/comfy/ Supernatural thread

>deAN we just had another episode
>sammeh you have to throw me into the ocean
>deAN I get it, I do

Attached: baby.gif (540x687, 1.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:


You keep making these threads and they keep dying. Much like Supernatural in general, it's time to stop.

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>You keep making these threads and they keep dying

>maxed out at 350+ posts

>>maxed out

>200+ posts

>150+ posts

we're doing alright but stay seething, it fuels our show

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If Dean could whip up an unbreakable archangel-coffin in an hour in a shed, why did God feel the need to create The Cage to hold Lucifer instead?

The brothers finding it was an entire season of bullshit wasted in hindsight when they could have just made one of these boxes.

>If Dean could whip up an unbreakable archangel-coffin in an hour in a shed
the archangel CAN'T break from inside the coffin, but the coffin can be destroyed from outside anyway. The cage is has over 600 seals that prevent it from being opened easily or the rings of the horsemen, which were incredibly difficult to obtain

Who said the Malak box wasn’t a new invention?

that was a kino moment fuck off

>spell requires "snake anti-venom"

Yeah that's a nice generic substance that a random vet would have.

They were doing good but that episode last night was kind of shitty. Back to mediocrity.

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Maybe the spell works with any snake antivenom user

so what do we expect from Jack here on?

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Do Angels carry those blades in their sleeves, or are they conjuring them and that's just their delivery mechanism?

The coffin can't be opened from inside, but physical effects from outside would still erode it. And then you'd have a very pissed off Archangel on your hands.

The Cage was near-perfect as a prison. It's only real problem was the fact that it wasn't made with the expectation that retards would be dumb and persistent enough to try and free Lucifer to the point they'd find and break all its seals.

He becomes the new god and is a good boy puts his dad in hell leave earth and open some dark portal on the way out or someshit so that the boys can go back to fighting monsters instead of demons

Becomes the replacement for God and fixes all the shit Chuck left behind.

They probably manifest them.


this basically means goodbye Jack by season-end no?

>we did it, dean, michaels dead
>can you still throw me in the ocean?

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>can you still throw me in the ocean?
top kek i dont know why but this is killing me

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Not really. Sure, he'd probably be stuck fixing Heaven for the foreseeable future, repairing all the damage done to it over the years, creating new Angels to help out, possibly dealing with the Shadow being a little tantrum-throwing cunt, etc. But I think he'd still have time to come visit his family and friends from time to time.


>But I think he'd still have time to come visit his family and friends from time to time.
sounds absolutely based

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Just because your God doesn't mean that you can't explicitly interact with those you cherish. That's something Chuck forgot.

back from the dead

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Indeed. Now if only we could revive Death himself.

>we could revive Death

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Billy is cool, but she's not really *Death*. Shes someone filling in his position after the Winchesters pulled the greatest fuckup in their entire career. She just can't truly replace him in the end.

truth or devious manipulations by the prince of lies?

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i guess the digits confirm

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Why does Castiel still not have wings? He got his grace back ages ago

it wasn't his entire grace

Why didn't he snatch his insane mengele counterpart's grace whilst in apocalypse world? He admitted they were the same, presumably it would have been compatible.

Believe me we all thought that but somehow stealing grace is not supposed to be a 100% guarantee

Yeah but then they’d have to write half-assed excuses as to why he doesn’t just magically solve all their problems and help them fucking destroy every hunt they go on. Just like they have with literally every other “super powered” ally they get in the series. Cas went from a fucking roomwiper badass to a jobbing cuckold. Jack was excused by being a retard and “young” and “volatile” until he was killed (stupid stupid) and revived and then his power cost something.

I guarantee the twist at the end will be Jack doing something boring and evil because “lol no soul”. Maybe a retread if the stupid “God Castiel” trash from season 7 except Jack is given more freedom.

He'll be locked in Heaven for the next thousand years busily making new Angels with Amanda Tapping to keep Heaven from imploding

Making them the sexy way

>they’d have to write half-assed excuses as to why he doesn’t just magically solve all their problems and help them fucking destroy every hunt they go on
>Cas went from a fucking roomwiper badass to a jobbing cuckold
this is a very common trope not just in the genre but even in capeshit

Jack being God doesn't mean that he could do shit willy-nilly. He'd likely have to spend much of his time keeping Heaven from collapsing in on itself. Not to mention that he'll forever be fighting off the Shadow to keep it from claiming him or those around him.

