part 1
Captain Marvel Spoilers
part 2
Blatant propaganda at this point. What the fuck.
This will unironically go down as the one of the worst movies in history.
Just the thought of reading spoilers fills me with indifference, but I need to stay updated on the latest shitposting.
Despair is my blood and my soul is empty.
Zoz, is this shit real?
>I'm just a girl starts playing
holy hell
What did i just read?!
This is not true.
It can't be.
They are NOT this stupid.
After I watched Infinity War, I swore that would be the last capeshit I'd ever watch. It was a good movie that brought the previous decade of marvel to a satisfying conclusion. Turns out it was a good decision, this is complete trash by any standard.
Bet it gets nominated for an Oscar.
I saw it, it's 100% true. If anything, those spoilers make it sound better than it is. I cannot convey how surreally bad it was.
>"im just a girl" by no doubt starts playing
she put all that autistic power into that kick
It's like they took every girl power and anti-white male sentiment and blended it all together into movie.
I love how all the haters of this movie says Brie is emotionless the whole time. NEWS BREAK she was trained to be emotionless.
It's a goofy scene because she's familiarizing herself with the powers so she's shooting her lazors but the recoil shoots her off too
It's less bad than it sounds since it's classic action comedy but it's bad as it doesn't fit, the whole third act is bad since all the characters need to have something to do when it'd be unnecessary
Also the 40yo woman next to me was thrilled by that and started singing with Gwen
>bad actor isn't acting bad, it's how the character was written!
so the time travel thing wasn't true? How did she get her powers if she was on Earth?
Jesus Christ. This is even worse than I ever could have imagined. Please for the love of my sanity tell me that this is all just made up and not actually true.
there's no fucking way this garbage is real
It's all just made up and not actually true
Stronk wymyn don't need to prove anything to anyone!
all true. enjoy the next wave of marvel shit, cause its all going to be this bad
it says in the first post
>It's less bad than it sounds since it's classic action comedy
go away mouse, it's some of the worst shit i have ever seen in a theater, utter cringe
Actually looked cool but you don't believe me so it doesn't matter
This whole movie sounds more cringe than the Ghostbusters reboot. Oof!
It's all 100% true, shill.
I cannot for the life of me believe that she's younger than I am, when she has access to the absolute best trainers, dietitians, health and beauty products, and a celebrity lifestyle. She legitimately looks like she is in her early 40s.
So if there's no time travel, has Captain Marvel just stopped aging?
You can use CRISPR to clone a man with literal living and breathing pigs for hands, and he still wouldn't be as hamfisted as this shit right here, holy shit kill me.
It is also worth noting that Nick Fury does not have a single “badass” moment in this entire film. His character is mostly used for comic relief and to bridge Captain Marvel’s story to the rest of the Avengers.
Seems like a fun movie.
i still can't get over how bad it was
>"do you know why it's called a COCKpit?"
I refuse to believe this is real.
Nick fury loses his eye to a cat scratching him.
>it's called a COCKpit
lmao I can't believe this is in the movie
Wait, so the kitty scratched his eyeball out?
imagine the smell
Serious question. What were they thinking while making skrulls the good guys? Marvel now lost the whole Secret Invasion plotline which could potentially be the basis not for one but even for several movies. Did Feige just lose his touch?
Subverting expectations
I was honestly surprised by this.
The fact that the Kree have an artificial intelligence leader made me think they'd want to portray them as the good guys. Not to be some paranoid weirdo, but like they're preparing us for the idea of our AI overlords.
this capeshit might actually be worth seeing after all
You fucking moron know the movie's out already right? Fucking worthless retard, go fuck yourself
Do you think spoiler tags are only meant for movies not out yet?
You're a fucking retard m8
worse than video game physics
Secret Invasion was all kinds of retarded and would've been even more retarded in movies
>Secret Invasion was all kinds of retarded
Could you elaborate? I'm not a hardcore comics reader myself - I just know about this plotline and find it strange not to save it for future movie adaptation and the buck that comes with it
>The fact that the Kree have an artificial intelligence leader
I haven't seen the movie. I though Ronan was supposed to be their leader, no?
