>movie isn't even out yet
>60,000 reviews
really makes you think
i think it's
>movie isn't even out yet
>60,000 reviews
really makes you think
i think it's
you should admit your situation
there would be more dignity in it
Have sex
>the RT drama got mainstream and normies jumped on the fun
If you don't think it's possible for 60k people to have watched it worldwide and shat on it, you're retarded
It is out though, I saw it last night. Fell asleep when they were in some warehouse, woke up when they were in some ship.
Have sex
No amount of damage control is saving this ship from sinking
But if you try hard enough with it, you might create a new Last Jedi
I wouldnt mind both of Disney's tentpole franchises to die
It's been out for 2 days
Oof. You better go back to your subreddit champ. Everyone here is going to humiliate you for quite a bit.
It's almost as if there is a cabal of individuals that are attempting to tank the rating
Warner is going all out.
It's counting the not interested/want to see votes which were at almost 50k before they hid it, but they don't count for the score
Based falseflaggers
It's a complete train wreck. It will be legendary. Spoilers.
Lmao it has more reviews than infinity war after being out for less than a day. Theres no way this score isnt botted to hell an back.
Do you really think that 50,000 lazy young men from Yea Forums took the time out of their lives to create a RT account and then leave a 1 star review, or....
It's the Russians!
Spoilers part 2
>in two days, more viewers reviewed captain marvel than infinty war
Who gives a shit
What matters is if people will watch it, and I doubt they will
Everyone and their mother knows not to give a shit about those scores anymore
out in europe
Had sex
This is where he gives him away as a hypocrite
>isn't out
I finished watching it 6.5 hours ago.
As I said, normies jumped on the fun
That's literally fb and yt tier normies making RT accounts to shit on the film
I doubt 1% of all that traffic is Yea Forums
Fuck off mickey. No one likes your stupid capeshit. People hate you.
phone post
I created a RT account today and rated multiple Movies and series. None of the reviews are listet in my account. Does it take a while before they go online or is there something fishy going on?
Stay mad, incel
>it's okay to review 10/10 without seeing it but not 1/10
Her comments were made public, she was basically asking for all the opposition. To be honest, normies notice this and pay attention. They'll get a bit angry if stars say shit like this, and they'll go out of their way to make a RT account and leave a bad review if the movie turned out to be shit. She basically said "come at me" and normies did just that.
>They woke up the incel inside the normies
git hyp
bots that like/share/view content in order to boost it on the internet need to just go public.. Right now if you're not using these services for your company/product you're just falling behind the times.
I don't know if I'd call them sexist. Just patheticly lonely.
Maybe it would be better if they just had sex
It's been out here for 3 days
All the cucks and trannies screeching and whining have made me want to make a tomatoes account. Should I do it?
Genuine question, what's the realistic box-office prediction for this film?
>i'm just a girl starts playing
they've done it. women have perfected film.
I've never used RT but made an account just to upvote Alita and downvote capeshit marvel
And there goes all of the legitimacy of the audience score.
How many people marvel have to shill this up?
It was at 32 last time i checked!
>no one likes captain marvel except for feminist redditors who like it out of spite
>it does shit
>”I-It’s the Russian incel hackers!”
>giving attention to a furry
Just went ahead and did the same. Suck on that kikes
Kind of reminiscent of something else, if only I could put my hands on what it was.
Nigga it’s actually 31% now LMAOOOO
This is like TLJ all over again.
Seems like Disney have combined the marketing tactics of Fembusters and TLJ to create the ultimate insult - sexist, manbaby Russian bots
who's talking about russians?
>Who gives a shit
Clearly this board does since there have been a couple hundred CM threads on a daily basis
Inb4 audience score removed.
This is Donald Trump's fault.
It’s only because theee are the types of people who claim they lost an election because Russia hacked it
that'd be good
audience scores are almost always fucking retarded
HOLY FUCK, you are rigth!
This shit is too funny!
Isn't it literally trolling if you laugh about it?
>>movie isn't even out yet
You can find a camrip if you want, what do you mean it's not out yet?