>he'll forever be fighting off the Shadow
like Ra and Apophis. nice. Honestly more pagans should have played for power with Heaven collapsing

I forget, what did Billy imply when she said all the books end the same way except if Dean goes underwater? Because apparently it was either a load of horseshit or it just didn't really matter at all. She could've told him "relax brah just have a concussion and Jack saves the day"

They are how he dies. Meaning there is now only one end for him.

Did she say that end was bad? Because it could be that by not going in the box his death is now guaranteed to be at age 90, surrounded by family after eating a cheeseburger

That's how he dies. He's literally confined to a single route of death now.

But she didn't mention what kind of death it was. Maybe there wasn't even a reason to freak out.

This will be the twist. Billy implied he would be killed by Michael escaping, but she was actually just baiting him because she still holds a grudge

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got all his powers back but burned off his soul in the process, so he ends up being the bad guy they have to kill in the final episode.

Sam lost his soul once, right? What was the outcome of that, it's been so long

Wouldnt be surprised. The only reason Billy isn't still working towards getting them killed permanently is because they're necessary for the universe itself to survive. She hasn't lost her grudge against them, and probably never will.

became bit of a sociopath, didn't care about or feel anything, let dean get turned into a vampire was the big thing iirc

Basically became a meat-robot. He only really cared about his own survival and nothing else. Not even Dean being in trouble.

The grace and wings are different things. Memetron's spell didn't take the grace from angels, it just burnt their wings off and threw them out of Heaven.

So Billie just baited Dean with the “one” book?

Hello boys. How was the latest episode, no spoilers plz, I'm only on Season 10.

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She said all the books end the same way, except the one where he goes in the box.

She implied the other way was bad, but it could be fine and she just wanted him to convince himself to go in the box because she hates him

Blessing this thread

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>she just wanted him to convince himself to go in the box because she hates him
I was thinking that last night because no way they have built up all the death notes since last season just to drop it now

>Formerly Chuck
But now, he's not even around to feed or seed...

the whole box thing is so obviously dumb. it's a steel box. throw it into the ocean and salt water will rust it away in like 20 years tops. DUH. shitty freaking writing. it would have been a better plan to put it in storage in the bunker if they had to use it than to toss it out in the ocean. that's freaking retarded.

well it's a magic box with runes and all. If runes remain intact, maybe the cage remains intact. But still, I'd have to wonder now if Death doesn't have an ulterior motive with her death notes if building the box led to this outcome

Crowley did some mad shit by reverse engineering the Cage, presumably similar work was necessary to build the box. It's nowhere near as secure as the actual cage, it's just easier to build.
Still not sure why they didn't use the actual cage though.

Original recipe Michael is in there, better to leave that shit alone

the Cage was still God's handiwork. What Crowley did was merely to replicate it. Death probably did something similar to the box.

You're right, heaven forbid they try to get Adam out and fuck with Michael by giving him himself as a roommate. How long has their brother been in the Cage now? Nine years is what, a thousand and eighty years in Perdition Mean Time?

>high school musical episode
>character comes on stage
>Sam asks who it is
"that's Adam, John Winchester's other kid"
"he's still stuck in the cage"
"in Hell"
"with Lucifer"
>no fucks are given and he's never mentioned again

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no one cares about Adam

it happened again kek

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Poor guy.

best beard in the show

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So he needed the first blade to kill a Knight of Hell, but a Prince of Hell goes down to any old shit

that's because Carver is a dumbfuck who doesn't bother to caver his tracks when it comes to established lore and weaponry/power hierarchy

Actual best beard in the show

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>doesn't bother to caver his tracks
cover his tracks

fuck off with your bullshit

Presumably everything that can kill a Prince can also kill a Knight since the Colt was the only thing that killed a Prince that couldn't also kill an Archangel. Or the Mark needed to have a living host which was technically God's work

Fuck you, I thought it was funny

we deal with enough fagshit user

I liked Dr. Visyak

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What was she if she wasn't a leviathan but was a Purgatory native?

Behind the scenes chalk her up as a lesser relative of Eve but in-canon it's as vague as you can get. We only know she needs a vessel, can be invisible, is strong enough to kill a man barehanded, endure Crowley's torture (she didn't break until Castiel stepped in) and could use magic and enochian protective sigils. She was also powerful enough to resist Eve's commands

Word of God talk makes her out to be some relative of Eve's, but it's never stated in the show proper from what I recall.

