Even more reason to boycott this piece of shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

Star wars needs it's own version of sneed

Who cares? I'm done with Star Wars. Only thing I care about is seeing how little box office it makes and how much it embarrasses Disney.

how about jedi rocks? or sheev

>boycotting movies

The absolute state of neckbeards

Why do people care about this. It was a phrase casually dropped by Snoke and you act like it's the crutch that holds the ST together.

Its the only backstory we have idiot

Cause they were shown, too.

What's in the movies is so shit people cling to the things only alluded to in the hopes they might not be absolutely awful.

'cause a single phrase was more interesting than 5 hours of film

It doesn't matter.

It would eat up a big chunk of the movie to reintroduce and flesh them out. I can see why JJ would just drop them altogether. Of course this wouldn't be an issue if TLJ wasn't garbage.

>Introduce relatively cool concept with a mysterious backstory in an otherwise totally bland film
>Include it in all the merchandising for the film
>Then never bring it up again
>"OMG why are you nerds so obsessed?!"

>establish something with the intention of fleshing it out in future titles
>"uhh nevermind, we're doing this now"
I bet they wish they could retroactively take things out of TFA to make everything more consistent.

>Drip-fed leaks will not save IX
>JJ will not save IX
>Reylo will not save IX
>A new mystery box Macguffin will not save IX
>The Knights of Ren will not save IX
>Retconning TLJ will not save IX
>Callbacks to the prequels will not save IX
>Lando will not save IX
>Practical effects will not save IX

Stop shilling your trash

Disney will surely make some fund me campaign to save it. What will they use as an excuse? Help poor kids at christmas maybe?

Weren't they literally in the very first teaser of the very first new movie?
Seems like something that would be worth addressing further.


This disney ST retroactivley made the EU retroactivley better.

As a result i bought the whole tgrawn trilogy books last year

>it is own version
dumb fucking sneedposter

this guy will save nu-Wars.

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Just like you're boycotting captain marvel right lol. You retards can't even do that. Even if ep 9 is a shit show expect it to be shilled on this board for free 24/7

>still watch sw after tfa

>no knights of ren
lol its all such a joke, why did they not plan anything for this $4 billion investment

dont the things said here align with one of the "leaked" stories?

You don’t know that and I’m not watching your youtube video

Have sex

The only way to make Star Wars Great Again is to start fresh with a new story set in the Old Republic. Of course this would never be commercially successful so it will never be done.

KK seems to have thought she could treat Lucasfilm as an art house. That's why she hired all these newish directors. She had no fucking clue how to run Star Wars.

>why do people care about the information a movie provides?
Because that's how you watch movies, Rian. believe it or not, actually paying attention to the details and getting emotionally invested in media has been considered as a reasonable thing to do before your shitty movie and Disney campaign against the public.

>Include it in all the merchandising for the film

Dummy, there was exactly ZERO Knights of Ren merchandise.

It seems absolutely baffling to me that a company of this size, spending this much money, is so fucking reckless with it. The ENTIRE trilogy should have been fully written from beginning to end before the first second of it is filmed. That's just common sense. You don't do shit like this on the fly unless you want to die.

This whole shitshow will be studied for decades to come as a lesson of how to not handle a franchise.

>I did not know what to do with them, so i just ignored their exisence alltogether
It's the same lame excuse he used about not fleshinh out Snoke's backstory. he wanted to make his movie and didn't give a single fuck about what the stablished lore for the trilogy was.

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>JJ creates an ok component reboot cashing in on star wars nostalgia
>sets up the world to flesh out with two sequel
>completely fuck it up for virtue points

How can anyone be this incompetent and still keep their job?

>2019 SW movie
>still thinking backstory matters

>a couple minutes shown to Disney shareholders
>KoR not shown in those couple minutes

Therefore, OP assumes KoR are not in the movie, and retards here go, OH NONONONONO!

