Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:
>How did Alita change your view on life or even your life itself?
Oh no no no no no
>Local news is covering Alita vs Captain Marvel narrative
Can you post source on this without giving away your personal info?
Based hispanic against ZOG.
I bet they're going to make it Alita v CM to make it sound like CM is "as good as" Alita. Then people are going to realize how good Alita really is.
Media will just present this as 'toxic masculinity' vs Captain Marvel. "The horrible online community who stand against feminism"
This is the last thing we want, the moment Alita gets pinned as 'sexist' radical feminists will never shut the fuck up about it
>the moment Alita gets pinned as 'sexist' radical feminists will never shut the fuck up about it
user, Alita getting more exposure is a good thing. "No such thing as bad PR" -cliche but true in this case.
So I heard this movie was close to breaking even?
I think it already broke even. Just need some decent profits.
Let's be honest here, those kinds of people don't spend much money on entertainment. Also their acquaintances know that they're full of shit, and might check out Alita because they hate it so much.
>"No such thing as bad PR" -cliche but true in this case.
Not in all cases - but I think you're correct in this case.
Probably won't be online until tomorrow.
But it was basically a typical "news segment" (commercial) for Captain Marvel but they mentioned James Wood's tweet.
CTV in Toronto.
Disney just censured Hamill for talking about Star Wars. I think even he's had enough.
True because the more people will read about it, ones that will go to see CM and get disappointed, will remember Alita. They will go see it as a cathartic relief, and they will be healed
So she read the original AND Last Order, and on top of that, she says she's excited to read Mars Chronicle. That already makes her a bigger Gunnm fan than the fags on Yea Forums who couldn't get past Last Order because of muh tournament.
i make a Flan tomorrow and i will try to post it in the general. no bully pls
>tfw just got halfway though that point
What the hell I thought women didn't put effort into their roles?
what was the audience score before they shut in down and acted like it was trolls
That personal integrity is worth having even when the world wants to kill you for it, that earning my own respect is worth far more than any level of respect from others, that the respect of others is worth more when I prioritize my own, and that the world will not do nearly as many bad things to me as Alita for relentlessly seeking personal integrity and self-respect. I will not be thrown from orbit or dismembered. It those things are worth having under those fantastic circumstances, it is worth having with whatever the real world can throw at me.
>no bully pls
You're in the right thread, fren.
the fuck is latinX? america is so weird. you destroy the fun for all us
27% at it's lowest I think?
>tfw you'll never tease Alita
I'm getting a bit of Aubrey Plaza vibes from Rosa - the difference being Plaza exaggerates it, while Rosa supresses her power-levels.
eat it in V I C T O R Y
mexican Symphony X cover band
kek imagine it drop below that
FF pls stop
It hurts! It hurts a lot!
Posting hi-res Cinefex screenshots from the digital edition.
>implying they will let it stay at even 32% let alone below 27%
they will pull an Amy Schumer on it for sure, they already removed the want to see feature
Do the mangas add any gross to Jimbo or the even the movie?
>Chad's gonna peel and eat Ali's orange while teasing her.
based and not fair
No but they add it Kishiro.
It does not add gross to the movie. Cameron doesn't own the manga rights, but since this is marketed as a "movie tie-in" product, it is possible that there's a profit sharing agreement in place. The details would likely be confidential though.
why is it backwards?
Lucky jap.
>being this of a newfag
Guys I need some good 1980x webms. I want to do a video with a song in the back while we are seeing Alita enjoying the life so I need 2 things about u
1) good webms, gifs and probably a pic about Alita
2)advices for the song
They translated it in the early 90s when mangakas restructured their art to fit Western reading habits.
Alita is cute clutter dug up from a trash pile.
Alita was new, too.
The Alita manga is so old that it was published in English back when manga publishers thought they had to flip the panels for the roundeyes.
Good luck user flans can be hard to make
With the power of Alita you'll get it done tho
Daily reminder to report these shitty general threads until mods kill them. If you fags wanna blogpost so much go to discord and stop making threads to post the same shit over and over.