What was Eve? I figured she'd be an old one but those were the Leviathan. It's all very confusing

Eve was a white-eyed Demon right? One of the first made by Lucifer, like Lillith

Leviathans aren’t actually the old ones either.

Eve was older than angels. She’s far more powerful than any demon except probably one with the Mark and the First Blade
They are the Old Ones that HP Lovecraft referenced

That's Alistair. Eve is supposed to be older than Angels so God presumably made her himself.
Huh. Well how about that.
Princes can BTFO angels too, we don't know where Eve fits exactly but it's somewhere above high tier angels like Cas and presumably below Leviathans because they shit talk her (although she's supposed to be the head honcho of Purgatory so maybe she's tougher than them too?

Eve made monsters, but God made Leviathans

Eve with the power of all purgatory souls probably could challenge leviathans to a standstill. And Ramiel and Dagon defeated Castiel in a weakened form. Eve passively shut down Seraph Castiel with 50,000 loan souls and the weapons of heaven.

To be fair to the Princes, anyone can depower an angel with the right Enochian. I never saw that as being cosmically impressive.
It's pure fanfiction on my part but my theory was that the Princes are White Eyed Demons juiced up on some of Lucifer's archangel grace since they're supposed to be his equivalents of Archangels as the generals of Hell. That's why they have white sclera but a yellow Iris when all the other demons have a single eye colour but angels have coloured irises. Jack had a gold ringed Iris because he's also a product of Lucifer.
That's why they're more powerful than Lilith or angels despite being younger and why they can survive angel blades and ignore salt and devil's traps as well as being able to overpower angel/reapers like Tessa without any difficulty.

Were there ever any other red-eyed Demons besides Fergus?

who said God didn't also make Eve?

Attached: mommy dearest.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

stop lumping reapers and angels together

All crossroads demons have red eyes but he seems to be the only one with red smoke

Attached: turnaroundbrighteyes.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

based, I was gonna post this next

They appear to be equivalent, even if the Tessa thing is retconned they're of equivalent power level.

>That's why they have white sclera but a yellow Iris when all the other demons have a single eye colour

Attached: Samhain.png (500x500, 488K)

All crossroads demons have the red eyes. Fergus is just the only one with a natural form that's red instead of black.

Are you wembanon?

Attached: drinkingredbull.webm (480x270, 2.98M)

Nice webm, saved hard

Also saved hard, but could do with updating to include glowing blue Michael and Jack's recent wings

Samhain breaks all kinds of rules. He's blind, he raises the dead (and ghouls for some reason), and he's a Seal of the Cage without any real explanation. I count him as one of Luci's early experiments with grace and then try not to think about it

no, I was his piss poor replacement when he left for a bit. I have been archiving most of his webms though
>They appear to be equivalent
No. Original Kripke lore on reapers
>neutral unless taken over by a spell
>does not need a vessel
>can change appearance to avoid scaring human souls off
>serve Death
>trapped by a special reaper trap
completely different power levels, weakness attributes, and alignment from angels. And demons freaked out when Castiel revealed himself but weren't giving shits when they knew of reapers ever since. Hell, Alastair claimed they didn't know how to kill angels but he killed reapers in the same season.

Webmanon does them, next time he shows up you should make a request, he's usually based enough to do it

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several crossroad demons also exhibited a combination of red and black, check the webm again

Are demons entering and leaving vessels supposed to be so erotic?

>why they can survive angel blades and ignore salt and devil's traps as well as being able to overpower angel/reapers like Tessa without any difficulty
When did a prince ignore a devil's trap? And Alastair also overpowered Castiel without difficulty. Lilith was also explicitly mentioned as a rightful ruler of hell alongside princes.

>But still, I'd have to wonder now if Death doesn't have an ulterior motive with her death notes if building the box led to this outcome

i hadn't considered that. billy has always hated dean so it would make sense that she was trying to pull some shit

Those were because of limitations with CG, early experimentation, and contact lenses back in the day. YEDs eyes changed too because of the contact lense change. The canon standard is the flat red like Crowley is now. So I don't know where that stands.

That being said, red irises on black sclera would mean they were black eyed demons that had been "promoted" with whatever the red is, which would also explain why Crowley's smoke is red since as King of the Crossroads he'd have the most red juice.

