>Likewise, the number of teams at the major Hollywood studios dedicated to countering online trolling has swollen from just a handful to as many as 40, said Marc Karzen, lead strategist at RelishMix, which tracks online activity and advises studios on tactics.
Film Studios have Troll Hunters
Other urls found in this thread:
>But Disney was ready for them
oh, it shows!
thank you Disney please teach me to not be sexist with your movie
Trolls include whites, blacks, and the entire country of China apparently
Have sex.
Disney to buy China and set them on the right path.
*ice t singing cop killer but its troll hunter instead
>major corporation being praised for massively expanding its propaganda division
>massive corporation creates more (((white))) jobs
have a sex
use condoms walking sti, abortion isn't a form of a prophylactive.
spoilers pt 2
So much criticism, i'd honestly love to see any of you make a better movie. Christ no one can enjoy anything these days
The big money shot at the end (spoiler)
Remember when the media complained that Snyder’s Superman and Wonder Woman didn’t smile enough...
REALLY makes you think.
the american culture war is the most pathetic shit imaginable
arguing over who gets the most bullshit teenage power fantasy movies
praying that russia or china take over soon
>trollhunter_44 has joined the sever
You fucked up now Yea Forums
>t-there are no shills I swear
even mods are theirs. I get banned for the stupidest shit nobody would glance over twice a few months ago. Don't even try to mention jews or trannies anymore, very wrongthink and illegal.
It's over.
>"Trolls" were saying that they didn't like the look of our product, on the internet.
>So we hired a bunch of people to devise strategies for manipulating internet opinions towards a favorable view of our product.
>We also paid people to make memes and post them on internet to counteract comments that we felt were damaging our bottom line.
Gee, that's not dystopian at all.
>No one can enjoy anything these days
Yea Forums likes lots of things you WaPo tourist. Fuck Disney, fuck capeshit and fuck their forced viral marketing.
>Openly admitting you have shills
>And that's a good thing!
PFFFFFTAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, so literally no positive opinions about captain vagina are real.
I believe it.
Russia is a piece of shit with no power besides their propaganda, but China will take over soon. EU already chose their side in the trade war. the fact that Trump greatly accelerated their rise with it is comedic gold.
Got to employ all those gender studies graduates somehow.
These sneaky fucks, they are actually trying to rebrand people not liking their movies as harassment and trolling. They have no shame.
>YFW they're in here with us RIGHT NOW
Kek they have to spend money to combat the 5 seconds it takes to give it a bad review
Trump is a shabbos goy turncoat, China's economy is in fucking shambles, and EU is on its deathbed.
They should have been even more ready and made a good film that didn't rely on insulting people for its marketing. That would have really shown those trolls if you ask me.
god why couldnt i get a job like that
Yet Russia is still worse, I thought manlet fag clown was gonna bomb us? Guess he's too pussy eh?
why are you obsessed with Russia?
Doesn't matter if i'm a tourist from WaPo (I'm from Yea Forums), my point still stands. Learn to appreciate things instead of always hating everything you fucking loser. This board is pathetic
Why are you obsessed with America?
Nah you're a good boy that likes anything your social media influencers tell you to like, learn to have an original thought, loser
What am I supposed to see ?
You stink like an incel bahaha
Rent free
because it's the root of all evil and the entire planet hates you?
I don't follow.
An optician.
And half the country clapped. The half constantly bitching about evil corporations.
whether they point it out or don't, the giant red bar on user reviews just makes it look like it got brigaded and, to a normal person, that men really are mad online about a woman in a movie, and are pathetic
I'm involuntarily celibate because I'm the only gay dude in my town :(
the only ones who are rent free are the Israeli he funnels taxpayer money to, trumpcuck.
>Christ no one can enjoy anything these days
You can eat shit and ask for seconds if you want, but don't pretend the world is too cynical for you when people say "no thanks, it looks like shit."
>A giant corporation is stifling free speech and silencing criticism, and that is a good thing. Here's why:
We must kill journalists, while we still can
>Get hired
>Become a double troll who trolls disney back ironically in an unironic sense
>then post it on Yea Forums
haha would be funny
Based mega corporations countering criticism from the dirty peasants
>EU is on it's deatbed
>signed the largest trade deal in history with Japan a month ago
>economy bigger than US
>infrastructure for new silkroad already started building in Italy and EE
yeah, looks like a deathbed alright
Petition to rename international womens day to international incels day
All in favor say aye
Well they took it up from 32% honest comments to 34% via shilling.