>Hire a whole marketing team to make fake positive reviews
>Hur hur incels are on the hate train
>Normies see bad movie
>Unironically get on the hate train
Infinity War didn't have a marketing campaign promoting the RT audience score though
That's Yea Forums crossposters
Although you do have a point that Yea Forums is mostly cross/shit-posting instead of film discussion anymore
Gather arms fellow mouse shills and fight the trolls!
Have sex
innovator right here
>It's obvious that those people who didn't like the movie didn't watch the movie
Can't be real life.
It's pretty pathetic senpai
>they’re only putting negative votes because their life is that sad, but please guys rate it honestly to own the trolls we can get through Drumpf’s America
Redditors truly are the lowest life form on this planet
>people who are definitely virgins calling other people incels
why do they do this?
>that amount of text to say something that could be said in a few words
Yep, it’s a lefty meme
Literally a tranny’s favorite word
there was a really good thread about lost media yesterday, got a few recs and some discussion
Holy shit it may actually drop into the 70s
Nah, im just spectating, and laughing at an evil empire tring to kill and obfuscate the truth.
That ainìt trolling to me.
It's admiring karma.
I mean thats true. With /pol/ crossovers, sneed posting, and the bREEEEE larson brigade squad around, Yea Forums is basically a hodge podge of retards instead of actual discussion. All the generals left a while ago
I don’t get the “they’re all sexist” thing. If that were the case, wouldn’t they do this to any and all movies with strong female leads/characters? To me, it’s another example of people rebelling against being labeled. But, oh well... the bubble has to bubble.
Repressed self hate/projection
These bugmen always project
Plus if they defend m’ladys honor maybe she’ll sleep with him
They just zoomed on her feet.
They're literally laughing at you incels.
It’s much lower if you filter out most of the shills. Just look at this shit and how bad rotten tomatoes is
How long before RT goes to a verified review protocol? As in you have to prove you saw the movie? Ticket stub, or app? Something.
Have the fat flappy beef cunt brigade started spamming 'INCEL' over and over, yet?
There also was a kino thread yesterday where I talked about TNW and JNW among other things, but those are the exceptions to the rule
Also hiro couldnt care less if he makes money from it, and he clearly does
>incels are a tiny useless minority that can't do shit
>WE GOTTA STOP THEM! they can make literal 100.000 accounts and bring down entire corporations
what of the 2 is it
Giga satan quads confirm the truth. Fuck RT, kikes and trannies.
Honestly probably the next time this happens.
they were already throwing that around
not that I care about this movie, but what kind of deluded fuck do you have to be to criticize someone's sex life when you're a furry?
Man I like his porn a lot, but he's an asshole.
Blame /pol/.
This is pathetic
We find out when the weekend box office comes out.
1st week is not enough. judging by that suicide squad is the better than avatar
At least furries HAVE a sex life.
Someone redpill me on why people hate this movie. I saw it last night it was just your typical marvel shit
How? You're literally doing the exact same thing. Do you lack self awareness?
Really? Did they have a proposed process?
I haven’t done anything you retard
Jerking off to gay porn isn’t a sex life
>going on Yea Forums to defend a movie that literally everyone on Yea Forums for longer than 5 days was guaranteed to hate
It's pretty great though.
even compared to mundane marvel crap like Thor 2, this movie was shit. they done fucked it up
Nobody here is calling people to brigade anything tranny
This is the power of Disney's anti trolls service!!
>he thinks furries don't fuck like animals
The only reason they have cons is to have orgies.
>he thinks furries don't fuck animals
Raid another film that makes a billion.
>everyone on Yea Forums for longer than 5 days was guaranteed to hate
>adopting groupthink on Yea Forums
Why are you an idpol newfag?
>disney movie is shit
>fresh tomato and overly positive reviews
nobody here did that
Do you even remember Avatar?
Fuck that, do you even remember Ghostbusters?
no, he's a gaslighting tranny
Did you ever think that it's out in other parts of the world, OP? And it's out in NYC right fucking now.
You are dumb as fuck.
Tumblr please.
not as dumb as your shit movoe apparently :^)
>text wall with no subtlety
>>he thinks tons of people don't fuck animals
Alt-right Nazi Russian virgin incels are the Aryan master race that can choose our president and decide if our movies succeed or fail. We should clearly submit to their Incel Empire at this point, their vast capabilities and mastery of the fabric of reality is beyond the ability of our puny intellect to contemplate.
kill yourself you sick fuck. You're no better than pedophiles.
