B-but Yea Forums said

B-but Yea Forums said...

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she must be a FAKE FILMER GIRL! GET HER!

>Because Russell Crowe is super cute in it, like Johnny Depp but if he were like my dad

You shopped this faggot

based tranny

Master and Commander is a disgusting *Ngloid propaganda movie anyways, you don't need to be, may allah forgive me, a f*Moid to disregard it.

SEETHING continental

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She probably really enjoys video games too. Like she's played all the greats, 2 hours of Ocarina of Time when she was a kid, she got up to the first gym when she bought a DS and Pokemon HeartGold in 2009. She has a Switch, but hasn't played Breath of the Wild yet but she has "heard great things" about it.

Press S to spit on the grave of the Anglo

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I started watching Master and Commander at the advice of Brit/pol/

Are all British Captains this fucking retarded?
>let's enlist children into our navy
>let's put the children directly into battle
>let's not evacuate the children and other wounded back to England for proper treatment
>let's intentionally kill our own men while chasing a bigger and stronger ship that we have no business chasing

You see, America's navy does it right. We have evacuation crews, backup ships, and we CERTAINLY DO NOT allow minors into any of our military squadrons, no matter how bad we're losing (we literally don't though...Rule Americannia, not Britannia, bitches).

On top of this, you give ultimate sea power (still behind the US) to an Admiral who brags about how many creampies he's taken in his asshole over the years.

The US needs to end its "special relationship" with the UK because I won't allow my country to be associated with a bunch of child labour causing, retarded captain hiring, gay admiral appointing lunatics.

Hey man, hows that empire workin out for you? Hows your position as a world power holding up? The Anglo-Saxon people as a whole? What do you think Harris would think of Britain now?

>perfidious anglo scum can't think of anything else than mass murdering innocent people even during discussion about film
good thing """"asians"""" will get the world rid of your kind in a few dacades

To be perfectly honest, most girls I've known who absolutely adore that movie do so for a very different reason: they imagine Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany pounding each other's asses all night. There's a very large group of women who love gay romance set in that time period, from post-revolution up to the end of the Victorian Era.

But does she understand it?

>going to brit/pol/
people like you killed /pol/ with your general cancer making ghettos like the niggers you are. there is no fucking difference between brit/pol/ and britfeel in /r9k/. you don't even talk politics there. kill yourself.

You can enlist at 16 in the USofA and during that time period children certainly served in the US military.

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>May Allah forgive me
>Posting with filthy blasphemers, pagans and trannies
Yeah I don't think it's gonna happen breh

Cyber Jihad, Inshallah

Is this a copypasta i've never seen before or did you just unironically type this just now?

Fadi, is that you?

hard to do as the movie skips around and incorporates elements from several of the books so haphazardly that I don’t know what else they’d want to make a movie out of.
Better to just ask for napoleonic maritime movies in general.

I'm in love

lol u mad about all those burning krauts and gooks? U mad boi?

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Yep with negroes and strong wiminz on board

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>21st Century
>Listening to what fa/tv/irgins say


kek, no asian country will every surpass the US
it's all a meme



I'm a frog and its historical bias pisses me off but it's still a damn fine film


confirms "shes" a tranny
