Why do critics and public disagree so much?

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Why can’t you put this in one of the other 40 threads?

Because critics have an agenda.

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Makes no sense considering both are left propaganda

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alita was not touted as such by the progressive media/commies
alita is japanese creation also
so what makes you say it's propaganda?

i just wonder what kind of person goes from the theatre to metacritic/rotten-matoes. i always check the scores but i never submit reviews. i figure in the case of CM, alot of people are putting in bad reviews because of brie larson's cuntiness.

critics are nothing more than paid shills
disregard their garbage opinion

Type: Movie
Aim: Sexual Perversion, Betafying Men
Plot: Girl Cyborg wakes up and doesn't know who she is. Fights a lot

Sexual Perversion
>She is a cyborg that looks like a regular woman with giant anime eyes
>The human brain is wired to see faces in different ways
>Bigger eyes in proportion to smaller face is indicative of younger face
>She is adult character in the show who will probably be sexualized in the movie but definitely will online (see Family Guy, Overwatch, etc)
>Name is ALITA, not too far from the title of a book about a guy who has the hots for a child
>I think you get the picture

Betafying Men
>Woman Action movie protagonist
>inb4 she's a cyborg
>She fights and kicks ass in movie
>unrealistic expectations to everyone
>Men will subconsciously view woman as stronger than they are and themselves as weaker
>strengthening any existing cuckoldry that exists
The only reason it was greenlit now was to push for girl power and transhumanism/sex robots.
Same reason why hollywood finally approved GITS after sitting on it for well over a decade as well.

Nice pasta Jerome.

Ignore this

this explains why spic betas and trannys love it so much

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but alita is really leftie (at least the manga, I didn't watched the movie)
and cyberpunk is leftie by definitition

Cyberpunk is a future far right.

and people fighting against that...


>alita: battle angel
Pick four.

you don't too much about cyberpunk, right?
it's ok


people are not paid to say
I love it

>i just wonder what kind of person goes from the theatre to metacritic/rotten-matoes

are you implying wait til they've seen it before rating it? jej

The public is retarded while the critics are intelligent.

Because they are paid to do their job. And that job is highly rate every mouse movie.

they don't

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Imagine being a redditor. Imagine caring about what other people think about movies when you’re in your thirties and saying everyone who doesn’t like it is a virgin. Imagine being a leftist.

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well average "people" are basically unwashed pleb that shouldn't be allowed to voice their opinions. its just an unfortunate situation that wasn't ment to be

Always think the opposite of what "critics" say, do you need any more proof?

I would genuinely kill myself

It's almost like people are retarded

i like the movie bahahaha look at you rodents always hiveminding hate hahaha

A drug-addled, gender-fluid, racial melting pot dystopia is far-right, huh?

Boy what happened to all those captain marlel threads? Before the audience score was released, there were 20 of them up at all times. Then they just cut right off mid-turd. Hmmm... I guess Marvel's glad to see putting a cat in the movie raised the audience score into the 30s at least.

Same reason "media" and public disagree so much.

One is paid to think one way and the other has the freedom to explore all avenues often leading to direct and obvious bias and therefor conflict and dissidents.
>Often the ones spouting these lies are the most aware of this bias but simply do not care

1- By being critics, they watch dozens hundreds more films than regular people. Thus, normal stuff doesn't do it for them anymore, but weird shit does. They're the artistic equivalent of sex fetishists.
2- Like every profession or hobby, film criticism forms its own subculture complete with sub-cultural sensibilities. It's unlikely that these sensibilities will be the same as the general public, and this discrepancy increases the more said subculture becomes isolated from regular people. And it WILL become more insulated because the nature of any in-group is to preserve itself.
3- As a profession, they rely on money and so will bend to the will of whoever pays them most.

freaks, SJWs, and shills

Critics are paid to review. Public has to pay to view

If your career relied on Disney inviting you back =, would you give their film a crappy review?

People say they want progressive pc stuff, but they really actually just want a fun movie that doesn't take itself seriously

big if true

People want their social programs to be progressive. They want their movies to be entertaining. And liberal veneer idpol where you pretend to care about women and minorities but are just trying to use them to get attention, then fuck them as soon as possible is not "progressive".

>Why do critics and incels disagree so much?

Fixed it for you

>the amount of absolute C O P E in that thread
M-My theater obviously was sold out guy I swear!


If one more critic motherfucks the incel community I'm going out and changing my celibate status with a string of rapes

Yeah it is actually, because capitalism is 100% responsible. Capitalism has promised a cyberpunk hellscape for decades and it delivered on that promise.

Anarhocapitalism. Hyper far right.

You must be rich. Cyberpunk is already life for everyone else.

Are literally socialist.

>muh incels

you dont have to pay for a movie to watch it, but you absolutely should watch a movie before submitting a review. of course i'll probably get spammed by Yea Forums retards calling me a shill or something to that effecf so they can feel more comfortable passing judgements on trailers

Audiences pay
Critics are paid

the public is unironically stupid

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You can't agree with either critics or audiences without being a sheep


Critics should be the ones deciding what the public likes!

Critics get paid for their opinions, civilians do not.

You see user, Americans are not your typical humans, unlike the rest of the world their mentality is binary, red and blue, Democrat and Republican, Ally or enemy and capitalist vs communist. Nuances or non political stuff are foreign for them

>constantly go on about how critics don't matter
>always desperately wait for their scores
Why do tasteless plebs that don't watch actual film always do this?

Critics are secretly tired of capeshit but can't touch Marvel so they took out their anger on what seemed like a safe target. This, of course, is the scapegoat mystery of leviticus that Yukito-sensei prophesied in the manga.

its more fun to lie and shitpost on Yea Forums than it is watching movies these days

You say this yet next month when they praise numale propaganda like Shazam you'll be singing their praise for it