Alita sparks joy.
Okay but go see the movie though
How did Ido make her hair? From a broom?
why isn't box office mojo releasing the new numbers?
Is it because captain feminism would be hurt by a major box office release already having great success?
I fucking hate the bias box office mojo has
It'll be fine. Just wait patiently.
We'll convert you yet.
These broken wings
And learn to fly again
hey, here it was always in the right direction, no bully pls
Just imagine being Waltz in this moment and having to put up with all this weeb shit while dead inside
Welp, guess I've got a new wallpaper. Bless you user.
>putting up
user I think he might enjoy it.
He did ask her if she was single though.
I don't know. There might be something in Ido's Journal about it or in the movie novelization.
There was statement by someone at Weta, thought, that this is the first time they've modeled a characters hair completely with individual strands. That is something a lot of people have been dreaming of since the 90s, since Alita was first introduced. Alita really did break a lot of new ground that's not getting enough attention.
>not "Well..."
I don't need to be converted, I've read the manga. That doesn't justify the existence of this shitty general. If you love Alita so much then ask yourself if she would be proud of you wasting your time by spamming reposts all day and feeding the Hollywood machine.
>I've read the manga
This is Yea Forums though, discuss the movie.
>feeding the Hollywood machine
I wish, if each of my posts was worth a cent in the box office I might be actually making a decent contribution towards a sequel.
My pleasure, more incoming.
Reminder that only a newfag straight out of reddit trying hard to fit in could be so offended by generals.
>If you love Alita so much then ask yourself if she would be proud of you
Alita reminds me that my self-evaluation is worth more than anyone else's, even hers or what her's might be.
Off to work now. Have a good day, /alita/.
>discuss the movie
You mean like nobody in these threads does? The moment this became a general all movie discussion ceased and since it has just been shitposting. At this point I don't even think you people like the movie, it's just baiting out of habit and to make others mad.
>people think this is a happy setting.
Bruh, it's a shithole.
They bring so much aggravation on themselves.
Imagine hating life so much you have to destroy something fun to feel better.
Someone gets it.
Okay but go see the movie though.
is this movie actually good or a meme
because I've been duped one too many times by hollywood when it comes to eastern adaptions
>that little Alita eating a burrito
Хyй cocи.
>dropping the same stale copypasta bait for over one hundred threads
Go away Jerome.
The city looked a lot like Delhi at times.
You too friend see you when you get back!
Varg pls
Just go see it. It's got heart and soul.
Rosa has some pretty cute vids in her Story on Instagram.
>two two ladies have seen the movie three times
>"Because of you we might get a sequel."
Good going bros who saw it so many times!
take your meds
I felt the same, I wouldn't live there even if you pay me. But I live in the countryside, so maybe people living in overcrowded cities are accustomed to this shit.
Seems pretty comfy for a post apocalyptic setting to me tbqhwy
Wouldn't 300 years after the apocalypse make it post-post-apocalyptic?
Where do you live ?
its not that hard to make
has anyone tried buying multiple tickets(10+ or so) to boost its box office numbers? does it even count if no one goes to seat in those extra seats?
if anyone did buy a shit load of tickets today, you sir are a fucking trooper!
Edited this one down to remove text. Someone can go further to remove the logo, if they'd like.
inb4 immigration jokes
>does it even count if no one goes to seat in those extra seats?
It does.
isnt she also half french?
shit...there goes my latest russia hacking scheme!
>you have to destroy something fun
I should make a shitposter bingo, this is literally the exact same excuse baneposters and sneedposters used/use.
With the amount of shilling it's getting I know better than to go watch it.
>generals are such a problem an entire board had to be made for them so they wouldn't clog Yea Forums permanently
>same for Yea Forums and /trash/
>he still defends them
You'd have more luck hiding your new if you were a bit more subtle.
Modeling individual strands isn't that hard anymore, other movies have it (like Warcraft made by ILM where they had several million individual strands of hair on Durotan's body, not to mention the massive wolves) and you can even do it yourself with programs like C4D. Obviously, Weta and ILM will do it a lot better with their incredible artists and other types of software (ILM even wrote a completely new program they call HairCraft).