>The ENTIRE trilogy should have been fully written from beginning to end before the first second of it is filmed.
You do know that Lucas himself didn't have neither OT nor PT fully written when he started shooting the first films in both trilogies

I'm certain Rian has blackmail material on everyone. No way his slimy demeanor could be his real personality.

Lucas also wasn't a megacorporation investing 4 billion dollars into it.
Context, user. It matters.

they were shown in the teaser as a major thing
Mentionned in the movie as something important
only back story we have from large nose

u first

Context matters, but I don't think the real problem here is that ST wasn't fully written beforehand. By all accounts KK & Lucasfilm were extremely pleased with the movie Rian delivered. What probably surprised them was the audience reaction

>KK seems to have thought she could treat Lucasfilm as an art house.

That is the furthest thing from the truth. It was Lucas who treated it like an art house. KK treats it like a political/corporate propaganda platform.

Pretty much user. Bought a bunch of old EU books and comics because of this shit. Simpler times back then

Clearly theuy needd to mke room for yet another super-weapon that the rebels can blow up with no effort.


The Revan novel is one of the most dramatic and emotional stories ever. Fuck the "BUT MUH KOTOR 2 LORE" people

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It's not so much that it's a big problem as the fact that it shows how badly prepared they were to handle such a big investment. Yeah, you can improvise a god trilogy on the go, as it happened with the OT, but there's a reason why that's been consistently considered a miracle, which is the same reason why Lucas is considered one of the luckiest people in Hollywood. The point is, why would you pay so much to cash on such a big name franchise and then just start haphazardly handling it around like a puppy that has grown too much and didn't actually want? It's a terrible way to manage a bussiness. Even if it all ends up working out for them economically, it's a huge risk.

>Just like you're boycotting captain marvel right lol.
Jokes on you I saw it at an early screening


Oscar Isaac recently said they are doing a "it aint me" Vietnam style scene. Who cares about that

Except fot the t-shirts, the mugs, the posters, the app games (3), the trading cards, the postcards, the vegetables (look it up, actual thing like the Yoda kiwis), the figures, the plushies, the halloween costumes, etc.

How amazing was TLJ merchandise tho?

I don't know and don,t want to know. SW ended with TFA for me.

Boycotting implies you care.

Was it? I wanted to get the books but was put of by those MUH KOTOR 2 posters. They plagued basically every review possible so I stayed away.

This. TFA was indeed good
>Set up Snoke
>Knights of Ren
>What will Luke do
>What secret is Rey hiding as to why she's so powerful
>Finn gonna be a badass fighter after recovering
All destroyed by Ruin Johnson

>Was it? I wanted to get the books but was put of by those MUH KOTOR 2 posters.
Yes the ending subverts your expectations correctly. I dont know much about KOTOR 2 lore but as a standalone book story is excellent

Nu-Star Wars needs at least two films to salvage this mess. There is simply no way JJ can fix the problems caused by TLJ and set up a satisfactory conclusion to the Skywalker saga without the time of two films.


>Having Ren kills his followers and friends is somehow less compelling than him killing random guards.

But even if they had planned out the whole trilogy, there really isn't any guarantee it would've been any good. I was trying to point that out, since they gave Johnson his own trilogy before TLJ was released. KK must have been impressed with what she saw, why otherwise make such an investment in Rian?

Omg are you new? KK is best buds with Rian thats why. How many times do I need to tell people

None of which depicted the Knights of Ren. Post one (1) piece of Knights of Ren merchandise to prove me wrong.

>retcon everything accomplished in the OT
>remake it again with worse characters
>mystery boxes, though
No, it was shit. Just not as bad as TLJ.

Protip: he can't.

>But even if they had planned out the whole trilogy, there really isn't any guarantee it would've been any good

No, but at least it wouldn't have such gaping holes and structural flaws in it and that would already go a long way towards lifting it from total shit to mediocrity.

I’m not being facetious. There truly is no real plot development left to occur for the third movie. The handling of the balance of the force in TLJ completely disrupts established lore by allowing a Mary-sue/Gary-Stu to emerge without effort anytime someone on the other side gets strong enough. No one is invested in the resistance/new order conflict. And Kylo vs. Rey 3.0 is not a compelling matchup.

