Mirrored poster thread

mirrored poster thread.

Attached: cap.jpg (1076x798, 503K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: valkyrie.jpg (1071x798, 497K)

Attached: widow.jpg (1226x800, 548K)

Attached: iron.jpg (1288x799, 612K)

Attached: ironman.jpg (1078x801, 574K)

>that waist on the right

Where is rights nipples.

>more than a shield


Would fug the left version

>gee billy, how come your mom let's you have two shields?

Attached: wingman.jpg (1339x796, 560K)

Attached: fury.jpg (1220x795, 470K)

Evans has almost perfect symmetry. Only one where both looks like him.

Discord tranny on the left

look at that fucking giganigga on the right

Looks like karnak

Attached: widow2.jpg (1654x793, 583K)

Attached: holloh.jpg (1069x797, 705K)

Attached: who will win.jpg (1310x1035, 978K)

Attached: RAAR.jpg (1068x811, 774K)

Who would win in a fight? Cap Horsecock or DoubleShield Evans?

What's a big cock gonna do against 2 shields?

Attached: wolvlow.jpg (1009x749, 659K)

>GIGANIGGA has escaped! Only TURBONIGGA can stop him!

Attached: Black Pap.jpg (882x679, 95K)

her face is basically just her normal face on the right

left looks terrifying

I think you know what big cock is gonna do.

>more than a secret

Those would be pretty cool designs for smaug.

Attached: hellboy2.jpg (1056x776, 773K)


On the right
>"Nice to meet you, I'm your cellmate"

>lvl.1 thief
>lvl.39 boss

Even with no eyes, giganigga fury would destroy stick nick.

Attached: 1551183327705.jpg (960x914, 46K)


Attached: pup.jpg (1123x795, 895K)


Attached: wondercyclops.jpg (541x776, 347K)

who would stand a chance against ma'am of tit?

Attached: mad max.jpg (880x675, 538K)

Attached: hellboy.jpg (1024x775, 513K)


Attached: jonesy.jpg (1462x799, 440K)

Is that a JoJo reference?

Oh god, a fertility goddess

Giganigga pulls the trigga on lil nigga

strength vs dex

left is a nigger



Kek'd so hard

the giga niga fury reminds me of that black guy who reads two books at the same time in commute

>current Black Widow vs Iron Man 2 Black Widow

>virgin Wolwlow vs Chad Enireverine Dod


Funny enough, both are better designs than what we got in the end.

Those are some odd boobs

Gee Cap, how come your mom lets you have TWO shield?

>Smough and Ornstein

Well that's scary

Attached: HRUv3ST.jpg?1.jpg (324x256, 20K)

Is that Sylvester?

Attached: yedgurughe.png (214x784, 195K)

Tibbbbit looks pretty badass

That could be a legit demon design


these actually both look like genuine posters
and pretty metal ones as well
yes, the movies were anything but metal exept for maybe the design of that death angel


>one will tell you the truth, the other willl lie

jesus christ, denton.

>introducing, pencil man

what are these stands called?

Attached: star-wars-episode-3-revenge-of-the-sith-poster-9 Kopie 2.jpg (2013x1392, 280K)

Stats Waaw is MAD

>captain marvel, I'm CIA

>on the right

Attached: 1551844146746.png (472x356, 214K)

Str vs dex

Dr Banner, I’m SHIELD


Attached: GIGA HARRY.png (930x660, 1.09M)


what species of moth is this?


without looking at any off the replies the first thing i thought of was 'gigganigga' why is that?

>virgin Helleh with punny pistols is going to get wrecked by lightning
>chad Yobboy about to delfavor the sky with his two lightning swords

Tib8biT has some Okami shit going on, I like it.

Absolute unit

>the Obari designed chad vs the faggot moeblob

Attached: jQLkvKw.jpg (324x600, 31K)

this is fucking sick

Attached: Iconofsin_large.png (768x384, 267K)

Making Adam Jensen black was a bit too much.

bodybuilding split vs SS

>Dragons with halos
Pretty cool


ba s ed

>UNITINU thread


I love Holoh


yo lil donnie i PISSED ON MY HAND and POOPED ON MY FOOT what do you think about that LIL DONNIE

>Dual Bowing

Attached: DOOD.jpg (2019x1442, 322K)

Anyone tried one of the BvS poster?
They'll just switch position right?