Even video games have it nowadays, too, I can think of The Witcher 3 and the new Tomb Raider games at the top of my head.
Here's a video regarding ILM's work.
I don't know how special it is, but Weta also did some neat stuff with Alita's hair where because they modeled and simulated each strand of hair, they could also brush and cut the hair to whatever haircut they wanted, just like in real life.
user I think you might not know what that word means. Please refrain from using such words in the future until you have ascertained their meaning via a dictionary.
The last time I travelled to Netherland it looked a million times comfier than Iron City man.
I guess that's what I meant, they simulated each strand, as opposed to simply modeling it.
Just look at . This is literal jew-tier shilling, of course it's a ruse. go read the manga if you're interested in the story.
probably, but when I investigate I just saw ¨peruvian origins¨, she looks likea an average peruvian girl from Lima for me
If you're doing this kind of shit, buy US tickets since the US tickets give the highest cut to the studio.
But this is going to lead to the same kind of creepy experiences as those people who went to see Solo, and they were the only ones in the theater because marketers had bought up most of the auditorium and nobody showed up.
And this is pretty much the same stupid shit that the Captain Marvel Challenge is doing. Find somebody to use your tickets, user. Get them healed by Arita - not just give money to Hollywood.
Hm, now that I think about it, ILM simulated the strands of hair in Warcraft (creating a volume and then just filling it with hair), they might not have modeled each specific strand like they seem to have done with Alita.
I don't really know.
Where'd you get this?
watch at 0:26
I do think FF will appear in the second film but tone down the romantic subplot. Maybe just him interested in Alita but no response from her until the last part of the trilogy near the end.
wtf they really went far with the design !
>You only saw my movie HOW many times, user?!
Definitely, it makes those flashback scenes where they zoom in on her eyes so powerful along with the final shot.
One for each time I had sex in my life
My favorite shot from this collection.
Who's going to be the first to crop Hugo out of this one?
One time... I'm poor as shit. I want to see it again but can't afford it right. I'll wait a month or so until the last screening where it will cost 50-70% of the normal price.
Based, ¨papa a la huancaina¨ lmao, did you have any information about their fathers? any pics? I can born in germany and I would still be peruvian
Literally chad Zapan vs virgin Hugo
As many as I want, and for free too.
Jesus, they did some crazy fuckin' work on her eyes.
Only two. I'm so sorry
Based puta. Does anyone know how much of Rosa is in CHIPS and Bird Box?
Do you have a high rez pic of the full scene this crop came from?
The pic has Ido with his arm around Alita and both of them are looking at Hugo. The scene takes place in the street.
And her hair, even if this is just a scan from a poster, I think. Not exactly razor sharp image.
People ask why the eyes are so big and I just imagine the creators saying "they better be big look at all the fucking work that went into them you think I'm just gonna hide that."
5 times
I would go today too but I'm poor, no car and feminist strike today
I'll go a 6th time in the next few days though
I do not.
I didn't think it was possible, but it looks like Alita might be winning the culture war. Everywhere I go online, I see "Captain Marvel sucks, go see Alita."
Some people asking if they should've seen it in IMAX when it was available. I think history is going to be very, very kind to Alita.I just hope enough people realize to support it before it's too late.
Fuck yes, thank you based Cinefex poster.
Let's not get too cocky before we lose ground to stand at. Alita is not THAT amazing.
I'm not getting cocky, but I'm hopeful.
It needs to make $15B to break even. Never happening.
I haven't seen any of that. In fact I don't even see people mention it much.
Says you. I'm seeing it for the 11th time today.
>all those youtube videos pitting Alita against Captain Marvel
Our girl doesn't deserve this shit. They're dragging this movie down to some shitty culture war.
Stop trying to make latinx happen, it's not gonna happen
(((They))) are using Alita to push their shitty Captain Marvel movie by attaching it to her. Its pathetic tbqh.