It's all just fanfict tier speculation though

Did I imagine Ramiel shrugging off a devil's trap bullet? It's been a while
That's largely equivalent though. A lot of people thought they were outright angels working for death. Replace God with death, the precise Enochian required to bind them and the overall job and that's roughly the same powerlevel as a low level angel, say a cupid.

The Billie of Webms. You've done a pretty good job, I didn't even know he was gone.

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When did Sam and Dean start putting on the weird gravelly voices?

Anna was a slutty angel
Hannah was pure

When Misha Collins showed up and started doing it. It's been a gravelly voice arms race since then.

>I didn't even know he was gone.
the webmizer came back to save us all
it's not equivalent at all, user. Kripke era heavily implies reapers are not heavyweights when it comes to a supernatural brawl. Angels in general are stronger than your average demons and only high-tier demons could match regular angels. The importance of angels needing a vessel and its consent is vital because the whole point of seasons 4-5 is Sam and Dean denying their consent to avoid the most powerful (arch)angels ever to start the goddamn apocalypse. If a class of angels (i.e., reapers for sake of argument) went around without vessels and interacted with humans before Castiel's grand entrance that had all hunters, demons and other spooks shaken to their core, then the whole narrative falls apart.

Yes they are "angels" working for Death but only in the metaphorical sense that angels = messengers, just like a pagan deity is a "monster" because it is not human. But when talking about technicalities in Supernatural's world-building, angel specifically refers to heavenly beings made by God that have graces and need a vessel and its consent to manifest on earth, and monsters are creatures descended from Eve, and those monsters end up in Purgatory after death.

Reapers can't be classified as angels (regardless of being the lowest of the low class) not only because it retroactively ruins the Kripke era, it also doesn't make sense within the context of the season it was introduced. Castiel warded himself from ALL angels, so Bartholomew hires reapers to track Castiel. And Maurice and April Kelly, both reapers, were hired, and April succesfully tracked Castiel. If reapers are angels and Castiel was warded from ALL angels, then it's a massive plothole right from the get-go, let alone other seasons.

Season 13 also firmly established through the succession of Death that reapers are completely separate species, and their remains are also very different from angel remains.

Attached: reaper.webm (854x480, 2.97M)

I'm only on Season 10 and that use of tense is deeply troubling.
S-s-she's going to make it, right?

Man, that bitch deserved EVERYTHING she got

Yeah I guess you're right. I'm just struggling to get the lore together in my head to resemble something coherent.

100%. She didn't even save Darla until it was too late

>S-s-she's going to make it, right?

S1-5: Kripke's apocalypse stuff
S6-7: Leviathans
S8: Metatron
S9: Close Gates/Abaddon
S10: Darkness
S11: British Men of Letters
S12: Lucifer's unborn son
S13: Lucifer/alt-Michael
S14: TBC

Posted from memory - Correct?

that's why I hate season 9 because it has one of the most glaring attempts at poor retcons. Although I just now chalk it up to Dean-ism calling Tessa an "angel" in a flirty/figurative way

That's... way easier to square away. I miss Tessa. She just wanted to help people and she didn't deserve what she got

I'm going to trust you on this one. Is it weird that she's thirsty for Castiel since the angels are all brother and sister?

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>5 episodes of season 9 to go
I'm catching up and frankly so far it's much better than s7 and s8 - or maybe it's just my old habit of dropping my expectations when watching supernatural.

nobody survives unless they're a female sheriff


1-5 apocalypse heaven and hell
6-7 purgatory (Leviathans didn't happen until 7 although they were referenced in 6 as "the Old Ones"
8 has the tablet/trial arc although Metatron did become a last-minute villain because they decided to ditch the trial arc. Abaddon already became a Starscream in the finale
9 more Memetron and Abaddon
10 Styne Family, Grand Coven and Mark of Cain
11 Darkness
12 BMoL

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God dammit. But she's so sweet, how many more waifus will this series claim to prolong it's own unnatural lifespan?

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BMoL didn't get a season to themselves, they overlapped with Jack?

Jack was still in the oven but yes, second half of 12 was already dealing with Jack. I haven't updated that but Dabb-Singer is easily tied together by Jack

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God it's all just a blur. I can pick out individual moments but the big picture is all just smooshed together

>but the big picture is all just smooshed together
this isn't exactly a bad thing though. That just means your seasons are coherent and form a strong narrative instead of being disjoint. Gamble and Carver transition suffered from this, while Kripke and Dabb-Singer benefit from the overlapping and multiseasonal arcs

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Was this the last time Sam had sex?