So they are doing something.
A MILF wrote this post.
yes. The fugee crisis quashed any hope in the citizenry, and nobody gives a flying fuck about GDP when you're forced to live around rape gangs, moron.
Freedom of the press does not mean freedom from consequences.
>People with a liberal bias defending Shinra-tier corporations
What is even happening anymore
lol you will never EVER get back Ukraine
I'll show those women AND those incels
>I'm from Yea Forums
>you guys need to stop hating everything
Hell, i like the USA.
They are basically what my ancestors were 2000 years ago.
But i liked them when they were fair and had a republic, and principles, and din't start censor people like commies.
I hate this timeline.
No u
india superpower number one!
why would I want to? I'm not slavic.
does it really surprise you that people hate world police McTroops?
Just call em a nigger and the entire argument falls apart
What is this? Are you guys gonna sperg when we someday turn it on you like learn to code?
This guy is not from Yea Forums, he's from resetera
The Avengers were named after her
Oh you are a woman. Sad
did you just assume xer gender you shitlord?
t. 56%
This is beyond pathetic. Can't we just, like, bankrupt those companies? They deserve it.
Don't know what resetera is, going to check it out now so give me a moment
holy shit, its just like these boards except actually moderated. thanks for telling me about this place, probably gonna stick to it so that i can at least post positive stuff and not have everyone attack me
if anyone else wants to join me, just type resetera into google and youll find the site, its actually pretty cool
Don't lose heart brother
Jesus Christ.
Dude just have youtube engineer search results so only positive things show up
Ayyyyy. LMAO
0.2 shekels have been deposited into your account
>economy bigger than US
28 countries have a 10% larger GDP than one country. The US is doomed
Nice try trans faggot. Did you cut off your dick already or still in the process of "transitioning"?
Now that i think about it!!
If they monitor the boards, they will read redpills!
HOLY SHIT, that's why the boards are leaking into the web!!
Oh shit, consider my record corrected!
Glad someone summarized this whole thing, not even gonna download it anymore lmao
Doesnt even look real
Have sex
Same thing happenes if you search Captain marvel, you get the gamesradar review and shots from the red carpet on opening night.
I'm Austrian. EU is a suicide pact.
>removes an entire feature of RT and reduces transparency in the name of "countering online criticism"
If you can't pay them off, silence them I guess.
learn to code
I legit have some Disney employees shilling in a film meme group to other admins. They basically said we'd be bigots if we kept up posts related to making fun of Captain Marvel. It's fucking insane.
nah this place is dead, they own the mods too
Try to post a redpill and see what happens.
(nice double dubs)
It's good to see that they're finally admitting to shill the living fuck out of the mouse. The movie still failing just shows how bad it really is.
>Don't you dare call me a slut though!
Post screenshots.
And be falsely accused of rape after? I don't think so, sweatie
>A weird guy who died 10 years ago voiced a character on a cartoon 30 years ago and it offends me.
SJWs need to die.
>Brie Larson is the first Avenger
>when Cap2 exists
Feige really has a permanent boner for her.
yeah and get fucking black listed. why do you think proof is so rare. people are desperate for their positions and access.
>besieged movie studios
Do you think people write these clickbait articles without a shred of irony?
Save hex
just crop out anything they can use to ID you moran
There's a lot of good things to appreciate in this world, shill. Go fuck yourself
Why would avenger be her call sign?
So how many Mouse dicks do you have to suck to join?
> i'd honestly love to see any of you make a better movie
Piss off you massive faggot,so only other movie directors can critisize movies?
>No one can enjoy anything these days
If you don't like it,don't look up criticism of the movie before the movie and take a risk it really is that easy
It does
you think normies give a shit about audience scores? Most don't even notice there's an audience score
Because normies think pilot give other pilots cool call-signs like "Maverick" and "Viper" instead of "Stench", "Bozo", "Taco" and Captain Yannick "Blow" Jobin.
>she is bare footed
Didn't know this was going to be a horror movie.
Discord trannies literally confirmed
So when Marvel movies were watchable action flicks and not pure schlock?
They lackeys defending their empires, so of course. Its almost cult like, with the bottom of the barrel run around hoping that if they give it all defending their masters they will get to rise through the ranks
Of course Disney was ready for them. They're the ones that were creating the narrative that there were even trolls in the first place. Facts based on "internet outrage" are easy to prove when all you need to do is say it's happening. You can't really show people the internet like you could a mob outside of your building. They create a problem and provide the solution, it's not even a new trick
practically what does it mean. they counter-shill? they troll but for their side?