The story needs time to breath and develop some conflict. Have Kylo spend a film strengthing himself as a Sith Lord. Have Rey establish a new Jedi Order and then time skip to have the passes s involved if needed. Idk there are many more routes the story can take if it is given some time. But it can’t happen in just a single film. There is no reward for the audience in seeing characters overcome obstacles that have already been addressed in prior films.

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>reylos right again
we rule sw now :)

The squeals threw all these teasers and hints the Lucas movies had and people expected a pay off. Instead all these mislaninous plot points have been cast aside. What made Star Wars great was not the wars themselves, but the conflict and mysteries surrounding the wars. Both Jedi and Sith revealed things to us that we didn’t know. For instance as someone who hadn’t watch that much of the OT I was surprised that Palpatine was Sideous and not a go between. Then their is the revelation that Leia was Luke’s sister.


JJ had one job and he failed

>First movie
>rebels destroy the planet of the bad guys
>bad guys destroy 5 planets

>second movie
>bad guys have taken over everything and rebels are reduced to like 20 ships
what the fuck happened between the movies? Did destroying the planet death star have no effect at all on the empire? Is the galactic fucking UN or whatever the fuck they have going to do nothing, they're just like "oh cool alright let these guys take over the galaxy why the fuck not"?

lol it was shit

*I* will save nu-Wars!

why would they show them? JJ said that they do have a past, but the details have not been shared yet.
Every time a news article talks about episode 9, the Knights of Ren are mentioned.
And if they are an important part of the story, it would be great if they do not appear in any promotional ad.

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No one wants to see the prequel-esque politics, only rebels vs stormtroopers and one or two lightsabers.

If you actually thought about seeing this movie based on a bunch of cool helmets with no context given to them whatsoever, you're lost.

>all those rumors of Snyder doing a Jedi version of 7 Samurai

And all we get is shit.

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there is one way to save star wars:

make a fun, interesting adventure with likeable characters where the audiences can feel immersed into the fantasy.

so it isn't going to happen.

The Phantom Menace is heavily influenced by Seven Samurai

Only Villeneuve could save the franchise at this point, Star Wars NEEDS cheeto dust

A little I guess, since Lucas is such a Kurosawa fanboy. It's again more rooted in Hidden Fortress with an older warrior transporting royalty to safety.

Still, Snyder would probably kill it if someone else wrote the script.


The knights of ren got turned into snokes guards you mongoloid.

They were pretty much discount Bobas.

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There are elements of Hidden Fortress in there as well, but it is much more of a backdrop this time. I feel that the focus is much more on the relationship between Qui-Gon and Anakin. The Gathering of heroes element comes in from Seven Samurai. The uniting of forces at the end, and the helping the natives throw of the bandit droids.

There is an episode of the Clone Wars series that is pretty much literally Seven Samurai. Check it out!

Knights of what? I've seen both movies and have no idea what this is.

>Rey goes to Ben to try to turn him back to the light side.
>Kills all of Luke's other students without even speaking to them once.
Rey needs to stop thinking with her vagina.


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Waste of dubs, to be honest.

>movie we all knew probably wasn't going to be good sounds like it's not going to be good
very surprising

They didn't even established what the fuck are they so I don't really care about them anyway. Neat concept but that's it.


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well another important piece of the plot established on episode VII throwed to the trash.
just another proof this sequel trilogy is pure rotten fresh feces.
how the hell you can do something so bad for STAR WARS?

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>>The ENTIRE trilogy should have been fully written from beginning to end before the first second of it is filmed.
>You do know that Lucas himself didn't have neither OT nor PT fully written when he started shooting the first films in both trilogies
That stuff was acceptable when Marvel Universe did not exist. Nowadays when the competition is fierce you have to think ahead about the world development.


>TFA was indeed good

>tfw Star Wars will never be kino again
I just wanted to see geriatric men flying through the air with laser swords as cornball music plays, okay?!

