>If Ripley and Sarah Conner came out today

"Ripley" and "Sarah Conner" are not the names of movies. Those are the names of characters in the movies Alien and The Terminator.

>If Wonder woman or alita came out today you manbabies would be as mad as you are at Rey and carol

Dude fuck off

Carol Danvers was created in the 70's and in the 80's the editor hated her so much that he created a story to erase her from the Marvel Universe, so no.

"Ripley" and "Sarah Connor" did not come out. The movies were called "Alien" and "The Terminator" and unlike capeshit, they were good.

Looks like a 12y/o

In today's world, scenes like this would be considered a detraction from the character's image as a capable badass. Many would deem it problematic male gaze.

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do I have a chance with her?

100% yes

Yea Forums would shit their pants over Ridley's flat ass for weeks.

That's because it's supposed to be. Alien is about male sexual anxiety.

does captain toefungus have a scene like this?

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>realistically rendered, flawed characters who have arcs and struggles
>Mary Sues who never experience adversity or have any flaws

watch me rekt this argument

>not a human
>anime fuck waifu
>mary sue

Not at all because both of them are mothers so they know their way around dick and give it up either way.

Well it would be wrong to say that absolutely zero people would but ultimately good acting, story telling and visuals will turn people around.

Didnt care about wonder woman personally but it at least was a competent casting.

Currently, Yea Forums is going crazy over Alita.

Also a movie i really enjoyed was Annihilation. One should hate it, an all female action team going into the great unknown. However they stumble and fuck up despite being experts in their field. But this does not take away from them because they are females but because they are people in an extremely fucked up and alien environment, no one else survived so why would they? The only difference being that the women themselves were damaged (which gave human depth, motivation and complexity) and that ended up saving the main character.

It was also a movie that didn't have to shit on the male gender.

Attached: Annihilation20.jpg (1200x503, 96K)

It's funny that Brie Larson is making such a big deal about diversity. Because when you really get to the core of Captain Marvel, it's a privileged white woman of the first world, being granted super powers that surpass all others, without any merit.
Even Brie herself is undeserving of the role. She must know how lucky she is.

>Sigourney Weaver ATTACKS men
>Alien screenwriter HATES white men
>WAHMEN GOOD MEN BAD - Alien is leftist propaganda
>Ridley Scott RUINS sci-fi with FEMINISM

The asshurt would be off the charts.

>ripley and sarah connor werent all that special in their first respective movies and got tougher from movie to movie...which endeared them to audiences
> rey and capt foot fungus
I kinda liked rey in tfa and even I could admit she is a mary sue....CM is already billed as the strongest so dissapointed they decided to put her in endgame

It was only a few years ago when Fury Road came out, there was no backlash against Furiosa because the studio didnt talk down to its audience. Simple as.

So what you're saying is that the rich are all incels. Because it's capitalism's current obsession with outrage porn that is causing this, not boys who don't get laid.

did my friend fuck my girl

I cant believe how this bait still works.

>the rich
You mean the elites? No, more like e-celebs who get rich by pandering to male teens. This shit is all over youtube

>Because it's capitalism's current obsession with outrage porn that is causing this, not boys who don't get laid.
If anyone ever implies that underage kids (even if they're naive enough to fall for the "cancel culture" meme) are the problem then he's a complete retard

If they promoted Terminator focusing in on how Sarah Connor was a Strong Woman who hates white men, relentlessly and endlessly, censored review sites, told potential customers that the film "wasn't for them, scifi is female now" and so on and so forth, then sure, fuck your movie, I'm not watching it.

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We cried over the movie being made, not who was in it.

No I mean like the fucking heads of Disney, DC, and pretty much all entertainment.

I just watched Alien last night.

Lisa is always wrong about everything. That's the whole point of her character.

What do you mean? You think Disney etc provoke this kind of outrage on purpose?

He's referring tot he scene where they discuss everything with Dyson.
Only salvaged because John puts her in her place.

Again another example of the lefties failing to see their own blatant hypocrisy.

Fucking hot, right?

They both have something in commom that makes their character work, their main motivation is motherhood.

wait, rey is a dike? how arbitrary and distracting

This board loves Wonder Woman and Alita.

Yes. Absolutely. Outrage = money. It always does. Only time I can think where it doesnt is whitewashing controversies, those arent very flashy or interesting.

t. calls anons nigger, fag and discord tranny

At this point, yes, but only because the well has been poisoned by years of identity politics make white men feel bad for being white men. In the 60's and 80's, despite all the same progressive ideas existing, they didn't have the same penetration into literally everything that they do now, and it wasn't a constant, unavoidable stream of it because the internet didn't exist.