Let's be honest for a second and not kid ourselves, the only reason this movie made so much is because of Jame's name and reputation. If it had been some random director I doubt it would have gotten so much attention, at best it would be considered a hidden gem.
The film has enough integrity to stand on its own and everyone who made it is above all that nonsense. It will not be dragged down.
No denying that, but thank God it worked for some people. Got them to go see it just because of his name.
This, thankfully the politics surrounding some of the film online is purely surface level. The actual film will end up unscathed.
Grewishka is such a silly name, it sounds like a Polish or Czech girl's name.
Apparently there were 2 million polygons in the eyes alone.
What? I thought it was a flop. It needs to make 50 billion dollars.
Three times Alita babe.
>first fight with Grewishka: he loses his right arm
>second fight with Grewishka: he loses his right eye
>third fight with Grewishka: he loses his entire right side of his body
4. Three times in IMAX 3D, once in regular 2D. That trip to 2D was enough to convince me to chill out until the blu-ray. It really can't be overstated how much the IMAX 3D and sound added to the experience. It makes me sad that there's a very real possibility that I'll never get to see her on a screen like that again.
I hope you're right. She deserves better than to end up a tainted, discarded weapon in this war.
>based Shad proves Alita is superior to Captain Fungus
so the US dont like Cameron?
T-two times, Alita. But I'll buy your blu-ray!
>50 billion dollars.
*100 grillion megasols
Reddit certainly doesn't.
>You're serious about fighting Alita.
>Are you kidding, I'd give my right eye.
How would Alita get taken down as sexist? The actual feminists I've seen talk about it think it's a really good coming of age story for young girls - heck the trans ones even see it in themselves with all the stuff on bodies and selfhood and performance etc. The only issue I see them possibly having is with her being waifued by frogposters on a tibetan marblerolling board
That's more than Gollum has for the whole character.
Yeah, pretty fucking insane, and never once watching, did I ever think she wasn't there. She is the best CG entity I have ever seen.
Guys, i'm at a comic/vidya convention and i'm phoneposting.
There is a stand that does phone covers and i need some some alita stuff, preferably some stupid shoop. Can someone help me out?
And no more.
Well, the maximum is one more time.
Well, two.
No, this must stop ...
It's geniunely one of the best movies in the last decade.
If Captain Marvel doesn't do well, could Alita stay longer?
Can you post the template of the /ALITA/ writing you made for OP pics please?
For me, it's mirrored Alita. She's cute.
This one?
Just get a otter protection case and use an Alita image as a wallpaper. Phone protection is more important than a cool looking case
I don't think it's not liking him so much as maybe people just weren't interested. I mean let's be frank, good or not it IS yet another post-apoc dystopian sci-fi movie, complete with elites living in an isolated paradise and being evil and depraved for entertainment. It also has a female lead who gets the badass/chosen one treatment, and with the recent influx of both of those things, I believe people might be burned out to the point not even Cameron's name is enough to push it to the billion range.
It's also possible some just don't want to watch anything by him until the next Avatar.
i think it could in China
don't you need a specific proportion?
>Mouse: Our movie's not doing well
>Theater: Hey, your movie's not doing well. We're going to extend Alita, 'kay.
>Mouse: Not if you want to see anymore of my movies on your screens.
US is Mouse House. Thankfully, based China gives no fucks and extended Alita right before CM released.
It already did, China extended Alita's run for another 5 weeks.
Here's what I use.
No, something dumb
Guy says we can cut it whatever we like
I doubt it. Even if CM flops it won't make Alita perform better.
Use this and post pic of phone case.
yeah i know but i was also referring to Captain Manvel who could be put down after 2 weeks like Solo movie
It's until April 21st, 57 days in total
No way Cap Fungus will stay this long there
We don't stand by in the presence of evil in Russia. I brought a chocolate bar with an orange stuffing this time, which was my 7th date with Alita.
P.s. Sorry, but I couldn't stand so I ate the whole bar and left only the empty pack.
It earned 20+ million on thursday in China and got a decent audience score on their IMDB. Unfortunately it looks like chinks love it and it will probably make 200 million there. There's no justice in this world.