Went to cinema the other day and saw a trailer for this. I personally hate capeshit but compared to Shazam, this looks like absolute trash. Looks bland and derivative as fuck, even for a Marvel fare.
Is Sonny /ourguy/?
Saw it last night. It was really mediocre. The ending of the movie makes her look extremely overpowered. Also making her the inspiration for the avengers instead of captain america is pathetic
Also having fury loose his eye to a cat scratch]/spoiler] is the dumbest thing in the entire MCU. Absolutely stupid and character ruining.
The main character is played by a charisma vacuum, who comes off as wooden and unlikable in every scene. The first hour of the movie really drags, and even becomes tedious at times.
The hero doesn’t earn her powers or overcome adversity through her own efforts, just like Rey from Star Wars she is jusy given her abilities for doing nothing. And of course people go out of their way to help her just because she’s awesome and for no other logical reason.
This is the first genuinely bad movie in the MCU.
This is the narrative the incels who did this are trying to push. It’s a blatant lie, of course.
>animal fuckers
>It was really mediocre
Stopped reading there.
For audience scores, do you have to validate that you saw the movie with a receipt or anything before rating, or do they just let anyone post a rating?
If it's the latter, RT and IMDB will probably purge the audience ratings because of "trolls"
>filter incel
>half of thread is gone
The movie will make a billion dollars, because manbabies are infatuated with the film (hate or love all makes the $$$$$)
>weeb furfag
That's gonna be a yikes and gunfire from me
I guess Russia is still communist because Russians live rent free in these people's heads
Oh shit a faggot furry is upset.....his diaper is filled with rage!
>he wasn't laughing at both sides of the Ghostbusters fight making too big of a deal of a ghostfighting movie
You'll have a much greater time on this site of you shed your identity politics, including the idea that all anons agree with all of your ideas, and just embrace making fun of idiots.
Audience reviews are cancer anyway
The last time I watched anything capeshit was Winter Soldier. I've avoided any of it in the theater, or caught bits of it on HBO or something, but Shazam looks pretty fuckin' rad.
>Tell people the movie isn't made for them
>Wonder why people judge your film by the trailers, how it has been marketed and what you said
Cheese Larson and Disney only have themselves to blame for that.
sure thing Maus. Your movie is trash and your attempts to silence criticism are beyond immoral.
>Shot of her falling toward the earth is actually in the movie
Effects vary from shot to shot, it's like 20 different companies made it.
Yeah, that worked for Ghostbusters and Solo. I'm calling 700M. If.
So it's basically Marvel's green lantern?
Okay mauler, go screech at a movie that scared you.
>falseflag from raiding voat
Fuck off reddit rejects
Saw it at the 7 pm showing with a full house. Saw people lining up for the 10pm show and barely anyone was there.
I believe the rumors of a predicted steep drop off in week two will be true.
I laugh at both sides, but do you actually expect anyone to actually enjoy the movie itself?
>people ITT unironically pretending this is a normal, organic score
top kek, how fucking dumb would you have to be to believe that
Phew, I just spent seven hours reading this and I'm not even halfway done. Damn left wing memes are so wordy.
Prepare your anus for mouse dick you degenerate. He's not going to like how this movie is faring
nah I'll watch Shazam like normal people who like fun.
Why would I watch a film Brie said is not for me?
Worse because the first end credits scene makes it seem like she’s going to take over Endgame and ruin it.
I’m 100% convinced those rumors about the cast being angry about being pushed aside for her are true.
Did you trade in your eloquence at the same time as you chopped off your dick fagbag?
>people ITT pretending that capeshit is actually good enough for critics to give it a positive review organically
and how fucking dumb do you have to be to think that positive opinions ITT are also organic? Literally the best praise it got was 'it was mediocre'.
Welcome to /pol/rat logic.
>Saw it last night.
All this bitching, and Yea Forums is the one watching it.
>movie isn't even out yet
It's out in Australia, London, Europe. Why are Americucks so obsessed with the center of attention
It's not about that shitty movie anymore, there more sides to it and what is wrong with industry.