>that roastie

Attached: file.png (1037x779, 1.62M)

Aesthetics vs Bloatmax

Attached: 20190308_A7A64501.png (1158x630, 1.04M)

>It's a MA'AM

Attached: file.png (623x448, 359K)

Attached: 1552082111764.png (295x296, 82K)


Attached: good-and-evil-momoa.jpg (1000x677, 125K)

I, Batguy.

Attached: Flipped Ratatouille.png (728x525, 787K)

The Dork Knight

Right; what her tinder pics look like
Left: what she actually looks like


Attached: huh.jpg (539x539, 18K)

Attached: Flipped Dumbo.png (713x498, 637K)

Attached: file.png (1070x781, 1.38M)

Attached: dan.png (477x406, 310K)



Attached: Flipped Harry Potter.png (1280x920, 2.07M)


Attached: FLipped Emperor's New Groove.png (669x475, 538K)

The God of All Rodents

Attached: tAWkffA.jpg?1.jpg (501x391, 27K)

Attached: NewoweN.png (438x761, 135K)

the dick bulge

Attached: Flipped Mary.jpg (1343x867, 627K)

>Dumbo: The Official Video Game of the Movie by From Software

GIGA HARRY vs the Potter-Out-Of-Space

Who wins?

>Whedon reshoot

Dragon Quest enemy

Attached: mera.jpg (2000x1483, 1.15M)


Would love to see someone draw

No one can stop GIGA HARRY.

Leftmary is cute

Good lord

Attached: file.png (372x596, 317K)

who would win?

Attached: vs.png (1016x753, 1.77M)

Mom said it's my turn on the Jaguar

Attached: file.png (540x800, 696K)

>three tits vs birthing hips

Fucking JUS2UG LEM3L is doing the Naruto Run over here

Attached: Avengers 1.png (1755x550, 2.14M)

Total Recall reboot?

Attached: terminator.jpg (1200x891, 475K)

DUD has the strength advantage and is surrounded with chicks.

Attached: tdkr.jpg (1500x1108, 650K)

Name this hairstyle

Attached: file.png (616x800, 959K)


Attached: sgncmty58n9z.png (355x451, 263K)

Attached: b4e557_6348833.jpg (1700x1933, 627K)

>2 legs
>2 guns
>2 vagoos

Attached: Rey1.png (1596x800, 1.7M)

Attached: antman.jpg (1500x1099, 611K)

>mouthbreathing retard

>silicon valley faggot

this one is a classic

how are you making these?

Avant garde

Attached: file.png (208x500, 187K)


Attached: file.png (1097x781, 1.61M)

Give it to me, that thing. Your dark soul.

Attached: file.png (600x800, 576K)

Attached: bXYjDmzSRkIu0ljs2MrwyvKe7er.jpg (2556x1896, 1.31M)

>You fool, i've been trained in your Jedi Arts by Count Dooku
>You know i had to do it to em

finn on the left

Breed right and have left nurse.

Attached: 1465870066486.png (255x204, 50K)

Leaked Doom Eternal design (2019)

Master of the force vs Master of the lightsaber

Attached: c0056197_5676c793c83a8.jpg (2208x600, 1.06M)

I'm not sure this one works

Attached: file.png (508x800, 530K)

The Virgin ANT-THA vs The Chad HAMMAN

>tfw you're about to get punched by superman from two realities

>give snow gf

Attached: snow.jpg (210x171, 5K)

Why did you say that name!?


Does anyone have the Martian one?

It's the best


Attached: file.png (552x800, 955K)

Poor bat is going to get spitroasted. He looks suitably terrified.

Attached: med_1475520169_image.jpg (500x500, 53K)

Assassin's Creed: Gotham


Attached: aqua-momoa.jpg (2000x1481, 1.45M)

Left one is stolen for a dnd campaign.
I'm even going to name him Holoh


Namaman only needs one tip to thrust.

when did she become a mainline avenger? she only had a shitty supporting role in thor 3 and wasn't in in infinity at all...