You should see the movie first to comment here.
Talking about Captain Marvel there.
Thanks for posting these. I really didn't feel like trying to take pics of my physical copy.
Is there a webm of Alita doing Martian yoga?
He was talking about Captain Marvel. I think CM will tank there though after it's opening weekend. Most Marvel movies there fail to make back twice it's opening weekend.
бoльшoe cпacибo, comrade
Based Russian bringing chocolate.
can you link the dvach movie board? I'm curious what vatniks think of Alita and CM.
Damn it, that's great.
Alita loves chocolate. I'd give her it. I'd give her my heart if she asked.
I love you user.
Thank you for pointing me to this. I just bought the digital version and have been taking screenshots on my iPad. Easily worth the five bucks.
Hahahah, goddamn. He really likes Alita, I love it.
Will this be a good date movie? My wife and I haven't seen a movie in theaters since Ready Player One because we have two kids. Sunday night is free for us, and this looks like the only popcorn flick we aren't opposed to.
We're not big anime fans btw.
Yeah, it's a good date movie.
I personally rank it among the greatest romance films of all time, right up there with Mannequin.
reminder: flopped
Watched it with my gf, she enjoyed it, so you're good
Amazing how I never saw that scene when alita get REKT by Grawishka (that fat bitch who wants to kill alita and is a cyborg)
That scene when Alita first body get destroyed, somebody have it? especially the part when we can see her sadness in her face
I have round eyes and appreciate it being left to right
can u share it without the water mark pls? its for a youtube video
Are you really this desperate, mouse?
Thanks frens.
The watermark is hardcoded into the camrip. You'll have to wait for a higher quality copy.
Last one for now.
I've heard of couples that went and really liked it, plus Alita is VERY likeable. Very emotional, but in a good way that feels genuine.
Thanks user for all the pictures! Am using them for my desktop now.
You are the true hero dude
Taking 2 of my normalfag friends to see this.
Expecting the romance to cringe them
What's going on in this picture?
Um, okay, which .webm do you want?
Does anyone have that webm right after Alita meets Hugo for the first time? I'm a dumbass that didn't save it.
Comfy snug
How does she smell like?
Do you mean this one?
I love that little shit
Yes, thank you!
See this the scene just after that u post when the fight starts
nice, it is right if I want to see more pics about alita butt :) ?
now post that webm when I kiss her
My pleasure. I find your namefagging distasteful but it hasn't been that bad. These are still good threads.
That poor fuckin doggo...
lmao that doggo is pure CGI bro it doesnt exist lol XD kill yourself pls fag
The detail on Alita is just amazing in this scene
He died like he lived.
There's a promotional video showing the dog on a robot body, presumably after being "killed". Not sure if it's canon, though.
Erm, thanks. I'll drop the name if people don't like it.
The romance cringed me but it had a happy ending.
Just keep it desu. I'm so used to you namefagging now that if you drop it I'll think you died or something.
I find this criticism odd. Can we actually get to the bottom of why it's cringe?
They usually do the main update every Monday, wait until Monday night.
All "foreign" markets are generally a week lagging in any case, so next Monday they will have the data for last week
>about to see alita in the best seat in the room
>best row, exactly in the middle
just wish I didn't miss out on IMAX
5 so far, will likely see it 2-3 more times
Every time I see it, I aim to bring new people along
People have become desensitized to genuine emotions
It's a teenage girl falling in love at first sight. It's cringe because it's realistic.
Thanks. I'm already missing her and want to see her again.
Calm down lad, wait for blu ray for good quality webm and screenshots
Best quality you're getting.
I can't wait for that shit to release and buy every single limited edition and version available
People think it's weak and naive, like but really it just reminds them of feelings they've long buried, rejected, and disowned. People cringe when they're afraid of something. They look at Alita offering her heart and they fear for her and the pain that will follow, but they don't understand that pain is worth it if it means a conscious ownership of your emotions and maintaining personal integrity.
oof i wasn't ready to see alita cry again
>tfw during my second viewing my eyes kept tearing up randomly and my nose kept running
It was very awkward, I hope no one noticed
I watched Alita Battle Angel
It's the story of a fallen (battle) angel against an allseeing being in the sky...
