>you actually thought it would bomb
What's the new line going to be on YouTube? "A-actually it DID! The studio saw the audience score and... they laundered money into empty screenings! They lost over a BILLION on this, they told me!"
>you actually thought it would bomb
What's the new line going to be on YouTube? "A-actually it DID! The studio saw the audience score and... they laundered money into empty screenings! They lost over a BILLION on this, they told me!"
Popularity doesn't equal quality.
Why do you care about entries?
Are you jewish?
>Are you jewish?
Even if he was, there's nothing wrong with being jewish.
How much do you get paid to defend Disney?
But I knew it wouldn’t bomb because there are too many anti-male sexist women and cuntcucked white knights to let it fail.
>Popularity doesn't equal quality.
>as he desperately tries to tank audience scores
They pay with what they make in Captain Marvel sales, which despite what a bunch of LoveShys said actually ended up being quite a bit.
Was that you?
Okay but you understand Marvel capeshit is cancer and that you're cancer, right? How do you sleep at night?
>you actually thought it would bomb
I don't think anyone seriously thought this since it's Marvel capeshit and there's too much brand loyalty among retards. It's definitely going to be one of the least profitable marvel flicks. I doubt it'll make more than 500mil.
That's a bold statement.
DCucks are so retarded they seriously think that.
>F-fuck your funnybook films, I never even liked them anyway
gonna need to see those profits Cucktain Marvcel
But I did like some of them. They're still awful though. And you're awful.
>I did like some of them
>They're still awful though
>he doesn't like shitty movies now and then
It's like you don't even understand cinema culture.
no one said it'd bomb except false flag fags screencaping their own posts to post them later
it'll do at least ant man numbers
Brie is so cute!
>no one said it'd bomb
Nah I never liked capeshit
there's nothing in that image, fagola
"some fat youtuber said it wont make a billion" wow
No one was saying it was going to bomb, they were saying it would maybe make Dr. Strange numbers. It's a marvel film so people will just go to see it anyway.
>some eceleb unrelated to this place
Wow bro you showed us, ironic shilling is still shilling
except the whole Jew thing
Even he isn't saying it's going to bomb, not even the massive haters think it's going to not make money. It just won't be a notable hit in the marvel line.
nah it's gonna bomb so hard Hiroshima will look like a fucking joke.
No other capeshit had this much preemptive damage control.
Hopefully it kills the MCU.
>W-we swear we weren't posting that screencap over and over again
>It was DISNEY! They did it to make us look retarded!
you think that's a good image? "official predictions drop 80 million from previously absurdly inflated number" lol you got us
doesn't Disney have shills desperately trying to undo the damage done by 'ebul nazi incel reviewers'?
You're not helping to prove otherwise, Maus.
Brother you are brave posting this on this Saudi shill infested board
Help a nigga out
not ipt or ptp, at a loss
Saudis are Israel's greatest ally and their genetic brothers, for god's sake just look at Rabbi Ben George W Bush's grandfather.
>"official predictions drop 80 million from previously absurdly inflated number"
The 160 opening WAS the "absurdly inflated number. That it looks like it's easily getting to.
TIL that you have to be Saudi to hate jews
It was 180 originally
Post proof
you just gotta be retarded, honestly
>posting the ugliest wrinkly image of her as a dunk
lmao holy shit it looks worse than the caricature you replied to
no marvel film has ever been a notable hit its all trash
you're thinking it'll do 160 million today?
You talk as if the movie has been out for 3 months and has crossed 1.5 billion or something
This movie will underperform
Saudis look like Jews, just less ugly and darker skin. None of them look european.
My guess is that it MIGHT make 500 mil internationally and that's a high estimate. Unlike Black Panther, Cap. M is getting a lot of hate in the international releases. No one wants to watch a boring ugly Mary Sue for 2 hours.
How was it going to bomb when Yea Forums's hate boner for this movie had them posting 10 threads a day about this shit way before it was out.
>Well it didn't gross more than Black Panther and my insiders told me they expected it to! FLOP! #GetWokeGoBroke!
wow you gave up quick huh
Goddamn, so many wrinkles so young
>It'll flop! Bomb hard!
>it's on track to overperform most projections
>... i-it'll underperform tho
GET WOKE, GO BROKE! ...broke the box office, that is!
>people are this retarded to think making money means success
Making isn't enough. Solo made money and it was a flopped. TLJ made money ant it was a flop.
Making money means shit for the investors. It need to make more money than what was planned. That is why in case of Captain Marvel, there was a talk of Disney constantly lowering expectation regarding box office numbers.
You know why? Because Disney tells investors that "this movie will make this amount of money". If it fails to meet those goals, the investors will consider it a failure and therefore, consider a failure by Disney. No investors, no money, no money, big problem for Disney if investors lose faith.