Probably that episode 11.04 Baby

How is it possible that the killing of ApoWorld Michael in the middle of the season is more climactic than the previous season finale?

Yockey is a good writer

Jack is now at max power and soulless. He will go "full Castiel" and try to fix the world but ultimately be talked down by Dean and go to Heaven with Naomi to make new angels to stop the afterlife crumbling.

By the way - remember that time castiel decided he was God and started appearing to people and putting himself into church stained glass? that was weird right

Castiel proclaiming himself God>>>>>>>>>>Alt-Michael proclaiming himself God >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Metatron proclaiming himself God

Rowena bitchslapping demon pimps was a surprise. I've finally reached Redhead No3

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>that was weird right
did you mean that was kino?

>unholy trinity

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You were telling the truth. She left her vessel to let her live her life. Hannah a cute!

Rownena the whore whisperer. This will end well.

Of course it will

Got to admit, I didn't see that coming. Is she really Crowley's mother?

Also, that's weird. Her accent is very distinctively from my hometown and I've never heard it in television before. It's unnerving.

That blood spray on the graffiti template is an absolutely kino shot, I'm not even memeing.

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And it's a Jody episode. Got to say, she's really growing on me

>Is it weird that she's thirsty for Castiel since the angels are all brother and sister?
Rowena is the most sexual and mummy the rest are dirty wee hoores
Too pure for this world and I wonder if a pure blooded angel child would be more powerful than a Nephilim

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Just finished watching the most recent episode... another pretty decent episode.

I would bang the everloving haggis out of Rowena.

Gabriel pls

So killing an archangel leaves their vessel alive.

So is Gabriel's vessel abandoned in Apocalypse world?

Is raphael's vessel wandering the streets?

deffo stir last nights haggis
She was sucking his cock because his fly is only undone when they get caught also does she have a thing for angels now? she tried hitting on cass in the new episode

only if the blade doesn't hit something vital

>Falling fae a cutty sark disregardin' the explicit waernin' ae Tam o' Shanter.
Dinnae forget poor Maggie's stump, she didnae run aw tha' way sae another fool could fa fae the same mistake.

well, they're expendable and she died before so she was on borrowed time.

Finally, a man of taste. Hannah is wife material

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Is she Smallville Lois Lane? I knew I recognised her from somewhere.

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How can one man be so based?

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what season? 12?

was a nice scene right before the title shot

Jack pre back made me want to quit smoking

Stay away from Jack, Lucifer!

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10. I'm on the Clair Novak episode now

>Jack pre back
what did he meme by this?

Attached: luci.gif (500x450, 1007K)

Would a standalone Jeremy Springer tier show crossover with Sam and Dean be kino? or the whole multiple dads with jack?

He's my son
Clair sucks
when he was a dying human

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Clair deserves to be protected.

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If the blade doesn't hit anything vital (or is used to cut them open like a pig), then they'll probably survive. Probably.

>Would a standalone Jeremy Springer tier show crossover with Sam and Dean be kino?
only if it's hosted by someone like Media

Attached: media.gif (540x284, 1.81M)

Redpill me on Supernatural.

It always seemed like a teenage girl's version of the X-Files.

But I love the X-Files, so...

Kim Manners worked on Supernatural so give it a try and forget your misconceptions for at least 1 season

Attached: this ends now.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

>Charlie's back
And I thought she was gone for good. Is the show really trying to make me care about Oz?

>met girl at bar
>take her back to your place
>havin a good time
>look down
>see this
>wat do?

Attached: lolith.png (640x640, 429K)

Honestly didn't know that, thanks.

Which ep is this gif from?

seasons 1-5 are proper bro feast kino then it kind of jumps on the twilight train and panders to tumblrites

Maybe I've just not got to that yet but I've not noticed much pandering.

>muh season 1-5

the whole series is kino aside from season 9

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there's a massive get nearly upon us anons

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if you mean the hell trips, we already got it twice this thread and also last night

I said kind of, at first you don't even notice it till your knee deep in it but it's mostly just throwaway dialogue like
>Hmm the men of letters did a study on werewolf transgenderism

11.04 "Baby" the Impala-centric episode

Everything after 9 is irredeemable trash
>wasted demon dean arc
>muh god's sister bullshit
>everything shit
>muh parallel reality bobby and shit

Not saying it isn't but thats the redpilled view because it's not being tainted by the fandom.

this thread sux

fucking get for us

Attached: Supernatural-s9-ep05-Dean-and-the-Colonel-hanging-out-of-the-car-window-while-Sam-drives.png (1111x619, 931K)

>Everything after 9 is irredeemable trash
maybe your taste

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get in my son

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Who got it? What thread stole our get?