No silly, in order to achieve subversion you have to play both sides
Quite easily. Talk everyone you know out of seeing Disney's major tentpole movies. Get people on board with doing the same to their circles of friends. Persuade friends with families to go to places other than Disneyworld, like somewhere their kids might actually absorb some history and culture. Don't buy Disney-licensed merchandise or videogames. According to Spielberg, it will only take a small string of successive box office flops and a dip in merchandising revenue to bring even the largest studio to its knees nowadays, they have that much money tied up in the production and marketing of these films.
thanks, poots (cute nickname for putin)
They didnt learn from star wars that clickbait journo propaganda doesnt sell a bad movie, it just makes people hate it more. Good movies dont need stuggle sessions.
back in the day. someone got their steam project green lit after pretending to be attacked by 4chin
No. It's the opposite, nobody is allowed NOT to enjoy things
Corporations hiring troll hunters? This only makes me want to do it more.
>Good movies dont need stuggle sessions.
stories of struggles are a dime a dozen (almost literally these days, every poc will take a paycheque to write up stories of struggle). its literally gonna be like watching roots in between movies, like ads inserted into it, to pay lip service to specific communities in order to like entrapped them in (((family friendly))) entertainment.
Fuck off back to your third world country, shitskin
>CLC time when?
u say wut?
russia has no power. putin is a midget.
Where do they think these "trolls" congregate? Here?
>faceapp shitposting is pissing these people off this much
So is it just one stupid person who sees the original pic, gets mad and invents a fictional narrative to complain about that others repeat?
Why not just disable comments everywhere? Problem solved
>28 countries have better GDP than 50 states
Embarassing desu senpai
>troll hunters
Don't say shit if you can't back it up nigger
Yes, here, on the dark web of 4channel.
As a straight white male, I have to ask. Are we the baddies?
But that's not true? Unless my blocker extensions block that switcheroo
They don't need to even read the article. The headline is all that matters. I saw somewhere that 90% of people only read headlines anyway
>get people to do anything that might inconvenience them slightly
And there’s where it all falls down
Literally obsessed. Yes let's pretend the UK, Germany, Sweden and France aren't currently under siege with their influx of rapefugees, while half the population thinks that's a good thing. Let's pretend offending trannies on twitter won't get you arrested in the UK
Depends, what type of "white" are you?
If they had made a decent movie, they would not have needed to hire them.
>Disabling comments sections means nobody will talk about it anywhere else.
Seems more like Disney is underestimating the power of Word of Mouth.
How long until Disney start to trademark insults?
Surely "Have Sex" is different enough from "Get Laid" to be copyrightable.
I'm not locked in here with the shills, shills are locked in here with me
That's what they did with IMDB remember all the threads? It surprisingly got all removed shortly after TFA came out.
>promoting the biggest corporation on the planet hiring people whose job it is to censor the internet
Just saw the movie 6 hours ago. 80-90% of this plot is true put that poster snuck some bullshit in
>EU is on its deathbed
Wtf?? After the UK committed suicide by Brexit the EU is a reich that's going to last a thousand year
Based and Redpilled.
Hoo boy
Most anti-captain marvel threads are started by shills and retarded incels play into the hands of disney
It's almost like these boomers don't realize gab exists
Why are Russian trolls always attacking Disney movies?
that's a neo nazi place I hear
Why is Hollywood destroying itself?
H-haha that's right, just stick to Twitter guys - they're totally going to write their wrongs
>Don't know what resetera is, going to check it out now so give me a moment
>Threatened by women characters
I'm so fucking happy the Resident Evil movies exists to shit all over this weak argument
"I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought in cyberspace."
So a global corp like Disney is creating its own narrative on the internet and the left is applauding them?
now i want arbys, thanks jerk
Alita is shilled here so much so that proves in itself that we don't hate woman
It's a movie and television board you dumb dumb. Keep pol shit on pol.
A couple of nights ago there were at least two of them in here
Wouldn't people be angry than before when they got tricked into watching the film and it turns out it sucking donkey ball and they might swear not to watch another related film again?
How much longer before based Scientology destroys Hollywood and we get pure sci fi fantasy kino?