Nah, Kree have always been Space Conservatives. They're a militaristic society who are uncomfortable with people who deviate from the concept of 'Pure Kree', a concept sold to them by their unremovable leader, who is portrayed as being infallible.
Skrulls are your classic Communist metaphor, the alien invader who comes in disguise and subverts your society.
The Kree-Skrull war stuff in the comics has always been Extreme Rightism vs Extreme Leftism, with the Avengers being the moderates trying to sort it out in the middle. At various times both Kree and Skrulls have been very bad guys and kind of okay guys.
In the modern liberal nonsense climate, this is cringe but logical use of them. I just hope we get some evil Skrulls later. Shapefshifting is too good a power to throw away.
The Fungus kick!
Amazing. It's like it was written by a 16 year old tumblrina.
Get a load of this shill.
Thanks dude! Now I can talk about the film and how bad it is and pretend that I have actually watched it!
She was so hot back in the Scott Pilgrim vs the World days too. Wtf happened?
Jesus freaking Christ, that's worse the origin of Han Solo's surname.
that was 9 years ago
thats like 50 in women's years
I mean... It's kind of funny, I mean the eye-patch is such a big part of his mystique and it turns his eye just got "nicked by a furry".
The Kree are Jews and it'll be revealed by Agent Poindexter that they fucking lied about everything.
Sounds revolting. Do people actually enjoy being pandered to like this? It sounds like a parody lmao.
>Agent Poindexter
Why did you have to remind me about based Dex and that the show is cancelled? I'm already at the bottom of a bottle jesus christ
>sees you crying
"Come here user"
>*hugs you*
"NOW....user I'm going to NEED you to POST SNEED threads on Yea Forums."
>And it's beautiful
You just sold a ticket good man.
wasted it on a quippy joke for a feminist movie audience
>first avenger
>when Cap 2 exist
How big is Feiges boner for her?
Was gonna post this. Beat me to it.
does the captain marvel give her invulnerability too?
what's the point of any future movie now if she can be called at any time and is invincible?
but you don't understand
the GIRL superhero HAS to be the strongest person in the universe!
how else are women going to be empowered?!
Now we know how Feige got that fungal infection on his dick.
What the fuck
oof, there's a way to do these characters, just rip up the source material and write a better story
endgame confirmed shit
even if the russos really are talented, they can't stop what's coming from the top
Pretty funny tho.
Are you fucking kidding me
It was okay. Not great, just okay. Like most of the MCU, really.
When No Doubt's "I'm just a girl" started playing I cringed. It just did NOT fit the scene it was in.
skrulls are basically a shape shifting death worshipping space cult. in secret invasion they abduct several high profile leaders, meta humans, etc and replace them with their own agents in an attempt to undermine the earths defenses and trust in their leaders and icons before taking over the planet. they're huge assholes and a good fit against the kree who are more or less just fight autists so they're more or less endlessly at war with each other.
but in this film they gud bois who dindu nuffen
Google the quote and you'll see an old Variety interview talking about it, it's real.
The age of men has come to it's end.
A villain at one point was listening to Come As You Are and then the movie closes on a happy note with Celebrity Skin.
what did they mean by this?
What has Marvel done? They've ruined 10 years of work in a single film.
Sort of funny but I think it retroactively harms Winter Soldier.
Is this real?
My sister said it was great
But then again, she has absolute shit taste sometimes and is easily swayed by feminist bs
Can comfirm
Movie is balls to the walls incredibly bad and eye rolling, as if a 10 year old autistic girl had written it
my sis wants to see this, and she discovered reddit, she keeps sending me reddit links and i just ignore them
fuckin cunt
>You can use CRISPR to clone a man with literal living and breathing pigs for hands, and he still wouldn't be as hamfisted as this shit right here
>Han travels solo? So your name is Han Solo now
>Nick Fury, did he lose his eye in a fate deciding battle? Against a life long foe? Against a betrayer? To save innocent people so it reminds him why he is doing what he does?
It's real but some parts are not as bad as the recap is making it sound. Brie *is* that bad, though.
