Hi guys, just got back from Captain Marvel with my wife and her boyfriend...

Hi guys, just got back from Captain Marvel with my wife and her boyfriend. The movie is a trippy visual treat made just for the 90s kids! I don't know why it was getting so much of hate before. Brie Larson puts an oscar-worthy performance and her on-screen chemistry with Samuel L Jackson is one of the highlights of this masterpiece. Far better than anything Marvel has done so far.

Attached: download.jpg (585x308, 21K)

Have sex.

I am going to see it with my girlfriends boyfriend Jamal. He promised to suk min kuck in the theater.
Hejsan allihupa
t. swede

please partake in coitus with a human female

They smell like cabbages these dayz.

You can just tell that Brie Larson smells like a cabbage.

Polyamorous relationships are awesome aren't they? You can go fuck as many other girls as you want! Your wife did tell you that part right?

Weird how they let a scene like that in the movie.

I bought tickets for my myself, my gf, and my gf’s husband. My gf’s husband is an absolute Marvel maniac and he almost cried when he saw the tickets lol. He thinks Captain Marvel is going to be the best Marvel movie so far and I trust his opinion on that because he eats, sleeps, and breathes the MCU.

I pray to god you're just joking.haven't seen it though, just waiting for the web release

Attached: 1549567015183.jpg (558x428, 33K)

Aww, that was so nice from you.
>Here, have a virtual Onions latte.

>Baaaaaaasedyyy latte.
It's a beautiful thing should not be censored like this.

Z0OY latte?
S0iY latte?

It's true.
The weirdest line though was when a new Spiderman shows up who seems to hate Samuel L. Jackson's character because he's black.
Jackson's character says something like "You may be a racist, but at least you aren't a woman so I know you'll get the job done".


That is from Short Term 12 not capeshit, and that's a young based Darius from Atlanta (also black l from netflixnote)

It's an extremely good film.

If any of you are curious why anyone likes Brie Larson, Short Term 12 is why.


No, I just can't believe how many variations are now banned.
I didn't use the real word in the first post. In the second, I used a variation that had 15 characters and still banned. Third attempt gave a result.

It's like, the jannies here really are scared of this meme. That their beloved beverige is on par with KEK himself and should not be mocked. ((They)) are really desperate in /tv and in redd_it.

>kek meme
>doesn't know about regex and how word filters work
back to lebbit with you

Kek, code me a waifu, you fucking incel