Attached: bestgirl.gif (320x180, 372K)

son of a bitch

Attached: Thatsucks.gif (250x250, 1.15M)

we don't need that get when we have pressed souls like feeding our thread and our show

Attached: Amanda.webm (960x540, 2.01M)

Ah son of a bitch
Canonically too pure for demons to corrupt

the show is a literal waste of resources if you think the odd episode in a 20 ep+ season is worth it
don't you care about the overall plot? An arc that spans whole seasons and actually builds up on the past instead of shitty trash? They've never had a good showrunner after Kripke.

>don't you care about the overall plot? An arc that spans whole seasons and actually builds up on the past instead of shitty trash?
you just confirmed you are just spewing baseless complaints because seasons 11-14 have the most number of ongoing interrelated plots that are happening. Dabb-Singer of seasons 12-14 are all tied together by Jack and how different powers and organizations try to influence, control or steal the arch Nephilim's power.

Dean just beat the everloving crap out of her because the mark. I did not care for this episode.
>Wat do
Slit her throat and rip her heart out through her chest. Does that make me a bad person?
Wasn't that line mocking the whole thing as a waste of time and resources?

it's all gay, time to put this show down, only reason it's going is because the actors want free money and the crew gets constant employment thanks to the high ratings
when the actors are too old the show will get axed, thank fuck.

You're the grimm boy, aren't you?

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>Wasn't that line mocking the whole thing as a waste of time and resources?
Yes, they sometimes shoehorn such stuff in with mockery, but it's still tumblr fandom pandering imo.

faggot, I care about the overall plot which is exactly why I immensely enjoyed the show again despite dropping this at season 9. 11 has a lot of thematic callbacks that tie the narrative to Kripke era, and 12 builds up its arc from 11. Lucifer's goal to father Jack was rooted in his pride and argument that he would be a better father than Chuck (season 1-5 and 11 foundation). Jack is a central character that motivates different villains from the BMoL, to Lucifer, to the princes of hell, alternate Michael and even the Entity in the Empty. Rowena's arc and redemption are rooted all the way from season 10, and her bond with Sam is rooted in their mutual fear and hatred of Lucifer, who killed Rowena twice in 11 and 12. Sam's leadership arc is rooted in the attack against the BMoL. The Apocalypse world is rooted in Mary's decision that was explained in season 4, and the alt-world's inhabitants and villains have been ongoing since 12. These are the strongest and most cohesive multiseasonal build ups since Kripke.

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Chuck was gay
Lucifer should have gone away for good, his actor is Tumblr personified

thats why I lol'd when you watched Oz and thought she was gone for good but don't worry she dies again only to come back

>Dean just beat the everloving crap out of her because the mark
>it's all gay
>even more buzzwords instead of actual arguments
well you're gay

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>her bond with Sam is rooted in their mutual fear and hatred of Lucifer, who killed Rowena twice in 11 and 12.
>the show where no one dies
niiiice, let's not even mention that episode where archangel Dean jumps like a Bollywood actor and collides mid air and wrestles with that faggot demon or whatever


you think we don't hate that scene? Even the actors hate that scene. doesn't mean you have any arguments aside from
maybe quit projecting from all your gayness or just accept that you're gay and move on

You talk like a Tumblrina. Are you an actual male? I doubt it. Probably a commie tranny.

the meltdowns in here LMAO

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t. gay faggot tranny

no dumdum

reminder that Supernatural is renewed for season 15 and that season is set to end in 2020, so the show will have
>aired from 00's
>through the 10's
>and into the 20's
Let the seasonlets seethe kek

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>Ending ever
We'll be doing these threads into the 2060s and you know it

>sam and dean battle reflux disease, arthritis and nurses who want them to take their antipsychotic medications to stop their delusions of hunting monsters

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jared and jensen have kids. they need to keep the show going until their offspring can takeover

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I said the season is set to end by 2020, not the series/show

why can't female death kill Micheal...

how long till there is a supernatural & legacies crossover.