>"Okay, we won't."
>isnt out yet
In Europe is out since 6 March
Are people outside the west even aware of rotten tomatoes existence?
Shit that didn’t happen for 200
>movie isn't even out yet
WTF are you talking about? In Europe it premiered yesterday evening.
it is?
I didn't see any promos or billboards.
Heard about it on the radio once I think.
Yup. They shill it on ticket apps too
So what? At least I’m entitled to an opinion
you are aware that cinemas are fucking dying?
Whites and asians torrent their stuff, going out in public to watch a movie is insanity
Furries are literally lower than incels on a social ladder
Off topic /pol/shit
That did happen you fucking incel
Because the rest of the world literally doesn't matter.
You only live because we allow it
Yeah, the local cinema has the RT and IMDb score of a movie next to it on the schedule since it releases a week or so after the US
by "Dies late" you mean dies naturally past the age of 30 and not from suicide like a tranny?
you know what else is off topic?
The fact that your parents don't love you.
>This is the first genuinely bad movie in the MCU
bullshit. Like half the movies have been shit.
Its a MAGA country, bitch!
Alita won
based and basedpilled
you're just as cringe as trannies fren
This one is really bad though, and the more you think about it the worse it gets.
5 more years
Based Armond made the other guy at New Republic review it.
Oh fuck the nigerians are going to attack me like I paid them to HELP
>makes a billion just like the other marvel and star wars movie
cry moar
If she didn't mention white boys you all would be lining up to watch the movie and eat this actress out. Are white boys the most insecure people on the planet?
Join the 40%, tranny faggot
oh right it's that Jussie meme I thought you were an unironic trumpkek still after the whole AIPAC debacle.
Carry on.
reee russian hackers!
>ignoring the fallout effect on Solo
>Rian Johnson is BO poison
>Merchandise not selling well
>Calling Lucas back to fix SW
>Cancelled other obi wan, maul movies
Lel. Disney amazes me with their myopic vision. Just focusing on short term profits to kill their IP.
While CM may or may not do well. Post endgame MCU is going to rot specially with Capt fungus in charge
>people believing any review on RT
last Jedi proved nothing is organic, especially critics reviews, on RT
>choosing not to have sex with Brie even if she wanted it
Am I officially not incel noe?
>these people call anyone who gives their review a whiney loser
>have a shit fit because these so called fringe losers allegedly raid a movie review website that no one should even care about
Bad optics from the left, gonna be a yikes from me honestly
of disappointment
My movie of the year was shoplifters
Because I laugh at capeshit doesn't mean I don't watch or enjoy movies
> imagine not paying for a movie ticket
What anime is this?
It's always funny when reddit says "Imagine being so frgile that ___" yet they're seething about some bad scores
>It's always funny when reddit says "Imagine being so frgile that ___"
This is literally the same website that wanted to murder a teenager for smiling less than two months ago by the way.
Gunsmith cats
Only 3 episodes sadly
kek I forgot about the Covington kids
Fuckin' A! I knew I recognized it, but couldn't place it. Love that animation style. Appreciate it, user.
Oh yes, it's just a bunch of right wing trolls dragging the score down...
>check the news
>so many fucking lawsuits
Oh man this is going to be sweet.
I hope he donates most of that money to helping homeless vets.
Never heard /seen any ads too but i saw a cinema in my district is projecting it.
These are the people calling others incels
I don't even know who the second worst after the 600 pound woman with the niglet
>even the dog is obese
Based and redpilled
That white woman would rather fuck that dog over you white boiiii
isnt it funny how today is also international woman day?
I love how all the normal looking people have hidden despair in their face, like they made a terrible mistake coming here
Hmmmm I wonder which of these review could possibly be a fake spammer as opposed to actual feedback
U cant shtop me nao
>Don't come and see the movie hwhite men you scum bags
>Omg why are u so frgle
>Men shouldn't be allowed to hate feminists ban them
>carol is the first avenger
>not captain America
>his movie is literally called the first avenger
The avengers is female nao
Rian Johnson was rock hard at that moment
Based and seethingpilled
Why does wonder woman have an overwhelmingly positive audience score than?
