Happy International Women's Day Yea Forums !

Happy International Women's Day Yea Forums !

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how so very edgy

Cry more you limp wristed faggot

god I wish that were me

Maybe you can actually have sex for once OP.


>have sneed


I'll have sex with a knife in my hand pointed at your roastie neck, bitch


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I don't get aroused by sexual violence in film, even obviously fake rape porn. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying real-life rape is bad. It just doesn't appeal to me.


who was in the wrong here?


He sure showed that little girl who's boss.

I remember the user saying that every woman he saw this movie with they all admitted to getting aroused when this scene came on. I'd like to try it myself and see if it holds true.

Same to you

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whoah dude, that better be some movie


Women dislike rape because currently all they have to offer to a relationship is the fact that they control access to sex. Rape removes their control over the access to sex, and since they have nothing else to offer, it reveals just how worthless they are. So they scream and make a scene as a desperate attempt to retain the last thing they have to offer men.

Most women secretly fantasize about being raped. Porn sites all over the internet consistently show their female users searching for violent porn. If you ever lurk in a "survivors" forum, you'll see how much detail these women write out as they constantly repost the story in a subconscious attempt to relive it. The sympathy and attention they get after a rape is just icing on the cake.

Once you realize this, things like near universal support for open borders in Europe among women start to make more sense.

Attached: whateverygirldeserves.webm (576x432, 2.5M)

Maybe I could have it with you? Take off your pants cowboy, l-lets fuck.


OP you forgot to tell us that you had sex with your gf before posting here.

Probably got all of the girls wet.


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wrong person.


Why does this useless subhuman gender get an international day? While male scientist who are the reason we arent spear chucking tribes in the forest get none?

Holy cow! What movie?

absolutely based OP, but bluepilled because you didn't post a webm
unironically all women are whores, fuck women

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Based ESL incel


Casey Affleck can only get it up if he beats Jessica Alba.

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Why in the fuck he did that?

You're posting on an anonymous site about cartoons. You're not masculine either.

one up the bum no harm done

Does he kill her?

>Veteran of World War II takes revenge on three scums who raped his naive granddaughter.


btw, thanks I'm gonna fap.

>this was a 10 minute uninterrupted take

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Have sōy.

Your mamma must be proud.

>homosexual raping a woman
what did Noe mean by this?

Are you a non-native English speaker? Seems like it.

Why not?

she had 6 kids from 5 different guys, I dont really care if she is proud or not

I hate women because I'm a virgin (incel). Anyone else?

lol this nigger can't even defend himself when someone talks back

the little girl is Jena Malone.

Bastard Out of Carolina (1996)

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

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she was asking for it because she's a woman(whore who's only reason for existence is to debase herself)

>discord tranny

>Your mamma must be proud.

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No need to defend myself against ”no u”,

>t. crystal.cafe unshaven beast

It's actually a pretty good movie.

>so stupid and black he can't tell the diffrence between "no u" and "u also"
>isn't a man, so feels no need to defend himself
At what age did your dad abandon you, effeminate?

>I'd like to try it myself and see if it holds true.
What woman would ever watch any movie near you? Have fun raping your grandma

>this nigger
The left can’t meme.

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How new are you?

Formerly Chuck

>owns a phone specifically for fags and retards
Protip: you're officially left.


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> no u again
Pathetic, andropajeet

Why do you think you get to post here if you're not a native English speaker, Rodrigo?

based. men are ugly, agressive and dumb

Go cry to drumpf about it, cucklet

check Instagram

>how does greentext actually work?
>how does punctuation at the end of sentences work?
>where's my dad?

Is this shit real? Or troll?

..... has multiple angles, obviously edited professionally, has Dermot Mulroney beating the shit put of a kid.
> whoah dude, that better be some movie

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Why are you having such a hard time coming up with decent banter? Is it because you were born in the third world?

> amerimutt “banter”

Good thing we can just beat your asses then eh?

> punctuation
Seriously dude, how fucking new are you

>admitting you're from the third world while simultaneously proving you're not capable of what's being asked of you


It's not a measure of newness. It's a measure of whiteness and you failed. Also, you messed up on the greentext again. How new must you be to not even get that right?

Check out this projecting faggot

Pretty much. This is how Yea Forums has been projecting lately

have sex

Happy Women's Day !

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Protip: getting angry isn’t banter, mutt

You auto lose. Also, kill yourself, samefag.