Their lores aren't compatible. They've had different versions of the name historical names show up and the death system doesn't fit. Not that I watch the show.

she isn't allowed and she has no idea about the alternate universe, which is why she recruited Sam and Dean and prevented them from dying last season. And why she has a reaper around stalking the Winchesters to make sure everything is alright. Alt-Michael is dangerous as he imprisoned his own world's death (much like Lucifer bound original Death to him), and both Billie and OG Death were stickler to natural order. They will avoid intervening unless they really have to

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Family Business: the new series on the CW, coming Halloween 2025

>supernatural & legacies crossover
that show stole our spinoff, and they piggyback on our ratings. why would you ask that?

>not some alternate world/dimension/timeline will not make it happen.

They had a scoobydoo crossover

Scooby Doo is iconic. Legacies isn't.

It's pretty funny right now because I'm on the episode where witch turns Dean into a 14 year old. The guy playing Dean is killing it.

Literally just had this conversation with a girl at work who wanted Shadowhunters and Supernatural to crossover.

>tfw Dean is a Tay Tay fan

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The roll gods like this idea

hopefully never

He's a tasteful man.

read the posts again, two of the gets are saying no
they're both from me

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Okay, the roll gods don't like the idea of a Legacies crossover but they do want a Shadowhunters crossover?

what makes Shadowhunters special and why can't it just be Supernatural and Buffy instead?

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High level qts from what I understand.
What about a Changing Channels vibe where the boys jump through episodes of the competition shows reking their villains shit and moving on to the next one. They could do Buffy, Angel, Legacies, Shadowhunters, Grimm and whatever else happens to be airing at the time.



that was a fun episode

what hair product could sam really use aside from shampoo and conditioner? his hair has always just looked like normal hair, just longer than most. seems like dean is the one that puts in a little gel or something.

regardless, based cain had the best hair out of everyone. he would have made the perfect michael

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>based cain had the best hair out of everyone
only if we consider his season 9 look

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yeah but who here really wants that shit?

Sam is destined to kill rowena when did we find this out? don't remember that at all


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final season is a bubba ho-tep set up with both of them in a nursing home fighting a mummy or w/e

Not even me. That's why I said to the girl at work it was a dumb idea and she shouldn't talk about it anymore. I mean what I actually said was "that seems interesting but I don't know enough about it. I never saw the show but if you recommend it I'll add it to the list." I don't have the balls to directly insult the people I work for.

when will they fuck?

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Where can I get me one of those Hansel and Gretal hex bags. I could use another shot at the whole childhood thing

I bully the chick in our workplace that Shadowhunters is ending. My other coworker whose daughter watches the show joins in on the fun too. The two others whose respective sons watch the show don't though. Sad.

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>Sam is destined to kill Rowena
>Sam has the penis of death
hopefully never

I had to buy a shadowhunter book for my sister for christmas, had to autisticly keep telling the cashier it was a gift and definitely not for me

hes going to dick her to death

should have specified that my other coworkers' children watch Supernatural so we all mock her for watching Shadowhunters instead.

She was involved in its production and I'm pretty sure it was her first job in the industry so it'd be a bit of a low blow. The first show I wrote for got canned without airing the pilot and the guys at the cafeteria gave me shit about it for like a year and? a half. What goes around comes around, y'know

welp I didn't mean to be mean, it was light hearted fun in our office. Were you the user who penned the Colt spinoff?

No user, no she is not. Erica Durance was Smallville Lois Lane.

I hope you feel bad about this post

Yeah I am. You remembered?

>He even likes it as an adult
Dean is based

Of course user. You need to find a way to let me find your webseries once you get it greenlit

If it gets greenlit I'll be shouting it from the rafters, don't you worry.
Truth be told I'm considering just filming as much of it myself as I can Robert Rodriguez style. Maybe if I can convince them it's a nobudget deal they'll give me a weekend on set or some of the cast do a cameo on their lunchbreak or something.

It’s always great to have waifus but is there a based character I can look up to/LARP as in Shadowhunters?

>was breezing my way through S12, its ok I guess
>got distracted and started watching miami vice instead
sorry anons, but these last few seasons dont grab me like the old ones did

I mean I don't watch the show but some of the villains are pretty based when they're not lusting after Katherine McNamara but honestly who wouldn't, right? Like I said I don't watch it but the archer dude that's Daddario's brother is pretty cool but he's low key gay so you wouldn't be able to larp his pick-up skills. I don't watch the show though.

>who wouldn't, right?
That's fair

Attached: Kat-katherine-mcnamara-40784246-1080-1080.jpg (1080x1080, 1.41M)

Top tier waifu

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Need to get her on SPN, she can join the unholy redhead trinity.

