It's womens day everyone post movies to watch in support of womens day what will you be watching?

It's womens day everyone post movies to watch in support of womens day what will you be watching?

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Nymphomaniac I and II.

Congratulations on being a woman!

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Cut Wonder Woman Scenes

Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

Whats the movie where this is italian girl gets raped in a red hallway?

You did it.You are a woman congratulations.

Killer Inside Me
120 Days of Sodom

Das Boot

The Thing

12 Angry Men

Glengarry Glen Ross

Master And Commander: The Far Side of the World

Billy Budd

Lawrence of Arabia

I don't know about on this particular day, but I know on May 31st, 2019 I will be watching Godzilla: King of the Monsters (which is only 84 days away) Mothra is a female Kaiju, afterall

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My sister really likes LOTR and i'm going to be watching the entire trilogy with her when she gets home.

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Irreversible. Unironically kino

Dangerously based

Have sex

>live longer
>work less
>control 83% of all consumer spending
>pay almost no taxes in comparison
>overwhelmingly pro-leftist, pro-quotas, pro-affirmative action, pro-redistribution

How much fucking support do the twats still need?

posting in off topic thread to check if the faggot janny banned me or not for "off topic"

not to mention that most of the world's problems originate from single moms


>caring about bans

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it was kino

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Did you post this in every thread without looking at the context?

>local TV station shows Gone Girl today
Are they, dare I say, based and redpilled?

Attached: gone girl pancake.webm (1280x532, 2.91M)

Stop respect, Rape women?
Don't mind if I do.

welcome to the club, newfag.

>this board will watch shitty war movies and capeshit

This, thanks user im going to watch it with my gf tonight

Ha I don't think so NERD, me and your sis are going out to watch Captain Femcel. Don't wait up haha!

I don't think so, hasn't liked a single superhero movie since Iron Man and The Dark Knight, and she stopped keeping up with the MCU after the first Avengers movie.

Damn you are lucky
my older sister says she 'likes' it but looked at her phone all the time while we were watching Lotr and went to the bathroom during the boromir death scene

Mine really likes it, she always ends up shedding a few tears with the endings of the three movies and has Into the West in her music playlist.

Hopefully some femdom where my sister or mother forces me to fuck her and cum inside

>live longer
>implying this is a good thing

Pale Rider

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lord of the flies