It took one woman to ruin the marvel franchise

it took one woman to ruin the marvel franchise

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Just like Star Wars, wow what a coincidence

29 years old by the way

i just want to suck her nips goddamnit

ahh wtf
she looks like a cat that got shaved everywhere but the head

>*destroys capeshit*
is she /ourgirl/?

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Have sex

itt: women who ruined empires

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Based Brie, fuck capeshit, burn it all down.

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Daisy Ridley is perfect you faggot

have moviegoers

Ha ha, I know isn't it crazy.

more like it took a large group of white incels on the internet to review bomb her movie on all platform

she's a shitty actress and looks like a horse

They will just cut her out of end game

she has a long thumb

Why don't you?

She looks like Renee Zellweger after Zellweger hit 47 and got plastic surgery.

Based Brie!


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I don't like that she has no areolas. They're like gay biker nips

Fuck didn't think of it that way.
Based Brie. Based Rian Johnson. Based Kathleen Kennedy. Ending the manchildren capeshit plague once and for all.

Absolutely based.

i have had sex approximately 2 hours ago
brie larson is terribly miscast and the movie is an uninspiring borefest

Why did Captain Marvel need to be YAAAAS QUEEN'd ??

Why did it need the #girlpower, #metoo, #strongfemales, #girls4capmarvel, #presstoursowhite

Wonder Women didn't
Atomic Blonde didn't

Just two recent female led films...

Why did they do this?

You realize it's not just on her. The Mouse had an agenda and built the whole movie around it, then they chose someone whose outlook matched their ill-conceived ideas. She's done the best she could and stayed on-point with the feminist message, trouble is it's all so forced and fake taken as a whole.

She's cute af. Begone haters

The movie is good though. She didn't ruin anything.

this. fucking manchildren cancer is getting the very needed chemo. thanks briefu

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Some feminist ideologues worked their way up in the corporate food chain and then sold the twitter consensus as a reflection of wider society to the corporate board.

The corporate overlords don't care about ideology. If this feminist pandering doesn't sell then they will course-correct and get rid of the people who sold the false image of society. Just give them some time for political maneuvering.

have a sex


She isn't, but that statement applies more to Kathleen anyway

Looking at my wallet, the problem is that i have too much of it.

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I think they meant Kathleen. Daisy is genuinely miles nicer, hotter and more dedicated to fitness than Brie.

that's tragic.

>You are not entitled to having sex with our "beautiful" bodies
>OMG have sex you virgin, maybe you'll stop being so bitter about women
Which one is it feminists??

I hope you die in fire for thinking that the marvel universe was ever good, you stupid queer.

I will later, gotta go to work first

Brie is coming to solve the manchild problem

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Its a shit show alright.

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>your value is determined how easily and how often you put your penis in a vagina
>women aren't objects incels
which one is it?

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And that's a good thing.

nailed it

One woman is all it takes to ruin anything
>Helen of Troy
>Kathleen Kennedy
>Brie Larson

Do homo buttsex count as sex?

No fucking way

Joseph Gordon Levitt looks like that?!

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But Captain Marvel is doing well already

What /pol/ actually means by shitskin genes.
>L A R S O N
How pathetic, she makes me glad Sweden is getting invaded by brownies.

perfectly barren maybe

just like civilization

Women have sex with men who treat them like sex objects, provided they let them have their public contradictions. Contradictions are just tools of focus. The point of them is to take away time from improving yourself and others.

There are much worse MCU films than Captain Marvel though, like Civil War

What does she have to do with Sweden?


her real name is Brianne Desaulniers.

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disney is the activision of movies. They buy a studio, milk it till it dies, then move on. Your hobby to them is about making money, not the hobby, and since they think they can make money without giving a shit they turn the hobby into making fun of the hobbyists

>tfw Brie is actually based and redpilled and she hates capeshit so much she decided to ruin her own reputation just to kill capeshit

Is she drinking a cool glass of Jizz?

>incels win a SINGLE fight against us
>they somehow believe they had completely defeated the good people in the world
top kek, the incel delusion is real


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Yea. She’s cute here

I still don't care what you guys say, I still think she's cute af.

I just don't think she's right as captain marvel, especially after seeing the movie last night

It's always so funny seeing women come in and ruin everything that men make good, Gaming, Star Wars, The Workplace, Marvel (although I hate it), Western Civilization. When will normies wake up and realise that women getting involved in something they like is a disaster


choke on a dick

looks like a haggard wine aunt



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I believe it's fair to say "every civilization ever existed", from the Romans, to the caliphate.

>It's always so funny seeing women come in and ruin everything that men make good, Gaming, Star Wars, The Workplace, Marvel (although I hate it), Western Civilization. When will normies wake up and realise that women getting involved in something they like is a disaster
The normies know, women know this better than anyone.
But they still have money in their pockets.

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>it took one woman to ruin the marvel franchise

One woman?

Kevin Feige is responsable for this mess

Only him, op

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I don't really think Kevin Feige told Brie to look bored as fuck, and to run in a style like going to the toilet.having diarrhea

Daisy is mediocre but I don't hate her. I hope she improves and gets nice roles.
The problem is the people that wrote her character. She just followed the script.

... I liked her in community...

But yeah, as a person she seems like cancer, and from what i have heard she plays captain marvel a lot like her community character(where being bland was kinda part of the character)

Nah, i bet they had to twist the dude's arm to get this abortion going.

Saw it last night. It was really mediocre. The ending of the movie makes her look extremely overpowered. Also making her the inspiration for the avengers instead of captain america is pathetic

Also having fury loose his eye to a cat scratch is the dumbest thing in the entire MCU. Absolutely stupid and character ruining.

The main character is played by a charisma vacuum, who comes off as wooden and unlikable in every scene. The first hour of the movie really drags, and even becomes tedious at times.

The hero doesn’t earn her powers or overcome adversity through her own efforts, just like Rey from Star Wars she is jusy given her abilities for doing nothing. And of course people go out of their way to help her just because she’s awesome and for no other logical reason.

This is the first genuinely bad movie in the MCU.

The first end credits scene makes it seem like she’s going to take over Endgame and ruin it.

I’m 100% convinced those rumors about the cast being angry about being pushed aside for her are true.

Watched the camrip last night. It was hilarious watching this bitch try to sprint in the movie. I kek'd at her dumpy shoulder wobble while running. She has to be the least athletic actor Disney ever plugged into an action movie.

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have sex

Please have sex.

They showed her naked feet so the movie is ok in my book.

Please, have a sex


fuck off tom cruise


They call her a Kunt for a reason

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The movie was fine. Your thread makes no sense.