Shush, that doesn't fit the agenda.
What were they thinking while making skrulls the good guys? Marvel now lost the whole Secret Invasion plotline which could potentially be the basis not for one but even for several movies. Did Feige just lose his touch?
Cosmic balance bro
too much shilling gets wiped out by this
eternal balance, bazinga!
How else will they show their hamfisted efforts to provide sermons about the poor refugees?
I've seen more than a few reviews label the Skrulls as allusions for refugees.
>skrulls the good guys
I just hope the rumours of there being two different cuts of the film based on how well CM does is true as well
There's been plenty of other shit films in the MCU but this one has the possibility of tanking the whole thing if they try to make some Rey like character the center of the franchise again. It worked so well with the ACTUAL Rey.
And wonder woman was a character who had her powers from the start yet the movie was still about more than her realising how amazingly awesome she was and how she's going to save the universe
Also aren't the usual redditor YouTube reviewers like Chris stuckmann and Jeremy jahns or whoever were massively disappointed? Funny how reddot is literallt eating itself alive with its agendas
No fucking shit
They're only "good guys" until they start outbreeding and raping the natives
What about /ourguy/ James youniverse? I want to see his review
The Skrulls are pretty much space refugees
Not even fucking kidding, at the end Capitan marry sue help them getting a new home and that's why she isn't on earth for the last 25 years.
Women don't want to be their own thing. They want to take a male thing and make it theirs instead. It's literally about revenge and spite in today's social climate. The worst part is that all these creators pander to women and then women just get fucking bored of it and don't care, while the enthusiasts are stuck with this limp, overly-pandering product that actively insults them.
Both are equally as pathetic.
Yes, I got that. But they already have their feminist angle, isn't it enough of propaganda for one movie? It just seems unlikely that Feige would agree to completely change the skrulls considering all his previous work on these movies. Even Mandarin twist wasn't that groundbreaking
Yep. Shapeshifters are victims now
>The Skrulls are pretty much space refugees
>Not even fucking kidding, at the end Capitan marry sue help them getting a new home and that's why she isn't on earth for the last 25 years.
>Yep. Shapeshifters are victims now
I'm fully convinced they went full Last Jedi. What the fuck were they thinking.
>Feige would agree to completely change the skrulls considering all his previous work on these movies.
Maybe someone higher up is pulling the strings. Who knows??
who's the faggot that keeps posting this
It's interesting that the number of votes barely changes.
>It just seems unlikely that Feige would agree to completely change the skrulls considering all his previous work on these movies
I legitimately think Marvel is still indescribably butthurt over DC getting there first with WW. Marvel is praised in every other aspect over DC, except for their female characters. Disney isn't happy about that. Only theory I have. Why else would they go this hard on CM after pushing one formula that made them truck loads of cash for years.
So is the MCU fucked post-Endgame? I don't think Black Panther or Doctor Strange can carry the franchise
>We're going to get audience review bombed by trolls how can we save face?
>Disable audience comments until release, it will SURELY deter those damn trolls
I thought Feige and his PR teams could do no wrong?
Probably in the next few years, in the long run X-men will save the whole thing.
Do you actually think well over 60K people cannot have seen it yet? Faggot.
Yeah, I'm glad Evans is getting out. Cap deserves better. I wonder how Brie Larson's inclusion to End Game will affect it? The Russos didn't want her in it
as opposed to being a female only during certain years?
They're trying to review boost it again lads. # of ratings counted hasn't changed, yet they've been bumping up the audience score % by 1 every half hour or so since it was about to hit 30%. Was at 31% an hour ago, now back up to 33%. Guess they realized they couldn't just bump it up to 61% to act like people liked it, the damage was already done via screen capping and now they're trying again but forgot to change the # of reviews counted to actually make it look like people liked it.
>I'm fully convinced they went full Last Jedi.
That's what bugs me as well. I thought TLJ was just the product of one onions director crazy on subversions and his feminist overlords, while Marvel was safe from that because Feige seems to have a logical and coherent vision. Seems like it's not true anymore.
>Maybe someone higher up is pulling the strings. Who knows??