My Nicholas Cage flat earth film idea got deleted. That always cracks me up
Yeah and "have sex" is the best they can do. Pathetic.
>Captain Danvers, I'm mean dad
So they hired discord trannies now?
lmao you will never pass
/pol/cels ruin everything
Lol. Should I post myself there? (I'm not trans)
Yeah and all the mommy threads kind of prove that as well. But I understand that journalists are just trying to keeps their jobs because physical labor sucks
In a couple of years at max
So who's doing this?
Fucking yikes
>Imply all trolls have a conservative take on women's place in society as an efficacious distraction from the actual feminist content in the movie which i presume is paper thin or even detrimental to women. men love women, wtf is that sort of fake conflict is that, to what end... follow the money i guess? who wins?
>Captain marvel
Seething trannies
So the review section for users and critics are pointless?
>openly boasting that you have paid shills
>elite teams of professional shil- I mean troll hunters
>still get btfo
it's as if capitalism has gone full-out stalinism
The worst part about this whole thing is that people are going to think the bad user reviews are because of incels whining about female empowerment, when in actuality the movie is genuinely shit.
I don't like review bombing, it's fucking retarded. At least have a good purpose.
journalists aren't actually human like you and me
>Disney has paid shill
>and that's a good thing
It's just a movie.
kinda ironic since nobody wants to fuck them ever
People eat this shit like candy
thats good though, because when they see the movie they'll know which side is right.
I like how the cyberpunk genre fizzled because reality became simultaneously worse and less interesting than anyone would want to imagine.
why? pc/sjw shit has been failing at almost every turn for years, and hollywood is dying. best timeline if you ask me.
Burgershits have to believe in something
they traded God, nation and religion for this
I seriously hope all you frens ITT isn't as pathetic and brainwashed as one user was. I remember having a conversation with someone about IMDB shutting down their message boards and you know what the user said? "It's their site. They can do whatever they want." So in that way, YouTube has the right to shut down all comments as well if people online do not like a movie?
We live in dangerous times. But Pewdiepie and other YouTubers have redpilled many normies so expect an uprising.
Nothing ever dies quietly. Hollywood has billions (if not trillions) to spend to ensure their continued existence.
Horsefarmers got pretty close to making cars illegal in early 20th century. The only issue is the waited too long.
>how do you do, fellow kids
they wanted to make us feel bad about supporting trump, but we are definitely not the baddies, the economy is still going strong and we stopped funding cia nigger activities in syria
even my father who couldnt be less interested in movies or politics had heard it was bad
How do I get paid to be a troll hunter? I know all of you fucks like the palm of my hand
conspiracy theory
its mostly just indian clickfarming. so it isn't a significant amount of money literally anywhere else in the world.
>user faps to you
b-baka user
Funny thing is that Zack Yaboi of all people just said that the movie was really boring and that Brie was miscast, but the quality of the movie is not her fault.
subtle emasculation... males love females, we are not threatened by the ones we love!? displacing t he problem , artfully dodging its existence.
fans couldnt care less if the hero is male female alien or droid as long as the story kick ass.
hollywood is dying period. Ticket sales are in steady decline, people have comparable home theater setups at their house (or at least as close as they're capable of caring), social media is infinitely more interesting to the average person than fiction, ratings are down across the board on all broadcast mediums, streaming is doing well but also unable to really keep up with demand for new content, etc.
So, historically, whenever people started losing interest in hollywood, hollywood would engage a new demographic. They got it into their heads that the young female demographic was that "new" demographic they needed to engage. So the hired kids straight out of college and told them to come up with plans to engage the young female demographic. Thus the last decade or so of steadily increasing levels of identity politics and female pandering in film. For every time a female-targeted project failed, and the old men in charge asked why, the answer was insufficient identity politics and female pandering.
Disney and USAF Cpt. Danvers have always been the foes of Communist scum
Have sex, you incel alt right nazi russian Drumph frog posting misogy gy gy gy error error
I really think I could
Lol kill yourself
They meet up to fuck each other. Not kidding.
>Pfft Americans opposed to liberal bullshit? Pathetic
>Just do what we do in Europe and take 3rd world cock, bro. It aint all that bad after the fourth time, and they mostly just pay attention to our mothers and sisters, wives and daughters so we can watch Marvel films :^)
the absolute state
You mean praised for Fraud.
Nobody gives a crap about refugees in EU anymore. Crisis ended years ago. Stop listening to /pol/ retard.