The alternative to a jewish sjw hero is a freemason one?
I think it's cringe because it's unnecessary and so stereotypical it hurts. It's like something out of a Disney film. Was it even in the manga or did they add it in?
>he thinks Nova is God
There are worlds above worlds, fren
>because of Jame's name and reputation
Because of that Alita would have had the best CGI that made her to be an incredible movie.
explain better u cunt
the Nephilim autism gang think Nova is God, when he is obviously someone else
You can argue just not liking it, but to call it unnecessary is a disservice to the script and characters. It's vital to Alita's development.
>unnecessary and so stereotypical it hurts
Teenage love is stereotypical for obvious reasons and it's necessary in order to grow out of it.
here you go
>grow out of it
You don't grow out of having emotions. You grow into accepting them.
the stereotypical teenage love is one party being hopelessly in love with the other, and the other either not giving a shit or only being interested in sex.
This isn't stereotypical teenage love, its idealized cliche teenaged love. The arc in the manga was a direct response to that idealized cliche. He didn't love her, she was just another person he was using in hopes of getting to salem. He cared about her only in so far as she could help him.
>so I don't overindulge myself
don't worry, friend. i'm at 23 showings or so and it has not been boring a single fucking time. the movie was perfectly storyboarded by Cameron. the way it shifts from violent scenes to tender ones over and over and building up is braincandy.
Right, I was going to say it's not wrong for Alita to love someone, even the first person they met, but it was her naive attitude about it and unwillingness to notice his fatal flaws. Even Hugo criticized her for being way to accepting and helpful of others.
True, and they kept elements of that in the film still. He seemed more interested in her from the beginning because she had been to Zalem and that's what he focused on about her the most. It wasn't until towards the end he starting liking her for who she was, but even then, he still tried to run for Zalem without her.
once but in imax 3d
In the movie it does not develop her character. It's hard to even argue it affected her character. In the manga, when hugo dies, she's utterly crushed. She ghosts ido, dumps the bounty-hunting gig, and settles in a completely different part of the city (which is about the size of LA in the manga) and starts up with an adrenaline junkie sport to forget everything.
In the movie, hugo gets her into motorball, he dies, then she... goes back... to motorball. She's even been directly told by the person who controls motorball that the only way up is as dissected organs, and then goes back and tries to win the "get dissected and sent to salem" prize.
Don't think so. Seemed to me he actually had feeling for her in the manga, but only realized once it was too late.
If they paid attention to the people analyzing the film, the movie isn't a direct biblical allegory, and Nova is more like Lucifer in this story.
>unwillingness to notice his fatal flaws
I don't see that at all.
This is important. If there is one moment in the entire film where she could have noticed a fatal flaw in him but did not practice the willingness to see it, then it breaks her character. I've seen it ten times and I never saw a moment like that.
She doesn't overlook his flaws (they aren't openly presented to her), she just doesn't bother investigating them.
>and then goes back and tries to win the "get dissected and sent to salem" prize.
It's not stated that the Final Champion will be sent up in parts. You can infer that if you want, but you can also limit Vector's statement to apply to those who he sends up outside the official way.
>and then goes back and tries to win the "get dissected and sent to salem" prize.
She likes motorball. She's self-assertive and seems to determined to not get dissected. "I don't need your permission to live." That's what I took from it, but she does seem intent on finishing her mission and destroying Nova.
In the manga, he only agrees to come off the wire after he's lost a couple limbs to the (automated) shredder rings. And she's there to help him down. In the sense that he only realizes he's not going to be able to climb the wire. Before that, he only agrees to semi-requite her love because he needs her to get across town to vector.
The only time he ever acknowledges her existence in the manga is when he needs her for something.