>image posted 73 times in the last 24 hours.
I can see clearly the s.oy chugging retards who will find this funny. They’ll start bellowing in the theater as their bald heads collect beads of sweat and their double chins jiggle from the strain of their laughter, concealed by scraggly beards gray with age at 25, their scrawny arms flailing hysterically while poking out the sleeves of too large Loot Crate shirts with a cartoon visage of CAPTAIN MARVEL flying a DeLorean into a Blockbuster emblazoned on the front.
So was WALL-E and he did a great job
u shut ur fat fucking mouth walle had an amazing emotional range, unlike toe cheese larson who got outfuckingplayed by a robot with binoculars for a head.
Someone PLEASE post the webm of the poast kredits seen
I'll download a shitty cam version and half watch it while doing something else in that case
he got nicked by a furry
>they turned Nick Fury’s entire character into a joke for this movie even going as far as destroying the purpose of his name
Why must they destroy everything they touch
I guarantee, it was the life goal of someone with far too much influence to make that scene happen for no reason other than it was cool for them.
>My pain is far greater than yours!
So she's barefoot?
>gives a pager to be called in case of emergencies
>never gets a call
I think there might be some sort of censorship going on. Thursday evening I saw webms upon webms of that scene in every single thread. Now I can't find it anywhere. Do you think Disney is forcing Yea Forums to censor it bc so many people will only care about that scene and not go see the movie?
It's kinda funny but the fact that they made him into a comic relief character and all that built up was for this is sad
Eh, does it? Fury has always been sort of a liar anyway. From Coulson's death, to the training cards, to his own "death" in Winter Soldier, he's always bent the truth a bit to give someone a "push in the right direction"
this movie uses one of my favorite songs as background for a MEN ARE STUPID scene
i'm mad
What's the real reason he lost his eye though? not from this movie ofc
Whether it fit or didn't (it didn't) I was actually surprised at how quiet the song was in the mix
I unironically want to watch it just to laugh at this trainwreck
Yeah, I hate them too.
Does Captain Marvel even have a weakness? Be it in the comic or in the movie?
I don't read comics but whenever people criticize the character, they always mention that she has no weaknesses whatsoever and as far as power levels go she's just slightly weaker than Thanos with the stones, like some sort of female pre-kryptonite Superman. Is that true?
Is she barefoot in this mobie?
Have sex
>that fucking godawful cg
jesus fuck
Where can I buy your novel, user?
nigga have you seen her feet? lmao
Yeah keep telling yourself that cuck
No she has no weaknesses even in the movie. [spoilers] She destroys almost the entirety of Ronan's fleet and he pisses his pants and runs away [/spoilers]
Jesus Fucking Christ
What is that purple light on the wall behind the guy she's kicking?
But it’s not lasers though. This is some type of plasma beam so there’s significant mass to it...
Literal retards don’t count
that's not how it works either.
this recap is a glowing review compared to watching it in an actual theater with middle aged women, neckbeards, and a few schoolgirls
legitimately the worst thing I have ever paid money to see, Yea Forums has never made a shitpost or autistic meltdown that even comes close to the shitheap that is Disney's Marvel Presents: Captain Marvel
he's holding a glow-y sci-fi gun I think
fuckin kek
At least there were schoolgirls.
STFU incel ass bitch
>he doesn't know
imagine that awkward moment when you call the foot double on set
The cockpit line can’t be real
lasers do have recoil but probably not much at human level
>At least there were schoolgirls
they weren't Stacys
Stacy doesn't give a shit about superhero movies, she doesn't care about #WAMANSTRONG, she has no idea that today is (((International Women's Day))), she won't pay attention to the bloggers or Disney shills that push this as a "milestone for female action leads". This movie is self-fellation for a very particular subset of women.
so how is it compared to the other 20 marvel movies?
it is
quick run down?
I fucking refuse. You HAVE to be jesting? That is literally "right in the infinity stones" tier
wow, what a trainwreck
the fuck
captain marvile
How the fuck do they have the tesseract at all when it was in the plane with captain america frozen under ice for 60 years?