Yes that's what I'm thinking now as well
They sure were butthurt over first female lead movie. It's just funny how they fucked up while the example was already there
>So is the MCU fucked post-Endgame?
Yes. If Mouse won't stop pushing their agendas, their movies will become worse and worse and more normies will just stop seeing them.
oh lord
>alienate the audience so hard they spam bad reviews just to spite you
It's like Hillary's campaign all over again.
The Mandarin twist absolutely destroyed the film and basically lol at Iron Man 3
it could have been so fucking good
play stupid games...
>I wonder how Brie Larson's inclusion to End Game will affect it?
Well she is pretty much goku by the end of her movie, so I guess a pretty major role defeating Thanos which is sad because she didn't earn it. that.
>do you know why it's called a COCKpit?
LMAO, im watching a torrent of this shit right now, im sure most of the reviewers did the same.
Anyway, the 1st 20 minutes was pointless and cringe
>Y-you can't do that you'll fuck up, Carol proceeds to fuck up.
The part when the biker told her to smile, omega cringe.
The fact that all the women are good guy and all the males are either evil or incompetent. infinite cringe.
Im rougly a minute and 15 seconds in and the only thing i liked so far was fury(even though he's a cuck in this movie), goose and talos(even though his characterization makes no fucking sense, skrulls never acted like that faggot.) I'll post more as keep watching, but so far its a solid 5.5-6.25 out of ten. Also the humor is shit, the part when they looked at the dead skrull's dick was forced as shit
>calls back to her kree homeworld using a payphone and gameboy
is this a joke?
i guess he's trying to say this is like the last jedi of marvel. What we call bad films are just entertainment to the masses, so this might be the one that might make the masses go "hmm, I don't really know about this one...I'm gonna have to think it through before I give my review..."
CAM rip is out boys. About to dive in
Share the magnet?
Don't waste your time, man
Stresihand Effect!
I ain't keeping that garbage on my hardrive. I'm streaming it on gomovies
I want to know just how much of a trainwreck this is.
lmao look this inceltard
Shit I meant an hour and 15 minutes in
I watched Alita Battle Angel
It's the story of a fallen (battle) angel against an allseeing being in the sky...
The alternative to a jewish sjw hero is a freemason one?
>hey let's act exactly how the SJWs say we act and give them all the evidence they need
>"""isn't even out yet"""
It's had early previews for the past week and "early showings" last night. There's been plenty of opportunity to watch and review it. Don't be a fuckmaster.
Nintendo hire this man
can furries leave this board?
>hey let's act exactly how the SJWs say we act and give them all the evidence they need
It doesn't matter if people here are really lowering the score using fake accounts, because if they don't, Disney can make their shills do the same thing and then blame the nazis/russians/incels etc
interesting. if this is correct, then the rumors about the feminism being 'subtle' are not true. it kinda reminds me of fury road. we may be getting to a point where the populace is too dumb to see even obvious propaganda.
Bruh I'm 2/3rd in it goes from shit to shittier. How did they fuck up the Skrulls this badly
"It took 21 movies for a solo female superhero film to make it into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Know what else happened over 21 movies? The formula got stale. That Captain Marvel is easily on the weaker end of this sprawling franchise has zero to do with a woman being at its center, it has to do with the center she inhabits feeling unimaginative and repetitive."
Captain Marvel 2019 720p HDCAM 900MB 1xbet x264-BONSAI
someone posted this last night
havent watched it though so i cant confirm
We did it incel bros
Im watching now, literally all the women are portrayed as good, and all the bad guys are men, even the ones that are good are played as useless tools. The worst thing is how they neutered Nick.
People are more likely to go out of their way to leave a review about something that disappointed them. Its like when you go out to eat and make a complaint of there was something wrong, but are less likely to give praise if it was done right.
>inb4 food analogy
rotten tomatoes is owned by the movei studios dude. it is not a trustworthy source. it is 100% corrupt
I'd rather be a virgin than a furry.
yeah, see that sounds pretty 'on the nose' to me. also: they neutered fury?
a virgin crying about his greatest fantasy
The worst part of the movie is that they had a street fighter 2 arcade cabinet that was using an lcd panel.