You can't escape the shit now, so everyone who isn't onboard is instantly upset about it after years of being told they are literally bad people simply for having a different culture. Which is ironic, because the left screams the loudest about respecting other cultures, so long as that culture isn't a conservative one from the West.

Ripley's character in Aliens was literally a mother figure arriving the civilize one man, create a family, and bring order and peace to a chaotic situation with strong values and sympathy. That was the central theme in the entire movie - resisting the spread of "alien" ideology that literally infects people and turns them into something "wrong" by falling back onto traditional idealism.

Aliens wouldn't be made today.

I actually didn't care for Ripley in Alien, i'll be completely honest with you. I just didn't like her as a character. Sarah Connor was great but to compare either iconic character to the human garbage that is Brie Larson is just offensive.

Imagine Linda Hamilton(the original Sarah Connor) coming out and saying she hates her own race and that "I don't care what the white race has to say"

And Daisey Ridley is just a britslag coke addict piece of shit, I prefer to just pretend she doesn't exist.

Alien is a survival horror movie. The point of the story is how a clever and rational person manages to survive against incredible odds. The emphasis is on the suspense and tension. There's always a sense that Ripley is very vulnerable and the movie is exceptionally good at conveying that. Anyone calling her a Mary Sue is a fucking clueless retard.

Nu Wars is a soulless rehash of the original Star Wars trilogy, which itself is a heavily character-driven story. TFA and TLJ seem to be structured like movies that should have character development for the protagonist. But there isn't any, and there's excuse for it the way there is in Alien.

In short, you are a witless scum sucking plebian who doesn't even understand the simplest types of storytelling.

Why is it that if you are anti Zionist you are called an anti Semite?

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Based Gandalf poster

Ripley isn't a Mary Sue. She isn't perfect in any way, but she is good at thinking in critical situations. She is a natural survivalist, but a shit mother, a shitty friend, behaves without manners, isn't stunningly good looking (although, sometimes, hhhnng). Same for Sarah. Shit mother, shit nerves, shitty behavior, but good at dedication.

wtf I support trans rights now

SJWs always lie.

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Just liked people whined at Wonder woman? Go back to slaving away your soul for The Mouse

>Ellen Ripley
Nostromo warrant officers that is plunged into a dangerous situation and forced to adapt or die, making her a stronger person and a survivor. When she is awoken from stasis 57 years later and plunged back into the danger she becomes a strong, protective, adaptable survivor and mother figure.
Charismatic, forthright, brave, and protective.

>Sarah Connor
Normal LA woman plunged into a dangerous situation, requiring a future military officer to use all of his skills to protect her and make her more capable of defending herself. Over time becomes hyper-vigilant in order to adapt to continual threats to her life, thus becoming a stronger person and survivor (even at the cost of her mental health and family). Relatable, adaptive, and vigilant.

Seemingly normal scrapper from a poverty planet that gets plunged into a dangerous situation. Aimlessly wanders through said situation and develops completely un-earned abilities as a result. Is made the strongest person ever without any effort or training of her own. Is given everything to make her the best Jedi ever. Aimless and hapless.

>Carol Danvers
A strong-minded woman that is given powers and abilities without ever earning them to become a Christ figure in an inter-galactic crisis. Is made the most powerful person in existence and is never in any real danger. The most significant part of her arc is remembering how strong she is and unlocking the rest of her powers which were being physically restrained using technology. Stoic and uncharismatic.

It's not the audience that's changing, it's the quality of characters being written.

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>me have no argument so me call you virgin hahaha i win! durrr dururn

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>All female cast
>One who was a lesbian
>Main character was having an affair with a black man
>Adaptation of a book where the characters where men
>Hell, barely any men in the movie at all
>Movie was also really good
>Feminist in Hollywood never promoted it
That was the moment went I knew that the feminist movement was full of shit. They don't care about other women, they only care about themselves, so they push their shitty agenda for their movies, but never promote other female work.

You know what Ripley and Connor didn’t do? They didn’t get up and tell us that they deserved our attention and praise just for doing something. They didn’t call us mysognysts for not caring what they did. They didn’t come in to our clubhouse and then demand praise for walking in despite the fact this was never a “boy’s only” club to begin with.

As it turns out, trying to bully and denigrate half your potential audience because your social identity says it’s cool to bully and denigrate some other group doesn’t actually make you a bunch of money.

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