Your Captain Marvel will fail in what it matters. Predictions. It will be consider a flop like Solo was and no matter how much onions tears you shed as you scream like children will save such mediocre and corporate fueled propaganda film into anything but just another product Disney wishes people would forget
Think about the marketing budget op, you haven't thought about the marketing budget!!
This shit was everywhere, Disney definitely spent big bucks shilling this crap.
It'll perform well sure, but it will not profit.
goddamn you cant even hide your sadness
How so?
Wow, is this what people warn me about? Shills on public forums? I knew there was talks of corporate shills spamming Yea Forums, reddit and even resetera while posting gifs from twitter and facebook.
I thought such tales were mere legends but alas, it is true.
The onions brigade. As betas and pathetic as expected
>here was a talk of Disney constantly lowering expectation regarding box office numbers.
>Jan 2019
>"It should make 140 mil give or take"
>on track to make what it was predicted to begin with
I'm curious, how come nobody had that "200 mil opening weekend!" line until someone had already said 140? Boy that's weird. Almost like it was a back up plan for when it performed well, they could say "The Insiders" expected something else, and just never have to back it up!
I will be really surprised if the movie makes 140mil.
And it's not even because of all the controversy regarding the movie. The character simply isn't well known enough to have people care for it. I think Captain Marvel will fall on the same hole as ant man and other C grade movies fall.
But will hit Captain Marvel harder cause Disney really wants to make this character bigger than what it really is.
The movie will flop. It will make money yes, A LOT of money.
But it won't make the money Disney wanted. It won't make the money Disney told the investors it would make. And that is enough to consider it a flop.
never understood the sad men that make these threads. obviously nobody with a functioning brain thought captain marvel would fail. basically, you're a retard and should fuck off.
Why? You will keep it a secret once the numbers come out, your 7 Captain Marvel movies get canceled like the Star Wars movies that were planned to come after Solo and yoru beloved Captain Marvel gets a secondary role in Endgame cause no one cares about her causing movie theaters to be empty like they were when Ghostbusters reboot premiered
>marvel capeshit
You mean all capeshit right Pajeet?
I’m so bored of irony trolling. Just because some speds haven’t caught on that nobody would really waste their time coming here and shilling for some capeshit movie and subsequently call every refutation “cope” doesn’t mean you’re any good at it. It’s literally the easiest thing to do on the internet. The sad part of it all is that the movie is exactly the same. Shilled hard and any criticism of it has been brushed off as “cope by white dudes” by redditors refusing to accept reality.
Yeah I know
>Le Cope!
Ignoring the shills and dumb political shit this movie brings, this is a corporation taking advantage of their audience and social issues to sell a shitty product.
How can someone defend this? They don't care about your problems. They just care about your money and yet, this retards go on social plataforms defending disney and telling people to give their money to a corporation that doesn't really care for you.
If you want to support cinema, at least support the underdogs.
Saw it last night. It was really mediocre. The ending of the movie makes her look extremely overpowered. Also making her the inspiration for the avengers instead of captain america is pathetic
Also having fury loose his eye to a cat scratch is the dumbest thing in the entire MCU. Absolutely stupid and character ruining.
The main character is played by a charisma vacuum, who comes off as wooden and unlikable in every scene. The first hour of the movie really drags, and even becomes tedious at times.
The hero doesn’t earn her powers or overcome adversity through her own efforts, just like Rey from Star Wars she is jusy given her abilities for doing nothing. And of course people go out of their way to help her just because she’s awesome and for no other logical reason.
This is the first genuinely bad movie in the MCU.
The first end credits scene makes it seem like she’s going to take over Endgame and ruin it.
I’m 100% convinced those rumors about the cast being angry about being pushed aside for her are true.
Solo made over $100M opening weekend and it still tanked. I watched the camrip last night and this movie is cringy as fuck. No way it becomes a hit at the box office.
Ok Schlomo
Objectively false.
Its a franchise. 100 mil lost now means it will lose 100 on each next movie. Same goes for SW series.
Saudis are Israel's bitches though
>MUH J00Z!!!
seething incel. Movie is breaking bank and there's nothing you can do by ineffectually REEEE
At that resolution and if you squint hard enough she looks like Renee Zellwegger after a coke binge.
>muh Solo meme
Don't worry little guy, we all remember how you called Black Panther flo- ...oh right.
Even this doesn't work, so you mean this (((SJW))) movie will do well, and the NEXT one will flop?
yeah. You showed him. TLJ was also a succ..
Finna be slaw.
>MFW when it doesn't do better than Wonder Woman
I think most people never thought it would tank, just that it wouldn't do as well as had been projected
I guess we will find out Monday
Oh, yeah, and let's not forget about the hundreds of millions people that don't give a shit about identity issues and will gleefully lap up any piece mainstream schlock.
>Using the oldest of baits with all these redditors
Kill yourself