>>Just do what we do in Europe and take 3rd world cock, bro.
Americans are so fucking pathetic. You laugh at Europe for having 10% shitskins while USA will soon be over 50% shitskins.
Not even mentioning 5x higher crime rates.
How interesting is it that only disliking something can only be the work of trolls, but liking something cannot.
'make memes'? you do know a meme isn't just an image on the internet with words written on it, right? goddamn colossal ass newfag facebook browsing twitter posting niggers, all of you.
So what are the odds all this shilling and retarded counter-shilling to descredit criticism was just Disneys Anti-troll team?
Yeah, with this article, how sure are we that any posotive thing about a product isnt now even more just shilling?
I wish they would invest more into porn pictures on booru as anti troll procedure!
Calm down trollhunter_44
You already earned your Mouse paycheck!
its kinda been impossible to say it isn't just shilling for a few years now.
based norf engerland
>it's ok we have several dozen of people writing good reviews 24/7
Who cares about making good movies when you can just write fake reviews and pay "reviews"
Only 40 shills? Those guys sure stay busy
But still this is official veryfication. From now on this article shows that they have money on shilling teams.
Even the smilling example seems odd, who would take a non related to cape cinema "smile more" as anti campaing?
What if this was manufactured by "lets take something sexist like men hitting on girls with "smile more" and than counter it with a ready anti campaign.
Even this "Brie isnt strong enough" and very quick posted car pushing could all be manufactured.
Theoretical now you can point to this article and say, without a clue that it realy was a sexist you dont know if it was one or just trollhunter-team.
Even as a troll you can now lay breadcrumbs that you are part of this team to even miscredit disney even more.
we've had official verification more than a few times (sony emails) but people just ignored it and forget about it after a few months.
it says number of teams, not number of individuals. this thread is a /pol/-tier clickbait anyway the source of the article is a literally who website and it tries to spin general digital advertising as a 'correct the record' shill type deal.
This is the first time I've actually seen >you have to go back work.
Stil this will always now support the claims of trolls or someone criticising a movie and called to be wrong or troll or sexist or retard or incel.
Kinda dumb to allow such articles, in my opinion.
Its like being braggin in front of police you can defend yourself with an illegal weapon or will kill someone. Thats what brought some criminals a long jailtime.
general advertising was CTR level before CTR existed. Where do you think they got the idea for CTR?
Basically every corporate entity with an internet connection has been operating off the leaked CIA cyberwarfare playbook that was leaked ... what, ten years ago now?
Dont think thatBloomberg is that small or fake newsy.
>economy bigger than US
Wow, and it only took 28 fucking countries.
Please don't tell me that's how Fury lost his eye
vs 50 states
Something up with her feet in particular?
Journalists are essentially the prostitutes of ideology and culture.
Actually, no, they are legitimately worse than prostitutes. Most prostitutes don't lie to you and tell you that they aren't prostitutes.
Translate that into ressources and space. If you put it into perspective than...
Yeah, and Russia too, probably.
>Journalists are essentially the prostitutes of ideology and culture.
You could call them 'press-titutes'
The problem is they rely and life on clicks and papers sold.
And we all knows informations like docus or complex things only interest a minimun than it costs to recherche!
It doesn't even have to rely on Word of Mouth.
Programs like Dissenter are about to make websites removing their Comment-Sections to try and halt wrongthink completely obsolete.
Lets not have that catch on, thanks.
>I'm just a girl plays as she fights the nazi alex jones aliens
Nice try, trollhunter_44
bloomberg com/news/features/2019-03-06/-captain-marvel-hit-by-online-trolls-but-disney-was-ready
Why not?
Are you one of them journalists??
that's just a glorified "free speech zone" that no one can see unless they're on it.
It feels good to stick it to a smug multi-billion dollar company that wont die. Haha.
>Bloomberg News, originally known as Bloomberg Business News, was co-founded by Michael Bloomberg
sure, unbiased, no (((agenda)))
>productivity is a function of land-space!
Fucking brainlets.
>x does more with less
Exactly. They make up trolls to "fight" them, present critics to the public as bad and than create a PR-campaing... i mean show the world how clever the criticised are!
And? You might elaborate what you mean and what the connection to Sexist or Trump is?
- modern leftist commie
So yu agree that europe is more productive than the US? Thanks mate.
You forgot that too.
>"just build your own platform if you hate censorship!"
>"make your own X if you hate it so much!"
More and less of what? Landmass?