This might be the best final battle in any MCU film
>captain marvile
no one here will comprehend that but i applaud you
Howard Stark found it in the 40s.
how she got it is unconfirmed, but if you care about the TV canon, Agent Carter's premise is that Howard's shit keeps getting stolen, so maybe he lost it at some point that way
M-m-m-muh propaganda!
Serious question: don't you /pol/ incels ever get tired of being scared little retards? If you truly believed this and the rest of the culture was truly globalist/commie propaganda then why aren't you doing something about it instead of shitposting on some obscure Canadian Goose Breeding Forum.
>It was a good movie
fuck off
and all the fat girls go wooooo
>After I watched Infinity War, I swore that would be the last capeshit I'd ever watch.
You decided to stop half-way through a two parter?
>billowing smoke trails in space
Shit like this is why people think the Moon landings didn't happen
t. tranny shitposting on some obscure Canadian Goose Breeding Forum
you're losing so many fucking shekels over this steaming heap, kike
fucking kek
Absolute kino post
>why aren't you doing something about it instead of shitposting on some obscure Canadian Goose Breeding Forum
nice try heeb
Jesus christ what an amazinf post
my sides are reaching critical mass
Kree = Evil old white men of Western countries
Skrulls = Muslims that need love for some reason
Kree want to go somewhere else, they don't to be let into the Kree empire and accomodated.
>super-SUPER saiyan
>post credits: cat is responsible for fury getting tesseract
Wew laddies
>she's game as hell
who says this? is this the variety one user mentioned or a different pub?
>she literally autistically screeches
It literally pukes the cube back up
Stopiler machup
I am though
I'm boycotting it and seeing Alita ;)
He wasn't being kicked upward. He voluntarily threw himself upward to avoid that hideous foot.
But the Kree v Skrull war is notorious. Both sides can be assholes of big-league proportion. That's the whole point. It's been going on for generations because they're both fairly terrible.
Why on Earth would they chuck that out the window to make the Skrull seem nice?!
>It was a good movie
But it wasn't?
The last good marvel movie was Ragnarok, and before that? Winter Soldier
Ragnarok was a piece of shit
Does she get barefoot in the movie?
What wasn't good about it?
Given the narrative constraints it's hard to imagine it being much better than it was. Unless you're a comic nerd assblasted by the fact that Thanos isn't being portrayed properly what have you to complain about?
Especially if this is coming from someone who liked Thor: Ragnarok with its bland villain of the week, dumb backstory about Asgard, and Tessa Thompson.
She escapes the Skrulls barefoot and uses her big toe to unlock a door because her hands are bound
>She escapes the Skrulls barefoot and uses her fungus toe to melt a door lock because her hands are bound
does she infect the whole skrull race with her fungus?
no, that's the script from War of the Worlds
NEW BREAK nobody cares, its a fucking capeshit woman empowerment SCHLOCK
Imagine being this pozzed.
Continue to comment more
Guys like you are the reason why people keep coming back
Cats are being attacked and portrayed as bad pets by libshits too? Literally the only time a cat attacks is when it disrespects it’s owner due perceivingvthrn as weak, which is why you see soie bois and chicks getting scratched up on videos the most
These “people” deserve no quarter
>Given the narrative constraints
That's probably part of the problem. They wrote themselves into a very particular hole.
Just thought the whole thing was rather weak.
Lots of asspulls
The only part I really enjoyed was Thor's weapon forging sequence. That was fun. And Red Skull showing up again. That was cool.
>The action sequences were poorly choreographed, especially compared to previous films in the franchise like Winter Soldier, Black Panther, etc.
>Lots of bumbling buffoonery that lead Thanos to actually accomplishing his goal. Quill going full retard was so cliche it made me want to vomit.
>the humor was so fucking bad, holy shit. That whole sequence of Quill mimicking Thor was pathetic. There were a handful of instances like this
Somebody should post this on reddit and watch them damage control (assuming the communist bootlicking user base doesn’t censor it first)
Feminism and hugboxes like reddit telling her that all the obstacles in life you should push through are actually best approached by complaining that it is oppression and that an external source is keeping her down because HEAVEN FORBID she take accountability of her own life
This applies to pretty much most if not all women in western countries.
is he wrong in any way ? this is very believable
Just saw it.