Well, okay, the way I saw it, she noticed them, but still continued to fully support him as if he was her savior almost. He directly told her he jacked cyborgs for money and yet she still was willing to give up her life to save him. It's a sweet moment, but it is kind of childish.
Right, even the motorball announcer declared she had a chance of going to Zalem. It's public knowledge they're sent up.
>finishing her mission and destroying Nova.
yea, lets not get started on that bit of idiocy.
Funny how Hugo started playing all high and mighty, telling Tanji to quit the jacking, when last night he guaranteed himself a trip to Zalem by selling Alita to Vector
There is no reason to think the motorball champions are sent up as anything other than dissected organs.
What a stupid plothole. How did this get filmed?
So even Ido is in on it and lied about it?
Massive plothole.
just found this
Okay, but that's in the manga. In the film, he still follows the ideology. He seems all the more interested in getting to Zalem and even persuaded her to go to motorball because Vector wanted her to.
Right, but I don't think he really understood Vector was going to use her. He was friends with the guy and it seemed like a safe option for Alita. I mean, he knew she really liked motorball. I don't think it's a plothole. It's a character flaw.
>You got to be willing to do what it takes. Whatever it takes.
Vote with your wallet, not a petition.
>she just doesn't bother investigating them
That's debatable. She was standing in his window watching him sleep. Looks like she investigated him somewhat.
>He directly told her he jacked cyborgs for money and yet she still was willing to give up her life to save him.
While directly telling her that he stopped because he loved her. She loved him.
Evidently this kind of emotional honesty is too much even for fans of the film.
Where does ido even say it's a way up? He says there are no ways up to salem.
Cringe. It needs to make money to justify a sequel. No amount of petitions are going to change that.
I read about Alita II and III but most people won't
The subtext is how Hollywood propaganda works
By now the story is about a fallen (battle) angel fighting an allseeing being up in the sky
Oh no, I totally liked that line and that was his point of redemption.
After Hugo gets fucked up.
>literal unironic shilling persists, even now
for the love of shit guys
He was about to get murdered by Zapan, he saw that this line of work will kill him thus he wanted out
and what does he say, exactly.
>the manga randomly turns into adventures of post apocalyptic dracula in last order
excuse me what the h*ck
Something to the effect that only the final champion goes to zalem.
You both got it wrong. He says
>The only way to get to Zalem is to become final champion. You can't buy your way up there.
Wait my bad, he basically did not know that Vector had planned that, and he doesnt need more money since Alita will win the motorball and they will have enough money to go to Zalem
Vector wants to rule in hell, not to serve in heaven
But many want to go up
Vector knows that actually going up is not good because eventually we will be just used for experiments
I'm not seeing the part where its as anything other than dissected organs.
It's not about being high and mighty or having the moral high ground. It's about integrity. It was no longer in accordance with his values.
He didn't have to sell Alita to Vector. She offered him her heart. He's an organ thief and she offered him her heart for free. In that moment he doesn't think like a thief anymore. It changes him.
Yes, I genuinely shill it because I like it so much that I want a sequel. Everyone should go see it and fund my sequel.
Fuck, that too. There's so much in the script to dissect.
Please just go fuck yourself. You aren't dissecting the script, you're performing mental gymnastics to force it to make sense.
Do you have the artwork of this without the font all over it?
How am I forcing it to make sense? Analyzing something is mental gymnastics?
Ask Peaches
LO was all about Yukito taking fans' OC Do Not Steal characters and making them canon
That's not analysis, that's forced inference. Especially considering he was already like "dude we gotta stop" before that scene.
>Okay, but that's in the manga.
Fuck off Satan, if the movie takes liberties with the original script, especially ones dealing with character development, then it's no better than any other shitty adaptation made to cash in on existing ips. It's GITS 2.
I did not know that. That explains why it is so awful.
>It's GITS 2.
you mean the shirow sequel manga or the second anime series?
But that scene didn't happen before the heart scene.
You dumb-dumb, Vector's scam is separate from the official way to go to Zalem. How this actually works is not clear, but somehow Alita and Ido are confident enough in it to let Alita aim for it.
Are you literally autists?