And it's on a friday no less
Todays shaping up to be a good one, I tell ya

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Source now

Sorry you’re poor

>having to pretend you're making someone angry to feel better about your IRL impotence
Typical third worlder. Nothing you do is going to take my military base off your soil, kid.

You know the threads where you save every webm before opening cuz you know its good

>owning a phone is a sign of wealth in the third world
The term for what you claim to be is "ghetto rich", brainless poorfag.

> my military base
Apex cringe

Jesus Christ just looked the movie up and that actor was 12. This movie would never be approved to shoot today

>beats you up and rapes you
The fact you dont like it makes the rape even more cum inducing for me.


used to; accepted the wizard life
dont care anymore

I don't think you know what that means
>phone poster
Imagine spending your free time sitting at a desktop on this shit-hole

>the ape's replies get shorter and shorter as the topics discussed become more complex
Yeah, you're definitely a third worlder lashing out desperately at the people you envy.
>I don't think
You can say that again, phonetard.

well it's not a boy so you know it's not a greek film.

What the fuck!
Delete this!!

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The fact you said this makes the typical vagina wet.

>Imagine not even owning a smartphone
Oh wait, i don't have to do that, it's reality

She apparently is turned on by pain in the movie

That's pretty hardcore.

Wait, isn't this an old copy pasta?

off you go to discord tranny

do the needful sirs, give sauce

The fact that your replies get increasingly complex only belies how much you’re SEETHING.

>the third worlder starts using homosexual slang like "seethe" and "cringe" because she doesn't understand the cultural implications of speech in first world environments

It's literally just sex, what's the big deal

>First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence
LOL, then I guess it was probably a mistake for you and all your dumb dyke friends to vote REFUGEES WELCOME. These guys are the future and they're going to make your shitty rape fantasies from The Handmaiden's Tale come to life. La Illaha Ila Allah!

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Holy shit

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You're replying to copypasta, newfag.

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First of all you're a man and you will never be a woman. Second of all lesbians are not real. They are just butthurt failed women who hate men. "Lesbian couples" do not have sex. It's not real

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>his boyfriend shows up to defend him


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irreversible by that french hack gaspar noe.

sauce my negro friend

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Casey Affleck being his usual self

Reminder women shouldnt have human rights they have been useless long before humans were even here. Look at monkeys males do all the work while women dont do shit.

seething cringe

>the copypasta that still makes incels seethe to this very day

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>where's the bloody jokes!?

>shitskins are a broken record
More news at 11!

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Leave this website, you idiot



Jesus, how many people do they need to hold her down?

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I guess somebody will be cleaning her room without being asked after this

i STAND with women

Attached: Never Gonna Keep Me Down.webm (954x400, 2.91M)

I accept your concessions.


To be fair, a matriarch society is always shit.
Only when men are in charge you have massive progress, all of it made on the men's back.
And as soon as the men lose power, that society breaks.

Its hard to rape roasties with no guns or knives on hand thats why you need your bros to restrain her until you she gives up and because her subhuman brain begins enjoying the domination.

it has sense
yet however, a lot of women likes cock

This bitch needs a slap

>shut up incel
>fuck off roastie
>please have sex
>back to discord you go, tranny
every fucking thread over and over and over

Is this ironic? it has to be

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Are you fucking retarded?

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I accept your seething.

Why is fucking a drunk girl so hot guys?

didnt save

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Her hair is always perfect.

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>Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying real-life rape is bad.
Don't ever change Yea Forums

As much as I hate women, she’s kind of right. Men whose women cheat on them usually had it coming for being pussies and allowing their women the opportunity to cheat.

Shit same here

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>posting from 2 devices
You're a total jew.

every woman I know (and have heard talk about politics) gives 0 fucks about progress and thinks feeding infinity niggers is the goal of humanity.

What I hate most of that bastard is that, despite his shitty stickers about love and tolerance, he still wouldn't cover the apple logo.


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Jews are better than goyim. Cope.



Worked and seething

>he actually paid money to use this site

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Women cheat because they are not monogamous look at Hollywood where women cheat on fucking genetic chads all the time. IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU DO THEY WILL ALWAYS CHEAT ON YOU.

Alpha high test masculine sociopathic black rappers get cheated on you really think anything can stop women from cheating? No there is a reason why infidelity was death.