I actually thought it was good. (As far as Marvel movies go.)
What did you like about it?
>that face CGI
lmfao what level of shitposting is this
That is literally worse than I expected.
It's a basic nobody-who-lost-his-memory-becomes-hero story. At the end she's literally superman, flying in space and shooting down spaceships. It's a good feel in the end, in the same sense that Kill Bill gave me a good feel.
The characters a very unbelievable, in the sense that they are constantly bantering and being cool / not nervous. Especially Nick Fury who is portrait to have his first extraterrestial contact but is not anyhow shocked. And he takes her to a secret base ... knowing her for 1 day.
With the last paragraph I'm mostly just virtue signaling to show that I can describe it from a detached position. But it's by far not a bad superhero movie. Unless you dislike that a woman kicks the ass of a white guy in the end.
The cat who scratches Fury is also not a cat here - there's a sort of running gag in that the aliens are always scared of the cat (and in the end it turns out that it's an alien). That whole setup is reminiscent of the cat in Man in Black.
Btw. the movie has a lot of Star Wars / Star Trek sounds and the Airforce vs. Spaceship air battles could be straight out of Independence Day when Will Smith flies against those alien ships.
>lemme destroy a space ship by belly flopping into it
>btw mary sues aren't a thing bigot
now watch me whip
>Doesn't page when the chitauri attacks and NY also got nuked btw
>Doesn't page when Ultron uses shit ton of vibranium to destroy the planet
>Doesn't page when thanos sends his minions to NY
Adding on to that, CM totally destroyed Nick fury as a character. From now on, whenever I look at him, I'll always be reminded that a cat clawed his eye out.
Anyone that uses the word "incel" is a discord tranny faggot. Always ignore.
Link to the very last post credits scene? I had to piss.
The costume looks so fucking stupid. It's like when they gave Captain America that stupid little helmet because that's what he had in the comics.
lololol look at the nigger woman shes some floating eyes and a mouth in that first shot. They really should have cast some light her way.
It's a Ukranian camrip, I'm sure she looks fine in a theater
She was told that the Kree saved her and use their medical science to make her strong like them and give her the photon beam powers. She knows her memories are fucked but they lie and claim not to know why.
The first is her showing up at the Avengers after the pager goes out.
The cat alien vomiting out the infinity stone.
Stop! Stop! She's already dead!
>Girl punches so hard the two black characters look at each other and go like "daaamn"
>scene builds up tension until the bad guy just ends up quipping
>angry white man shaking and ranting until the girl shuts him up with a single punch and walks smugly towards the camera
absolutely marvellous
Its literally all the memes come to life
>angry white man shaking and ranting
He mansplains at her, tries to bait her into fist-fighting him by mocking her for being emotional, then she shoots him in the face and says "I have nothing to prove to you"
good post user, well done yes
the time travel leak a few weeks ago sounded better
It's cringe. It's meant to be badass like when Immigrant Song plays while Thor fights Hella's army, but its not.
Connection, Only Happy When it Rains, and Celebrity skin were all good choices.
At the end they play REM's Man on the Moon but I dont think that was out yet. I'm pretty sure that song came out in like 1998. Isnt Captain Marvel in 1995?
Disappointed there wasn't a sex scene desu
That's how you really send a message to mayos that they are cancelled
How to solve problems as a mary su- i mean as Captain Marvel
She's literally invincible. Who wants to watch a movie that made practically every other Marvel hero worthless, a movie with absolutely no stakes and a character that just punches everything until it goes away
Yeah, not wanting to disrupt the timeline would have been a far better explanation for why she fucked off for 25 years instead of "helping the poor refugees".
I read the description, retard. I wanna see the actual clip.
There were a few uncanny/unrealistic things for me
- Why did Fury keep the "cat" after he loses an eye to it?
- Why did the single black mom think it's a good idea to go on a fly mission to space / shoot alien space ships?
- What's up with the AI fight dream, how does this tie to the real world and losing the chip?