>two tridents vs no trident
AquauqA has this in the bag

Aquauqa has TWO tridents, he will win

Attached: file.png (250x800, 363K)


Attached: file.png (664x800, 1.02M)

face looks exactly like that nigga from lilo and stitch

Attached: pleakley.jpg (236x538, 25K)

Holoh smaug vs tib8bit smaug

>RAAR gets two primaries
>WAW gets two secondaries

>it's in a pool
>the scenery loops
deepest lore


This boss fight fucking sucked, prove me wrong


>FROM THE CREATORS *indecipherable text*

Dammit, Riddler, what's it mean?

>It's the kind of tired that sleep won't fix


Attached: file.png (754x800, 1.1M)

Attached: 1547162762483.jpg (1000x713, 834K)

What movie is this poster for?

>that haircut

>Right is when Captain Marvel > Alita

Looks like she narrowly ducked a chainsaw

3CITTICE 3UGGUE Flash is about to use the Tri beam. We're all fucked


Attached: 1547587156388.jpg (1085x775, 510K)

>watching namman
>it ain't me starts playing

The movie version of MOOM just isn't cool enough


Attached: 1539136852524.gif (300x124, 2.61M)

Thank you for posting that the third time, as if the first wasn't reddit enough

Uncanny Valley Squared vs Alita JUST Angel

i understood that reference

>fox vs bear

>slick nick vs big nig

it's actually Yea Forums though

left: *breathes in*
right: "BOI!"

>2 fucking gaunlets
ay dios mio

is that fucking dick kickem?



I love how the symmetry makes it look like a HL1 facemap


Attached: morromarine.png (600x456, 195K)

o, woe



>middle lens for your nose
why don't they ever do this?

Attached: namman.png (278x152, 80K)

Use the prod to PROD

not very different from the way she looks now

Attached: clograce more.jpg (1080x720, 59K)

left a qt

Attached: upgagpu edarade.png (2860x2048, 2.65M)

>John Atlovaravolta

Attached: noitallation.png (996x683, 808K)

Attached: bub runur.png (1180x2048, 3.44M)

>where do you workout?
>at the library.

>joeoj looking at himself, questioning his existence
>wallace is 2 faced

It's poetry

Attached: 1545106148731.jpg (764x720, 201K)

right got JUSTed

just chiming in to say this is metal as fuck


Attached: MoooM.png (330x755, 159K)

lmao this guy is fucked

>Batman: "Help"

laughing out loud right now

Attached: ecaace poop.png (948x1500, 2.07M)

Attached: E4BFA62F-D87B-4860-94AA-38B0292F8D54.jpg (300x415, 149K)


right looks like scarlet witch

Attached: brr it's cold.png (917x1422, 2.07M)


Attached: file.png (1020x733, 1.22M)

Who do you take as your gymbro?

Attached: gning.png (631x421, 442K)

Attached: file.png (530x800, 688K)

which team?

Attached: shsyxy.png (1000x715, 1.23M)

Attached: E7E68A59-9C85-487A-AD05-92E40E43A341.jpg (300x408, 60K)

cmon man, the right one looks way better, three heads and all

whyd you put a butthole on his hat

Attached: thing.jpg (2000x2000, 715K)

DUD chad surrounded by hot girls
eDuDe virgin surounded by faggots and shitty girls

YXY all the way SHS sucks

Not him but i'm using
to merge and
to combine

Attached: file.png (1080x800, 1.23M)

Attached: levvel vs MARRAM.jpg (2160x1600, 3.65M)

Attached: get out.jpg (1000x1000, 222K)

Unironically who wins?

FatMachine looks like an end of level Boss.

GETTEG has a fucking Vagina.

some one send this to del toro on twitter

HoioH looks like it has a little girl in it for a second.

>Flash rolls on you

Attached: file.png (1078x800, 1.63M)

Attached: file.png (588x800, 781K)

They should actually go with left for the poster.



