In less than two days, Captain Marvel already received more user reviews than Infinity War

>in less than two days, Captain Marvel already received more user reviews than Infinity War

haha now isn't that just quacking crazy???

Attached: infinity war.png (735x358, 218K)

have sex

ever considered having sex ?

Hate can invigorate a group of people more than joy


Infinity War is like The Spronaso of Marvel movies while Captain Marvel is The Walking Dead.

Attached: hmm.jpg (583x586, 47K)

Actually it's more like
>IW is The Wire or OZ
>CM is Big Bang Theory


don't know what the wire or oz is but ill take your word for it

Cm is at 31% right now. Is it that bad?

Weird how there are more 10 reviews than 1 reviews.

haha it's almost like incels decided to review-bomb the movie or something wow haha

They know it sucks, so they're playing up the troll narrative by being the actual downvoting trolls they write all those blogs and articles about. Probably even hired Russian bot farms and feeling snarky about it.

Not really, since there were loads of news articles about RT's score getting taken down because of "trolls" before
Probably inspired people to use their voice, as is their right
Every Adam Sandler movie gets awful ratings from people who never watched it, why is it different because its Disney/Marvel?

Actually, it is
Infinity War should have a lot more votes than that
RT is going broke

it's getting spammed by incel subscribers of this redneck youtuber

Attached: 1552044785913.jpg (1469x2885, 1.57M)

literally who

Yeah because everybody who thinks this movie is shit cares about your shitty youtube channel. Fuck off.

What if I did and this movie still sucks balls like she did yesterday?

DCucks are very autistic.

This is legitimately embarrassing.

go back to your discord

>Allow anyone to use internet service
>Be angry when people use it

Attached: 6431257.png (327x316, 211K)


Why can't incels be subtle?