Then my point stands.
>European countries are so shit they can barely compete with US states.
Wow, what a glowing indictment of your greatness.
Good to know that there are entire countries that can't fucking compete with Alabama or South Carolina.
They just did. I don't know if your joke was referring to that...
I feel like this is the same shill trying to turn the thread away from the OP subject.
no your not, wanna know how we can tell nigger?
EU has about 200 million more people than the US
"They" just want your money, no questions asked.
That's it! Listen up trolls and sexists. Nobody. Likes you. Yep, that's right! I said it. You need to get out and LEAVE. Captain Marvel is a beautiful, fantastic women's movie that will change the world and you are just BAD. BAD PEOPEL. Now listen: you suck. Go away.
And that is that.
>Film studios are taking a more aggressive approach to countering online criticism
Yay the big company is being aggressive to criticism!! How progressive
And? This supports it even more that europe only need 28 smaller countries. They are more productive that they can support more people living in the EU.
Nope, we laugh because unlike us you pretend it isn't a problem. Also, unlike us the main reason for crime (blacks) mostly kill themselves and abort themselves and aren't motivated by dogmatic belief to install a European caliphate, muslims on the other hand...well, have fun!
Though I suppose it's a problem for your daughters and grand daughters.
And that's a good thing.
Stop fishing for (you)s you get too cringy and desperate.
have sex /pol/
have a sex
Was it in a headline?
but it is their site, you dingus, welcome to capitalism. damn, no wonder you can't figure out how to get laid
Tons of people were saying that. Because it is their site, and they can do whatever they want with it.
You're asking me to turn my brain off and just uncritically enjoy? Fuck you.
Lead strategist at an anti-trolling comany is a job.
NEETS your last excuse just left the building.
Its really only a viable career for indians.
>film studios taking a more aggressive approach to countering online criticism
do they not realise how bad this looks?
No point in being subtle or discreet anymore I guess if you're the mouse
>aggressive apporach to countering criticism
>countering criticism
Criticism is always a good symptom. What fucking world do we live in that media write this shit and no one bats an eye?
>Blind Item #2
>Stalkers are common, but death threats are not. This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has received dozens of death threats prior to the launch of her new movie and she has a huge security team paid for by the movie studio.
Comments from the Crazy Days and Nights regulars:
rosie riveter:
>Wow. People really need to find their chill when it comes to the stronger sex
>Brie has made an idiot of herself in the publicity for this film.
>@nutty_flavor. How'd she do that?
>She overdid the social justice element, turning off a large part of the potential viewing audience.
>I’m not sure about death threats but the movie has been a target of review bombing. Brie is also kind of sulky and takes herself way too seriously.
>I think a strong woman as the main character in a superhero film is by nature a social justice statement.
>But when you make part of the audience feel unwelcome, you put the producers' investment in jeopardy and take the focus away from all your co-workers' efforts.
rosie riveter:
>@social justice element
I want one day without all these fucking trigger phrases
>Death threats? Because she triggered a few limp dicked snowflakes who have trouble getting laid? Pathetic.
>Oh, I agree entirely that she does not deserve death threats.
>But I find her an unappealing character. And when the movie bombs because she's running her mouth, studios will be less likely to make another superhero movie with a female lead character.
>A bunch of little girls who might have been inspired by this movie won't get to see it because Brie Larson has pissed off their dads. Great work Brie.
>Sigourney Weaver been kicking ass over 40 years. She’s liberal and keeps her mouth shut. Brie is just young and dumb and shitting the money bed is pretty fucking dumb
Brian Van:
>It's incredible that someone is getting death threats and that anyone thinks we all care about their own opinion/approval of the subject of those threats.
>"Well, I don't like her."
>If you're not making an argument that she said something or did something that earned the threats, which is an argument no one wants to hear anyway, then what use does that opinion have here?
>The story is that our society is a kill factory.
>Brie Larson sounds right. That's pretty sad. Comic book fans are lunatics.
>Nutty is right about her botching this opportunity. This week she basically said that the movies she makes aren't for white men. Really stupid thing to say days before your blockbuster comic book movie comes out.
Davina David:
>This does not pass the Jussie Smelltest. Studio manufactured publicity. Nobody cares that she's a Basic Bitch Superhero. Trump supporters don't care. It's just stupid. She was a girl and was knocked down when the tried to play Little League with the boys and the boys were mean but she grew stronger...blah...blah...blah. We get it. We've heard and seen the story a million times in every laundry detergent commercial. Nobody cares.
