Any kinos about the importance of eye shape?

any kinos about the importance of eye shape?

Attached: hunter v prey.png (1220x1098, 1.45M)

user, you didn’t make this thread to discuss movies, did you?

have sex

kinos with this sort of aesthetic?

Attached: 1526983120317.jpg (516x343, 41K)

please try to have sex

Attached: hunter eyes.png (1005x920, 853K)

Where did this new may may come from?

I don't want to!

it's the disney shills new tactic now that Captain fungal is bombing.

sure smells like incel in here

goats are smart as fuck


Fawns are so cute


Attached: rly_nao.jpg (3360x1402, 143K)

OP absolutely BTFO!!! How will he ever recover?

Just squint, nigger

That's a really shitty chad you chose

Attached: ea0[1].jpg (640x648, 65K)

>tfw have hunter eyes
>the thought I was ugly and part Asian or something for the longest time growing up
>tfw didn't understand why some women were into me
>tfw now I do and these retarded threads helped me realize it
Thank you faggots

sharks hunt with their noses, nice try

And so does the chad on the right.

>implying Blackops2cel can't smell pussy with his hunter nose

Can't wait for the word sex to get filtered to fun