What I dont get is the tesseract wasnt actually in the engine when she shot it, but she got the powers anyway? What?
>- Why did Fury keep the "cat" after he loses an eye to it?
It swallowed the cube, he wanted the cube.
>- Why did the single black mom think it's a good idea to go on a fly mission to space / shoot alien space ships?
Black daughter told her she was setting a bad example as a mother by not going.
>- What's up with the AI fight dream, how does this tie to the real world and losing the chip?
It doesn't
The cube is magic, stop it
>"do you know why it's called a COCKpit?"
>"do you know why it's called a COCKpit?"
>"do you know why it's called a COCKpit?"
>"do you know why it's called a COCKpit?"
Is this a movie or a fucking porn parody
The director has a weird view of what the air force is/was like
Yes, this sucks too. It's a situation like in Watchmen, where the conclusion must be that anybody could be superman if they were to stand in the right time at the right place.
There's no logical reason why Captain Marvel would be stronger than Vision, other than "I can't control muh powers so well"
The thing is thing is that the white male at his heart is an emotional bitch.
So if it thinks anything is even remotely attacking it, it will got into full emotional bitch mode.
Now this movie could be TRULY SHIT. I haven't seen it and probably won't until it comes out on Netflix or I download it.
The emotional white bitch male by its response has allowed them to hide behind the fact that their movie is being review bombed by emotional bitches.
Her power origin is exactly the same as Hulks, except that Captain Marvel is just so awesome she suffers no side effects.
Hell the cube even gives off Gamma Radiation. She is what Banner could have been wre he not a fucking white male.
>NEWS BREAK she was trained to be emotionless.
Then she needed a better acting teacher.
the black female airforce pilot was really great.
now i want to be a strong independant woman too
haha no she doesn't stfu
Hahaha, typical male fragility not being able to admit a pussy fought back against being grabbed.
>Her power origin is exactly the same as Hulks
What was Hulk's? We never see it. He already has his powers when the movie starts and he's in Brazil.
Honestly, killing yourself was its own reward, Kurt.
Man, I still remember Chloe Moretz being super cute in "Kick Ass", and then she became a feminist fridge. Though one could argue that her role in "Kick Ass" already set her on the path of stronk wimminz indoctrination.
some kind of radiation experiment for the government and he was behind schedule or something so he ran a risky test and there was a containment breach or whatever.
Why are all of her painful memories from random white male kids/white male adults?
All I want to know is how much screen time Kenna has.
Based. The winter soldier was the closest to kino marvel ever got.
>Marvel now lost the whole Secret Invasion plotline
Secret Invasion sucked donkey balls, this is one of the few good things that came out from this shitty movie.
Yeah he got it from radiation, not from the tesseract. So not the same as the Hulk's at all.
There's something I'm unclear about. She's been a Kree for years and doesn't remember she lived on Earth. On earth she has an early 30's bestie. So, are the flashback scenes in the 80's or something? Are they made to look any younger in the flashbacks? Is it clear on the timeline when she was a fighter pilot or when she was a Kree? Are they saying a 90 pound white woman and a black chick were badass fighter pilots in the same era that Top Gun came out?
I kinda new the stupid direction from the comics would eventually show up on the big screen.
Civil War was good.
yikes, moretz looked like a wrinkly pig since my name is earl, get new eyes
I fucking wish, at least it would be an abstract kind of stupidity and smugness instead of just the feminism snarl droning on the background.
It's all true. The russian cam is up on streaming sites, you can confirm it yourself without giving them money.
It was shockingly bad. Easily the worst MCU film.
what kind of alien is the cat?
so was the original Civil War desu
I just hope this encourages more women to punch men in the face and reap the rewards. It's really necessary.
Just came back from seeing it, it's not bad really, but it's far from good, felt like an episode of a CW show instead of the introduction of RDJ's replacement and the new head of the MCU.