>marvel will creat fake accounts to downvote their movie, instead of upvoting it
are you literally fucking retarded?
i swear you lot just keep getting dumber and dumber
You how the Fury we know is a calm cool collected person who usually puts heroes into their place and ego into check, here is quite literally a comic relief who's one good use is showing of his badge. There's even one scene that shows off his ingenuity in escaping detainment only for that to be rendered pointless as at anytime Carol Manvers could've just blasted her way out. Essentially just imagine if Nick became Happy from the iron man movies.
Also another point is how they frame the movie so that we have sympathy for invaders(skrulls), and that the people trying to protect their territory and keep threats under check(Kree) we're supposed to view as the bad guys. Hmmmm I wonder if this has to do with any sort of invasion of migrants IRL, its a sneaky message but still fucked up especially considering that the skrulls are almost always portrayed as being evil, because their known for invading.
A minor nitpick is that Brie seems extremely awkward in her suit at times, like she took a massive shit in the suit, and is trying to stop her ass from touching it. It noticeable when she's talking to fake Mar-Vell in her mind.
If the movie does badly in the box office they cannot let people who haven't seen it yet know that the movie itself is bad and that's why it bombs. So instead they will make it seem like all the negative feedback comes from trolls, alt-right and so on
>just imagine if Nick became Happy from the iron man movies
Damn, that's a great analogy
>being this retarded
how much of this is real and how much is reverse-psychology like nu ghostbusters/bernie bros?
From IRL experience I have no doubt this list is legit. Double Indemnity always cracks me up
>Brokeback Mountain
pffffft women really do like gay porn
>imagine if Nick became Happy
wew. again this sounds spot on. whether it comes to porn, hot chicks in games, the workplace, the feminine perspective tends to build oneself up by tearing others down. it may make sense with the context of the story (dealing with a younger less experienced fury) but you can make him flawed while showing respect to the character and not making him a joke
>skrulls as refugees
see its not as 'in your face' as logan sneaking minority children across a border, but a metaphor like that being too obscure for the audience to get is weird to me
i really want to watch this with Yea Forums
thanks user
If fucking pathetic what they retroactively did to him.
Also probably not the original user I replied too but I have to add this.
Im now at the very end of the movie and I realized that Captain Marvel has VERY little if not any struggles in this movie. She STEAM ROLLS the entire Kree force, just complete ragdolls being tossed around by a child throwing a tantrum.Then at some point Ronan shoots down a dozen missiles, she struggles for bit to stop one,( after randomly realizing she can fly in the last act), and you think to you're self "oh she has to struggle with one missile maybe she'll rely on some clever tactics to stop all the others.." NOPE she just tosses one missile back at one other which conveniently causes a chain reaction that makes them all blow up, because apparently Ronan is too stupid to have the missiles spaced properly or to simply send another wave. Honestly the ONLY thing I think Carol struggled with in this entire movie was using a Compaq computer, that and SMASHING THE PATRIARCHY .
>women only like movies
So how was Jude Law as the cat
Okay I finally finished this shit show, and GOD that ending sucked ass. Essentially think of all the cool manly chivalry type tropes where the student defeats the master by overcoming their own flaws and finally are able to forge their own path free from influence. NOPE Captain Mary Sue takes what could've been a cool moment and shits own it for propaganda, just fucking uses her non deserved power to blast away Jude Law, then stands over him and says "I have nothing to prove to you". Then she fakes his ass out with the iconic lift up you're defeated foe as sign or respect /mercy with grabbing the man and dragging his body across the desert like a caveman ready rape a woman.
Also the part where the name Avengers comes from Carols NICKNAME... I'm just done with this shit... Like I said this movie is a solid 5.5-6.25/10
my favorite
Feige is a faggot and was probably ok with it. Allowed Ultron and WWH to be completely wasted. And The Mandrain twist was terrible, ruined IM3. The twist was probably worse than CM since it was literally done for a gag. No other purpose.
Watching it. All the things leaked in the screenshots were true so far.
hahaha is that for alpha
>solid 5.5-6.25/10
Too high
The movie looks like a solid 2.
A large, smelly, stinky number 2
>WWH to be completely wasted.
Ultron was boring as hell. The Mandarin thing was just dumb appeasement for