Attached: 4B5E622E-8041-4E3A-86BB-D28262808D61.jpg (362x1091, 329K)

>my children will check these dubs
>my children will IGNORE


Attached: 959D3E08-A261-4744-BD07-B0982E971A4C.jpg (439x735, 142K)

>Ratat Dobru
Sauted and cooked in sensual paradise by two identical French twins in order to satisfy some sort of rodent god.
>Elliuo: Chut!
An autistic Parisian works under two judgmental bosses while imagining he's a two headed rat.

Attached: index.png (800x625, 799K)


Attached: download.png (413x677, 341K)

Bottom looks like a Doom villain

Attached: UmU.jpg (4996x3537, 717K)

One set is taking this in stride. The other is fucking terrified because they now know where they'll end up.

Attached: index2.png (1200x800, 1.98M)

What a great fucking thread

Not as great as you digits though.


These threads always make me laugh, love them

Jji8 Bill
>birthing hips
>penis pouch
>double tit zipper cleavage
>cant smell
Kill Jjik
>two sets of kissing lips and sniffers
>chad shoulders suggest male sex
>two katanas
The winner is obvious

Attached: 1458170763778.jpg (680x962, 163K)

>the virgin thief
>the chad Vietnam veteran

Black Vision vs Blade

Attached: bulwwlub.jpg (987x744, 298K)


Attached: moonlight.png (960x696, 1020K)

Underrated because you put it behind a spoiler like a faget


>Megamind vs Blade

>left beats the shit out of people
>right fucks the shit out of people
the duality of man.

More than a fighter? The fuck? That’s terrible. How do you get fighter from “war machine”. Why not more than a machine?

Dud's a based, jacked loner with two cars and only fucks hot twins.

Edude's a pencil necked coconut head who has to deal with fag friends who rip cars off steering wheels, shitty girls and ugly dogs.

Attached: me myself and irene.png (1066x800, 1.12M)

Attached: 20190308_221515.jpg (2896x2896, 1.09M)

Attached: D0405B4F-52D4-4F1C-B5F5-03059B806902.png (750x1334, 3.19M)

No traaaabble

Attached: 6AF88D5F-A686-434D-81A3-768928AE1C33.jpg (1332x1000, 479K)

Attached: heavy times.png (1200x800, 1.29M)

>Moooom Thgilnnliught is bullying me again

>prolapsed anus
Why would they put this on a movie poster?

Left guy going full "give me that for free."


Attached: hendricks snow.jpg (468x683, 92K)

Attached: cNSiXay.jpg?1.jpg (492x639, 57K)

>David Harbor vs Tom Hardy: The Ultimate Clash

I’ve seen every horror movie and never got scared once. “Tuoout” genuinely looks too scary.

>i can be your angle... or yuor devil

Attached: sonic.png (1078x800, 1015K)

Attached: logan17033.jpg (1500x1111, 418K)


Attached: catdog.jpg (728x485, 33K)

>that capsac



((avengers)) assemble!

Attached: avorngerassormble.png (2805x806, 3.89M)

Spy? He's the fucking leader.

Attached: 40 year old virgin.png (670x500, 613K)

Why the fuck does he look Chad in both?

that's metal as fuck


>C | W | C

Niggin looks like he's got a big brain

Pick one team to protect you. The other will try to kill you.
Choose wisely, Yea Forums.

Attached: ThanosNightmare.jpg (4000x1000, 722K)


Well kiss mah grits, it's 2006 again.

Attached: unitinu2.jpg (489x449, 47K)

Looks like Seinfeld's Nuemann.

Attached: 20190308213925.png (1867x1403, 3.4M)

Attached: teen wolf.png (670x488, 624K)

Choose your fighter

Attached: ip man.png (1067x800, 931K)


Na Man looks tanky as fuck.

What the fuck does he actually do though?

Attached: 20190308214427.png (1877x1397, 3.89M)

Attached: 20190308214559.png (1792x1353, 2.34M)

I always love how so many of these are just variations of STR vs INT/DEX but it never gets old somehow.