Is this the amyposter? Sad

You’re still making it occult fantasy right?

yes. i made it a few episodes past when they exorcise Lucifer and now have to hunt down the pregnant girl and lost interest. just feels like a huge step down and really boring compared to S11. Plus Castiel ah bloo blooing about how much he loves Dean constantly is getting really old

Season 12 finale to 13 is when they get Pylea with the portals though

That's the plan. I don't have any experience with special effects or filming, but how hard can it be, right? but I've read Rebel without a Crew a half dozen times so I feel like I could at least get proof of concept done.
I just want to sit in the writer/director chair, is that too much to ask?

multiverse is coming, it gets better, but the season is a bit of a mess imo

crowley became a fucking chaos wizard knight templar, sorry i'll shut up now

A Pylea without Fred is no Pylea at all

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Who is this QT and where can I see more of her?

you wouldn't want fred in the alt-world, not this one, pylea's better at least they dance

welp i'm done for tonight. carry on my wayward sons. i'll be back if i see another thread this weekend.

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Lay your weary head to rest, user.

Cas is wearing his tie again because his daughter made an offhand comment about how she preferred it.
What a nice angel.

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sorry. i had to take a break to shitpost in the kevin smith thread. he's such a douche.

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Pretty lame way of killing Michael if he's really dead and not just inside Jack. If he's dead I guess Lucifer will be the final boss for the xth time since he was waking up from the empty. He'll get inside Nick again and end up trapped in the coffin until he's found by a bunch of fishermen in season 100.

The books are bullshit. They were rewritten once so they will be rewritten again.

Supernatural is american dragon ball z.

jack will be final boss this season but will redeem himself in the 25th hr, as for nic/luci he'll show up at the end and so draw out the empty who will be s15 big bad

sam has an unexplained giga hatred of rowena so i could see some cosmic hate sex for sure especially since sammy is so back up at this point. who knows what kind of a mutant sam and rowena could create. it's a writers wet dream. you know the "demon blood" skill would be passed on along with the ivy league witch phd rowena could provide

For a second I thought you said Kevin Smith had died. Thanks for getting my hopes up, asshole

but that user is right sam has the dick of death, literally anything or anyone he's fucked has died, all of them, can't think of a single survivor

Amy the Dog girl?

i for one don't buy the michael bs. if that's legit how he ends i will be severely disappointed. he comes back at some point...i mean, he was archangel and didn't melt/burnout like other angels, but rather smoked out so it's clear he's not dead.

true kaylee/pond/amy is still alive and a monster, but I guess she lived

Nah, I meant the girl he lived with for a year when Dean was in monster Valhalla

it was jack, all-powerful nephilim, but real batshit crazy Michael still exists, they have that chekovs gun always ready

she died didn't she?

I don't remember her dying. I thought Sam moved on and didn't meet her in the motel or some shit?

id be glad if he was gone, I enjoyed most of this season but he was a fucking lame villain. Always talking big but never actually doing anything.

>pic related was the most comfy episode this season, by far.

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it was great

can't remember i'll take your word for it, so 1 out of 20 or w/e, nice work sammy

this is accurate, we will see how
>jack proclaiming himself god
works out

time to slice and dice was an excellent ep

chuck has blessed me and no-one noticed so I have to bless myself

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Hannah a garbage

S1-5: Kripke's original and based road show about supernatural stuff with good music
S6-XX: garbage that I deny to have seen irl

You mean 5.

Nothing of this was ever planned out.
They just randomly picked up stuff from seasons before while dropping other things simply because they don't know what else to do and the result is a fucking mess and garbage. And only because it uses stuff from other seasons doesn't mean that it's good. It's garbage.
This Lucifer has nothing to do with S5 Lucifer.
This is a complete Flanderization of a character. He only acted like a spoiled faggot in the last few seasons. Almost all characters have this problem. They lost most of their original character traits and what is left is only related the badly written plot of the episode which get recycled at every fucking opportunity.

Supernatural's lore isn't compatible with itself.

Some are off a bit.
S1-2 Yellow eyes, pre-Apocolypse
S3-5 Apocalypse stuff
S6 Monsters and Crowley
S7 Leviathans
S8 Crowley/Closing the gates of hell
S9 Abaddon and Metatron

>tfw no stalking becky gf
Why live bros?

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Fuck off, nigger