That is, if you take the movie in a vacuum at least, given the context it released in, that is between Infinity War and Endgame and after ten years of the MCU, it feels really depressing and claustrophobic almost, makes the entire universe and some of the established characters feel really small and irrelevant. It didn't add anything to the cinematic universe but it sure feels like it took something away, and that the franchise would've been better off without it. It certainly didn't make me hopeful for the future of MCU if Brie's character doesn't go through an overhaul, if they're going to make her the one to beat Thanos, they should've adapted her as a female All-Might, charismatic and reassuring ("Everything's going to be fine! Why? Because I am here!"), she's just anti-climactic right now.
Other shit I think is notable (spoilers obviously)
>film shows her bare feet THREE TIMES
>she shoots a cardboard cutout of True Lies which I thought was hilarious (only hits Arnold's characters and his wife remains standing)
>Skrulls wuz good bois dey dindu nuffin is fucking retarded
>shapeshifting is retarded
>Captain Marvel is basically Superman, if Superman was boring and uncharismatic
>death or injury of "friendly" characters is glossed over
>the little black girl is probably going to be Iron Heart
>shows Fury's backstory and makes him sympathetic (unnecessary) but doesn't show Carol's backstory (which should've been the entire point of the film)
Flerken, has tentacles come out of its face in a few scenes but nothing more
It's not like they still can't do it.
Can I just say the obvious of how disappointing it would be if Captain Marvel ends up being the one fucking up Thanos? I actually liked Infinity War. I think they did a good job making it feel like the first 18 movies led up to it, Thanos was a legitimately good villain, and it had an original(for Marvel) ending that set up a part 2 with a good payoff. All of that would be lost and ruined if a character comes out of nowhere, that nobody likes, and completely shows up all of the original Avengers. This literal who mary-sue being the killing blow would be an insult to the already existing 60+ characters.
This might legit kill the MCU
>>she shoots a cardboard cutout of True Lies which I thought was hilarious (only hits Arnold's characters and his wife remains standing)
That's some hilarious feminism propaganda.
True Lies is a constant rewatch for me, I look forward to see of Captain Marvel will capture me too or it's just a shitty movie throwing a tantrum.
Yess goy, the (((skrull))) dindu nuffin. They're just peaceful refugees.
No, because it wasn't actually that bad. Not worse than half of the Marvel movies anyway.
Yea Forums is just ideological about it. It's a comic book flick, just with some shilling on who the good and who the bad guys are.
>the skrulls dindu nuffin they just want a home
>the white walkers didnu nuffin they just want to cross the wall
I'm getting really fucking tired of this shit
So basically just that shot then? Disappointing if true.
hello nightmares
Those flashbacks honestly looked like they were ripped from a Gillette commercial
its official
mcu is a joke
I can't believe how low the entire mcu has fallen in a single movie. Introduced the mary sue thanos-killer and ruined one of their most iconic characters' backstory just for a fucking quip.
>The last good marvel movie was Ragnarok
that shitty comedy with one liners as 90% of the dialog?
>not autofiltering it
>some obscure Canadian Goose Breeding Forum.
fuck you, fucking normalfaggots ruin everything, even this long running inconspicuous meme
Here we go again
>see this
what do?
>oh shit shes got the feet out
who would win?
>>film shows her bare feet THREE TIMES
you have GOT to be kidding me. I legitimately gag when I see it posted here, bug on an Imax Screening at the Kinoplex? Id fucking shoot myself
is there a version of this where he webs a noose around his neck and an heros?
I'll fucking kill you
>young lady is sexist
i must of missed that meeting
How about some toe sucking?
they probably used a foot double
at least I hope they did
basically this
you have a way with words
I hope you're planning on sharing your gift one day
>classic you will never know gag
>they let you know and its cringe as fuck
Have sex incels
Imagine Captain America: First Avenger only replace Chris with someone with zero charisma. Oh, and you've likely never heard of Captain America so you have no strong feelings one way or another about him, and the movie does nothing to make you give a shit about him. That's about what Captain Marvel is like.
It really is the "The Last Jedi" of the MCU
>people dont like this movie because they are ideological
That is almost the opposite of the truth
You just know the type of "person" posting this i-word
meaty ochre
this is a no-killing zone user
>The Avengers are named after her
fuck this movie and Disney's agenda