>Tiny dick incels threw baby-man fits over Wonder Woman too and that movie did fine. Infact the more basement dwelling baby men cry the more women rally to a movie. So I hope the incels keep being irrationally threatened . They are also crying white tears about Taylor Swift’s new fantastic interview with Elle magazine. Bless their little hearts.
>Ps one of the weak men who said Wonder Woman would flop is our very own Enty the entrail. xoxo
Flashy Vic:
>Death threats or publicity stunt?
>What better way to rally people behind the star of a movie which is previewing about as well as a dumpster fire full of dogshit.
Sarton Bander:
>Disney are desperate enough to do something like this.
>There are a lot of pathetic incels who get upset with a sucessful woman unfortunately.
>^ this. Particularly one who has spoken out about #metoo movement.
>A lot of pathetic young starlets shitting the money bed.
>Publicity stunt. She disinvited men from her movie.
>Damn! The venom is strong in the comments today
>So the GamerGate & Incell crowd is upset that Brie refused to wear that ridiculous bikini costume from the comics and that she (rightfully) criticized male movie critics for the gross way they write about female characters? Let's not forget these critics are the same a-holes who were sexualizing Elastigirl. Brie's got flaws, but she has a very good point here.
>The Captain Marvel movie is going to do just fine. It's on track for a $150 million opening. Haters can review bomb it all they want, the movie will be a financial success.
>Yeesh, what do people have against Brie Larson, she's always seemed pretty cool in other roles.
>As for death threats, I'd imagine those are in fact pretty common for any star, maybe there was more substance to the ones she was getting.
>You've got to wonder about people who have issues with attractive women in tight outfits running around a screen, like wasn't that the jackpot plan all around? Or do they prefer beefcake guys in tight outfits?
Flashy Vic:
>I've a feeling any death threats were sent by the same Klansmen who sent the death threats to Jussie Smollett.
there is no fucking way I'm reading all of that.
Leftcucks are retarded. They're too stupid to realize how shitty things like this sound.
When they hear "film studios taking a more aggressive approach to countering online criticism" they don't think "George Orwell warned us about this". They think "YASSSSSS SLAY QUEEN YOU SHOW THOSE RUSSIAN BOTS".
Do Tell:
>And Taylor Swift's stalker was just caught breaking into her building. Frightening days.
>@Flashy Vic - Do a Google search and you'll find the Incells spewing hatred against her. She's doesn't need to fake a death threat--it's a Marvel movie--the studio has a huge PR budget. Unlike Jussie she's got projects lined up.
>Like Johnny Depp, it looks like lot of people are using the Jussie Smollet situation to silence actual victims.
rosie riveter:
>Ugh. Good point.
>This is ridiculous.
>There is exactly a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CHANCE I will be going to see this movie now.
>The movie will make a ton of money.
>However, less than it would have had the star decided against insulting its core audience. If the studio is cool with that, all's great.
>Hey rosie, when you go to the movie and leave your kid in the car, be sure to crack the windows open a bit.
>You’re definitely from the Bay Area. Here you are stepping in shit.
OK, I got mega angry that they left out Antman and Was of the original Avengers founding members, but this, this is just fucking too much.
Will this movie be the TLJ of Marvel???
>I see the Incell & Gamergate crowd is here to spread disinformation, so will paste the quote that has them riled up. You can all decide for yourself. From The Daily Beast article cited above:
>“About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male,” Larson told Marie Claire interviewer Keah Brown, a disabled journalist the actress handpicked for the gig. “So, I spoke to Dr. Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other women of color, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses.”
>The quote was picked up by film sites last month and regurgitated under headlines that emphasized the words “white" and "male” rather than “inclusive,” priming men’s rights activists and so-called “incels” to mobilize online over an imagined slight. To them, a call for expanded access to opportunities for women and people of color in a space traditionally dominated by white men (like a Marvel film’s press junket) is not only an insult—it amounts to a threat to take away what they consider theirs. And at this point, five years after Gamergate established the playbook for how online harassment campaigns target those who advocate for diversity, websites and content creators have caught on, to their benefit.
>The greatest film critic of all time was a female. And she was doing it from the 1950s onward.
>No one is stopping women from being film critics. Please cut the bullshit.
>Amazing how triggered some of these guys are to spend time harassing her, posting negative reviews for a film not out yet, and otherwise shitting on a superhero movie.
