The movie was fine. It was your standard Marvel film. Not as bad as Thor 2, not as good as Winter Soldier...

The movie was fine. It was your standard Marvel film. Not as bad as Thor 2, not as good as Winter Soldier. It was completely inoffensive.
Brie is unlikeable as fuck as a person, but she was fine as Carol.
The worst thing about the movie was having to see Brie's bare feet.

Attached: 06captain-marvel1.jpg (670x867, 109K)

I'm gonna say it.


Attached: tuxedo.jpg (384x390, 20K)

>movie about the white woman saviour complex plaguing liberalism
>movie was fine
Fuck marvel they ruined it

the problem isn't Brie, it's Carol. Carol Danvers is and always has been an unlikable cunt. making a movie about her was never a good idea.
doesn't Marvel have any other female heroes (besides black widow) they could have given a movie to?

Most of their female characters are tied up with the X-Men.

After watching it I realized that Brie is just a shit communicator. Her "Intersectional Feminism" is essentially an anti-boomer position at it's core that she tries to verbally express, rather than letting the art communicate it. If you watch it from this lens the cringe moments are much more forgivable.

>the movie was fine
In what way? It had nothing going in for it. Literally nothing interesting happened in the entire movie. What the fuck even is a bad movie if this was fine?

Why do people think Winter soldier was good?

>winter solider
Marvelfags are cancer

I totally don't know. The only good marvelfags are Iron Man 1, Thor 1 and Antman 1.

Winter Soldier is the conflict resolution of Communism and Libertarian Capitalism. The Winter Soldier represents the anti-authoritarian Antifa Anarchist of modernity, who lashes out at his archetypal Trad American brother due to his literal indoctrination and programming. The story is about over-coming his programming and remembering his American Identity and recognizing his friend. The archetypes are so real that people can't help but be drawn to the story.

Thanks for telling me it is 'fine' user. Now i dont need to see it.

I am looking for 'Kino' not a movie that is 'fine' or 'not as bad as garbage'

If you liked those ones so much why didn't you like the first cap? I'm right with you on anything else but that one is similar in quality too.

There is the issue of Bucky feeling abandoned by his own country, and he is very mis-trusting of everyone. This is a very common philosophy towards government in urban centers across the USA. Bucky is just personifying the way we feel about US Gov. While Cap is trying to handle the betrayal of his best friend. The whole story speaks to the Culture War if you are paying attention.

Same fags think civil war is good

>The movie was fine. It was your standard marvel film.
So a half assed TV movie? Cool, I’ll skip it.

It's quite easy. The movie has tension, an unknown enemy and plot twists. The super hero was on the run. How often do you see that in super hero movies?

Marvelfags are conditioned to eat up mediocrity. So when a 7/10 MCU flick comes up with actual tention and looks like a film, it’s no surprise that it gets praised to high heavens.

Just got back from the cinema myself

A lot of shit just straight up didn't make sense, the CGI was terrible and yes there are very blatant “SJW” scenes, and not the the you have to reach for like some people do.

Some positives. I like the twist around the middlle of the movie. Fury and Goose the Cat made me chuckle a few times and I didn't completely hate Brie Larson. Not saying she was great but I thought she probably did as best as she could with the garbage material she was given.

Overall I give it a meh/10. Don't really regret spending time and money on it but I'll probably forget about this movie in a week. Though my opinion doesn't matter because I'm a white male

>Why do people think Winter soldier was good?
I don't know. It had some good scenes (the elevator scene was memorable), but the entire second half of the movie was just pew-pew and shit blowing up -- so fucking boring. And yes, I realize that superhero movies are heavy on action, but too much of it without decent plot development turns it into Avengers 2. Also, Bucky is lame.

My initial assessment of Civil War was that it was a pretty good movie that I didn't enjoy. I thought I just wasn't in the mood or something. But after talking to other people about it, I think I was giving it the benefit of the doubt when I really shouldn't have. I liked the basic concept (and the fact that it was at least trying to be about something) and was going off that more than the actual execution of the movie.

As a non white I have to say that this movie is great

Lots of good fights and twists

Nothing bad or especially great happened in this movie, it was standard marvel blockbuster. It had structure, was paced well, acted fine, had passable action scenes and effects etc.

It's not by any stretch of the imagination a bad movie, in fact, as far as origin story movies go this is better than at least half of them but it's still at best a 5 or 6 out of 10. Very run of the mill.

Try telling Yea Forums. They're all in a frenzy atm, I'm afraid of tomorrow morning. But what can you do