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>why did they not plan anything for this $4 billion investment
Because they thought that they bought something that could not fail. Add to that the need to show some immediate return on the investment. Boom - you get shit like Aftermath written and films that crap on the fanbase made by who ever is available RIGHT NOW.
Planning? Oversight? We didn't spend this much money to have to work for our returns.
t. Mouse.

>when your third movie retcons your second and first movie
>"What's the big deal, goys?"


This is what happens when your main character is a fucking invincible mary sue, of course the KOR had to die like bitches at the hand of mary sue, he rightfully thoguht that would be a waste. So, unsted of making the KOR kick the resistance ass he replaced them by ridiculous red guards that gets killed like bitches by mary sue. This is how you solve a problem that you refuse to adress in the first place. everything has to change except for the problem itself

TFA wasnt good (too much cringe fanservice too little content), but it at least made me have hope in watcing TLJ and had some pretty cool concepts. BUT OH GOD TLJ, the meat and bones of the new trilogy, absolutely fucking tasteless

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formerly Palpatine

That works when it's a new franchise, perhaps, and the story is compelling. Mouse Wars' TFA was just Episode 4 rebranded with a vagina, and TLJ was a fucking high school production replete with a pointless finger-wagging at capitalism scene (in a BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE BY DISNEY). You're supposed to clap and cheer at the end of TLJ because 98% of the cast and rebellion was murdered. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? It's so tone deaf it's beyond belief. Imagine at the end of Empire with Luke getting his hand repaired by the robot, and then the Imperial armada shows up and nukes the entire rebel fleet with Luke and C3PO getting out in an escape pod and everyone else dying, and then they pop champagne and celebrate. That's what TLJ did. Imagine a movie about 9/11 and everyone being crushed to death as the buildings collapse, but the two plucky bagel delivery boys who made their morning rounds and escaped unscathed start cheering and patting each other on the back.

That's a stupid comparison. That'd be like if George decided the clone wars weren't important or never actually happened after name dropping the event in the original film.

He deserved it desu


>You do know that Lucas himself didn't have neither OT nor PT fully written when he started shooting the first films in both trilogies
Actually he spent years writing these stories and he had full scripts before shooting. Are you crazy? Yu think it's common practise to make movies without scripts? Kathleen Kennedy is a fucking fraud with no competence in filmmaking whatsoever. She's a secretary who fucked and married a producer.

He had a headcanon you fucking idiot. Hes also the creator so hes allowed to retcon things when hes making a new movie

Fucking this. If you got invested over a single frame of bad designs that you couldn't see in a bait trailer then it's your own fault.

>JJ creates an ok component reboot cashing in on star wars nostalgia

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Do you think JJ will forget lens flare is annoying in IX?

The film is a disaster. No promo arts, no name, no trailer, almost zero interest except local autistic neckbeards.

It's literally all the writers have left. Without the Knights of Ren they're just pulling shit out of their ass as they go along.

I wonder if they added the knights of Ren cos they thought it looked cool.

Completely written? No, but Lucas had an outline and a plan of what was going to happen to the plot and had it partly written. Mark Hamill also spoke out about this on how the previous trilogies were planned out and the people who worked on them worked from that. He also disagreed with how Disney handled it because he stated that they just made a film, then handed it to the next director to deal with the story from there on their own, and how the directors got to do their own thing.

This. Shit like the Knights of Ren is why we got the prequels

Why did they want to just make a bunch of irrelevant stories to purge the old people and just start over with Old Republic though?

Why not allow Jordan Peele to do Episode 9 then? It would have been huge. Story could have been Lando meets up with Finn and they do this dope adventure through Hutt territory and to aid Rey, they find the Tesseract or whatever by means of stealth and trickery. Could have been hilarious.

Rey could have her obligatory final battle which saves the galaxy but at least I could've had joy watching Lando's buddy cop movie thick with blaxsploitation references and maybe even a Richard Roundtree cameo.