You don't like superhero stories having something to say about society? Be a good person so you can get to heaven and take it up with Stan himself. Not into a movie, of any kind, for any reason? Don't go see it.
>Some comic-book fans are taking things too far. I actuall think they have a point. I think she handled the PR terribly and I didn`t like how she came across either.
>But I`m sorry guys, You know some sad and lonley young men act like that.
>You can hate a movie or an actress but you don`t have to resort to THIS.
>It`s just a movie. Chill out.
>Honestly, I mean what percentage of the population do those wacko threat guys make up? Like what percentage of a percentage point do they make up? Every dude that likes comics shouldn't be painted with the same brush.
>From what I understand Gamergate was a whole other issue with game reviewers being paid off by game companies, and just a few female developers in romantic relationships with game company employees and reviewers that may have worked to their benefit. Like gamers were shocked that couching was a gaming thing too, and that internet game critics had zero integrity. Of course things snowballed from there and it wound up with misogynists and misandrists foaming at the mouth to scream at each other online.
>Here's an idea, f*ck Marvel, f*ck DC, stop falling for a two party system. There are all kinds of excellent comics and graphic novels out there.
>I’ll take Hollywood seriously when they stop playing into female empowerment fantasies by making ridiculous movies where women beat the shit out of men, and instead make more movies about real women who’ve actually made a difference in the world, but I guess those films don’t make enough money.
>Bogus. This movie apparently sucks and so they're trying to drum up sympathy and outrage with "death threats."
>@Amartel Maybe, but how would all these folks know? And was the harassment of Kelly Marie Tran justified by the new Star Wars movies not being as good as the first trilogy or as bad as the prequels? This is a real thing, and it may not be proportionately that many people, but they're very loud and apparently have lots of free time.
>Are people really that sad and pathetic they revolve their whole lives around comic book characters?! Are these all 40 some year old men living in their mom's basements?
>It isn't comic book fans sending her death threats, it's the alt-right losers who call people snowflakes and rant and whine about "SJWs" but are just full of projection of their own faults.
>I can't think of anything I've seen Brie in, nor am I interested in this Captain Marvel movie (I'd much rather watch the original Captain Marvel's film on April 5th, since I despise the MCU anyway as just straight garbage compared to the DCEU) but she didn't say anything wrong or inaccurate. She just happens to have spoken truth in a world where incels and MRAs have a louder voice than the more reasonable people in society who agree with her.
>Anyway, it's hilarious because while I'd rather not be associated with the NPCs who spout constant shit like "but her emails", "build that wall" and other bullshit when their heroes get indicted, arrested or jailed for criminal activity, their support for the Shazam movie instead means I'm fine with them pumping money into it and actually making themselves useful for once in their pathetic lives.
Bill Beard:
>I bet these are Smollett type "death threats".
>White men can't handle being left out of any conversation. Go Brie!!
>She's not hot the costume sucks and there is no sparkle in her eye.
>Total dud.
>Wonder Woman? Empowering - Gal Godot was hot, the costume was baller and her eyes gleamed with energy.
>Brie Larson just doesn't do it for me; too much oatmeal, not enough raisin.
>Beside being wrong about it, @hunter, the fact that your first point is about her hotness is a tell.
Viking Song:
>There's nothing "basic" about White women. The fact black women have to constantly put down White women to makes themselves feel attractive speaks volumes..
>As for the INCEL/MRA cowards? All they've proved to women for the last twenty years is that they are vermin, hence why the birth rates have plummeted. It's not a good idea to bite the hand that breeds you..
Depeche Model:
>'Basic white woman' is what an unintelligible ranting, lard-arsed basic black woman, with an atrocious wig collection calls all white women. But you're not racist at all whatsoever.
>Get a clue Shaniqua.
>It's interesting. I think people underestimate how many women and girls enjoy comic book movies as well. I've gone to see most of them regardless of reviews. I want to see the content for myself. And my daughter loves them so we plan to see it at the drive in tonight.
why would you bother spamming this
>all of those prepackaged /pol/ talking points
>literal Yea Forums memes as account names
The subtle, superior race.
UK stats look outdated
Same reason incels spammed RT. Fun I guess.
Cause some of them sound like they post here, even the ones defending Captain Marvel
to push the thread into autosage as quickly as possible, of course!
that site is a larp they're old boomer ladies who think they're cool for gossiping about celebs without explicitly naming them