Because who cares about the fucking plot right?

why not posting the slashfilm news link instead of this faggot youtuber video you dumbfuck?

>I wonder if they added the knights of Ren cos they thought it looked cool.
It's obviou and I think they added them during the reshoots along with Luke and the village. These scenes had no other purpose than hyping you up for the movie with false advertisements. Yu don't put meaningless flashback scenes in the trailer of a movie unless you're maipulating the audience. JJ is worse than Rian, at least Rian didn't try to sell us something different than what we got. The trailer was already showed how stupid the movie was going to be.

The two movies are like 3-days apart in the story. That’s party of why people bitch about Rey being a Mary sure because she has literally 0 Force training outside of a few hours with Luke and is somehow every bit as competent in the Force as Kylo Ren.

The Galactic UN was destroyed by the Starkiller base so there isn’t any time for reinforcements to come in. The resistance was always a ragtag group of a few fighter squadrons and a couple ships. They are underfunded by the Republic because the Republic didn’t want to openly endorse hostilities with the first order.


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>Completing the writing ahead of time means individual narratives can't ever change during production for any reason.
Please user, try to make smarter posts.

Don't care. Saw TFA at the theaters and that was the last one. Could see what they were doing and Jew Jew Abraham ripping off Lucas' story but changed slightly to pander to muh feminism.

This series is dead.

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It was shit. If Revan was such a fucking mastermind why did he do the exact fucking sequence twice in a row and expect results? He and Malak break into the Throne room to assassinate the Emperor only to get fucking lit up and mindfucked. So once he gets his mask back from Bastila who stashed it he regains all of his memories and knowledge of what went down the first time. So he comes up with the brilliant plan of repeating the exact same fuckup note for note but instead now he has a third person tagging along with a cringe worthy name who promptly betrays him and The Exile. The story is fine until that back half.
The problem with "the plan" is its entirely out of character for Revan to do things that way. Shooting from the hip is Malak's thing, not Revan. All through KOTOR1 and KOTOR2 you're shown Revan to be a meticulous planner and schemer and he is driven by plot in the book to remove him from contention for the video game. Had the writers stayed true to his character he would have suggested a subjugation team of Jedi Masters and shit to the Exile because he wasn't around for the KOTOR2 period and doesn't know how bad shit got. When that plan gets scuttled he would have started an insurgency campaign in the wake of the mass proscriptions the Emperor just did. Both The Exile and Revan are just too fucking clever to act in such a retarded manner that it ruins the story.

They're literally the only potentially cool part of the ST.

>and just start over with Old Republic though
Please don't imply they will ruin the Old Republic

It's called sheevposting, new friend

Then what was the freakin point of introducing them?!!!!

They were in the fucking flashback! If it was just a “phrase” it would be another thing but it’s not. They showed the freakin characters and made them a part of Kylo and Luke’s story!

But heaven forbid we show more about something that isn’t Rey, the most important thing in Star Wars now.

Fuck this trilogy.

Rey should be a nudist in episode 9

this is a poor quality video

>Lawrence Kasdan finally free to do right by Star Wars far from that pesky ol' man Lucas ruining things with his bullshit
>creates a thinly veiled remake of the one SW film he had nothing to do with

>indeed good

C'mon, man.

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Pretty sure he had a general idea how it's gonna end. Which Disney flick did not have.

Sheev's Feev and Seev

Because A they're designs were cool, but most importantly B they are what killed the Jedi Order alongside Kylo and gave him his name. You can't just have the group that basically sets Ben and Luke's character arcs and with that the entire plot of the sequels into motion with something as big as a new Jedi Purge, and just mention them once andthen never again. It is something that the Sequels do a lot, i.e. introduce a concept that plays a big role or changes things dramatically, use that once, then never explain or mention it again and move on to the next thing, its like with Snoke, Anakins Lightsaber, Starkiller Base, the Force magically powering up Rey, the Force "awakening", Luke cutting himself off from the Force etc.

*their designs
Fucking hell i've become the very thing i swore to destroy